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hotnikks89 07-05-01 01:14 AM

I dunno if this has been done, but..

Who do you guys prefer? I personally like DeNiro better, but most of my friends prefer Pacino (mainly due to his Scarface performance).. but I think DeNiro is better...

ryanpaige 07-05-01 01:55 AM

It depends on the movie. I've seen plenty of Pacino movies that I didn't care for. I'm sure there are DeNiro movies I wouldn't care for, either. If I had to make a choice, I'd pick DeNiro as being better because he's been in more movies I've liked (or more accurately, fewer movies I didn't like). But when they're in a good flick, both actors are very, very good.

Pacino has also changed a lot. Back in The Godfather, Dog Day Afternoon, Serpico era, he played a very different type of character than he does in movies like Scent of a Woman, Devil's Advocate, That Oliver Stone Football Movie. I haven't noticed DeNiro change as much over time. You can't go wrong with either one, though.

OllieO 07-05-01 10:04 AM

DeNiro all the way. I don't particularly like Al Pacino's style of acting - in most films he overacts, IMHO.

Kielle 07-05-01 10:21 AM

personally although De niro is a great actor i'd have to go for Pacino. His best performance other than Scarface has to be 'the insider', you just have to listen when he speaks, one of the bst i must say.

Yoda 07-05-01 11:38 AM

I can't possibly choose, but I will say this: no one does anger better than Pacion. No one. There's simply no competition. Take a look at this eyes when he's screaming. Then go change your shorts.

Kielle 07-06-01 06:04 AM

LOL :laugh:
yep, totally agree, but De niro does do a good, world weary face. Pacino's best angry face is in Devils Advocate, and he's all roaring and scary, ooh he's good.

Zweeedorf 07-06-01 04:54 PM

Pacino is so varied in his acting so I'd have to go with Pacino. I mean sure DeNiro did Analyse This and the Rocky and Bullwinkle movie but he wasn't at his best. I do have to admit that he was really good in Meet the Parents though

Guy 07-07-01 03:54 PM

Originally posted by Zweeedorf
Pacino is so varied in his acting so I'd have to go with Pacino. I mean sure DeNiro did Analyse This and the Rocky and Bullwinkle movie but he wasn't at his best. I do have to admit that he was really good in Meet the Parents though
De Niro has done some films before 1999 ya know ;)!

Zweeedorf 07-07-01 07:33 PM

Yes I do know that, but before the 1999 the brunt of his movie career involved him being a gangster. That is not very varied.

Zweeedorf 07-07-01 07:34 PM

Or a psycho of some kind with the same idea of being an angry ganster.

hotnikks89 07-07-01 08:05 PM

Well, there have been a few good of his movies without him being a Gangster, i.e. Raging Bull, Deer Hunter, etc.

Steve 07-09-01 02:48 PM

Al Pacino's performances are always, always over the top. At least, his recent ones. Most of them involve screaming loudly. I particularily enjoy in Heat, when he goes "She's got a great BIG A*S!" and his eyes look like they're popping out of their sockets.

The thing about De Niro is you always remember the character, not him. For example, no one says "...De Niro in Taxi Driver...", they say "Travis Bickle in Taxi Driver...". De Niro embodies his characters, instead of just playing them. He's never just Robert De Niro, he's that character. For those of you who say he doesn't have range, watch his performance in Jackie Brown, and watch his timing in the final scene in the parking lot with Bridget Fonda. Genius, sheer genius. He is a terrific actor, and much more versatile than Pacino.

jrs 07-15-01 10:55 PM

DeNiro it is!

DeSeRt RaT UK 07-16-01 03:05 AM

I reckon Deniro has gone down hill since Heat though.

jrs 07-16-01 03:08 AM

I don't think so? Have you seen The Score????

DeSeRt RaT UK 08-30-01 03:39 PM

Perhaps this response may help clear up a debate that has raged as fiercely as the immortal question of "Does God Exist?". But is it a debate worth considering?

Here are a list of the films that both stars have appeared in where they put in a good performances (that includes Godfather part III Pacino fans!), followed by their not so good. Remember this is just my opinion...

DE NIRO GOOD PERFORMANCES: Raging Bull, Taxi Driver, The Deer Hunter, Midnight Run, Mad Dog and Glory, Jackie Brown, Wag the Dog, Hi Mom!, The Untouchables, Goodfellas, Mean Streets, Angel Heart, Heat, Once upon a Time in America and the Godfather Part II.
DE NIRO BAD PERFORMANCES: Great Expectations, Rocky and Bullwinkle, Mary Shelleys Frankenstein, the Fan and Meet the Parents.

