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Deathly 03-20-17 04:38 PM

You haven't seen a film until you've seen it twice(?)
I went to see the much-anticipated Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them back in November, and as I walked home from the theatre, I couldn't help but feel it was a glaringly mediocre expansion of the universe I and millions of others extensively cherish. Yesterday I got in on a repeat viewing, and, I'm glad to say, it felt like I'd watched a different film - a better film.

So I ask: How true do you find the statement in the title? Do you think it takes two, or even multiple, viewings before you can say you've truly seen a film? Does it depend on the film? Could it have a negative impact, rather than a positive?

Dani8 03-20-17 04:40 PM

Re: You haven't seen a film until you've seen it twice(?)
I think it depends on the viewer. My husband is happy to watch a movie or show once whereas I'm a chronic rewatcher and very entertained by watching film on different planes or with different PoVs. Babadook for example I watched 4 times back to back, each time from a different perspective. It gave me 4 different movies to watch for the price of one. Bonus.

Blix the Goblin 03-20-17 04:46 PM

Re: You haven't seen a film until you've seen it twice(?)
It depends on the film, and I think it's best to space the viewings pretty far apart. If I rewatch a movie too soon it can often bore me to tears because it's too fresh in my mind. That said there are plenty of movies I disliked on first watch and then grew on me later, but typically it's a film that while I didn't enjoy it, the movie stuck with me and kept bugging me. When you can't stop thinking about a movie that's a sign you need to watch it again.

The Gunslinger45 03-20-17 04:59 PM

Re: You haven't seen a film until you've seen it twice(?)
I say it is very true if talking about certain David Lynch movies.

cricket 03-20-17 05:09 PM

I think how much a viewer enjoys a movie can depend very much on their mood, setting, or how much sleep they've had. A second viewing can often end up being very different, at least for me.

Citizen Rules 03-20-17 05:59 PM

Originally Posted by Deathly (Post 1672069)
...How true do you find the statement in the title? Do you think it takes two, or even multiple, viewings before you can say you've truly seen a film? Does it depend on the film? Could it have a negative impact, rather than a positive?
Originally Posted by Blix the Goblin (Post 1672074)
It depends on the film, and I think it's best to space the viewings pretty far apart. If I rewatch a movie too soon it can often bore me to tears because it's too fresh in my mind. That said there are plenty of movies I disliked on first watch and then grew on me later, but typically it's a film that while I didn't enjoy it, the movie stuck with me and kept bugging me. When you can't stop thinking about a movie that's a sign you need to watch it again.
Very true.

Originally Posted by The Gunslinger45 (Post 1672078)
I say it is very true if talking about certain David Lynch movies.
Also true.

Originally Posted by cricket (Post 1672082)
I think how much a viewer enjoys a movie can depend very much on their mood, setting, or how much sleep they've had. A second viewing can often end up being very different, at least for me.
True for me too.

I'll add this: if I watch a movie too many times in a short span (say like less than a year apart), I usually end up thinking less of the movie, no matter how much I initially liked it on the first viewing.

Joel 03-20-17 06:12 PM

"There Will be Blood" I saw in theaters and despised it. On home video I enjoyed it much more and appreciate it now.

Ms. M 03-20-17 06:18 PM

Originally Posted by The Gunslinger45 (Post 1672078)
I say it is very true if talking about certain David Lynch movies.
I don't like every Lynch's movie. I wouldn't repeat "Mullhollan drive" for instant. "The straight story"? Be my guest. So answering thread question, I would say I depends very much on movie. Some films I could watch every time, there is such a opportunity (for instant "Sex Mission" - polish comedy). But on the other hand, there is a mass movies I haven't seen yet, so I'm trying not waste my time for watched films. There is a lot of new one to see. :licklips:

Gideon58 03-20-17 06:20 PM

I think it's true of some films, but not all.

Ms. M 03-20-17 06:23 PM

Re: You haven't seen a film until you've seen it twice(?)
Oh,and one more thing... There are movies, which I couldn't watch to the end only ones :sick:

iank 03-20-17 06:36 PM

Re: You haven't seen a film until you've seen it twice(?)
True. Though in some cases that can be a bad thing. Skyfall, for instance, I enjoyed at the cinema; when I saw it again at home about two years later I was so bored that by halfway through I was amusing myself more by yelling "Bring back Roger Moore!" at the screen than by watching the film. :D

Kaplan 03-20-17 06:44 PM

Re: You haven't seen a film until you've seen it twice(?)
Yes, a second or third viewing of a movie can make a big difference in my appreciation of a movie. In an ideal world I'd watch every movie more than once. I find it funny those who give warnings about repeat viewings. There are lots of movies I've seen at least three times in a short span of time, anywhere from a week to a few months, and I have never thought less of a movie for those repeat viewings. I might not turn back to the movie after that for a few years, but only because there's so many other films I want to see. Sometimes I'll watch the same movie twice in one day, or even in some rare cases I've put the DVD basically on repeat for the entire day.

