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GodsOtherMonkey 10-09-09 07:35 PM

Prometheus - Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien


Ridley Scott returns to science fiction after more than 25 years and rescues Alien.
It’s been a couple of years since he first mentioned he had “a new science fiction script” in the works. Looks like this is it.

The prequel to Alien may indeed be concerned with the alien ship designed by Giger and the “Space Jockey” species of aliens. This means that there may be no human characters in this film. Wow.

How he will achieve this will be most interesting. Scott loves to bring the element of reality to his films; this is why Alien and Blade Runner were so visceral. Achieving realism in this new story setting will be a real challenge, but there is none better to take it on.

I have no doubt it will be beautifully shot.

“… what do you think about Alien Vs. Predator?” – reporter
“I have a good relationship with Fox, so … (grins) I think they know what I think” – Ridley Scott

"In space, no one can hear you scream."

TheMastermind 10-09-09 08:09 PM

This is exciting! :D Now I jizzed in my pants :rotfl:

jrs 10-09-09 08:45 PM

I could have sworn I made a seperate thread, but I couldn't find it. Anyways....

Originally Posted by Jrs Sequel Buzz Thread

Ridley Scott Alien prequel has official title and first teaser posters?

Be mindful of the questionmark...

Den of Geek received these and were advised that they are 'week 42' teasers for the Ridley Scott Alien prequel scheduled for 2011. The prequel story to the 1979 blockbuster has been touted around the net as Alien: Origins and Alien Origins, but the latter seems to have won out if you can believe these.

Note that one of the alleged teasers employs both the headline fonts used in the original movie and in James Cameron's 1986 sequel Aliens.

It was a sparse communication, so take it with a pinch of salt - could be the backdrop to a current round of Fox meetings or just a bit of fan-art...

Source: Den of Geek
Other related posts:

It's Official - Ridley Scott is Directing the Alien Prequel!

honeykid 10-09-09 08:46 PM

Originally Posted by TheMastermind (Post 573316)
This is exciting! :D Now I jizzed in my pants :rotfl:
In space, no one can hear you cream? :D

GodsOtherMonkey 10-09-09 09:35 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
Ridley often likes to change the name of his movie right before it is released. This movie has no title, although it may have a working title.

Also, there is no way on Earth that Ridley Scott approved these posters. I don’t know if they are Fox official or what, but Sir Ridley’s eye did not okay these. No way.

jrs 10-09-09 09:53 PM

Originally Posted by GodsOtherMonkey (Post 573333)
Ridley often likes to change the name of his movie right before it is released. This movie has no title, although it may have a working title.
Also, there is no way on Earth that Ridley Scott approved these posters. I don’t know if they are Fox official or what, but Sir Ridley’s eye did not okay these. No way.
Yes. That's why I placed it has "Untitled Alien Prequel" in my list months ago. And that's why these posters are referred to as "week 42" posters. Alleged pre- production artwork.

7thson 10-10-09 01:18 AM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
Those "posters" remind me of Tommyknockers, heh, Ridley will wastem em away.

Lennon 10-10-09 01:20 AM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
Seriously? They just reminded me of crap...

michaelcorleone 10-10-09 03:58 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
What are the sources for this? I don't know if I believe this.

jrs 10-10-09 04:39 PM

Originally Posted by michaelcorleone (Post 573493)
What are the sources for this? I don't know if I believe this.
I can make a list for you if you like, but here's my source I used for my thread when the news broke out 4 months ago.

honeykid 10-10-09 06:04 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
And I posted the rumours of an Alien prequel before that. It's all above board.

GodsOtherMonkey 10-10-09 06:42 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien

Here is the source.

Whether or not you believe Variety is your prerogative, but they have been reporting industry news for many decades.

PS I would like this to be an ongoing discussion thread on the films production. I will post what I find out as the film is made. I will have my eye on this one.

"of course the word gets out ... nothing is a secret in Hollywood, so of course the word gets around" - Ridley Scott (not said about the prequel, but it applies).

