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Sedai 03-21-11 12:12 PM

MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
F it - I'm taking Dex's trade...

Ok, I accepted - let's see if it goes through...

DexterRiley 03-21-11 12:15 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball 2011: Draft Time, Rules, Settings
Is the DVD thingy on btw? Forgot to clarify yesterday.

Personally i think it adds a lil flavour to the proceedings. It's a long season, and may act as a deterrant of sorts from flaking out.

Yoda 03-21-11 12:23 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball 2011: Draft Time, Rules, Settings
I'd be down for the DVD thing again, but as before, only if enough other people wanted in.

I for one won't be voting against the Choo/Carpenter trade. I'd rather have Choo, without a doubt, which is why he went so much earlier in the draft. But there are positional needs for Seds to consider, and Carpenter certainly has lots of potential.

I also find it difficult to gauge guys like Choo; on one hand, they don't destroy any categories, but they contribute very well to all five. The consensus among experts seems to be that those guys are more valuable for their breadth of contribution, and I think they're right. But there's probably some argument to be had there, hypothetically.

DexterRiley 03-21-11 12:24 PM

Originally Posted by Sedai (Post 719448)
F it - I'm taking Dex's trade...

Ok, I accepted - let's see if it goes through...

Well, first off, its a good trade. As i said Carpenter has avg'd 15 wins as a starter for the Cards.

and you are totally stacked at OF so..I really can't see the reasoning for the deal to be shat on.

Was there a separated thread for baseball trade talk in years past guys?

Well i didnt agree with Yahoos ranking of Carpenter..had this convo with Chris at the draft., undervalued at Yahoo, (he's comen off the board 48th at Espn)

Sedai 03-21-11 12:31 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball 2011: Draft Time, Rules, Settings
Ack! So, you think it's a bad trade, Chris? Both players are valued pretty highly in the auctions, it seems...

Yoda 03-21-11 12:31 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball 2011: Draft Time, Rules, Settings
By the by, I've sent a couple of offers out and I'll probably send a couple more in the next day or so. Looking for a 3B, possibly a SS, or an upgrade at any other position, potentially.

Got four very good OFs and all of them can be moved; Nelson Cruz, Jayson Werth, Hunter Pence, and B.J. Upton. Can move probably two starters, too. I've got seven in all and all but one of them had double-digit wins last year, and the only exception (Chacin) was one short because he missed a bit of time.

Luckily for me there are probably four or five teams that need either an OF or a SP, so I imagine a few deals will be swung.

Yoda 03-21-11 12:39 PM

Originally Posted by Sedai (Post 719455)
Ack! So, you think it's a bad trade, Chris? Both players are valued pretty highly in the auctions, it seems...
I wouldn't say bad. It's more that, in a vacuum, there is a very broad consensus that Choo is more valuable. Most places don't think he's way more valuable, though. Choo goes a few rounds higher in ESPN drafts, I believe, and a few rounds higher still in Yahoo. I think ESPN has Choo at $22 and Carpenter at $16. So it's not crazy or anything; however big the gap is depends on which site you believe. I err more towards ESPN (which has a moderate but not huge difference between them) than Yahoo (which hates Carpenter for some reason).

I think a big part of it depends on need, to be sure, and options. It's the kind of deal I'd absolutely make near the trade deadline if I'd been having trouble finding room for my hitters and/or was struggling with pitching, so a big part of it depends on whether or not you think you'd have gotten more elsewhere. Hard to say.

It is not abhorrent to my sensibilities, though. :laugh: It also depends greatly on how much you value upside versus stability. Choo is crazy stable, but he's probably not going to bust out and put up top 10 overall (amongst all positions) numbers. He'll just be very, very good in all five categories.

DexterRiley 03-21-11 12:55 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
its hard comparing players from different positions.

As a lifelong Jays fan, it wasn't easy letten Carpenter go i'll tell you that. He's in a great situation in St. Loo. Yes he's 36, but is still in around 200 k a year plus has always been a innings pig, add to that a sick run support squad, and he's 15 wins in the bank.

Soo is steady eddie from what i see, his Ribbies I'm concerned about a lil..he plays for the indians after all.

