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jrs 08-16-02 12:30 PM

What's Your Phobia?
My fears are:

Arachnophobia (the fear of spiders) - depends on size.

The Fear of Heights . (Not everywhere).

Now what about you????

FiLm Fr3aK 08-16-02 12:48 PM

Sankes man, defiantely snakes...

hahaha.. one time,
we were at the Columbus Zoo....(whoop whoop go Columbus.. anyway)

along the path thing where you walk at one point there is like this little over pass tunnell of love type archway thing you have to go under... anyway.. going in I see this woman standing there holding this huge fu**ing snake....HUGE.. wrapped around her waste over her shoulders ect... anyway.. so I get on the other side of the path thing as far over as I can right.... walking walking not lookig back.. then tap tap tap on my shoulder.. turn around thinking it was my boyfriend.... WRONG it was that woman holding that fu**er straight up in my face.... first reaction fight or flight man...I punched that bi**h and ran like there was no tomorrow..... havent been back to that zoo either....


true story I swear.

jrs 08-16-02 12:51 PM

Whoa! :eek:

Gracie 08-16-02 12:54 PM

Cool! I hate:

The spooky pics Fez posted
small animals

The Silver Bullet 08-16-02 01:03 PM

Funny thing with snakes.

When we were in Bali we went to this reptile park of sorts and there was a King Cobra behind this glass panel and it was doing is normal cobra-thing, the being coiled around, but it's head sticking straight up look and my Mum [who wears glasses] bent down to look it in the eyes. Well, the snake, no doubt, saw it's reflection in Mum's glasses and attacked the glass. No joke the single most sudden shock any of us have ever experienced in our lives. That thing was fast!

Well, that was it for Mum, but not for my three brothers who took to tapping at the cobra's glass with their fingers [I wasn't much impressed by this little venture, I can tell you] and then when our Dad came along, they borrowed Mum's glasses from her, just so they could see the entire show again...

LordSlaytan 08-16-02 05:56 PM

Alimony payments scare the s**t out of me, but my lawyer says, "Brian, you have to face your fears". What are you gonna do?

sadesdrk 08-18-02 03:12 AM

Aw. Brian. :( Wanna talk about it? :)

Okay: Phobias: On a scale of scariest to the least scariest.

1. Being attacked by a shark

2. Being attackted by a serial killer. (That HAS to be a phobia)

3. Being tortured.

4. Being attackted by vicious dogs

5. Spiders.

it's a wonder I leave my bed. :(

Jonny Goodboy 08-18-02 04:03 PM

Crocodiles - These miserable f***s have been around millions of years and have yet to make friends with anybody.

They`ll need a thousand dose`s of mega-prozac before they even think about not snapping your spine in two if you so much as squint in their direction.:eek:

Evil!-Pure Evil! :furious:

It doesn`t help either that I have this recurring Nightmare where a member of my family gets dragged from the river bank and shared out among a `Feast of Crocs` :bawling: (Just made that up-No idea what the technical term is).

:idea: Save my Family...Skin em all!...Before it`s too late damnit!

sunfrog 08-18-02 09:03 PM

George w being re-elected.

Yoda 08-18-02 09:41 PM

In that case, you'd better get yourself in a support group now, cuz Dubya ain't goin' nowheres. :p

I don't have any official phobias. I dislike spiders, but I'm not really "afraid" of them anymore. I take pleasure in killing them, more or less. Sharks, though, have and always will be my worst fear. My all-time worst nightmare involves a giant shark, and I had some bizarre shark-related dreams as a child. Very creepy stuff. Definitely my worst fear.

Scorpions freak me out like you wouldn't believe, too.

Naisy 08-18-02 10:55 PM

im ***** scared of death, i know that people say you should accept death its a part nature, but i just fear the beyond, mainly because im not sure what is beyond. I dont really want to die, but i would still take risks, eg skydiving.

Also i fear losing all my friends, which is kinda embarrassing so keep this one to yourself SB :) . I just dont like to be alone forever

patti 08-18-02 11:28 PM

i'm very sketchy about walking on ice.......lake ice. kkaaaaan't do it.

i don't like spiders but i don't freak, and i kill all ants that dare crawl on me.
small insects have no right to bite. neither do large insects for that matter.


not any true phobias here. :nope:
i usually come to the rescue of the people freaked out by spiders, or snakes, or bats, or mice.....

i know someone with the real thing.....afraid of elevators, small spaces, crowds, and a whole lot more. she has panic attacks and wakes up in the middle of the night, every night, sick. poor thing.

there are some funny bizarro phobias out there. i used to have a list, maybe i can track it down.

sadesdrk 08-19-02 03:36 AM

***Scary Story***

Okay, this happened to me tonight. I was driving home from a mini camping trip in Graeagle, Ca. It's about 2 hours from my house. I'm driving these woodsy back roads; it's about as dark as it gets...I'm low on gas. I figure there's going to be a gas station in this town I have to go through called Sierraville.
I get to the town. It's deserted, except for a small, dimly lit gas station. A ma and pa operation, not some fancy Shell or Exxon.
In the parking lot, there are two trucks. One with a guy sitting in the driver seat; the other truck has it's hood up and some guy poking around on the side of it with a couple of dogs. As I pull in, both men watch me. Intently.