TheMastermind 10-10-09 06:49 PM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 573324)
In space, no one can hear you cream? :D
:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:great sense of humor man! Incredible what people can come up with hehe

GodsOtherMonkey 10-10-09 07:35 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
The Art Of Alien

The artists who started it and some who might work on the new one.

As some of you most likely know, this story originated with Dan O'Bannon, a writer/actor/fx engineer. He hooked with Ronald Shusett (Total Recall Exec.P) and together they pitched it to Fox. Walter Hill and David Giler took over (as Producers) from there.

Dan O’Bannon, Ron Shusett, and H.R. Giger all worked on the design of the “Face Hugger” alien. Giger, of course, was the sculptor.

As I am sure everyone knows, Giger’s design for the alien was based on previous work released just a couple of years prior to Alien in one of his Necronomicon works. He went on to design the “Space Jockey”, the eggs, and the production design for the “Space Jockey” ship.

Ron Cobb did much of the “human” ship design.

Roger Christian designed interiors for the Nostromo.

Leslie Dilley worked on planet design (and later did design work for Legend).

Master model makers Brian Johnson and Martin Bower oversaw "space scene" FXs.

Syd Mead did not work on Alien but did work on Blade Runner and later worked on Aliens. (Syd Mead designed the incredibly realistic spacecraft used in Mission To Mars).

The most important designer for a prequel would then be Giger, as he is the artist of the Space Jockey and the “alien” species. Giger also did design work for Alien 3 (in my opinion a better film than either Aliens or Alien 4, which was total crap). I would expect him to be very much a part of a prequel.

Additionally, Wesley Sewell has worked with Scott many times with CG.
“… what we wanted to do is take the existing technologies and refine them and push them into to a place where they are invisible” – Wesley Sewell (on Kingdom Of Heaven).
Richard Stammers is doing visuals (supervisor) for Robin Hood.

fadijan 10-19-09 02:53 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
sorry guys
but with out ripley (of course only Sigourney Weaver can do this role) the movie will be doooooooomed

Sedai 10-19-09 03:22 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
So a movie about a time period before Ripley came into the picture is doomed without Ripley?

Yeah, right.

Ok so, using the above axiom for film quality, Alien Resurrection is a good film? That had multiple Ripleys, and it seemed pretty doomed to me...

I have always been interesting in the mysterious, giant alien race that we only catch glimpses of in the original Alien. I would be interested in seeing a film that covered the events leading up to the scuttling of the alien ship on LV-426.

GodsOtherMonkey 10-19-09 11:04 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
Alien Resurrection was horrible. eehh gads, horrible.

Scotts got so much stuff lined up he can't possibly do it all. Not in two years (something like five movies on his plate). We'll be lucky if he puts out three movies in the next three years.

Who knows if this will ever get made or if it will die in the developement phase.

honeykid 10-20-09 12:16 AM

Originally Posted by Sedai (Post 575836)
So a movie about a time period before Ripley came into the picture is doomed without Ripley?

Yeah, right.

Ok so, using the above axiom for film quality, Alien Resurrection is a good film? That had multiple Ripleys, and it seemed pretty doomed to me...
True, but it also had Winona Ryder and, therefore, was better than the first two. :randy: Though I have to admit I liked the third one best.

Hattori_Hanzo 10-20-09 04:47 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
I agree, as a hardcore alien fanboy, getting into the backstory of what put that ship there and what actually happened would be awesome.

I can't make many apoligies for Resurrection, but 1-3 I did enjoy (definitely the first 2 moreso) so I'm down with anything that's associated with this lore. Don't mind that Ripley's not there considering the story's got nothing to do with her. The return of Scott is a great sign and one that gives me a ton of confidence.

jrs 10-29-09 06:31 PM

Ridley Scott Describes Alien Prequel

Empire was talking with director Ridley Scott recently about his return to Alien, the sci-fi plus horror film that first catapulted him to fame. Earlier this year, the news broke that Scott would be coming back for a prequel chapter to Alien, which would be set long before the mess-yourself-terror of the 1979 original.

Ever since that news was confirmed, Alien fans have all been wondering what “Sir Ridley” had in mind for the prequel. Thanks to Empire, we now have at least some idea of what we can expect.