Sedai 03-21-11 12:58 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
Yeah, I guess I don't have any other guys of value to move (I never trade my first round pick). Choo was really the only bargaining chip I had to get a top 15 pitcher.

I talked to a fantasy nut at poker last week, and he had a few interesting things to say.

1 - The draft is the biggest and most important factor in the game. He said that unlike football, you REALLY need to draft well to have a shot. A lopsided draft usually means an auto-loss for the season unless you can trade out of it.

2 - Always propose trades, never accept them. He said unless someone doesn't understand the stat system (like myself), most trades are designed to help the person proposing the trade more than the person being asked to trade. He said each player has a specific value in relation to all other players, and you need to be good at figuring out why and how this works. Chris illustrated why Choo is a much more valuable player than Carpenter above, and why I lost value on the trade and Dex gained it. Shame on me for not being up to speed on this stuff. I really had no clue about that concept above until now. I accepted the trade though, so the deal is done. :)

3 - Never play Head-to-Head format, ever. He didn't give me much as to why on this, he just said all the people who have been playing for a long time avoid this format.

And lastly:

4 - Stop playing Fantasy Football. This is, of course, a silly thing to say. Alas, he had a bunch of solid reasoning as to why head-to-head fantasy football is inherently flawed, and why he quit playing it completely. He pointed out that consistent team management and moves won't win you trophies, only luck will. He said "it's possible to be the second highest in points every single week while still placing LAST in the league (losing to the top score each week), and that that is just goofy. I guess he has a point in a way, but I just don't look at the games that way.

Yoda 03-21-11 01:08 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
I'd quibble with your friend on a few points. But he has some good things to say. I'll just run through 'em. :) Great post, though. Great excuse to talk about the theories involved.

1. The draft is very important, to be sure, but there are always great pickups during the season. I've picked up a couple of start-worthy guys each year. You're less likely to pickup a huge impact guy the way you are in football, but you're way more likely to fill little holes, particularly at infield positions and closer. It also, of course, depends on the league setup. The draft matters way more in a deep league, and/or one where all the owners are both experienced and dedicated.

2. Probably too simplistic. Obviously if a person offers a trade they've already decided it's probably good for them, but I've accepted lots of trades that I didn't propose and been glad I did later. That said, his advice is probably good if you need to tell someone new to fantasy baseball something useful in just a single sentence, since it rules out the possibility of a new guy getting fleeced.

3. By this, he almost certainly means that head-to-head involves more luck than Rotisserie style. Which is true. But it also creates more drama and tension, particularly in the playoffs, whereas in a Rotisserie league the last few weeks of the season can be largely symbolic or obligatory. So it depends on what you value: more fun for more people, or making sure the best team wins every time? There's no right answer. Though I'd absolutely be willing to switch to Rotisserie next year. I've only played it once in my life, actually, and coincidentally I both first used a Springfield team name then and happened to win it. Yay. I think that was my first-ever baseball championship, actually.

4. This relates to #3. He's not wrong; it's a very luck-based game. It's one of those things where being very good at it just puts you in the playoffs (and not even always then), but after that fate has to smile on you a little. No doubt about it.

Given #3 and #4, it sounds like he's mostly about making sure the best-run team wins above all else. Which is understandable.

Yoda 03-21-11 01:11 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
Oh, I, uh...just offered someone a trade involving Pujols.

Yes, I am just that crazy.

Sedai 03-21-11 01:12 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
Yeah - he plays for cash, so I think that would be the priority. I just play for fun. ;)

Yoda 03-21-11 01:18 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
Yeah, that's a big part of it. Though I will say that the head to head format produces some crappy results sometimes. We remedy that a little by having a two-week championship round here, but it's not perfect.

Rotisserie, for those wondering, by the way, is where you simply count up the ten categories as the season goes on and then assign points based on your rank. So maybe the #1 team in steals gets 14 points in a 14 team league, the #2 team gets 13 points, etc. This happens across all ten categories and whoever has the most points wins.