Now with that said, Magnolia is a rare case of liking it significantly less every time I've watched it, where I now think it's terrible, but those were viewings spread out over many years.

Ms. M 03-20-17 06:50 PM

Originally Posted by cricket (Post 1672082)
I think how much a viewer enjoys a movie can depend very much on their mood, setting, or how much sleep they've had. A second viewing can often end up being very different, at least for me.
That's true. Sometimes particular movie isn't opportune, but in other moment could be eyeopener. I would add to Your list age. Every once in a while, when I rewatched movies, which I've seen long time ago, I perceive them totally different (positive or negative).

SeeingisBelieving 03-20-17 07:03 PM

Originally Posted by Deathly (Post 1672069)
I went to see the much-anticipated Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them back in November, and as I walked home from the theatre, I couldn't help but feel it was a glaringly mediocre expansion of the universe I and millions of others extensively cherish. Yesterday I got in on a repeat viewing, and, I'm glad to say, it felt like I'd watched a different film - a better film.

So I ask: How true do you find the statement in the title? Do you think it takes two, or even multiple, viewings before you can say you've truly seen a film? Does it depend on the film? Could it have a negative impact, rather than a positive?
This quote really stood out for me, but not about Harry Potter:

a glaringly mediocre expansion of the universe I and millions of others extensively cherish

I feel your pain :cool:.

It's a very good question. There are definitely films that I keep going back to where I will notice fresh things each time. A surprising example for me was Manhunter; maybe it's a result of getting older but I was picking up on so many more things about the plot than I ever did before. Graham's epiphany about the killer was something that just went past me until now, where I absorbed every detail. And it only took twenty years :D;).

MovieMeditation 03-20-17 07:55 PM

You don't have to watch a movie several times, but I do think you should if you want to truly get a hold of it and how you personally feel about it.

Rewatching films is essential, but you shouldn't waste your time on something you don't think deserves it. But a lot of movies benefit from second viewings or more. I always feel more confident in how I feel about a film after I've watched two times.

iank 03-20-17 07:58 PM

Re: You haven't seen a film until you've seen it twice(?)
This being said, my brother and I once observed a "Second time syndrome", where a movie you loved the first time seems disappointing the second time. Often - though not always - this phenomenon seems to lift with a third viewing. It may be a case of enjoying something so much the first time that you 'overegg' it in your own mind, thus resulting in disappointment on sophomore viewing.
If you REALLY love a film the first time but are disappointed the second, it's probably worth a third look to get a more "balanced" appreciation (or lack of).

BoxOfficePoison 03-20-17 09:20 PM

Of course -- why else would we ever buy DVDs?

I don't think it's possible to catch every nuance of a movie in one sitting. Even one good joke could make you (and/or fellow viewers) laugh hard enough to miss several moments to follow, and the same could apply to any moment that causes a strong audience reaction. (How many viewings of "Airplane!" before you were sure you'd caught all the jokes?)

Any thought-provoking movie, by definition, requires time to mull it over later, after which I'm generally up for a rewatch to continue the discussion in my head (if that makes any sense). During subsequent viewings, I'm probably analyzing the writing, admiring the performances, or whatever, as opposed to just watching for the story. I guess I'm just too slow on the uptake to appreciate the entire movie all at once.

Holiday movies, of course, lend themselves to traditional annual viewings, e.g., "Die Hard" or "My Bloody Valentine".

Then again, some movies just suck the first time around and don't get any better.

Dani8 03-20-17 09:25 PM

Originally Posted by BoxOfficePoison (Post 1672175)

Any thought-provoking movie, by definition, requires time to mull it over later, after which I'm generally up for a rewatch to continue the discussion in my head (if that makes any sense). During subsequent viewings, I'm probably analyzing the writing, admiring the performances, or whatever, as opposed to just watching for the story. I guess I'm just too slow on the uptake to appreciate the entire movie all at once.

Perfect sense, BoP. I will watch a movie the first time just for the overall view, then rewatch just for visuals or score or dialogue and to catch the one liners.

Seer123 03-20-17 10:01 PM

Re: You haven't seen a film until you've seen it twice(?)
Theirs many movies I love that I've only seen once. I just don't have time to rewatch alot

Dirk120 03-21-17 11:50 AM

Certain movies require multiple views for full appreciation or depreciation. Just like wine.