Said Scott:

“It’s a brand new box of tricks…We know what the road map is, and the screenplay is now being put on paper. The prequel will be a while ago. It’s very difficult to put a year on Alien, but [for example] if Alien was towards the end of this century, then the prequel story will take place thirty years prior.”

“I never thought I’d look forward to a sequel…But a prequel is kind of interesting. I’m looking forward to doing that.”
Many people have also been wondering if this prequel was going to explain the mysterious scene in the original Alien where the crew members found a non-human pilot crash landed on planet LV-426 with his chest burst out. According to Scott, the prequel will have a “human focus,” though what that means exactly is anyone’s guess at this point.
Ian Holm's Ash set the stage for an Alien Prequel

In Alien, Ash (the android character played by Ian Holm), was missioned by the Mega-corporation Weyland-Yutani to bring the alien back alive. It was (semi) explained in the film that the corporation had made prior (unsuccessful) attempts to capture the alien; between that reference, and the logical deduction that a human exploration party must’ve made first contact with the aliens at some point for the mega corp to even know of their existence, let’s just say there is a lot of fertile ground on which to build this prequel.

Last word we heard, Ridley Scott (at the insistance of 2oth Century Fox) will be back to helm the film, working off a screenplay by Jon Spaihts. I feel confident in saying that there are a LOT of us out here eagerly anticipating seeing this particular prequel.

No word on when Alien 0 will be terrifying us in theaters. As stated by Scott, it’s currently in development.

Source: Screenrant

Sarah820w 10-29-09 07:40 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
I hope they get this one right. great idea to go back to the beginning though then end it...

ballstouweboll24 10-29-09 08:32 PM

I'm not sure what to think of this. Im a big fan of the Alien movies (except Resurrection) and I think after the damage the AvP movies have done to the franchise then this kind of movie desperately needs to be good and not just another half arsed money making cop out

iamjacksmovies 10-31-09 01:30 AM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
I just read about this today on aintitcool, and I can't wait! The original Alien is still my favorite, although Aliens was great too.

sharkfan 11-02-09 11:18 PM

Originally Posted by ballstouweboll24 (Post 578423)
I'm not sure what to think of this. Im a big fan of the Alien movies (except Resurrection) and I think after the damage the AvP movies have done to the franchise then this kind of movie desperately needs to be good and not just another half arsed money making cop out
What are some of the general complaints about the second AvP film? The first one had potential overall but essentially had good parts only; the second one, I thought, was not bad but had its faults.

Sexy Celebrity 11-03-09 01:08 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
I know it's a joke, but the title Alien 0 is wrong for a prequel.

It should be called Alien -1

GodsOtherMonkey 11-07-09 05:29 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
Spacejockey vs. Face Hugger: Episode 1

jrs 04-23-10 04:34 PM

Ridley Scott On The "Alien" Prequel

Director Ridley Scott ("Gladiator," "Robin Hood") tells MTV News that after years of talking about it, script work on the "Alien" prequel is well underway with a fourth draft currently sitting on his desk.

"It's a work in progress, but we're not dreaming it up anymore. We know what the story is. We're now actually trying to improve the three acts and make the characters better, build it up to something [we can shoot]. It's a work in progress, but we're actually making the film. There's no question about it, we're going to make the film... Now it's a matter of, how good can I get the screenplay in the next few weeks so I can get a good ballpark figure of what it will cost. I've already got people working graphically on designs" says Scott.
Surprisingly Scott was more forthcoming than expected about the story which will be set in 2085, 30 years before Ellen Ripley is born, but will have a female lead. Of the story Scott says he's finally going to solve the mystery of a key scene in the 1979 original.

"It's fundamentally about going out to find out 'Who the hell was that Space Jockey?' The guy who was sitting in the chair in the alien vehicle - there was a giant fellow sitting in a seat on what looked to be either a piece of technology or an astronomer's chair... I'm basically explaining who that Space Jockey — we call him the Space Jockey — I'm explaining who the space jockeys were." says Scott.
For those who don't remember or have never seen Scott's original, the story followed the human crew of the starship Nostromo touching down on the unexplored planet LV-426 to investigate a signal. They come upon a crashed spacecraft containing the fossilised remains of the pilot (the Space Jockey) and a vast cargo hold full of alien eggs. Despite being from an obviously different alien species to the titular xenomorphs, the Space Jockey's origins are never explored or really talked about onscreen outside of that scene.