It has its own drama, to be sure. It also produces crazier trades because if you've got a 20 homer lead on everyone in the last couple of weeks you can really afford to deal "too much" power to make a run at moving up a rank or two in steals, for example. Way more strategy at the end of the year. I'll bring this up again next season and we'll see who's on board. It's considered a more "pure" way to play, and it's the way Fantasy Baseball started, actually. But head-to-head gives more people a chance, I think, and since we have a few first-timers transplanted from the football league this setup is more familiar, so it's good for this year, I think.

I'll bet your friend plays with an auction format, too. Can't get more fair than both an auction and a Rotisserie format.

Sedai 03-21-11 01:51 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
He does use auction, yes. :)

Yoda 03-21-11 01:55 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
It's tempting. Both for baseball and football. But I guess I've favored drama and accessibility in these leagues, so that as many people as possible both play and enjoy themselves. But I'm down for whatever in both next year. Or even a second league for people who want to play with the format.

I can't really argue with anyone who says it's a "better" way to play. Better depending on what you want, to be sure, but it's a persuasive argument, since I tend to favor games that minimize luck when possible.

DexterRiley 03-21-11 02:57 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
Well, I certainly don't feel as though i had a mask on while proposing the trade.

Maybe what your buddy means, is don't take the 1st deal offer, always counter.

I know guys who do this in hockey. I don't set out to fleece the other guy fwiw. Take this deal, its probably not a deal i organically think to offer, until you made a post lamenting the lack of "big name" talent on your pitching rotation.

so i looked at what i have, plus see where your team is heaviest for talent and went from there.

Imo in baseball, and this is a guess as its the 1st time i'm doing this, draft position is only of any value in determining trade compatability in the 1st 2 rounds.

after teh no brainer stud picks have been snapped up, where folks draft is largely based on how you choose to go about building your particular team.

btw, for those on google chrome this app is sweet:

Sedai 03-21-11 03:03 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
Oh, as I said before, I thought the trade was fair. Other people seem to think it isn't so fair, but not enough to counter it with a veto, which is fine.

TONGO 03-25-11 01:53 AM

Just making an official announcement Im not gonna trade at all this season. Maybe between the baseball season, and then no NFL season, and then another no-trading baseball season when the next fantasy football season comes around ill be purged of all impulsive trading compulsions! :yup:

Alls I need is Derek Jeter and thats and that's the only thing I need is Derek Jeter. I don't need anything. Except this. The ashtray, and this paddle game. Derek Jeter, the ashtray and the paddle game and that's all I need... And this remote control. - Derek Jeter, ashtray, the paddle game, and the remote control, and that's all I need...

[outside now] And I don't need one other thing, except my dog.

[dog growls at him]
I don't need my dog.

Yoda 03-25-11 09:10 AM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
Aw. You have too many players I like to do that! You have the two best Pirates, though I guess that's not usually saying much.

Somehow I doubt abstaining will purge you of all desire. Anyway, lemme know if you reconsider, because I'm always open to stuff and I do have a soft spot for Pirates from time to time.

DexterRiley 03-25-11 03:37 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
i knew i should have drafted more Devil Rays.

i just knew it

TONGO 03-26-11 10:23 AM

Originally Posted by DexterRiley (Post 720104)
i knew i should have drafted more Devil Rays.

i just knew it
I was seriously thinking about getting nothing but Tampa Bay Ray players, but figured winning might be more fun.

DexterRiley 04-03-11 03:44 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
Sometimes the best deals are the ones you don't make.

Rauld had proposed a blockbuster that included as the principals,(3b) Longoria and Ramirez (ss).

one of the few positives in Fantasy land this 1st week.

TONGO 04-05-11 01:08 AM

I realized there are less than 3-5 active baseball players I know of this year, and I might be getting one of them. In negotiations with "I Love Turtles!" to get Tim Linecum off him, and Im offering Andrew McCutchen.

oh shut up... I mean I dont even know if the trades good or bad but itd be nice to know who the hecks on your team. Yknow?! So.....Im not gonna trade......unless its one of thoise 3-5 players! There. :cool:

Yoda 04-05-11 10:41 AM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
Just read up on 'em! The way to play isn't to just get players you already know of, but to learn about more players. I know I learned way, way more about football players in general when I started playing fantasy football. It's one of the perks of the game.

