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exiled1 10-09-11 04:15 AM

Movie regrets: how you wish they were
Ever watch that film that began with such promise, and then sunk like a stone into mediocrity? Or had brief flashes of brilliance that flickered on and off, then finally went out in a colossally bad ending that left you heaving disappointed sighs or shaking your fist at imaginary bureaucrats that come up with such eye-catching commercials that don't properly describe that horrendous acting, unoriginal action scenes or that sagging plot line?
Here ya go.
Just for an example: "Ghost rider" :furious:

will.15 10-09-11 04:50 AM

Re: Movie regrets: how you wish they were
Catch 22.

Great novel, movie started well, then became incoherent as they just skipped around from the massive book to just highlight certain scenes without any attempt to get a coherent story out of it.

under0ath777 10-09-11 06:23 AM

Re: Movie regrets: how you wish they were
Law Abiding Citizen.

The movie started out good. Becomes better and better. Then the last 15 or 20 minutes turns out to be a big disappointment, laughable even. I don't know what they were thinking but it could have been far far better.

Anyway, screw the ending, Clyde Shelton's the man!

vladereign 10-09-11 08:53 AM

Re: Movie regrets: how you wish they were
Those movies were really great at first minute, it sucks when you didn't meet your expectations.

honeykid 10-09-11 09:26 AM

Blade. Great first 10 minutes, but everything after that is just pants.

The end of most Stephen King adaptations are rubbish, but that's the same with the books, so it's not really their fault.

Haute Tension aka Switchblade Romance. Just a terrible ending and the film was only ok, so for the end to disappoint so much tells you all you need to know about how bad that end is.

Shaft (2000) If Shaft's not the coolest dude in the film, you've failed. They failed.

BTW, it's clearly stated that Nicolas Cage is in Ghost Rider. As far as I can tell, you were given plenty of notice that the film would be crap.

Also, I think there's a few threads like this.

gandalf26 10-10-11 07:16 AM

Tron Legacy.

My mind id blank today cant think of any more.

WSSlover 10-10-11 12:06 PM

I think that The Town is a good example of a film with a lot of promise, much advertising, and potential, which started out as being pretty good, but then went steadily and rapidly downhill (for me, anyhow), after the first bank heist.

How I wish there'd been a better cast, less emphasis on the Doug-Claire romance and more emphasis on the heists, and that the characters overall had been better-developed.

How I wish that Doug and Claire had gotten punished for their arrogance and wrong-doings; Doug being sent to serve a long, hard term in a federal penitentiary for his crimes (i. e. armed robbery, murder, assault, kidnapping), and Claire being criminally prosecuted herself, or put on some sort of probation for lying to the Feds about who Doug was (the leader of the band of Townie guys who robbed her bank at gunpoint, blindfolded and kidnapped her after beating up and almost killing her assistant manager for nothing), and about not having seen Jem's "Fighting Irish" tattoo on the back of his neck, and for tipping off Doug to the Feds' presence in her apartment right when they were on the verge of catching him, therefore allowing him to go free and elude the law, for receiving stolen goods and using that money for a presumed charity ( the restoration of a hockey rink), instead of anonymously turning it into the police/authorities.

Better still, The Town would've been an excellent movie if it had been about Doug MacRay's becoming an all-out professional hockey star, thus beating the odds of growing up in a disfunctional family and not following in his father's footsteps and becoming a professional armed bank robber and a murderer.

HitchFan97 10-10-11 12:10 PM

Re: Movie regrets: how you wish they were

Deadite 10-10-11 02:00 PM

Re: Movie regrets: how you wish they were
The Star Wars prequel trilogy.

Less is more.

exiled1 10-12-11 01:08 AM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 771151)
BTW, it's clearly stated that Nicolas Cage is in Ghost Rider. As far as I can tell, you were given plenty of notice that the film would be crap.

Also, I think there's a few threads like this.
(audible sound of toast hitting ground) Whoa, you got me there. I shoulda seen that, I mean, Nick Cage, how did I miss it!?!
You know, I really liked the beginning sequence in Johnny's past and wish they had simply continued the story with those actors instead.

There's threads like this already? I apologize and vow to be more original in future. :D

Gabrielle947 03-03-12 02:58 PM

Re: Movie regrets: how you wish they were
The Beach.This movie has a great idea,magnificient landscape,good actors,but something is missing.Well,actually,I still like this movie,but I think it could've been made and acclaimed much better.

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