Scott adds the film's 'company' won't be the Weyland-Yutani company yet - just Weyland. Also the story will deal with their early attempts at terraforming planets.

Scott says that he'll likely have to redesign the creatures
"I think, therefore, I have to design - or redesign - earlier versions of what these elements are that led to the thing you finally see in "Alien," which is the thing that catapults out of the egg, the face-hugger. I don't want to repeat it. The alien in a sense, as a shape, is worn out."
Release date wise, Scott says "we're hoping to have it in theaters in late 2011, or maybe the best date in 2012."

Source: Dark Horizons

n3wt 04-23-10 05:30 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
Im hyped for this :D

jrs 04-24-10 05:09 PM

Ridley Scott Confirms Two 3D Untitled Alien Prequel Films

Early this week, Ridley Scott revealed some important details about his upcoming Untitled Alien Prequel, which you can read here. Now, with the director out promoting his latest adventure Robin Hood, more information has surfaced in regards to the film. Scott confirmed to Collider what art director Roger Christian told us back in March: The Untitled Alien Prequel will be shot in 3D. Not only that, the director has not one, but two prequels planned in continuing on with this long running 20th Century Fox franchise. This is what the director had to say about the 3D:

"Of course, it'll be 3D. I could have converted Robin Hood. They'd said last October, I could have squeezed it under the hammer and got it in as a 3D version of Robin Hood."
About the number of new Alien Prequel films he has planned, Ridley Scott replied:

"It'll be two. It'll be prequel one and two. Then Alien 1. At the moment I'm just trying to get the first one out."
To read more from this interview, be sure to check out the entire story on Collider.

Untitled Alien Prequel
is in development . The film is directed by Ridley Scott.

Source: Movieweb

SoulInside 04-25-10 11:06 AM

I would bet, that Weyland has created the aliens by accident. It`s always something like this.

sharkfan 04-26-10 07:09 PM

Originally Posted by SoulInside (Post 616129)
I would bet, that Weyland has created the aliens by accident. It`s always something like this.
Are the alien and predator stories/timelines treated as the same or separate? Because this idea would counter the alien's existence before this point, correct?

Kaiser Soze 04-27-10 06:49 AM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
i want to know whats with the 'space jockey' and i cant wait, its gonna be awesome as it sounds like Ridley Scotts excited to do it and there is a sence of freedom as its a prequel and i hope H.R Giger is involved as he stuff is weard (you just need to look at some of his stuff)

Cenydd Ros 06-05-10 03:56 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
Sir Ridley says the Alien prequel will be filmed in 3D and use more advanced cameras than Jim used on Avatar.

Also, Sir Ridley says he would like to do two sequels.
Fourth draft of script is complete, but more rewrites will occur. Most likely even through filming, as Captain Redbeard likes to make it up on the set. :)

Sounds like lots of fun!

jrs 06-15-10 03:22 PM

Ridley Scott Talks ‘Alien’ Prequel Details

Esteemed filmmaker Ridley Scott spoke to attendees at this year’s Hero Complex Film Festival in Los Angeles about a variety of subjects – most importantly, his upcoming 3D Alien prequels.

It was previously reported that there would be two 3D prequels to Alien and that the focus of the films would be on “The Space Jockey” seen briefly in the 1979 sci-fi/horror classic. Scott confirmed this early report and expressed astonishment that the character’s backstory had not yet been explored on film before now, since its appearance was so memorable.

Scott went on to reveal that Jon Spaihts (The Darkest Hour) had written a screenplay for the first film and that pre-production had begun on both projects. He added that both prequels would take place LONG before the events of Alien (he previously stated that it was set 30 years earlier, which may still be the case), so that they could encompass a good deal of history about “The Space Jockey” and its deadly encounter with the Aliens.