For example: I appreciate Batman Begins & Fight Club more after multiple views. In contrast, Up & Blade Runner are not as good as before.

Having said that, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is neither. It is just overrated by its fan base.

The Rodent 03-21-17 11:55 AM

Re: You haven't seen a film until you've seen it twice(?)
Tbh, I think it's true.

A 2nd viewing can make or break a movie.
I've seen a few movies that I liked on 1st watch, then wondered how the hell I liked it in the first place once I'd gotten a 2nd watch.

One thing I've noticed though... if first viewing is at the cinema or at home.
I have a fondness toward movies more, when my first viewing was in a cinema rather than at home.
An example is Man Of Steel. It's not a super great movie... yet my first viewing was at the cinema... and I feel that if my first viewing was at home, I might not like it as much as I do now.

Camo 03-21-17 11:58 AM

Re: You haven't seen a film until you've seen it twice(?)
I'm usually not confident that a film is a favourite if i haven't rewatched it as so many films have went up or down the second time. Saying that i've barely been rewatching movies over the past year and a half, there's just so many i want to see that i can't really justify spending much of my movie watching time watching something again.

Optimus 03-21-17 12:08 PM

Depends really. Sometimes i have mixed feelings towards a movie so i rewatch is a must. But if a movie is rubbish then i stay way away.

Sedai 03-21-17 12:09 PM

Re: You haven't seen a film until you've seen it twice(?)
I think it depends on the film. Some films, stuff that is light and a little dumb, you can only see once and get everything you are going to get out of it in that one viewing. Other films almost require multiple viewings.

Diehl40 05-05-17 01:04 AM

Re: You haven't seen a film until you've seen it twice(?)
I think many films are written with the idea that you will watch it multiple times. The two I can think of off the top of my head are both by David Lynch. I would like to know if anybody was able to decipher what was going on in just one viewing. I really think that Lynch wrote the film in a way that would require you to watch it more than once and require you to think about it to make sense. Something non-linear like Momento or Sixth Sense or even Angel Heart might not require two viewings to understand what happened, but they are fun to watch to see what you might have missed. When halliwell was publishing his movie guide he used to say that one of the factors he considered was whether the movie could be watched multiple times and still entertain. I'd rather watch a good movie ten times than go out and watch movies that have not been recommended. I have several films that i have watched 5, 10, or even more times.

BoxOfficePoison 05-05-17 01:08 AM

Originally Posted by Diehl40 (Post 1697842)
The two I can think of off the top of my head are both by David Lynch. I would like to know if anybody was able to decipher what was going on in just one viewing.
Which movies?

Diehl40 05-05-17 01:11 AM

Originally Posted by BoxOfficePoison (Post 1697844)
Which movies?
Sorry I'm thinking of Lost Highway and Mullholland Drive

MickfromRedlands 05-06-17 07:56 PM

Re: You haven't seen a film until you've seen it twice(?)
Don't disagree with a lot of movies need watching 1st but you at least need to like it 1st time around. I find TV series even more so for the 2nd time around you will get it a lot more after a binge watch.

Dani8 05-06-17 08:01 PM

Originally Posted by MickfromRedlands (Post 1698822)
Don't disagree with a lot of movies need watching 1st but you at least need to like it 1st time around. I find TV series even more so for the 2nd time around you will get it a lot more after a binge watch.
I've watched movies again I didn't enjoy the first time after reading opposing PoVs and changing my mindset.

Okay 05-06-17 08:16 PM

Re: You haven't seen a film until you've seen it twice(?)
I totally agree. But it also depends on the film, I mean I'm not going to plan on re-watching a total train-wreck of a movie for the sake of "Maybe it's better on second viewing...?", when it's pretty obvious that a train-wreck is a train-wreck is a train-wreck.

I would be down to re-watch a film I don't like, but I wouldn't be down to re-watch a bad film (unless it's hilarious).

Dani8 05-06-17 08:19 PM

Originally Posted by Okay (Post 1698827)
I totally agree. But it also depends on the film, I mean I'm not going to plan on re-watching a total train-wreck of a movie for the sake of "Maybe it's better on second viewing...?", when it's pretty obvious that a train-wreck is a train-wreck is a train-wreck.
Films I think are outright bad I immediately forget. It's usually the films I wanted to love but didn't enjoy I'll give a second chance, especially after reading positive comments from posters I think have good taste.