TONGO 04-05-11 12:30 PM

Yeah football was the same way for me too. Fantasy baseball isnt sinking in as easily or fast for me, but Rome was built brick by brick so Ill catch up ;)

Is McCutchen for Linecum a good trade for both sides? Opinions? Cmon Dexter.... -lays out red carpet-

Yoda 04-05-11 12:33 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
Well, it's a moot point because I was over at Adam's last night to watch the Bucco game and he told me he was going to pass on it. It's not a bad trade, but Lincecum's ranked higher pretty much everywhere; he's just got more upside this season, since when he's on he's basically the best pitcher in the game. McCutchen is young and exciting and quite good, but not a superstar yet. In my opinion he's been a little overdrafted, which is common for young guys who might be about to enjoy a breakout season. It's more "fun" to get those numbers speculatively than from some aging veteran, I suppose.

TONGO 04-05-11 12:46 PM

Hmmm. Ok gotcha. I just sent a PM asking your advice on a different trade.

Holden Pike 04-05-11 08:28 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
Anyone who didn't take or start Mark Teixeira figuring he'd get off to one of his historically weak starts...he just hit his fourth home run, another three-run job (this one right handed).

mark f 04-05-11 08:46 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
In our league, Tongo picked him, and of course he's playing him. He's a first or second round pick, so anybody who drafts him would be wasting the pick if they didn't play him.

7thson 04-05-11 09:42 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
I tried to draft some Colts for my team, but sadly there were none avail'. :(

rauldc14 04-06-11 01:29 AM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
I know it's early on in the season, but I'm really not feeling my current roster already. Open to any trades of any kind, granted it doesn't help when my supposed top 2 players Holliday and Longoria are both out.

TONGO 04-06-11 11:36 PM

Ok need y'alls opinion. I was offered Tim Linecum for Mark Texiera. Should I? I am weak on pitching but Tex is a strong hitter.

* Edit in - Internet reserarch says I was right not taking Linecum, and giving up Texiera. Do you all agree?

rauldc14 04-07-11 12:55 AM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
if anybody wants Longoria, I'm willing to deal him. Granted he's out for 3 weeks-ish , but he should still put up Grady Sizemore like numbers or better.

TONGO 04-07-11 01:55 AM

Hey I know Evan Longoria! Ill give you Pedro Alvarez for him. Sent the offer.

Sedai 04-07-11 10:19 AM

Originally Posted by TONGO (Post 721899)
Ok need y'alls opinion. I was offered Tim Linecum for Mark Texiera. Should I? I am weak on pitching but Tex is a strong hitter.

* Edit in - Internet reserarch says I was right not taking Linecum, and giving up Texiera. Do you all agree?
No - Lincecum is a MONSTER - he struck out 13 last night. Texiera is a strong hitter, but he's been super slumpy since he went to the Yanks. I should know, I have had him each year up until now...If you are weak in pitching and had a chance for Tim... Then again I guess it depends on what your power looks like overall.

TONGO 04-07-11 11:19 AM

^^^^^^^^^ Thanks again Seds!

Ok heres the 2 trade offers I have out...

Im offering Pedro Alvares to rauldc for Even Longoria.

Im offering Texeira to Adam for Linecum. Hopefully Ill get a bite. :)

Yoda 04-07-11 11:22 AM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
I think Texiera for Lincecum is close; it's one of those deals I would make almost entirely depending on my needs.

Sedai 04-07-11 11:25 AM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
Yeah, I think the Longoria trade sort of determines the need for Mark or Tim... If you score Longoria, losing Texiera makes more sense, especially if your pitching is weak right now.

DexterRiley 04-07-11 06:05 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
longoria is worth more than alvarez, tex and linocum, is fair.

rauldc14 04-07-11 08:28 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
that trade is a fricken joke. Longoria is out 3-4 weeks tops. There are 25+ weeks in fantasy baseball, and Longoria was an all around 1st round pick this year. And you offer me some guy that got drafted mid-round. Granted I didn't expect a huge player back, but two half way decent players would have seemed a bit more fair.

TONGO 04-07-11 09:28 PM

Sorry Dustin and no Im not trying to get one over on you. Fantasy baseball, and current MLB rosters altogether is a learning process for me. Lets haggle! :) Who do you want for Longoria?

