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uconjack 10-17-04 08:32 PM

Good Movies I Don't Want to See Again
Mystic River
American Me

OG- 10-17-04 09:12 PM


yeshli2nuts 10-17-04 09:14 PM

american history x

susan 10-17-04 09:26 PM

the passion..once was enough

iluv2viddyfilms 10-17-04 10:18 PM

any reason why you don't want to see a movie again you thought was good?

Miles 10-17-04 10:29 PM

Passion of the Christ is a movie i'd only see around the easter/christmas time just to reflect on my faith. that movie is too hardcore for me when i saw it in the theaters.

allthatglitters 10-17-04 11:04 PM

If I ever have to watch The Patriot again I might just shoot myself. Although I thought The Patriot was good, if you had watched it and nothing else for a whole week, you wouldn't want to either. (that's an exxageration, it wasn't the only thing I did, but it was the only form of entertainment I saw for a week)

SamsoniteDelilah 10-18-04 02:03 AM

Schindler's List

I don't like to rewatch super-sad movies. THey might be wonderful, but meh. Once is enough.

OG- 10-18-04 02:12 AM

any reason why you don't want to see a movie again you thought was good?
Elephant, while amazingly impressive from almost all cinematic angles, made me have no hope for humanity. As soon as I got done watching it I had to be around people.

PimpDaShizzle V2.0 10-18-04 04:09 AM

I Stand Alone - There's a scene were the main character beats his pregnant wife and kills the baby. I think me molests his retarded daughter too. Wierd stuff. Wierd movie. Wierd style, one I like though. It's in French too, scary stuff. I'd recommend it.

nebbit 10-18-04 08:26 AM

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelila
Schindler's List

I don't like to rewatch super-sad movies. THey might be wonderful, but meh. Once is enough.
Ditto :D

chicagofrog 10-18-04 08:56 AM

Originally Posted by PimpDaShizzle V2.0
I Stand Alone - It's in French too, scary stuff. I'd recommend it.
uh, you mean French is scary??????????? :confused: :laugh:

Philmster 10-18-04 11:23 AM

I have no intentons of watching the following again, although I see them as good films:

Gerry - Slow, but brilliantly done.
Elephant - pretty much ditto.

Reservoir_Dog 10-18-04 04:12 PM

Orange County........actually I just never wanna see that movie again.

jonlix 10-18-04 04:52 PM

the 4 hour version of once upon a time in america. It was a great movie, but i could never sit through it again.

Sinny McGuffins 10-18-04 06:09 PM

Originally Posted by jonlix
the 4 hour version of once upon a time in america. It was a great movie, but i could never sit through it again.
You should try sitting through the upcoming extended edition of LOTR: ROTK, i've heard it clocks in at just under 5 hours.

As for good movies I don't want to see again, I'd have to say Elephant, for the same reasons as OG.

iluv2viddyfilms 10-18-04 06:24 PM

Originally Posted by Miles
Passion of the Christ is a movie i'd only see around the easter/christmas time just to reflect on my faith. that movie is too hardcore for me when i saw it in the theaters.

and it's just a bad movie. Watch The Last Temptation of Christ instead.

liam5000 10-18-04 09:54 PM

Elephant (Gus Van Sant, 2003)
The Passion Of The Christ (Mel Gibson, 2004)

thankyoucomeagain 10-18-04 10:05 PM

godfather to damn long

PimpDaShizzle V2.0 10-19-04 12:19 AM

Originally Posted by iluv2viddyfilms
and it's just a bad movie. Watch The Last Temptation of Christ instead.
Excuse me, mam. You thought Passion of the Christ was "just a bad movie?" Freddy Got Fingered is "just a bad movie." The Batman with Arnold is "just a bad movie." The Last Temptation of Christ is a bomb movie fo' sho', but if the person's trying to watch something to reflect on their faith, how is that movie going to help that? Passion of the Christ is a dope'a'thon movie. Temptation is a bomb movie. Passion is obviously better when trying to watch something to remind yourself of the sacrafice God and Jesus made. Temptation doesn't do that.

nebbit 10-19-04 12:40 AM

Originally Posted by PimpDaShizzle V2.0
Passion is obviously better when trying to watch something to remind yourself of the sacrafice God and Jesus made.
Only if you believe in God etc :p

Nitzer 10-19-04 01:30 AM

I finally understand why some people are Buddhists, I mean just look at this guy!

chicagofrog 10-19-04 08:00 AM

looks more like Taoistic to me,
yr Buddhistic frog...

