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r3port3r66 04-23-03 02:24 AM

Pedophilia & the Movies
Anybody notice the trend of movies containing the subject matter pedophilia? Well, I have. And they seem to be sympathetic to pedophiles. Remember Happiness, L.I.E or Lolita?
Now I'm not saying that these films glorified the perversion, the characters who engaged in the fetish led horrid and pitiful lives. But strangely you felt for sorry for the people in these movies. It reminds me of the movie The Childrens Hour, made first in 1932, then remade in 1962, where homosexuality was portrayed as sick and perverted. But look how far we have come from that stereotype in films now. Albeit not that far, but at least gay characters have evolved from the tragic Sal Mineo character in Rebel Without A Cause into the tragic gay character--with a life partner--in Philidelphia. And believe me MoFo's homosexual roles are very, very hot in Hollywood right now. Think Dennis Quaid in Far From Heaven. Or any of the women in The Hours.

This summer, a movie that won the Sundance Documentary Grand Jury Prize titled Capturing the Friedmans, will hit theaters. And guess what the subject matter is about? Pedophilia.

My question dear members; why the sudden interest in pedophilia? Not only in directors, but viewers as well. I mean they wouldn't make these films if people didn't watch them.
Do you think that one day pedophilia will be as accepted as homosexuality? To me pedophilia is so very disturbing. If anyone had touched my brother or sister in that way, or tried to pursuade them into thinking it was okay to do so, they would have been sorry.

But, Happiness in my opinion, although deeply disturbing, was a very good film. Why is this subject matter the storyline for many movies lately?

Herod 04-23-03 02:55 AM

Albeit not that far, but at least gay characters have evolved from the tragic Sal Mineo character in Rebel Without A Cause
Although the actual Sal Mineo was gay, I'm not so sure his character in Rebel Without A Cause, Plato, actually was a homosexual. Just a weirdo, and I mean, c;mon, we've all had friends that we've really admired, maybe even looked to as a father figure.

Fugitive 04-23-03 03:53 AM

Re: Pedophilia & the Movies
Originally posted by r3port3r66
Why is this subject matter the storyline for many movies lately?
Maybe I'm not looking, but I don't find this subject matter in many movies lately.

MyRobotSuit 04-23-03 08:55 AM

Have you seen the movie Kids? It's about a kid (17 years old) looking to have sex with 14 year olds. It sounds insane but infact it's a brilliant movie. It bringsthe reality of the subject harshly into focus by shocking the audience. Here's a synopsis.

"Telly, a coarse 17-year-old skateboard enthusiast, lives only to get laid. As Telly discourses nonstop on the pleasures of deflowering 14-year-old girls, he and his best friend Casper tool around New York City's East Side, steal, smoke dope, and eventually make their way to an all-night party, at which Telly bags another virgin and Casper gives up his humanity altogether. While all this is going on, one of Telly's past victims, now HIV-positive, forlornly searches for her lover."

Piddzilla 04-23-03 08:57 AM

Your comparision between homosexuality and pedophilia is a bit risky. It's a big difference between the two things and therefore it's hard to compare them to each other.

but anyway....

I can't say that I have noticed this trend either. Mabye the taboo is somewhat loosened up, but I wouldn't call it a trend.

"Happiness", which I too like a lot, is showing the tragedy of pedophilia. Stereotypes get us nowhere, not even when it comes to depicting child abusers. This film shows us that it doesn't have to be a certain type of men that do this things to kids. On the contrary, it can be the all-american guy, the perfect guy next door or your english teacher. Pedohilia has nothing to do with race or social class or not necessarily background, which "Happiness" shows in a great way.

By the way, Mini. "Kids" is one of my absolute favourite films.

MyRobotSuit 04-23-03 09:02 AM

Yes Kids is a fantastic film, off subject though one of my favourite bits is the 'I've got no legs' bit on the train. It always has me in stitches.

blibblobblib 04-23-03 03:47 PM

Originally posted by Piddzilla
Your comparision between homosexuality and pedophilia is a bit risky. It's a big difference between the two things and therefore it's hard to compare them to each other.
i totally agree. A few years back, a lot of poeple associated homersexuality with peadophilia, some small minded poeple still do, but you just cannot do that, apart from the fact that they are a "controversial" sexual preferance, they are completey different. I use "Controversial" only in the way that homersexuality is mostly accpeted now throughout the world.
But i have always thought about this subject when it comes to peadophilia. It will never be accepted becuase it is just a thing that shouldnt be done, unlike homersuxuality which is normally when two sexually and mentally mature people of the same sex are attracted to one another, but with peadophilia its only the peadophile who is sexually mature and not the child. you dont screw with kids and how they grow up and thats that. But the fact that Peadophila is just someones sexual preference is something that shuold be thought about. i dont think that peadophiles are "evil" for having these sexual thoughts but they certainly need help before and if they act upon them.

Anyway, sorry about the rant, not really much to do with your thread topic but i just got started there! Hmmmmm, popularity with peadophila in films? i havnt noticed it myself but maybe its coming about now becuase of the recent and increasing cases of peadophila that have been occuring lately, ESPECIALLY in the UK. Maybe movie folks see it as an format to make controversial and topical movies, they are the type that normally do so well. :yup:

Sexy Celebrity 04-23-03 04:31 PM

Pedophilia, homosexuality, beastiality, you name it -- all labels invented to put the "controversial" in them. They don't even need to exist. Nature has its own laws, which man has always tried to conquer. "Pedophilia" has always existed -- in Ancient Greece, it was rational and honorable for men and boys to join together sexually. Man/boy or man/girl love has been around forever, and you can find it art, literature, and film, going way back.

Why is it always wrong for an adult and a child to have sex or fall in love? Why does the adult take all the blame? A minor can definitely feel attracted to an older person, and can definitely have other feelings for one too. A 14 year old girl could seduce her 27 year old english teacher if she wanted to. The teacher doesn't have to be some kind of strict pedophile either - he could have dated many girlfriends who are his same age. I myself have dated someone twice my age, at the barely legal age of 18. When I was born, he was in college. I adored him, and he was very sexy too. I'm sure if I had met him at 16, I would have found some way to be with him then.

And speaking of Sal Mineo, who cares what his sexuality was in Rebel Without a Cause? It wasn't an issue. But it's definitely homoerotic watching him following James Dean around, with James being his quirky friend. When Sal's hiding in that observatory and James goes after him, it's almost seductive. These days, Sal, James, and Natalie Wood would have had a threesome in that old house with the swimming pool.