Glad I got Linecum, and I was Yankee heavy anyway so I wont miss Tex.

rauldc14 04-07-11 11:06 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
I've thrown down a few trades in an attempt to get Infante or some pitching help. We'll see how those go.

mark f 04-07-11 11:22 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
I can't believe there is so much trading frenzy during the first week. This year could get really crazy. :cool:

TONGO 04-07-11 11:52 PM

Originally Posted by mark f (Post 722046)
I can't believe there is so much trading frenzy during the first week. This year could get really crazy. :cool:
LOL! Compared to the first week after the fantasy football draft these are mild times.

Cmon raul/Dustin who would you want for Longoria?

Edit in - No I cant give you DeAngelo Williams & Andre Johnson. Well unless they have to start playing baseball that is.... :)

TONGO 04-08-11 12:19 AM

Allright Dustin ....

Ill give you Andrew McCutchen, and Wandy Rodriguez for Evan Longoria. Offer is sent

rauldc14 04-10-11 05:26 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
I've been trying to throw a few trades out in either landing a good infielder or a pitcher. If anybody has any interest in a trade let me know.

Powdered Water 04-10-11 11:43 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
I liked your deal Dustin, I'm just not going to make any deals for several weeks until I have a better feeling of what my main guys are gonna do.

rauldc14 04-10-11 11:48 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
Fair enough. I feel the same way though I am frustrated with the early injuries I've had so it's made me a little antsy. It's a long season though.

Powdered Water 04-11-11 12:25 AM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
There's still quite a few good players available on the waiver wire, many of whom will really become known in the next few weeks.

rauldc14 04-11-11 12:27 AM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
Really? i'm honestly struggling with options in FA, especially infielders

Yoda 04-11-11 10:34 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
Ugh. I trade for Zimmerman and Drew. Drew misses the first handful of games, then finally comes back, and then Zimmerman hits the DL. :facepalm:

rauldc14 04-11-11 10:47 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
I threw in the towel on waiting for Matusz. Here's hoping he's out even longer lol.

TONGO 04-15-11 01:00 PM

Im curious.....what was the first trade ever done in any of our fantasy leagues? I know it had to have been the fantasy football league, and I believe it wasnt till the 2nd season. Was it an LT/Yoda trade or one of mine?

Yoda 04-15-11 01:14 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
I think you're right; I'm pretty sure it was Willie Parker for Santana Moss.

DexterRiley 04-15-11 06:11 PM

Originally Posted by TONGO (Post 722894)
Im curious.....what was the first trade ever done in any of our fantasy leagues? I know it had to have been the fantasy football league, and I believe it wasnt till the 2nd season. Was it an LT/Yoda trade or one of mine?
the caddy trade came together pretty quick.

Sedai 04-15-11 07:34 PM

Originally Posted by Powdered Water (Post 722374)
There's still quite a few good players available on the waiver wire, many of whom will really become known in the next few weeks.


I know platoons are something folks like to avoid in FBB, but if by the end of April, you will see some of those platoons vanishing as one player emerges as the clear go-to guy. Take a flier on some infield back-up and you could end up with a real gem in the rough.

I am putting some chips down on Branyan as my off-day sub...

Branyan got the start at first base Wednesday and went 2-for-4 with a home run, two RBI and two runs scored.

Recommendation: "The Muscle" has succeeded in carrying his hot spring over to the regular season with a .421 batting average. He is completely outplaying platoon-mate Juan Miranda and at some point will force manager Kirk Gibson to give him more playing time. He is clearly earning it right now.

TONGO 04-16-11 12:56 PM

Hey Dexter!

Derek Jeter for David Price.


rauldc14 04-17-11 09:23 PM

Hey Yoda, just as an FYI, I threw out an offer for ya. S. Drew and Weaver for Rasmus and Prado. On paper, a really fair trade, but I don't know what you are looking for.

TONGO 04-21-11 01:11 AM

Anybody need a good short stop? Well I got a player for you! :)

Oh yeah baby this is for real! One of the best baseball players ever in our generation is available on the trading block! :yup: Listen to this legends accomplishments...