Ultimate_Thrill 10-19-04 09:58 AM

I wouldn't see Life is Beautiful (1997) again, despite it being one of my all time favourite movies. The first time i saw it I was really caught up in the movie and it moved me like no other movie had before.

In retrospect I've got a perfect vision of what the movie meant to me at the time and to watch it again I'm almost scared my second viewing will somehow taint my first impression of it. It seems silly though, being so sentimental, because it's such a wonderful film.

Aniko 10-19-04 11:09 AM

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelila
Schindler's List

I don't like to rewatch super-sad movies. THey might be wonderful, but meh. Once is enough.
Same here. In fact, there are super sad movies I've heard just enough about that I can't even bring myself to watch Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan. I keep telling myself I need to see those one day.

I don't want to see again...

The Pianist (2002)
Sophie's Choice (1982) ~The 'choice' was just too heartwrenching for me to watch.
The Cooler (2003) It was well done and acted, just not my taste.

7thson 10-19-04 11:19 AM

Old Yeller...seriously.....:bawling:

Erratic Behavior 12-06-04 06:06 PM

Mystic River
Schindler's List
Leaving Las Vegas
Henry: Portait of a Serial Killer
The Killing Fields

Sedai 12-06-04 07:31 PM

Any film with a terminally ill person as the focus of the film. Can't do it :nope:

2wrongs 12-06-04 07:41 PM

Hero~ it was a great movie and I'm glad I saw it, just never again. (psst...too slow)
Requiem for a Dream
Boys Don't Cry
Sophie's Choice
Natural Born Killers
American History X
Boys in the Hood
Fight Club
Raging Bull
The Joy Luck Club

trotskyist 03-24-05 01:37 AM

Originally Posted by uconjack
Mystic River
American Me
Mystic river was good, i dont particularly want to see it again. :)

maybe... Tarkovsky's Solaris.

trotskyist 03-24-05 01:38 AM

Originally Posted by Sedai
Any film with a terminally ill person as the focus of the film. Can't do it :nope:
i agree watching people suffer for two hours isnt my cup of tea.

undercoverlover 03-24-05 09:49 AM

Homeward Bound, i cant do it, i just cant do it
Hitch, not interesting enough for me
Analyze this, meh

THEDUDE__ 03-28-05 01:53 PM

Shawshank Redemption, too depressing

Justin_Timme 03-29-05 11:55 PM

Very interesting topic. The idea of a movie so good that I don't want to see again I find peculiar.

The only movie I can come up with right now that would fit under these circumstances would be "Final Countdown". I'm a sucker for military movies, especially aircraft carrier ones, and while this one was good to me, I don't think I'd like to see it again. Probably for fear of not liking it. I tend to focus on a movie's weak points the times I see them again.

uconjack 03-31-05 07:58 AM

Just saw Vera Drake. Very good movie. Excellent performance by Imelda Staunton. I don't want to see it again.

lucy_jaimes 03-31-05 08:36 AM

The piansist made me cry. its true tho there are sad movies out there that you can only watch once, when you watch them a second time they lose a lot of their impact! scary movies also lose their impast during a second viewing. one movie that springs to mind is the japanese version of the ring it was scary the first time but the second time it was like *yawn*.

Nitzer 04-07-05 12:38 AM


SolidGold85 04-07-05 10:16 AM

The Way of the Gun Good movie, I loved it, but too much Del Torro goes a loooong way.

He's got creepy eyes.

lor83b 04-07-05 07:32 PM

Sleepers (1996)

Piddzilla 04-08-05 06:01 AM

The first time I saw The Matrix I thought it was cinematic entertainment at its best. But for every time I watch it it becomes more and more uninteresting. It is a milestone because of the innovative action FX and coreography. But one or two times is enough. The sequel was a sleeping pill to me and the third one I yet haven't bothered to watch.

undercoverlover 04-10-05 08:38 AM

Originally Posted by Piddzilla
The sequel was a sleeping pill to me and the third one I yet haven't bothered to watch.

save yourself the time and dont bother

Caitlyn 04-10-05 10:55 AM

Originally Posted by 7thson
Old Yeller...seriously.....:bawling:

I almost listed Schindler's List or The Passion… but then thought about it a minute and realized I probably will watch those again one day… but Old Yeller… :nope:

MovieMaker5087 04-10-05 12:31 PM

The Passion of the Christ

Uncle Rico 04-10-05 12:57 PM

The Passion of the Christ was good but I have no idea who would want to buy it.