His other performances in films such as the Mission and Analyze this are average.

PACINO GOOD MOVIE PERFORMANCES: Carlito's way, Scarface, Dog Day Afternoon, Donnie Brasco, Glengarry Glen Ross, The Godfather parts I II III, Sea of Love, Serpico, Insider, Heat and the Panic in Needle Park
PACINO BAD PERFORMANCES: Revolution, Cruising, Scent of a Woman, Devil's advocate, Any Given Sunday.

If you managed to trawl through these lists (I've got far too much time on my hands), you will see that De Niro is far more versatile than Pacino. They are both superb actors of their era but now have burnt out somewhat under the weight of dollars and easy pay cheques. both have regularly underperformed in recent years, so much so that is this question worth asking any more if it isn't already answered? Perhaps the clearest indication of whom is the better actor can be seen in Heat, where both star only to share the screen for just over 2 minutes. De niro gives a performance of understatement and subtlety and Pacino is in his overblown chewing the scenery mode that he relies upon so often as he ages. Of course this question of who is better is down to personal taste, but, I hope that I've helped the debate go further, and if I haven't, I really enjoyed adding my opinion.

Timing 08-30-01 04:02 PM

For DeNiro I thought The Fan and Meet the Parents were good while Jackie Brown pretty much put me to sleep. Also need to mention the movie Ronin which isn't great, but it's very entertaining. With Pacino, Scent of a Woman and Devil's Advocate were good while Donnie Brasco was quite the bore. I guess that just goes to show how people see things differently. ;D

I think both actors are fantastic and are at such a level that's it not really a question of who's better but rather what tastes you have. I think Dustin Hoffman belongs in this group as well.

PigsnieLite 08-30-01 04:30 PM

I dont really care for either for them, they are always playin foul mouthed cops or mobsters or generally loudmouthed people like Zweeedoorf says. If I had a choice though, it has to be DeNiro becuz he was so good in Raging Bull & Taxi driver & I even liked him in Flawless. Or maybe it was the funny drag bits I liked.)Pacino tho is always chewin the scenery to bits. (Im EVIL so I bug my eyes out!)

I do notice tho that neither of them can play period, they really look out of place in costume. (Pacino in Revolution, DeNiro in Frankenstein, Mission) If you are a great actor you should be able to play period too. Even Jude Law whos pretty young was decent in Oscar wilde.

Just my ten pence on what great actors are. :) And dont hit me.

Yoda 08-31-01 05:30 PM

If there's one thing you've got to give DeNiro credit for, it's versatility. The guy did Meet the Parents, AND Casino, for crying out loud. He's very talented. Pacino has less tricks up his sleeve, but he plays those few tricks to perfection. One word: anger.

sadesdrk 08-31-01 07:38 PM

DE NIRO GOOD PERFORMANCES: Raging Bull, Taxi Driver, The Deer Hunter, Midnight Run, Mad Dog and Glory, Jackie Brown, Wag the Dog, Hi Mom!, The Untouchables, Goodfellas, Mean Streets, Angel Heart, Heat, Once upon a Time in America and the Godfather Part II.
DE NIRO BAD PERFORMANCES: Great Expectations, Rocky and Bullwinkle, Mary Shelleys Frankenstein, the Fan and Meet the Parents.

His other performances in films such as the Mission and Analyze this are average.

PACINO GOOD MOVIE PERFORMANCES: Carlito's way, Scarface, Dog Day Afternoon, Donnie Brasco, Glengarry Glen Ross, The Godfather parts I II III, Sea of Love, Serpico, Insider, Heat and the Panic in Needle Park
PACINO BAD PERFORMANCES: Revolution, Cruising, Scent of a Woman, Devil's advocate, Any Given Sunday.
I have to disagree here.You say that one is more versatile then the other but then you put Meet the Parent's on Deniro's bad movie list.Wasn't he trying to prove his versatility?Then on Pacino's bad list you have Scent of a Woman,also a point of transition for Pacino.Even the Oscars were aware of it.Bottom line in my opinion,is that both men are extraordinary performers that legions of other actors model their careers after.To say that one is better than the other is like saying you prefer morning sex to late night sex.It's all sex and sex is good.

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