Derek Sanderson Jeter (Mr. November or Captain Clutch)
Position: Shortstop
Bats: Right, Throws: Right
Height: 6' 3", Weight: 195 lb. Born : June 26, 1974 in Pequannock, NJ (Age 36)
High School: Central (Kalamazoo, MI)
Drafted by the New York Yankees in the 1st round (6th pick) of the 1992 amateur draft

1996 Rookie Of The Year

5 World Series Championship rings

In 2000, Jeter became the only player in history to win both the All-Star Game MVP Award and the World Series MVP Award in the same year.

Selected as an All-Star 11 times

Won the Silver Slugger Award 4 times

Won the Golden Glove Award on 5 occasions

He has been among the American League (AL) leaders in hits and runs scored for the past ten years.

He is the all-time Yankees hit leader, having passed Hall Of Fame member Lou Gehrig in 2009.

:D So lets talk some turkey! ;)

Dexter hes yours if you want to give up Price, Ill throw in Wandy Rodriguez.

and rauldcDustin Ill give him and Wandy for Evan Longoria. First come first served.

TONGO 04-21-11 09:26 PM

-sound of night crickets-

LOL! Ok then. :)

DexterRiley 04-22-11 06:54 PM

Originally Posted by TONGO (Post 723007)
Hey Dexter!

Derek Jeter for David Price.


er no.

also im back.

TONGO 04-22-11 08:13 PM

A tear has just gone down the cheeks of Derek Jeter & Wandy Rodriguez, and they dont know why.

Welcome back ;)

rauldc14 04-22-11 08:53 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
Unless Haren is involved, Longoria probably isn't going anywhere. I didn't draft him in the 1st for nothing, after all.

DexterRiley 04-22-11 09:11 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
Rauld i sent an offer loaded with pitching help for you in a package deal for Longo.

CC Sabathia and David Price certainly are worth your consideration.

rauldc14 04-22-11 09:19 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
Swap out Han Ram for Twins pitcher and I'll throw in Ibanez and its a deal. AKA Your 1st, 3rd, and 4th for my 1st 2nd and 9th

DexterRiley 04-23-11 04:17 AM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
I was born at night but not last night.

gl getten a deal.

Yoda 04-23-11 12:50 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
I was born during the day.

I dunno if that gives anyone any insight into my trading habits, but I just thought I'd mention it.

TONGO 04-23-11 01:35 PM

Btw Yoda who, or who all, do you want for Pujols?

Now feel the Tex for Linecum trade worked great for me. Doubt Id be tied with Seds right now if I didnt have Tim. Oh and hes pitching tonight yknow :) Havent been paying attn to his play but hope Adams equally as happy with Texiera.

Yoda 04-23-11 02:57 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
Hard to say. I'm definitely willing to move Pujols but ideally any deal would bring an above average 1B replacement along with shoring up some other positions, and with Texiera gone that 1B replacement is Gabby Sanchez, who's so-so. That dropoff is crazy steep, so it'd mean a huge return somewhere else. Normally I'd say a decent chunk of that would be bridged by McCutchen, but he's off to a slow start, so it's a tough call.

I'll ponder things a bit. If you think of anything specific just shoot me a PM, too.

rauldc14 04-24-11 10:32 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
As far as people I'd be willing to trade as of this moment, I think I've got outfielders to spare, and I wouldn't mind toying with the idea of trading Prado, though I think overall he should be in for a good year.

DexterRiley 04-25-11 01:32 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
Alrighty Zeppelins, i understand you need some pitching. Pitching i have. What i need is bats.

im a believer in go big or go home.

on your roster i'm liken Posey and Votto.

Am willing to part with CC Sabathia, David Price and Shaun Marcum

what say you?

Sedai 04-25-11 02:40 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
Surprisingly, I did OK in pitching, but I somehow managed to bench my starting 2B, even though I never actually meant to. If I had left him in, I would have taken two more power categories for the win. Oops! Not sure how I made the mistake, but it comes from having multiple guys with multi-eligibility, methinks. I meant to move a guy to the 3B slot, but he had 2B eligibility too, and I slotted him into the wrong slot and that left my 2B on the bench. :( Of course, Weeks homered....

mack 04-25-11 11:33 PM

Originally Posted by DexterRiley (Post 724314)
Alrighty Zeppelins, i understand you need some pitching. Pitching i have. What i need is bats.

im a believer in go big or go home.

on your roster i'm liken Posey and Votto.