BoxOfficePoison 05-06-17 09:07 PM

Originally Posted by Dani8 (Post 1698828)
Films I think are outright bad I immediately forget. It's usually the films I wanted to love but didn't enjoy I'll give a second chance, especially after reading positive comments from posters I think have good taste.
I'm semi-ashamed to admit it took me repeat viewings to appreciate Casablanca, because I'd seen so many bits parodied (in Airplane! and elsewhere) that I laughed my way through it the first time and couldn't really watch it in its own context.

Payday12 05-06-17 09:16 PM

I think it depends on the film. For instance every time I watch Sin City I like it more. Same with the movie Bound.

Dani8 05-06-17 09:33 PM

Re: You haven't seen a film until you've seen it twice(?)
Originally Posted by BoxOfficePoison (Post 1698845)
Originally Posted by Dani8 (Post 1698828)
Films I think are outright bad I immediately forget. It's usually the films I wanted to love but didn't enjoy I'll give a second chance, especially after reading positive comments from posters I think have good taste.
I'm semi-ashamed to admit it took me repeat viewings to appreciate Casablanca, because I'd seen so many bits parodied (in Airplane! and elsewhere) that I laughed my way through it the first time and couldn't really watch it in its own context.
I studied it when I was studying German history. Not sure I've seen airplane. I know what it is but can't recall seeing it

Stirchley 05-08-17 10:13 PM

Re: You haven't seen a film until you've seen it twice(?)
If I really like a movie I watch it again. Sometimes right away. Some movies I have seen countless times. Good movies IMO are worth watching more than once.

BoxOfficePoison 05-08-17 10:16 PM

Re: You haven't seen a film until you've seen it twice(?)
Welcome, Stirchley!

Stirchley 05-08-17 10:19 PM

Originally Posted by BoxOfficePoison (Post 1700013)
Welcome, Stirchley!
Thanks. Really miss the IMDB forums, but maybe here will work for me. I hope so.

Larry 05-09-17 09:33 AM

If you want your mind blown. revist a movie several years later, after you have changed. It's like watching something new, especially if complex themes are involved. It says more about you and how you now observe things compared to how you remember the plot and in particular the character interactions.

For example when I first saw casino I had never experienced true love, manipulation, control and had only a basic understanding completely lacking life experience, perhaps I decade later I revisited the film and a new appreciation was born. the film is brilliant in its character study. I found character I had "liked" vile, repulsive and scarily accurate.

Dirk120 05-09-17 11:12 AM

I agree with the topic. Some movie deserves multiple viewing to fully appreciate it. Fight Club is one example.

On the other hand, some movie depreciates after multiple viewing - for example: Deadpool.

Gideon58 05-09-17 11:38 AM

I've seen several movies that I have only seen once, glad I saw them, but have absolutely no desire to sit through them again.

Stirchley 05-09-17 06:48 PM

Originally Posted by Dirk120 (Post 1700239)
I agree with the topic. Some movie deserves multiple viewing to fully appreciate it. Fight Club is one example.

On the other hand, some movie depreciates after multiple viewing - for example: Deadpool.
For some reason, I have never made it through Fight Club without falling asleep. Ditto Rounders. Deadpool I bailed out of within 30 minutes.

ironpony 05-10-17 03:16 AM

I think I would have to agree that it's for some movies and not all.

Pulp Fiction for example, I have to come to appreciate on later viewings, compared to when I first saw it.

Raging Bull I have only seen once so far, and it's one of those movies, I could go either way on and can't decide. So I think I would need a rewatch to decide on that one.

I didn't like District 9 on a first viewing and found it to be too short and rushed, and too much about action than story, with an ending that left more questions than answers. But on a second viewing, I was able to appreciate all the merits more.

I tried watching Brazil, but the movie was so over the top and pretentious that half way through, I just couldn't take it anymore and had to turn it off. I don't think any second viewing could change my opinion, and felt it wasn't even worth my time, after watching it halfway through.

Iroquois 05-10-17 05:19 AM

Re: You haven't seen a film until you've seen it twice(?)
I'm inclined to agree with this. So many of my favourites were films that I didn't like at first for one reason or another, though I do find myself questioning what the difference is between something being an acquired taste and me just forcing myself to like it. In any case, I'll certainly take that gamble over a film that wows me the first time around but then falls apart when I try to revisit it.

I_Wear_Pants 05-10-17 01:37 PM

I don't subscribe to that line of thinking. Opinions change all the time, so it's not unheard of to even love a movie the first time, and hate it the second. It's up to the viewer, not some hard-fast rule set by some weird society. I loved the Human Condition trilogy the first time I watched it, and have seen it twice since then, and it held up perfectly. I hated Spider-Man 2 on my first watch, and have zero desire to ever watch it again. I don't know if my opinion would change, but I'm not eager to find out.