I've also seen L.I.E. -- at first, I really liked it, but now I think it's silly and not as bold as some of you might think it is. There are better movies to check out about the subject -- I just haven't seen all of them yet.

r3port3r66 04-23-03 05:06 PM

For those of you who may wonder about Sal Mineo's intended sexuality in Rebel Without a Cause, even for those who don't rightly care, check out the movie Celluloid Closet. You may be surprised to find out that some of the characters from some of your favorite movies were in fact supposed to be homosexual, but film makers, especially those doing adaptations, had to subtlize the gay characters orientation in fear of censorship or controversy. Remember Fried Green Tomatoes? I've pasted the IMDb link here:

But back to pedophilia. I think American Beauty had hints of pedophilia within it. I also think that adult pedophiles who want relationships with "kids" aren't looking for children under the age of say, 12. Most adult internet sites, even magazines, make their models look "young" or "barely legal". Not "young" as in preteen young, but young as in Junior/Senior year in high school young. I think that more movies in the future are going to address this issue simply because so many of us that reached puberty in our mid to late teens had sexual feelings, maybe acted on them, but were mature enough to know that it wasn't wrong. We weren't scarred from the act, but maybe scarred from a broken heart.

Sexy Celebrity 04-23-03 05:22 PM

Originally posted by r3port3r66
I think American Beauty had hints of pedophilia within it.
Hints?! Kevin Spacey spends the entire movie lusting and dreaming and finally getting the chance to screw an underage girl who's also sexually attracted to him!

It's incredible!

MyRobotSuit 04-23-03 07:07 PM

Kevin Spacey will say anything to get you into bed.

Sexy Celebrity 04-23-03 09:27 PM

I wish.

n7of9 04-24-03 08:21 AM

Originally posted by Sexy Celebrity
Hints?! Kevin Spacey spends the entire movie lusting and dreaming and finally getting the chance to screw an underage girl who's also sexually attracted to him!
WHAT?? you consider THAT pedophillia??? i'm shocked :eek:

pedophillia is having sex with CHILDREN not highly sexed high school girls!!! once a boy/girl reaches puberty, they cease being a child...keep in mind, it is America's law that under 18 year olds can't have sex, not the rest of the planet's

are you telling me that if a 20year old guy had sex with a 17year old girl, he would be charged and jailed in America for pedophillia??? :eek: :eek:

Piddzilla 04-24-03 10:03 AM

Originally posted by n7of9

WHAT?? you consider THAT pedophillia??? i'm shocked :eek:

pedophillia is having sex with CHILDREN not highly sexed high school girls!!! once a boy/girl reaches puberty, they cease being a child...keep in mind, it is America's law that under 18 year olds can't have sex, not the rest of the planet's

are you telling me that if a 20year old guy had sex with a 17year old girl, he would be charged and jailed in America for pedophillia??? :eek: :eek:
I agree. To me pedophilia is more about abusing kids (like in "Happiness"), and with kids I mean those who haven't reached puberty yet. I don't think "American Beauty" is about that kind of pedophilia. It's more about "forbidden fruit".

Yoda 04-24-03 12:02 PM

I think the adult always takes the blame, SC, because, well, they're older. They "ought to know better." It'd be like blaming the a baby for falling down a flight of stairs because it was curious about the second floor. It doesn't know better -- but the parents do.

Sexy Celebrity 04-24-03 12:58 PM

Hmmm... pedophilia and babies falling.... we're back to Michael Jackson.

I know that, Yodes, but getting back to n7of9 and Piddy, yes, it is America's law, however, it IS still considered pedophilia by many when an older man is doing things with underage girls or boys. They're still labeled a pedophile. A guy can get arrested for looking at child pornography on the internet, pornography that features children ages 13-17, and he's still considered a pedophile type. Those who act out their fantasies are the child molesters. Pee Wee Herman's VAST collection of pornography in his own playhouse had magazines titled "TEEN Nudes", which I assume featured underage boys in erotic poses.

Reporter brought up the movie L.I.E. earlier -- a movie which promotes itself as a movie about a pedophile. But the pedophile, Brian Cox, is into teenage boys. The main character, and some supporting characters, are all homosexual teens that Brian Cox conquests.

I don't know of any movies that deal with pedophilia involving kids under 10. I believe I've seen scenes in some movies where kids are almost kidnapped or are kidnapped by older men, but I can't remember which movies. I'll have to look into that. Home Alone was probably a pedophile's fantasy -- an eight year old boy, home alone, treats two older men who break into his home as two sadomasochists. Just a thought. Maybe that's why Michael Jackson liked Macauley Culkin.

LordSlaytan 04-25-03 12:17 AM

Originally posted by Sexy Celebrity
Hmmm... pedophilia and babies falling.... we're back to Michael Jackson.

I don't know of any movies that deal with pedophilia involving kids under 10.
Pretty Baby is awfully close.

BTW, how ya' doin' Jason? Miss talking with you.

Sexy Celebrity 04-25-03 11:06 AM

I have been better and worse.

Kong 04-26-03 01:44 PM

Originally posted by Sexy Celebrity
Why is it always wrong for an adult and a child to have sex or fall in love? Why does the adult take all the blame? A minor can definitely feel attracted to an older person, and can definitely have other feelings for one too. A 14 year old girl could seduce her 27 year old english teacher if she wanted to. The teacher doesn't have to be some kind of strict pedophile either - he could have dated many girlfriends who are his same age.
Kong suggests you know what you're talking about before talking about what you don't know.

Pedophilia is sexual attraction to an individual under 13 years of age and more than 5 years younger than the pedophile. So your example doesn't cut it. A more appropriate example would be a 53 year old male who is sexually attracted to 7 year old boys.

As to why the adult takes the blame, because the adult is the one at fault. The adult in the situation is the agressor, the one with the abnormal behavior, and the one with mental/sexual maturity. Pedophilia is very different from mutaully consentual forms of sex in that it isn't mutually consentual. Your saying that 5 year olds should bear some blame in cases of pedophilia is like saying rape victims should be put on trial right along side their rapists.

Anyways, as another poster noted pedophiles aren't evil, rather they suffer from abnormal desires and need to seek or be forced into treatment (or containment from children). Kong hasn't really noticed a large trend in the depiction of pedophiles on film, but society has learned that keeping such matters in the dark doesn't cure the problem and this has allowed (to some degree) the subject to be more widely accepted.

Sexy Celebrity 04-26-03 09:58 PM

Kong suggests you know what you're talking about before talking about what you don't know.
Sexy Celebrity suggests you should fall off the Empire State Building in an embarassing Tim Curry/Frank-n-Furter teddy, size 2000.

Pedophilia is sexual attraction to an individual under 13 years of age and more than 5 years younger than the pedophile. So your example doesn't cut it. A more appropriate example would be a 53 year old male who is sexually attracted to 7 year old boys.
Yeah, so? Screw my example then. I still know what I'm talking about.

As to why the adult takes the blame, because the adult is the one at fault. The adult in the situation is the agressor, the one with the abnormal behavior, and the one with mental/sexual maturity.
How are you certain it's ABNORMAL behavior, exactly? Because psychologists say so?

Your saying that 5 year olds should bear some blame in cases of pedophilia is like saying rape victims should be put on trial right along side their rapists.
Well, I never used the age example of 5, but hey, a 5 year old could be partially responsible for such a thing to happen, but nobody would EVER give a 5 year old responsibility like that, would they? With enough intelligence, kids can do things you might not imagine. I know. People are born sexual -- kids may not have the hormones yet to want to have sex, but they're interested in it and could possibly willingly experiment with an adult who's interested in them. It is of course wrong, but it can happen. A rape victim could also enjoy being raped! There are people out there who actually FANTASIZE about being raped -- and not play rape either, REAL RAPE.