Am willing to part with CC Sabathia, David Price and Shaun Marcum

what say you?

sorry buddy, no can do. Im in love with Votto at the mo, and Buster has given me no reason to can him. Cant decimate my batting just for a lil pitching!

DexterRiley 04-26-11 12:03 PM

Originally Posted by Sedai (Post 719476)
Oh, as I said before, I thought the trade was fair. Other people seem to think it isn't so fair, but not enough to counter it with a veto, which is fine.

im starting to think it wasnt fair.

I wuz robbed.


Sedai 04-26-11 12:05 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
Oh sure...and yet Carpenter has yet to slot a win this season! Not his fault, sure, but still! :D

My opinion is that neither player did enough to our respective teams to really make a difference either way.

rauldc14 04-26-11 12:44 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
Willing to trade Prado and Rasmus for a big pitcher. Any takers?

TONGO 04-26-11 01:04 PM

Nice offer Yoda but right now Im all set on pitching (I think). David Price is the exception but no Im not giving up CarGon even in a slump Dex.

Yoda 04-26-11 01:07 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
No sweat, let me know if you change your mind; I've got more arms than the friggin' Soviet Union.

TONGO 04-26-11 01:13 PM

Well here goes another epic one hopefully. I just love blue chip trades :)

rauldc14 Ill give you Carlos Gonzalez & Wandy Rodriguez for Evan Longoria. Offer is sent.

DexterRiley 04-26-11 04:11 PM

Originally Posted by Sedai (Post 724472)
Oh sure...and yet Carpenter has yet to slot a win this season! Not his fault, sure, but still! :D

My opinion is that neither player did enough to our respective teams to really make a difference either way.
Carpenter is bringen the K's and the era

plus i think he may be outhitten Soo as well.


Sedai 04-26-11 04:12 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
Haha. That rocks, Dex. I think you may be right!

DexterRiley 04-26-11 04:12 PM

Originally Posted by TONGO (Post 724482)
Nice offer Yoda but right now Im all set on pitching (I think). David Price is the exception but no Im not giving up CarGon even in a slump Dex.
Originally Posted by TONGO (Post 724484)
Well here goes another epic one hopefully. I just love blue chip trades :)

rauldc14 Ill give you Carlos Gonzalez & Wandy Rodriguez for Evan Longoria. Offer is sent.

DexterRiley 04-26-11 04:19 PM

Originally Posted by rauldc14 (Post 724478)
Willing to trade Prado and Rasmus for a big pitcher. Any takers?
im not interested in Prado. bu will send Marcum for Rasmus.

offer sent

rauldc14 04-26-11 05:22 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
I'm not interested in Marcum, and with the Logo deal, I have no need for CarGon

rauldc14 05-03-11 11:15 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
If your looking for an outfielder or 2, I am willing to trade any of mine. Holliday, Soriano, Rasmus, Prado, Infante, Fuld, or Heyward. Lots of depth for me there.

TONGO 05-05-11 01:50 AM

Yoda Ill give you Carlos Gonzalez, Jose Tabata, and Gaby Sanchez for Albert Pujols.

The offers sent.

TONGO 05-05-11 10:37 AM

Ah well it was worth a try.

To make it official me and Yoda made a deal - BJ Upton & Lilly for McCutchen. Done!

DexterRiley 05-05-11 10:49 AM

Originally Posted by rauldc14 (Post 725938)
If your looking for an outfielder or 2, I am willing to trade any of mine. Holliday, Soriano, Rasmus, Prado, Infante, Fuld, or Heyward. Lots of depth for me there.
what are you looking for regarding a trade for Holliday?

rauldc14 05-05-11 11:10 AM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
Legitimately, I'd be looking for a 1B,2B,SS or an absolute stand out pitcher.

Yoda 05-05-11 11:17 AM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
Originally Posted by TONGO (Post 726290)
Ah well it was worth a try.