I come to a stop and look in my rear view, and I swear to God, *shivers at the memory* the one guy makes hand gestures at his chest like he's squeezing breasts and the other one nods and smiles.

My heart lept and I pulled right the f*ck back out of there. There were red flags and all sorts of women's intuition warning bells going off.
I'm still a little shaken, but I made it to a nice gas station almost 30mi from that one. Thank you God. :)

jrs 08-19-02 12:06 PM

Oooooooh I am very pissed.

Sades....... I wish I was with ya' to make you feel comfortable. I don't stand for anyone treating a female in that way.

Those a**holes need to be taught a MAJOR lesson!

rubyblood 08-20-02 10:05 PM

This may sound weird, but my phobia is vomit, Emetophobia. is the list of the scientific names, some are really weird, like fear of flowers.:laugh:

Naisy 08-20-02 10:44 PM

I take back what i said before, my BIGGEST fear (not for the faint hearted)

WARNING: "MY FEARS" spoilers below
My biggest fear is bald or muscly chicks, dont get me wrong im not sexist but when i saw the body builders in the commonwealth games i screamed like a baby, its just something i dont like to see :eek: this is serious too, it isnt a joke, i think its just me that feels this way so im thats why i call it a fear

The Silver Bullet 08-21-02 09:42 AM

Sades....... I wish I was with ya' to make you feel comfortable. I don't stand for anyone treating a female in that way.
Technically, they didn't treat her badly as much as their behaviour was just in bad taste, vulgar and uncomfortable. I'm not saying what they did was right and I understand Sadie's fear [and she no doubt knows that in some backwards sort of way I agree with you, Jrs.] But still. Technically. And besides, I'd have to say that Jrs1013 trying to keep me comfortable is one of my own personal phobias.

Just kidding, man. Just having strange reoccuring images of a PM once read. Those truckers were real lady's men...

* * * * *

Meanwhile, for those scared of crocodiles:

In 2000 when my family went on a long vacation up Australia's West Coast and up through the Northern Territory, we went to a place called the Daly River. Now, the Northern Territory is known for its Saltwater Crocodiles, the largest and most violent/dangerous crocodiles in the world [much more so than freshwater crocodiles which are considerably smaller and alligators who are far less powerful]. Anyhoo, one of the big thrills of the Daly River was the manner in which tourists would go down and shine a spotlight across the water. Now, during the day you could see maybe one crocodile on the opposite side of the river, lazing about. At night, you'd shine a light and hundreds of eyes would be reflected -- and that's a ghastly thing, especially when there are eyes in all sorts of places that you had been fishing that day. The second night we went down to spotlight the crocodiles I went down after the rest of my family. This was already scary. They had the torch and I was walking down a steep embarkment towards where I guessed they were. Daly River is in the middle of nowhere and the caravan park was basically empty. So I was already scared in a Deliverance sort of way [such events wouldn't suprise me; these places are remote]. When I reached my family I was already shaken, just because the caravan park wasn't a nice place, it was cold, and I had taken a risk walking towards them in the dark. When they shone the light across the water and there were no eyes staring back I lost it. I was convinced that the crocodiles were somehow behind us, and I was hearing wind and noises, and I began to scream, and this had a domino effect on my brothers and soon we were all screaming. But I tell you. You're standing in the dark in the place where no one can hear you scream knowing that you should be seeing crocodiles and aren't. That's scary.

On the same trip, on the Adelaide River, we went fishing in a little metal boat and we saw more crocodiles on that day than we did on any other. These boats had been fixed so that nothing could get through, which was a nice feeling, so watching the Saltwater Crocodiles was fine by us. But I still have an amusing story. I was sitting at the front of boat, looking towards the back and when I glanced to my side, no more than six meters away was the biggest saltwater crocodile we saw on the entire trip. In shock I stoof up and said, 'Holy sh*t!'

And then the crocodile slid itself back, like a truck reversing, turned itself a little and slowly swam towards the boat, submerging about half a meter away from it and under it. We didn't see it again, but that too was f*cking horrible.

It's great!


Jonny Goodboy 08-21-02 07:40 PM

SB, ain`t it true that a lot of people in Aus go swimming with Freshies ?

Have you ever?
Would you ever?

The Silver Bullet 08-21-02 08:24 PM

I doubt they go swimming deliberately as opposed to ignorantly.
The first crocodile we saw in the Northern Territory was a freshwater crocodile. How's that for Silver Bullet Trivia?

I haven't ever, and I probably wouldn't ever. I doubt a freshwater crocodile could kill me, but it'd definitely f*ck me up. I'm not taking the risk. I hate crocodiles.

Naisy 08-21-02 10:34 PM

SB, ain`t it true that a lot of people in Aus go swimming with Freshies ?
:rotfl: unless your name is Steve Irwin OR you are oblivious to the fact that freshies are actually in the same water as you, NO ONE in their right minds goes swimming with Croc's and quite frankly never will

although i would consider it for a lot of money

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