Kong 04-26-03 10:36 PM

Originally posted by Sexy Celebrity
How are you certain it's ABNORMAL behavior, exactly? Because psychologists say so?
It's abnormal because it occurs in a small minority of people. Further more biologically sex is used for procreation (actually there are nine other functions of sex in human society, but we don't need to get that far into it do we?) and since pedophilia deals with children that are pre-pubescent it wouldn't make evolutionary sense for it to have become normal human behavior.

Originally posted by Sexy Celebrity
Well, I never used the age example of 5, but hey, a 5 year old could be partially responsible for such a thing to happen, but nobody would EVER give a 5 year old responsibility like that, would they? With enough intelligence, kids can do things you might not imagine. I know. People are born sexual -- kids may not have the hormones yet to want to have sex, but they're interested in it and could possibly willingly experiment with an adult who's interested in them. It is of course wrong, but it can happen. A rape victim could also enjoy being raped! There are people out there who actually FANTASIZE about being raped -- and not play rape either, REAL RAPE.
It's not about the intelligence of the child; the fact is that no matter how smart they are they have still not matured sexually. It's true that children are "interested" and "experiment(al)" but this is far more an interest in their bodies and each other than an actual interest having objects inserted into their anus by a 50 year old man who takes advantage of their innocence and curiousity so he can cream his jeans.

Likewise, wether or not someone takes pleasure in being a victim of a crime doesn't factor into their being responsible for said crime. Fantasies also don't mean much, which is why ethics doesn't deal with thoughts but instead with actions. Kong has fantasized about being murdered, crippled, hit by a drunk driver, etc. That doesn't mean Kong would be responsible if one of those things happened.

Sexy Celebrity 04-26-03 10:43 PM


Kong 04-26-03 10:47 PM

Originally posted by Sexy Celebrity
Kong has become confused.

Sexy Celebrity 04-26-03 10:55 PM

Why? I'm agreeing with you. I'm not out to prove anything.... just chit-chat.

Kong 04-26-03 11:03 PM

Originally posted by Sexy Celebrity
Why? I'm agreeing with you. I'm not out to prove anything.... just chit-chat.
You're submission has earned you 11 Kong Points! Congratulations!

MyRobotSuit 04-26-03 11:09 PM

Hey! giving out kong points on the sly kong? i'm watching you !

Kong 04-26-03 11:19 PM

Originally posted by MinionTV
Hey! giving out kong points on the sly kong? i'm watching you !
Your criticism has costed you 4 Kong Points! This leaves you with 32 Kong Points! If you create the Kong Point thread like you suggested Kong will return the confiscated points back to you. Until then, watch it buster!

MyRobotSuit 04-26-03 11:32 PM

mr.Kong, the thread is made with spices of conversation to be made.

Kong 04-26-03 11:51 PM

Originally posted by MinionTV
mr.Kong, the thread is made with spices of conversation to be made.
Thankyou my good man. You are truly a scholar and a gentleman.

Sexy Celebrity 04-27-03 02:01 PM

Originally posted by Kong
You're submission has earned you 11 Kong Points! Congratulations!
Well, thank you.

Me = 11

LordSlaytan 04-27-03 03:24 PM

Originally posted by r3port3r66
Anybody notice the trend of movies containing the subject matter pedophilia?
I’m not convinced that there is a trend developing at all. Looking back on the history of the human race, doesn’t it appear, that we as a civilization, have actually repressed our interest with pedophilia? Well rather, men have perhaps?

At the beginning of our recorded history, there is mention of children watching parents make love so they could learn how to do the more mature things of life. It was common for girls at early ages of twelve and thirteen to be married and start having children, of course, we all know these things about our history now. But in times past, the last few centuries in particular, things like that haven’t been taught to us very readily . Times changed, churches became powerful, etc…*blech*

Now, there is a freedom to discuss. More now than ever. Wait until the youth of today are the old of tomorrow. I can see only more and more freedom to come for the people of the world. Am I saying that I condone or encourage pedos? Or think that child molestation will ever or should ever be acceptable behavior? OF COURSE NOT A**H**E!!!!! :indifferent: ;D I am saying, however, that the new interest that we see is maybe a newer form of expression, that our greater freedom allows us, the general population, to explore and to prod at the edges of the societal boundaries that our predecessors have bequeathed to us.

I believe that the subject of pedophilia should not be shoved into the closet anymore. If we can see honest portrayals of people who are ??…afflicted…?? with the desire to have sex with preteen children, then we may be more aware of the dangerous mannerisms of the predators that do lurk in our societies shadows. There’s no reason to be scared to discuss this topic. One in every third child has either touched or been touched sexually by an adult. Staggering numbers, if you ask me. If that calculation is even remotely close to accurate, then there is no reason to try to hide the fact that this problem exists. There are a whole hell of a lot of people out there that want our children. There are also a whole lot of us who have been the victim of these people.

I haven’t seen the movies that you mentioned except Lolita, I hope none of them glorified the subject, but if they did, they are free to do so as well.

n7of9 04-28-03 09:45 AM

Originally posted by Kong
is like saying rape victims should be put on trial right along side their rapists.
and they certainly are, in every single rape trial (which i personally think is disgusting - and completely blame our "western society" legal systems)

Originally posted by Sexy Celebrity
There are people out there who actually FANTASIZE about being raped -- and not play rape either, REAL RAPE.
that is true, yep, i've known one...a 30 year old girl...she told me outright!!

Lord Slaytan
everything he said
well said and right on the money, as usual

Steve 04-28-03 05:53 PM

Lord Slaytan is my boy :yup:

Hell yeah, go on with your bad self. Great post.

Yoda 04-28-03 08:02 PM

I agree; excellent post. Agreed with just about everything. My critical faculties, though, won't let me read it without asking about the following:

Originally posted by LordSlaytan
One in every third child has either touched or been touched sexually by an adult.
Do you recall where you heard this? Common sense ain't that common, I suppose, but mine tells me that 33% sounds rather high.

Sexy Celebrity 04-28-03 09:23 PM

Originally posted by LordSlaytan
There are a whole hell of a lot of people out there that want our children. There are also a whole lot of us who have been the victim of these people.

This is what I don't like -- this "boogeymen" concept. The Pedophile Headquarters. To me, it sounds like you're implying that they're all monsters - all molesters. Some don't even act out their fantasies - they abide by the law. They can turn to art as an outlet for their sexual expression. Many paintings and sculptures were created out of pedophile fantasies. Lewis Carroll's "Alice" books wouldn't have been here without his pedophile desires for little girls.

It would be more fun trying to pick out the pedophiles who make movies instead of the ones who make movies about them. Could Steven Spielberg, who loves to put children in his movies, possibly have a pedophilic fantasy or two running through his mind? The pedophile possibilities are endless!