To make it official me and Yoda made a deal - BJ Upton & Lilly for McCutchen. Done!
Man, I hope Cutch turns it around. When he started slow I wasn't really worried; I still assume the average will come back, though it's looking less and less like he'll crank 25+ homers and might have to settle for something in the teens again. He's also getting caught stealing almost as much as he's succeeding, which is just as worrisome.

But as I said to Tongs, my pitching's in great shape and my offense is in injury-related shambles, so any high-risk, high-reward gambles I can take on hitters, I have to go with.

G'luck with both guys. Upton should steal a bunch of bases for you, score a fair number of runs, and even give you decent power. Lilly should probably improve and be his old steady self; he's bounced back and forth so far, for whatever reason, but his track record is pretty impeccable on decent-ness.

DexterRiley 05-05-11 11:19 AM

Originally Posted by rauldc14 (Post 726296)
Legitimately, I'd be looking for a 1B,2B,SS or an absolute stand out pitcher.
would Trevor Cahill qualify?

5-0 38 K 1.79 era 1.12 WHIP

DexterRiley 05-05-11 01:55 PM

Originally Posted by rauldc14 (Post 725938)
If your looking for an outfielder or 2, I am willing to trade any of mine. Holliday, Soriano, Rasmus, Prado, Infante, Fuld, or Heyward. Lots of depth for me there.
Originally Posted by DexterRiley (Post 726292)
what are you looking for regarding a trade for Holliday?
Originally Posted by rauldc14 (Post 726296)
Legitimately, I'd be looking for a 1B,2B,SS or an absolute stand out pitcher.
Originally Posted by DexterRiley (Post 726299)
would Trevor Cahill qualify?

5-0 38 K 1.79 era 1.12 WHIP

Offer rejected. ok. if Cahill doesn't qualify for Outstanding, who does?

rauldc14 05-05-11 11:58 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
Cahill does qualify, but he was a 10th round pick and Holliday was 2nd round. It's too early to discredit the rounds people were taken in. Now Cahill and Capps for Holliday on the other hand....

TONGO 05-06-11 12:48 AM

While researching a trade offer I found an oddity. Tim Linecums listed O-Rank was 23 and his actual rank is the same number at 23. LOL! Yahoo can be right for once.

DexterRiley 05-06-11 08:39 AM

Originally Posted by rauldc14 (Post 726476)
Cahill does qualify, but he was a 10th round pick and Holliday was 2nd round. It's too early to discredit the rounds people were taken in. Now Cahill and Capps for Holliday on the other hand....
Really, you are giveing credence to the draft rounds?

Cahill played for the A's and wasnt well known.

I would have offered CC Sabathia, but i feel as though Cahill is the best pitcher on my staff. Not to mention is the 5th best pitcher this season. as it happens, Holliday is the 5th best OF.

And no, I'm not throwing in a #1 closer.

TONGO 05-08-11 10:47 PM

Dustin/rauldc14/Dynamic Dynamite Ive contacted you a bazillion times to see if you would like BJ Upton & Drew Stubbs for Longo. Would you please respond.

Yoda 05-08-11 10:51 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
I'm gonna dogpile and rudely chime in to say that I, too, have had a tad bit of trouble getting Dustin's attention on trade matters from time to time. ;D Stop paying attention to important offline things, or whatever! This is PRETEND baseball on the INTERNET! It must be your first priority, obviously.

rauldc14 05-08-11 10:56 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Baseball '11 - The Trade Thread
Sorry about the delays, I've had a busy weekend lol. But I'll try my best to keep up on it. Tongo, you should have gotten a message from me.

TONGO 05-08-11 11:03 PM

I havent gotten a message (yet) but seriously thank you Dustin for whatever response nonetheless.

TONGO 05-10-11 01:54 AM

Pedro Alvarez & Jose Tabata are on the block!

Yeah they both suck real bad right now, but nows the time to buy! :D You must ask yourself Mr Customer - Do you believe these 2 ballplayers will never recover this season, and never to play good baseball again?! Oh think how you will brag in how dumb ol Tongo traded out of spazzy frustration again, and your roster thrives because of it. This is where you go from boy to man, sieze the untapped power from my roster, and learn me on the ways of good fantasy baseball!

Open to offers, but hoping for a 2nd or 3rd baseman and a steady relief pitcher.

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