Bailey61uk 04-10-05 03:07 PM

For the same reasons as most of you have said (too long, depressing, involved, etc) I would never see
Mystic River
Beutiful Mind
Schindlers List

SAS Operative 04-11-05 12:27 AM

Originally Posted by THEDUDE__
Shawshank Redemption, too depressing
Queer. I though the message of the film was hope. That inspite of the injustices that people suffer, there is always redemption. For the all the Andys and Reds in us.

Anyway, I watched Graveyard of the Fireflies (Japanese animation). Good. Too good in evoking sadness that I wouldn't mind not seeing it again.

Samara_Morgan 04-11-05 10:53 AM

I reckon gorilla's in the mist is a movie i wouldn't like to see again. Too depressing, though i love the work of Dian Fossey

FRAME 04-11-05 12:32 PM

Breaking the Waves, Dogville, Dancer in the Dark... Von Trier

But i probably will... ;)

ItCantRainAllTheTime 04-12-05 07:12 PM

ive never seen passion so i cant comment on that. the good movie i seen but have no desire to watch ever again is american beauty.

Shadow Otaga 04-12-05 07:40 PM

Watching Spaceballs after not seeing it for many years KILLED the experience for me

joshuafor 04-15-05 02:32 PM

Catch me if you can
Enduring Love

Piledriver 04-15-05 06:06 PM

Gonna go with Mystic River, Adaptation and Castaway. I can't watch these movies again, no matter what the occassion, they will never appeal to me the same way after the first viewing.

bigcheese 04-25-05 05:32 PM

The Return
Dancer In The Dark

Othelo 04-25-05 07:58 PM

Salo...anyone who has seen it knows why.

the_cynic 04-26-05 01:36 AM

House of 1000 Corpses & House of the Dead.

Edit: Sorry, I missed the "Good Movies" part. The two I listed above weren't good at all.

Nitzer 04-26-05 02:09 AM

Originally Posted by the_cynic
House of 1000 Corpses & House of the Dead.

Edit: Sorry, I missed the "Good Movies" part. The two I listed above weren't good at all.
ok because i was about to have a rant

trotskyist 04-26-05 04:05 AM

I liked Apocalypse now but i dont think i want to see it again, its too drawn out.

MysticalMoose 04-26-05 04:27 AM

A Beautiful Mind, great movie, but some movies are just so long that your butt starts to hurt sitting in one position for so long.

TygerTyger 11-07-05 12:38 AM

I think I could probably survive and live just as happily never seeing Salo: 120 Days of Sodom again.
Once was probably sufficient with no impetus but my own entertainment.

7thson 11-07-05 01:15 AM

Originally Posted by MysticalMoose
A Beautiful Mind, great movie, but some movies are just so long that your butt starts to hurt sitting in one position for so long.

The only time this happened to me was a 29 hour guard duty binge where they forgot I was out there......never leave your post surley hurts the rumpus sometimes.

prototype80 11-11-05 09:13 PM

saving private ryan(personal reasons)

rocky 1-5

van wilder

ObiWanShinobi 11-12-05 07:24 AM

I still feel that I have a degree of innocence, so while I like the Goodfellas I believe that I shouldn't commit myself to seeing it more than the once time viewed or maybe once every few years.

A good poitn was made about Grave of the Fireflies. You only need to watch it once to get the lasting effects of the magnificent work of art.

Sleezy 11-12-05 01:03 PM

Black Hawk Down

midnight star 11-13-05 07:06 PM

Passion of the Christ

Thursday Next 11-20-05 05:35 PM

City of God. It's a masterpiece, but not a watch and rewatch kind of film.

uconjack 11-21-05 12:36 AM

Amores Perros (2000)

ObiWanShinobi 11-21-05 02:26 AM

Originally Posted by Thursday Next
City of God. It's a masterpiece, but not a watch and rewatch kind of film.
The first time it was spectacular.

The second time it was kind of a let-down, but it still warrants multiple viewings in my opinion on its sheer coolness.

LittleQQ 11-21-05 03:05 PM

Pianist and Schindler's list
:D they are just too sad to be watched again!

LittleQQ 11-21-05 03:18 PM

Dancer Dark
:( the story is so sad that i can never peruade myself to watch it again to experience such a painful feeling.