Caitlyn 04-28-03 10:12 PM

I agree with Lord Slaytan… this is definitely a subject that has been taboo much too long because education is the first line of defense against child molesters…

Yoda, these are the latest stats from the Bureau of Justice on sex crimes committed against children:

Sixty-seven percent of all victims of sexual assault reported to law enforcement agencies were juveniles (under age 18) - Thirty-four percent of those victims were under age 12.

One of every seven victims of sexual assault reported to law enforcement agencies were under age 6.

Forty percent of the offenders who victimized children under age 6 were juveniles (under age 18)

These stats represent sexual assault in 4 categories: forcible rape, forcible sodomy, sexual assault with an object, and forcible fondling… but these stats only cover the reported cases and sadly, a lot of the time when the molester is “Uncle Bob” or "Aunt Mary", families would rather hide the abuse then seek any type of help…

And Sexy, I think I understand what you are trying to say because not all Pedophiles actually molest children… there is a very good article about Pedophilia and Child Molesters by Mark Gado HERE ....

LordSlaytan 04-28-03 10:18 PM

Originally posted by Sexy Celebrity

This is what I don't like -- this "boogeymen" concept. The Pedophile Headquarters. To me, it sounds like you're implying that they're all monsters - all molesters.
I lust after the Olsen twins. I believe they are 16-17 years old, something like that. Now, according to US law, I fall under the definition of a pedophille, but I don't, even for a second, view myself in that respect. What I feel is normal, most men have the same feelings, most won't admit to them because of the danger in doing so. Am I waiting out on the corner for one of them to be unfortunate enough to chance upon me? Of course not. I'm not dangerous. But what if I was driving home and happened upon a girl of 16, drunk and sloppy. In my car, she's all over me, I just want to take her home. But, she's all over me. How long could I resist? Especially if I had had prior fantasies of the same girl, even more so if I had had contact with her regularly over a protracted period. I just might say, "What the hell".

My Uncle who molested me day in and day out for a number of years wasn't a monster. I've never thought he was. As far as I know, he wasn't a predator prowling for victims. But he lived with me and my Mom, and had continual access to me. Sure, he resisted, for awhile. But it became to much for him, and he said, "What the Hell".

A person doesn't need to be a monster to do monsterous things. There are a lot of victims like myself that were molested by good people that couldn't resist their sexual impulses. I'm an addict, I can understand that kind of problem; control over obsession, but that doesn't mean that I should watch my P's and Q's when catagorizing a sexual dysfunction. There are lurkers out there who want our children, thousands die each year to the hands of these monsters. But there is probably a staggeringly higher number of people who are closet pedos, Dad's, Uncle's, etc...and all they need is a window of opportunity that they can't resist.

LordSlaytan 04-28-03 10:26 PM

Originally posted by Yoda
Do you recall where you heard this? Common sense ain't that common, I suppose, but mine tells me that 33% sounds rather high.
Sorry, forgot to reply. It was a statistic given to me when I went to a workshop abot this issue, since I'm a 'survivor' (I hate that term). It may have been 1 in 5, but I'm not sure. I do know with the work that I have done with people, that there are a lot of cases which involve only one instance of abuse. I hope the numbers are wrong, but I suspect that they are reasonably accurate.

Barring that the Aborigini and other reclusive heretical's like Bob might not have been included in this survey. :)

Sexy Celebrity 04-28-03 10:29 PM

Well, truly some pedophiles kill children, and that's a horrible, monstrous thing. I would want them dead. I don't know why they kill them, unless it's simply to hide the body and never get caught for what they did. The kidnappers are really twisted folks. They usually have a real social problem (this is what I was reading in Cait's article) and isolate themselves from others and avoid all other deviants.

I don't get people's obsession with the Olsen twins though! My god, turn on a really old, old, old episode of Full House, when Michelle was a baby who couldn't talk. If you've watched Michelle grow up, I don't know how you could lust after that. Interesting world.......

LordSlaytan 04-28-03 10:32 PM

Um, I never watched Full House. What do you think I am, a pedo?

Fugitive 04-28-03 11:10 PM

Originally posted by LordSlaytan

What I feel is normal, most men have the same feelings, most won't admit to them because of the danger in doing so. Am I waiting out on the corner for one of them to be unfortunate enough to chance upon me? Of course not. I'm not dangerous.
I agree with what you're saying, however I don't believe that MOST men - or women - have this tendency. I think of it as a 'sickness' like drugs, alcohol... yes, maybe when the opportunity arises... but you're also giving an example of yourself in a specific situation too. What if the kid was 13 or 14? Not at the maturity of what you're thinking about? I think it would be a different matter. In all of the years that I taught in an elementary school I NEVER once had any kind of thought in that respect. Is that NOT normal?
Yes, as SC says, many of the cases indicate that the subjects have some kind of social problem but they can still be seen as an ordinary person who is a neighbour, a friend of the family, a father, an uncle, or an aunt....
I think that the movie industry has opened up in most 'touchy' areas (for want of a better word) and tho it may seem controversial at the time, I think it benefits the audience to acknowledge that these issues are real and out there.

Sexy Celebrity 04-29-03 12:27 AM

Originally posted by LordSlaytan
Um, I never watched Full House. What do you think I am, a pedo?

Kong 04-29-03 12:46 AM

Originally posted by LordSlaytan
I lust after the Olsen twins. I believe they are 16-17 years old, something like that. Now, according to US law, I fall under the definition of a pedophille, but I don't, even for a second, view myself in that respect.
Kong doesn't think this is accurate.

Originally posted by LordSlaytan
but that doesn't mean that I should watch my P's and Q's when catagorizing a sexual dysfunction. There are lurkers out there who want our children, thousands die each year to the hands of these monsters.
Kong feels that describing people as monsters is dangerous. People like to label criminals as something other than human so that they can distance them, but Kong feels that creating an artificial difference (Kong doesn't deny that there is a difference, just that the "monster" difference is not real) can also create a sort of blindness. People have succombed to the idea that murderers, rapists, molestors are monsters and so if a friend or loved one of theirs were to commit such a crime they very well could miss it. We should be protecting our citizens by looking for the humans who hurt them, but if we're busy looking for monsters then we're making the job harder.

LordSlaytan 04-29-03 01:07 AM

Good point Kong, good point. To be a little clearer, when I speak of 'monsters' I mean the type the hunt for prey. There are the others that are not, by definition, the 'monsters' of which I spoke. I understand that that wasn't really your argument, which I agree with, so there really isn't any debate from me, just clarification.

BTW: What did you mean by it not being accurate?

Kong 04-29-03 01:31 AM

Originally posted by LordSlaytan
BTW: What did you mean by it not being accurate?
If you lust (Kong assumes you think they are hot, and are not actually doing anything illegal, like stalking them) after the Olsen Kong doesn't think the U.S. law labels you a pedophile. Kong isn't postive, but he thinks the law uses the same technical definition Kong posted somewhere around here earlier.