Will the history of “The Space Jockey” be similar to Mark Verheiden’s comics in the ’90s – which portrayed them as deadly warriors who were prepped to destroy humanity once they had defeated the Aliens? Or will the film treat them as something else entirely? Scott was mum on the matter but did mention that once moviegoers learned about the creature’s encounter with the iconic acid-bleeding monsters, they would be intrigued to learn just why it (he?) was on the Alien planet in the first place.

Scott also dove into some more general details, mentioning how he had already done a good deal of underwater research for the films. He rounded out the Alien prequels talk with the news that the films would indeed address some of the practicalities of outer space colonization, including the issues of terra forming, the nature of light speed, and humanity’s ability to actually leave Earth.

The first Alien prequel will likely arrive in regular and 3D theaters in the U.S. by late 2011, with the second film following in 2012.

Source: Screenrant

SundaeBest 06-15-10 10:31 PM

Originally Posted by Sedai (Post 575836)
So a movie about a time period before Ripley came into the picture is doomed without Ripley?

Yeah, right.

Ok so, using the above axiom for film quality, Alien Resurrection is a good film? That had multiple Ripleys, and it seemed pretty doomed to me...

I have always been interesting in the mysterious, giant alien race that we only catch glimpses of in the original Alien. I would be interested in seeing a film that covered the events leading up to the scuttling of the alien ship on LV-426.
First off, I agree that the film is not doomed, due to the absence of Ripley.

</br> However, I would like to know what made Alien Resurrection, so "bad" in your eyes. I feel, all to often, people jump on the "sequels are bad" bandwagon because it's the "cool" thing to do. I'm not saying it was great, nor that it is my favorite film (of the trilogy). In fact, I last saw the trilogy, my junior year in college, when I purchased the box set; so it was nearly 5 years ago. I don't remember watching the movie and being as memorized as I was when I was a little boy and saw the original for the first time, but I certainly don't remember watching Alien Resurrection, and thinking to myself, &quot;this is crap&quot;.

SundaeBest 06-15-10 10:46 PM

Originally Posted by sharkfan (Post 579374)
What are some of the general complaints about the second AvP film? The first one had potential overall but essentially had good parts only; the second one, I thought, was not bad but had its faults.

I agree that the first movie looked like it actually had potential, unfortunately it never developed into a good movie.

For the second one, I just lowered my expectations; if you take it for what it is, "just a gore-fest" you can enjoy the movie.

I think it was a smart move moving from PG-13, to Rated R in the second. I absolutely HATE this stupid rating system. SOOOOO many movies in my life-time have been thwarted by the PG13 label, simply because studios want to market to the largest possible audience.

The ONLY promising thing about the AVP series, was the ending to AVP2. In the Alien series, it seems the human race has made a great leap in technology in the first 100+- years of the 21st century, I was hoping they would tie that leap into what humans have learned from the Predator weapon they acquired in the AVP2 ending...unfortunately, it seem they are going a different way in AVP3.

What the AVP franchise needs, is to get away from from PG13 ratings, and a healthy dose of substance + lore. Unfortunately studios only see it as a cash-cow; thankfully it's a rapidly dwindling cash cow.

honeykid 01-16-11 12:23 AM

I hadn't seen this mentioned anywhere around here, so I'll go ahead and post the whole thing.

Scott's 'Alien' prequel becomes 'Prometheus'

Ridley Scott's next movie Prometheus has been confirmed for worldwide release on March 9, 2012, 20th Century Fox has announced.

The project, which was initially conceived as an Alien prequel, will now instead be an "original science fiction epic" scripted by Jon Spaihts and Lost co-creator Damon Lindelof.

Explaining the evolution of the movie, Scott said: "While Alien was indeed the jumping-off point for this project, out of the creative process evolved a new, grand mythology and universe in which this original story takes place.

"The keen fan will recognise strands of Alien's DNA, so to speak, but the ideas tackled in this film are unique, large and provocative. I couldn't be more pleased to have found the singular tale I'd been searching for, and finally return to this genre that's so close to my heart."

Lindelof added that working alongside Scott is "a dream come true".

"In a world flooded with prequels, sequels and reboots, I was incredibly struck by just how original Ridley's vision was for this movie," Lindelof said. "It's daring, visceral and hopefully, the last thing anyone expects."