Stirchley 05-10-17 02:25 PM

Originally Posted by ironpony (Post 1700720)
I think I would have to agree that it's for some movies and not all.

Pulp Fiction for example, I have to come to appreciate on later viewings, compared to when I first saw it.

Raging Bull I have only seen once so far, and it's one of those movies, I could go either way on and can't decide. So I think I would need a rewatch to decide on that one.

I tried watching Brazil, but the movie was so over the top and pretentious that half way through, I just couldn't take it anymore and had to turn it off. I don't think any second viewing could change my opinion, and felt it wasn't even worth my time, after watching it halfway through.
Loved Pulp Fiction from the first screen shot. Ditto Reservoir Dogs. Love Raging Bill - seen it many times.

Dirk120 05-10-17 02:57 PM

Originally Posted by Stirchley (Post 1700550)
For some reason, I have never made it through Fight Club without falling asleep. Ditto Rounders. Deadpool I bailed out of within 30 minutes.
That's quite a shame in my honest opinion. Maybe one day you should have a 10 hour sleep and then have a coffee, then play those movies again.

violet1 07-18-17 08:12 AM

Re: You haven't seen a film until you've seen it twice(?)
I would love if that would mean I could un-see some movies. :D I digress, good movies deserve to be seen twice at least, there are a lot of details I don't get the first time watching.

BoxOfficePoison 07-18-17 12:18 PM

Originally Posted by violet1 (Post 1738027)
I would love if that would mean I could un-see some movies. :D
Hear hear!

Then there are movies that effectively change as the viewer's perspective changes. The perfect example for me is "Fiddler on the Roof", which I've always loved (initially for the music). When I was younger, I identified completely with the kids in the movie. Now that I'm older and have been involved in raising stepkids, I still believe the kids should be free to choose their own mates, but I find myself sympathizing more and more with Tevye's point of view.

It feels like the movie has grown and matured with me, rather than the other way around. But then again, maybe that kind of thing hinges on the quality and psychosocial honesty of the individual movie.

earlsmoviepicks 07-19-17 09:33 AM

Re: You haven't seen a film until you've seen it twice(?)
I'd say a second viewing is very beneficial. I've been distracted watching a movie and didn't realize all the nuances and goodness til the 2nd viewing

Stirchley 07-19-17 02:40 PM

Originally Posted by Dirk120 (Post 1700955)
That's quite a shame in my honest opinion. Maybe one day you should have a 10 hour sleep and then have a coffee, then play those movies again.
Even if I slept for a week, I still would not like Deadpool.

Mr Minio 07-19-17 02:46 PM

Re: You haven't seen a film until you've seen it twice(?)
If that's true, I've seen only about 30 movies. :P

Dirk120 07-19-17 04:15 PM

Originally Posted by Stirchley (Post 1738791)
Even if I slept for a week, I still would not like Deadpool.

You weren't talking about Deadpool though.

Stirchley 07-19-17 04:28 PM

Originally Posted by Dirk120 (Post 1738870)
You weren't talking about Deadpool though.
Huh? I said I bailed out after 30 minutes.

Cynema De Bergerac 07-19-17 04:29 PM

Originally Posted by Stirchley (Post 1738883)
Huh? I said I bailed out after 30 minutes.
Of course you would.

Dirk120 07-19-17 04:51 PM

Originally Posted by Stirchley (Post 1738883)
Huh? I said I bailed out after 30 minutes.

Yes, but you also said: "For some reason, I have never made it through Fight Club without falling asleep. Ditto Rounders. "

Stirchley 07-19-17 04:58 PM

Originally Posted by Dirk120 (Post 1738897)
Yes, but you also said: "For some reason, I have never made it through Fight Club without falling asleep. Ditto Rounders. "
Oy. You're beating this one to death.

etai 07-19-17 05:00 PM

Re: You haven't seen a film until you've seen it twice(?)
b-o-r-i-n-g! only in rare cases I enjoy to watch movies more then once.
I have a cousin that watch every movie more then 1 time, but thats cause he's dumb, he gets the movie at the 3rd-4th time. :)

Camo 07-19-17 05:00 PM

Originally Posted by Dirk120 (Post 1738897)
Yes, but you also said: "For some reason, I have never made it through Fight Club without falling asleep. Ditto Rounders. "
You said:

That's quite a shame in my honest opinion. Maybe one day you should have a 10 hour sleep and then have a coffee, then play those movies again.
Anyone would read that as you talking about all of the movies they mentioned. It was your mistake.

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