Caitlyn 04-30-03 12:56 AM

Originally posted by LordSlaytan

I lust after the Olsen twins. I believe they are 16-17 years old, something like that. Now, according to US law, I fall under the definition of a pedophille, but I don't, even for a second, view myself in that respect. What I feel is normal, most men have the same feelings, most won't admit to them because of the danger in doing so.

Lusting after the Olsen twins doesn't make you a pedophile... not even legally. They're over 12 years old and depending on the age of consent in what ever state they're in, they might even be legal... I think the worst someone could call you is a "dirty 'ole man" ... or at least that's what we all called older men when I was a teen who used to check us out a little too close... ;D

ordinary_guy 07-06-03 01:18 PM

Well I am a pedophile.

And I will tell you a few things about my mind and how I feel about pedohillia in general.

First off, there are many different kinds of pedophiles, just as there are many different kinds of homosexuals, hetrosexuals, etc.

Pedophiles lust after pre-pubescant children. People who lust after 13-17 year olds are generally known as "hebohiles". Hebopillia is widely practiced in many countries.

Canada, for example, has a legal age of consent of 14. This means a 99 year old can legally have sex with someone 14 and older. apan was 12 until recently. Chile is still 12 to this day.

I am a hetrosexual pedophile. This means (legally in Canada anyways) I am sexually attracted to females under the age of 14. I am of the "passive" type. This means basically I am no more dangerous than any other person.

How does this work, you may ask?

Let's take for example a hetrosexual non-pedophile male nurse in charge of a comotose attractive woman. If he is "passive", he will not mollest her, or touch her inapropriately in anyway. work with kids. I have not, nor have ever thought of, touching any of my kids in such a manner. This is because I consider myself proffessional.
However, an "aggressive" pedophile would, as would an aggressive non-pedophile in a position of authority over an adult.

It's like a gay guy having a straight friend but never hitting on him.

I am completely aware that my sexual desires are abnormal. But I am what I am. Many many pedophiles hide their desires for obvious reasons.

But I never fear my gay friends "raping me" because I know it is not in their nature.

I would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

r3port3r66 07-06-03 03:14 PM

WOW! Ordinary that's honesty!!! Although I commend your truthfulness, I'm uncomfortable with your admssion, I'll tell you why; I'm afraid of you. I fear that if I had a little sister or daughter and you were my friend, you would constantly lust after her and if she were of weak mind, perhaps suffering from low self-esteem you might take advantage of that, and in an ever-so-subtle passive manner, let your fantasies lead you into having sex with her. Then I would have to kill you, legalities aside (since we're being honest here). Forgive me for breaking one of the most important rules in journalism: editorializing.

But I would like to ask you some questions:

How old are you?

I've always wondered this too: Do pedophiles want a relationship beyond sex, with the objects of their desire?

Also, when the minor has aged beyond the year of 14, are the feelings of the pedophile gone, thus making them move on to the next young girl? Is this a life-long pattern?

Is there any guilt involved? I know whenever I have the urge to pleasure myself, a few thoughts come into my mind. One of those thoughts is that every relative, or friend that I have that has died, is looking down on me, so if I do decide to explore my own body they'll be watching; call it Catholic guilt. But then I think that in heaven there must be a "no bathroom" rule, where Spirits are allowed to explore any place on earth as long as they don't watch what happens in a bathroom.

Also, how many times have you practiced pedophilia? Is there a history of Pedophilia in your family?

Yoda 07-06-03 03:16 PM

Originally Posted by r3port3r66
I've always wondered this too: Do pedophiles want a relationship beyond sex, with the objects of their desire?

Also, when the minor has aged beyond the year of 14, are the feelings of the pedophile gone, thus making them move on to the next young girl? Is this a life-long pattern?
Those are two very excellent questions that I'd be interested in knowing the answer to, as well.

Caitlyn 07-06-03 03:39 PM

Ordinary, first let me say I also commend you for your honesty… and for the most part, I understand what you are saying but I found this sentence a bit disturbing…

I have not, nor have ever thought of, touching any of my kids in such a manner. This is because I consider myself proffessional.
Can you explain what you mean by professional and whose children… are they your own?

Also, are you in any type of counseling?

ordinary_guy 07-07-03 01:58 AM

"I fear that if I had a little sister or daughter and you were my friend, you would constantly lust after her and if she were of weak mind, perhaps suffering from low self-esteem you might take advantage of that, and in an ever-so-subtle passive manner, let your fantasies lead you into having sex with her."

Would you fear a gay male hanging around you? He more than likely won't push sex on you anymore than I would push sex on any child.

Let me put this another way: I do not lust after all children. Just as hetrosexual males do not lust after all women. Or gay males lust after all guys. I'm not a "nymphomaniac", nor do I believe in sex without consent. I do not have fantasies of that nature. I have learned to control my feelings and I am very comfortable with who I am.

Imagine a hetrosexual guy working in an office with a real sexy (but married) woman. Does he throw himself at her every chance he gets?

No, unless he is a real shmuck.

"How old are you?"

I am under 30.

"I've always wondered this too: Do pedophiles want a relationship beyond sex, with the objects of their desire? "

Yes. There can be attachment, love, and all that. I am not exclusively a pedophile however. I enjoy the company of any female.

"Also, when the minor has aged beyond the year of 14, are the feelings of the pedophile gone, thus making them move on to the next young girl? Is this a life-long pattern?"

No, I don't think so. I'll tell you something. When I was in university, I had a relationship with a 12 year-old girl. Now she's 18 and we are to be wed soon, and she is a wonderful young woman. I would never leave her because she is my life partner. She knows who I am and fully accepts me for what and who I am.

"Is there any guilt involved?"

No, because I know I would never put myself into a position that would allow me to cheat on my GF.

"One of those thoughts is that every relative, or friend that I have that has died, is looking down on me, so if I do decide to explore my own body they'll be watching; call it Catholic guilt."

I too have this type of "guilt" you are describing. However, I know who I am and again, I am comfortable.

"Also, how many times have you practiced pedophilia?"

It depends on how you define "pedophillia". If you mean someone under 13 (pre-teen) then the answer is twice. If you mean someone under the legal age of consent in my jurisdiction, then the answer is three times. If you mean someone under the age of 18 while I am an adult, the answer is still three times as I have never been unfaithful to my GF.

"Is there a history of Pedophilia in your family?"

I don't know.

LordSlaytan 07-07-03 10:16 PM

You say you have it under control, but you've had a girlfriend since she was the age of twelve???

I'm sorry man, but I don't buy your, "everything is under control" attitude. If it was, then you never would have had this girl in your life. If it was "in control", then you would have left the situation you were in, instead of letting it progress into a relationship. I want to say that I appreciate your honesty, but I don't. It's pretty safe to stay behind your keyboard, with all your anonymity, and say that you are comfortable with yourself. I don't buy that either.