JdLimbaugh101 11-23-05 12:25 PM

Are You Serious?
Originally Posted by thankyoucomeagain
godfather to damn long
Man i dont mean to be rude, but Godfather? Comeon thats just silly, one of the greats... I mean to each his own, but thats an oppinion i havent heard b4...

scrface744 11-23-05 10:37 PM

i'd watch american history x again but i wouldnt watch minority report

hazii82 11-24-05 05:11 AM

Million Dollar Baby- I dont know why it was a good movie I liked it and all but I would rather just leave it at that and not see it again, I dont even want to own the dvd

Kidkool 11-24-05 03:51 PM

I liked these, but in general, I really dont care to revisit depressing flicks:

Pay it Forward
Million Dollar Baby
Mystic River


uconjack 11-25-05 06:46 PM

Requiem for a Dream (2000)

Dee_Nekura 11-25-05 07:32 PM


I love that movie, it was super sad... and I never wanna see it again.

stevo3001 11-29-05 03:59 PM

Pi, because Requiem For A Dream was so disappointing that I'm afraid Pi won't seem as great as it first did if I ever watch it again.

Nil By Mouth; it was hard enough to watch it the first time.

Antics 11-30-05 06:48 PM

The green mile.

Brilliant, but a wee but to long.

The Taxi Driver 11-30-05 07:45 PM

Definitly Million Doller Baby.

Also Rosemary's Baby great film but too messed up and actually quit boring at sometimes but defenitly must see at leats once for any horror fan

dojo 02-05-06 08:28 AM

Schindler's List, American History X, awesome movies, but I don't see myself being able to watch them again ..

nebbit 02-05-06 08:35 AM

Originally Posted by dojo
Schindler's List, American History X, awesome movies, but I don't see myself being able to watch them again ..

Pyro Tramp 02-16-06 10:07 PM

I'm watching Open Your Eyes for a second time and wish i wasn't.

uconjack 02-16-06 11:37 PM

Saw Breaking the Waves (1996) for the first time the other day. Very good movie. Probably will not see it again.

joshuafor 02-17-06 06:30 PM

Gone with the Wind...too frickin' long.

uconjack 07-14-06 12:21 PM

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966)

I am. Good movie, I don't want to see it again.

voneil7 07-14-06 03:24 PM

Requiem for a Dream, way too disturbing!

KnicksRIP 07-14-06 07:50 PM

Schindler's List and The Pianist... two of my favorite films... I've seen each of them once and only once. The images were pretty much burned on my memory.

7thson 07-14-06 11:10 PM

I think a movie that one thinks is good and does not want to see it again has got to be a wonderful movie. Watch it again and again and again, it will be even better.

undercoverlover 07-16-06 04:56 PM

the lake house, i think seeing it again will take away the magic

strangereadings 07-16-06 06:43 PM

honor society
lots of people wouldn't want to see several of these honor society films more than once. oh, you're not familiar with the honor society clique? here's more information:

John McClane 07-16-06 06:54 PM

Lord of the Rings

Seen the extended editions once and that's enough for me. Great films though.

gohansrage 07-17-06 12:08 AM

Originally Posted by John McClane
Lord of the Rings

Seen the extended editions once and that's enough for me. Great films though.
That sounds about right.

Pyro Tramp 07-17-06 08:29 AM

Elephant that film had a punch, doesn't seem worth watching again, was pretty disturbing.

matthews_world 07-17-06 09:38 AM

The Cynic'ss "Sin City" avatar on Pg 3 of this thread reminded me of what disturbing movie that was.

~*DRIFTKING2010*~ 07-21-06 12:34 PM

good but never again

kinukinu 08-06-06 10:04 PM

life is beautiful - it is too sad to watch the beginning again if i already know the ending.

Scalper 02-28-07 05:46 PM

Re: Good Movies I Don't Want to See Again
Old boy - good movie but...

Bill 02-28-07 07:42 PM

Re: Good Movies I Don't Want to See Again
Babel- Good movie, but depressing.

Ginny Weasley 02-28-07 07:51 PM

Re: Good Movies I Don't Want to See Again
The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy. Although it was done amazingly it was very long and you know how it is going to end with Frodo getting rid of the ring and destroying Samumans army. Once was enough for the LOTR trilogy.

Monkeypunch 02-28-07 08:04 PM

Re: Good Movies I Don't Want to See Again
Originally Posted by Scalper (Post 362085)
Old boy - good movie but...
I've seen that several times! I can't help it, it's so astonishingly perverse, I just have to see it again to see if that really did just happen.

Princess j.t. 02-28-07 09:58 PM

Re: Good Movies I Don't Want to See Again
I would definitely go with Passion Of The Christ.

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