I'm kinda sorry about my aggressive attitude with you, but I'm also kinda not. I don't believe you. All those things you said about being passive, and never allowing yourself...bleh. You're about to marry an 18 year old kid, that you've been with since she was just a ****ING CHILD!!!! If you were here, we'd have a good long talk on the subject. Sorry, everything personal.

MyRobotSuit 07-07-03 10:35 PM

It's quite rare for a pedophile to 'come out' even if it is over a keyboard. I'm not sure of how much of this to believe.

Just to reiterate Caitlyn's question, how do you consider yourself a proffessional? I mean come on man, it's not like you get a badge or anything. There is no good side to being a pedophile so no matter how many excuses you come up with to maintaining your mental stability, it comes down to one simple thing - you need help.

LordSlaytan 07-07-03 10:48 PM

What really got me was his attitude that everything is fine and that he would NEVER...then he confesses to molesting two different people. Who gives a crap whether the CHILD gave consent or not, I gave my consent to my Uncle, and it still destroyed my life. I do not believe in 'passive' pedophiles. I do believe, however, that there are pedophiles that are too scared of the reprocutions to ever search for a victim of their desires. Yet, if an opportunity would arise, all bets are off.

My "loving" Uncle was a so called 'passive' pedo, he supposedly never hunted any victims. But when he came to live with my Mother and I, it was too much for him, and he gave in to his carnal lust. A lust that I can understand, yet NEVER condone. It is NORMAL for males to have an attraction for all age groups of girls/women, admitting it is another matter all together.

You have already admitted to molesting girls, my opinion is now set. You are not passive. You are an opportunitist.

Caitlyn 07-07-03 11:35 PM

Originally Posted by ordinary_guy
Would you fear a gay male hanging around you? He more than likely won't push sex on you anymore than I would push sex on any child.
There is a very big difference between a grown man dealing with a gay male and an child dealing with a grown man…

This statement:

If you mean someone under 13 (pre-teen) then the answer is twice. If you mean someone under the legal age of consent in my jurisdiction, then the answer is three times.
Completely cancels out this statement:

I do not lust after all children.

LordSlaytan 07-07-03 11:36 PM

I don't lust after all women either. Just the pretty ones. ;D

firegod 07-07-03 11:44 PM


He didn't say he doesn't lust after any children; he said he doesn't lust after ALL children. So I'm not sure how the second quote cancels out the third.

With that having been said, he doesn't seem sincere about not wanting to molest kids. For one thing, he focuses on the fact that having sex with a child would be cheating on his GF, instead of focusing on how much it would hurt the child. That creeps me out. Well, this whole thread does, really.

Kong 07-07-03 11:54 PM

Originally Posted by ordinary_guy
No, because I know I would never put myself into a position that would allow me to cheat on my GF.
What does that have to do with it? He's asking if there is any guilt in taking advantage of a child unable to mentally understand the ramifications of a sexual relationship, and physically undeveloped to particpate in such a relationship.

Originally Posted by ordinary_guy
It depends on how you define "pedophillia". If you mean someone under 13 (pre-teen) then the answer is twice. If you mean someone under the legal age of consent in my jurisdiction, then the answer is three times. If you mean someone under the age of 18 while I am an adult, the answer is still three times as I have never been unfaithful to my GF.
If you are a "passive" pedophile then that means you are not an "active" pedophile. Since you have molested children that would rule you out of being the passive variety. You need to take counseling.

Caitlyn 07-08-03 12:04 AM

Originally Posted by firegod

He didn't say he doesn't lust after any children; he said he doesn't lust after ALL children. So I'm not sure how the second quote cancels out the third.

With that having been said, he doesn't seem sincere about not wanting to molest kids. For one thing, he focuses on the fact that having sex with a child would be cheating on his GF, instead of focusing on how much it would hurt the child. That creeps me out. Well, this whole thread does, really.

Ah… you’re right Fire… my mistake. I read it wrong but the fact that he admitted to giving into his urge to have sex with children more then once already leads me to believe he would do so again given the right circumstances… and the point you brought out about his unconcern for the hurt he would inflict on the children only reinforces my thoughts about it…

Matrix1990 07-08-03 12:25 AM

yo wat up

ordinary_guy 07-08-03 10:39 AM

This is why pedophiles do not come out and say who they are. There is too much of a "lynch mob" mentality.

If they are out and the community and identifiable, don't you think that is much better than having some weirdo you "suspect" is a pedophile?

It is not a crime to be a pedophile anymore than it is a crime to be gay, or a necrophile.

The crime is when they act upon it.

As for saying I "mollested" a child, back off man. We didn't have sex until she was 14 which is legal where I am.

firegod 07-08-03 12:33 PM

Originally Posted by ordinary_guy
This is why pedophiles do not come out and say who they are. There is too much of a "lynch mob" mentality.

If they are out and the community and identifiable, don't you think that is much better than having some weirdo you "suspect" is a pedophile?

It is not a crime to be a pedophile anymore than it is a crime to be gay, or a necrophile.

The crime is when they act upon it.

As for saying I "mollested" a child, back off man. We didn't have sex until she was 14 which is legal where I am.
I don't know if you are addressing me, LS or both, but I'll respond. You make some very goods points. However, can't you see how we might question your sincerity when your primary concern about the possibility of having sex with a child is that it would be cheating on your girlfriend? And what about you comparing the acting on feelings of pedophilia with the acting on feelings of homosexuality as much as you do?

I respect your bravery in talking about this, and I hope I haven't been out of line. I just tend to say what is on my mind.

Piddzilla 07-08-03 01:20 PM

Originally Posted by ordinary_guy
It is not a crime to be a pedophile anymore than it is a crime to be gay, or a necrophile.
Is necrophilia legal?

Kong 07-08-03 09:52 PM

Originally Posted by ordinary_guy
"Also, how many times have you practiced pedophilia?"

It depends on how you define "pedophillia". If you mean someone under 13 (pre-teen) then the answer is twice. If you mean someone under the legal age of consent in my jurisdiction, then the answer is three times. If you mean someone under the age of 18 while I am an adult, the answer is still three times as I have never been unfaithful to my GF.
Originally Posted by ordinary_guy
As for saying I "mollested" a child, back off man. We didn't have sex until she was 14 which is legal where I am.
First you say you've practiced pedophilia with children under the legal age of consent 3 times, and twice with a child under 13. Now you tell Kong to back off because you didn't have sex with the girl until she was of legal consenting age. Which is it?

Golgot 07-09-03 10:45 AM

hope you come back to discuss this all ordinary-guy
Originally Posted by Kong
First you say you've practiced pedophilia with children under the legal age of consent 3 times, and twice with a child under 13. Now you tell Kong to back off because you didn't have sex with the girl until she was of legal consenting age. Which is it?
First thing: I know what you mean about the mob mentality ordinary-guy. In Britain some people actually attacked a paedeatrician's [sp] house, thinking they were a paedophile!!!! How insane is that? And when a program called Brass Eye did a brilliant parody of the hysteria surrounding the subject the show's creator, Chris Morris, had to flee the country with his family when hardly anyone "got" what he was aiming at.

[I still can't believe the age of consent is 18 in america tho! That's way too high. Surely that encourages the investigating-what's-taboo thing amongst sexually-ready kids? In Britain a mixture of repression and "over-sexed" media means we have a horribly high teen-pregnancy rate and single-parent family stats as it is]

Second thing: You can't help your desires perhaps [but you CAN confront them more than this. Yes, I am suggesting that you have a responsibility to never use your superior social-skills, world knowledge and "adult-standing" to slowly arrive at where you want to be with a kid -as to all intents and purposes you appear to. I recognise that paedophilia has a long historical precedent, but child prostitution and the enforced power-unbalance of an orchestrated adult-child relationship seem almost bound to end disastrously for the child! You DON'T fully control your desires as kong points out. I imagine the odds of a child being mentally cogent and fully formed enough at the age of twelve, say, to embark on a relationship with an adult, without any hint of parent-child undertones or other highly dubious motivations, and then leading a happy and fulfilled relationship with said adult, to be very close to zero. In other words, it could happen in this multiplicitous world, but both individuals would have to be highly exceptional and incredibly sensitive to all that could go wrong, and all that is unequal in it. I'm really not convinced that this is your situation]

Please respond mate. We need to be convinced far better than this that you're not just rationalising yourself into the place you want to be, probably traumatising that child's social and sexual perceptions for a long long time to come.

I've never had feelings of sexual desire for a child, so i need this explained to me. Try.


Kong 07-09-03 11:42 AM

Originally Posted by Golgot
[I still can't believe the age of consent is 18 in america tho!]
Don't believe it. It's not true. The age of sexual consent in the U.S. is determined on a state by state basis. Kong lives in Virginia, and the age of consent here is 16.

Caitlyn 07-09-03 12:28 PM

I think there are about 10 states in the US that have raised the age of consent to 18 and several more raised it to 17...

LordSlaytan 07-09-03 12:33 PM

Originally Posted by Caitlyn
I think there are about 10 states in the US that have raised the age of consent to 18 and several more raised it to 17...
I found this map one day while I was researching, er, ahem...

Caitlyn 07-09-03 01:11 PM

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
I found this map one day while I was researching, er, ahem...

Research huh... ;D

Yoda 07-09-03 01:26 PM

I don't see why having the age of consent at 18 would be so ridiculous. It's for each state to decide, but I don't think I'd think it absurd for any state to have it that high. I don't know where I'd put it, personally, but it certainly wouldn't be lower than 16.

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
I found this map one day while I was researching, er, ahem...
Wow...I thought it was 18 'round here, not 16. That's...comforting.


Golgot 07-09-03 02:49 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda
I don't see why having the age of consent at 18 would be so ridiculous. It's for each state to decide, but I don't think I'd think it absurd for any state to have it that high. I don't know where I'd put it, personally, but it certainly wouldn't be lower than 16.

Wow...I thought it was 18 'round here, not 16. That's...comforting.

Yeah, sixteen seems fine. By seventeen and eighteen i think you've got just enough brains to make decisions bout where you point your hips, and what lingers on lips ;). But there's so much variation amongst people, so kids can be both mentally and physically ready to enter some types of sexual relationships from potentially young ages. I just reckon the law is going to be ignored when that's the case, and this victim-less crime ends get punished for no reason. Still, all line-drawing cuts off considerations of variety by necessity, so any age you set is going to have problems. It's application that's everything.

Yoda 07-09-03 03:15 PM

Originally Posted by Golgot
Yeah, sixteen seems fine. By seventeen and eighteen i think you've got just enough brains to make decisions bout where you point your hips, and what lingers on lips ;).
Thank you, Dr. Seuss.

Originally Posted by Golgot
But there's so much variation amongst people, so kids can be both mentally and physically ready to enter some types of sexual relationships from potentially young ages. I just reckon the law is going to be ignored when that's the case, and this victim-less crime ends get punished for no reason. Still, all line-drawing cuts off considerations of variety by necessity, so any age you set is going to have problems. It's application that's everything.
Exactly. Well put; there's not a single age that won't produce (valid) gripes. Personally I think it lies somewhere within the 16-18 range, and I'm glad that each individual state can decide which way it'd rather lean.

Good post. :yup:

Piddzilla 07-09-03 03:39 PM

In Sweden it's 15 and it works pretty good.

Caitlyn 07-10-03 12:14 AM

Originally Posted by ordinary_guy
As for saying I "mollested" a child, back off man. We didn't have sex until she was 14 which is legal where I am.
After re-reading all of your posts, I can’t help but wonder if you ever even gave this girl you’re engaged to now any other choice… you stated you’ve had a relationship with her since she was 12 years old and while she may have been physically mature enough to have a relationship, I doubt very seriously if she was emotionally mature enough… so to me, it's highly possible you’ve molded her into just what you wanted her to be… and if that is the case, you’ve molested her in more ways then one…

firegod 07-10-03 12:25 AM

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
I found this map one day while I was researching, er, ahem...
Wow. The age of consent in South Carolina is 14! It's very surprising to me that it's that low in any state in this country.

Caitlyn 07-10-03 12:32 AM

Originally Posted by firegod
Wow. The age of consent in South Carolina is 14! It's very surprising to me that it's that low in any state in this country.

There is a bill pending right now in South Carolina to raise the age to 16....

nebbit 07-10-03 05:07 AM

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
I found this map one day while I was researching, er, ahem...
God that is terrible. :furious:

Lord you must have been shocked when you found this, is was to me when I opened it, what was worse, seeing how many people have looked at it. :eek:

LordSlaytan 11-18-03 04:26 AM




Piddzilla 11-18-03 06:48 AM

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan



Ok, I couldn't rep you right now, but I've got one word for this: TOUCHÉ!!!!

Number 10 is the best example of the hypocrisy. :yup:

Hondo333 11-18-03 08:50 AM

Well i guess its ok... since i am underage as well

DrenaiWarrior 11-18-03 02:35 PM

I took that test and it was the most hilarious **** on the planet...i just answered yes to everything to hear that crazy voice go Wacko on me. And by the way, when they do turn 18 I am gonna marry the Olsen Twins...just messin, anybody associated with Bob Sagget is evil (because he is the Anti-Christ! :furious: :furious: :furious: )

Zeebo 11-23-11 10:08 AM

I realize it is odd to reply to a post that is almost ten years old, but I don't live based off numbers, so.....I saw "Rebel Without a Cause" for the first time a few months ago. And now I'm reading a few people accuse the "John" character of being gay. First, even if he was, why is that a problem and being brought up? Second: I was a weirdo in high school. Self-admitted, and I had a poor father figure. I too looked for older male role models to fill in that father role.

I think John was like me - Wanted a Father figure because he never had one, and had some issues upstairs. To this day, at almost 30-years of age, I still find myself looking for a Father figure, to a certain extent.

I think it just goes to show how closed-minded, and homophobic some people are that they assume the ONLY reason why a man may admire another man is because of a sexual attraction. All men need a Father or a Father figure they respect if they want to grow up to be real men.

Frokane 01-22-12 11:00 PM

Re: Pedophilia & the Movies
The Woodsman! owns this thread

cinemaafficionado 01-23-12 12:26 AM

Originally Posted by MyRobotSuit (Post 85272)
Have you seen the movie Kids? It's about a kid (17 years old) looking to have sex with 14 year olds. It sounds insane but infact it's a brilliant movie. It bringsthe reality of the subject harshly into focus by shocking the audience. Here's a synopsis.

"Telly, a coarse 17-year-old skateboard enthusiast, lives only to get laid. As Telly discourses nonstop on the pleasures of deflowering 14-year-old girls, he and his best friend Casper tool around New York City's East Side, steal, smoke dope, and eventually make their way to an all-night party, at which Telly bags another virgin and Casper gives up his humanity altogether. While all this is going on, one of Telly's past victims, now HIV-positive, forlornly searches for her lover."
I'm not quite sure if 17 vs 14 year olds legaly qualify as pedofiles as they are both legaly under age. Having said that, I thought that Kids was a very well made movie and so was Bully, also made by the same guy.
The Brazilian movie Pixote seems to be vey popular among certain segments of our population and is very hard to get unless one is prepared to pay top dollar.

will.15 01-23-12 12:35 AM

Re: Pedophilia & the Movies
Ordinary Guy should have been banned like the one with the five year old girlfriend. But since he only hung around for three posts I guess it doesn't matter.

I don't commend him for his honesty, the perv.

The Rodent 01-23-12 04:39 AM

Originally Posted by cinemaafficionado (Post 787513)
I'm not quite sure if 17 vs 14 year olds legaly qualify as pedofiles as they are both legaly under age. Having said that, I thought that Kids was a very well made movie and so was Bully, also made by the same guy.
The Brazilian movie Pixote seems to be vey popular among certain segments of our population and is very hard to get unless one is prepared to pay top dollar.

Actually the situation of anyone aged 16 or over going after anyone under the age of 16 in a sexual way, is classed as child abuse and paedophilia. The person is subject to the full arm of the law.

I think the subject in the movies is interesting as long as it is handled with care rather than just an exploitative movie for the sake of being shocking.
Like seeing homosexuality in movies gone by during the days when people didn't accept it, paedophilia is today's taboo subject for film making.

Though the difference is, it will, quite rightly, never be accepted in society.

Personal note: Hanging in the UK should be reinstated, just for Pedos.

cinemaafficionado 01-23-12 09:41 AM

Originally Posted by The Rodent (Post 787535)
Actually the situation of anyone aged 16 or over going after anyone under the age of 16 in a sexual way, is classed as child abuse and paedophilia. The person is subject to the full arm of the law.

I think the subject in the movies is interesting as long as it is handled with care rather than just an exploitative movie for the sake of being shocking.
Like seeing homosexuality in movies gone by during the days when people didn't accept it, paedophilia is today's taboo subject for film making.

Though the difference is, it will, quite rightly, never be accepted in society.

Personal note: Hanging in the UK should be reinstated, just for Pedos.
Ha ha, castration would be easier.

honeykid 01-23-12 07:53 PM

Originally Posted by The Rodent (Post 787535)
Actually the situation of anyone aged 16 or over going after anyone under the age of 16 in a sexual way, is classed as child abuse and paedophilia. The person is subject to the full arm of the law.

I think the subject in the movies is interesting as long as it is handled with care rather than just an exploitative movie for the sake of being shocking.
Like seeing homosexuality in movies gone by during the days when people didn't accept it, paedophilia is today's taboo subject for film making.

Though the difference is, it will, quite rightly, never be accepted in society.

Personal note: Hanging in the UK should be reinstated, just for Pedos.
This all depends on what you're classing as paedophilia. These days it's often confused/substituted for age of consent. So, in the UK, having sex with someone who is 15 years old is a crime, but the perpetrator wouldn't be a paedophile (at least, not in that case) whereas someone who had sex with a 5 year old would be guilty of the same crime, but would be a paedophile.

Regardless of the age above which you are considered to be able to legally give consent (I have a feeling it's been as low as 8 in the UK at one time, but until the late 1800's it was usually 10 or 12) whether or not someone is a paedophile has always remained the same. The clue's in the title, as the line goes.

cinemaafficionado 01-23-12 08:54 PM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 787633)
This all depends on what you're classing as paedophilia. These days it's often confused/substituted for age of consent. So, in the UK, having sex with someone who is 15 years old is a crime, but the perpetrator wouldn't be a paedophile (at least, not in that case) whereas someone who had sex with a 5 year old would be guilty of the same crime, but would be a paedophile.

Regardless of the age above which you are considered to be able to legally give consent (I have a feeling it's been as low as 8 in the UK at one time, but until the late 1800's it was usually 10 or 12) whether or not someone is a paedophile has always remained the same. The clue's in the title, as the line goes.
As far as I know in the US any one under 18 is considered a minor so consequently even if they have consensual sex with an adult, it's considered statutory rape.
The question is how does one define sex between two consenting minors?
In the case of a 17 year old with a 14 year old I don't think it can be labeled pedophilia and yes consent would weigh heavily as to the extent of any sexual offense.

honeykid 01-23-12 09:21 PM

If both are under the age of consent, then surely consensual sex would mean both would be charged with sex with a minor/underage sex/statutory rape? Though I'd guess that in, at least, 99% of cases neither will be charged. In cases of sex with a minor, the law is there to protect those considered unable to legally consent to sex because they're not 'adult' or 'grown up' enough to think through all the consequences of the act and, therefore, need protecting. As both would be seen to've preyed on the other, it's easier for those in charge to pretend it didn't happen.

cinemaafficionado 01-23-12 09:29 PM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 787675)
If both are under the age of consent, then surely consensual sex would mean both would be charged with sex with a minor/underage sex/statutory rape? Though I'd guess that in, at least, 99% of cases neither will be charged. In cases of sex with a minor, the law is there to protect those considered unable to legally consent to sex because they're not 'adult' or 'grown up' enough to think through all the consequences of the act and, therefore, need protecting. As both would be seen to've preyed on the other, it's easier for those in charge to pretend it didn't happen.
Also laws in the US are a bit different than in England and not only that, the laws in the US vary from state to state, that's why each state has a seperate bar exam and as an attorney you can only legaly practise in the state that you are certified.
And even in the same state the law is not equally enforced. An adult woman charged with sexual misconduct with a minor will almost always receive a lighter sentence than an adult male charged with the same offense.

Yoda 01-23-12 09:30 PM

Re: Pedophilia & the Movies
At what point am I allowed to be creeped out by the amount of knowledge someone has about age of consent laws off the top of their head?

mark f 01-23-12 09:35 PM

Re: Pedophilia & the Movies
You weren't creeped out about my Oscar knowledge. Inquiring Minds may want to know. There are books about these things still at the public library; that is, if you still have a local public library...

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