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo actress Noomi Rapace will lead the cast of Prometheus as scientist Elizabeth Shaw. The rest of the cast are expected to be announced soon. Charlize Theron and Michael Fassbender have recently been rumoured for roles.

Are the Alien fans happier with this or would you rather have a 'straight' Alien prequel? What odds that an Alien prequel goes ahead anyway, now that the idea's been out there a while and accepted?

Gunny 01-16-11 12:49 AM

Can't wait for this. Alien and Aliens were terrific sci-fi films.

MovieMad16 01-16-11 07:48 AM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
as long as its original, i'm signed.

honeykid 01-17-11 10:43 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
Dark Horizons says that Charlize Theron and Angelina Jolie want the 'other' female role, after Noomi Rapace nabbed the role of Elizabeth Shaw.

The Prestige 01-18-11 03:20 PM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 708488)
I hadn't seen this mentioned anywhere around here, so I'll go ahead and post the whole thing.

Scott's 'Alien' prequel becomes 'Prometheus'

Are the Alien fans happier with this or would you rather have a 'straight' Alien prequel? What odds that an Alien prequel goes ahead anyway, now that the idea's been out there a while and accepted?

Much more like it :)

I like the idea of an 'original' tale here. I didn't think that a prequel was necessary and the fact that they will be addressing other themes other than the alien antagonists makes me think that the film has a lot of potential as opposed to being a cash in on a pretty dead franchise while using 'the latest 3D technology ********. This could be very good.

shnooky 01-20-11 06:26 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
Im looking forward to it. I thought the movie Predators was going to tie in with this series some where. Anyone know if its supposed to be a part of the series or just relation given past characters. I meant for both the predator and alien series.

honeykid 07-02-11 03:32 PM

Studio releases details of possible Alien prequel

There has been a lot of online chatter surrounding Ridley Scott's new sci-fi project 'Prometheus' lately, and now the studio behind it has released a short synopsis to add some concrete to the conjecture.

The film was touted as a prequel to Scott's 'Alien', although scriptwriter Damon Lindelof raised questions about how closely 'Prometheus' would be connected to the classic sci-fi when he told chat show host Kevin Pollak:

"[A] true prequel should essentially proceed the events of the original film, but be about something entirely different, feature different characters , have an entirely different theme, although it takes place in that same world. That was my fundamental feeling about what this movie wanted to be."

Since then, ideas have been circling the internet, including one which purported to be based on a leak from someone involved in the project.

But 20th Century Fox were quick to deny the claims and have now released a short synopsis of their own, although it gives very little away. Here's the full statement:

"Visionary filmmaker Ridley Scott returns to the genre he helped define, creating an original science fiction epic set in the most dangerous corners of the universe. The film takes a team of scientists and explorers on a thrilling journey that will test their physical and mental limits and strand them on a distant world, where they will discover the answers to our most profound questions and to life’s ultimate mystery."

Whilst it's not the most detailed synopsis, it should be enough to whet the appetite of fans. Especially since the casting process is gathering momentum too.

Actors linked to the project so far include Noomi Rapace, Charlize Theron, Logan Marshall-Green, Michael Fassbender and Idris Elba. Today Ben Foster was rumoured to have signed up too. But as far as 'Prometheus' is concerned, it seems you never know how much you can trust the rumours.

Michael Edwards

akatemple 07-02-11 09:32 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
looks like Noomi Rapace and Charlize Theron are in.

Monkeypunch 07-02-11 10:28 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
I wanna see this. Ridley Scott is a good director. well except Robin Hood.

Vert 07-18-11 02:09 AM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien

akatemple 08-06-11 05:53 PM

Not sure if this is real or not, see what you think.

MovieMan8877445 08-06-11 06:46 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
That's definitely fake. I saw scenes from Transformers: DotM and AVP: Requiem off the top of my head.

akatemple 08-17-11 02:06 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
Sorry about the fake trailer, but IMDB just posted 1 picture from the movie, it's nothing special but if you wanna see it it's here.

bouncingbrick 08-17-11 02:40 PM

Originally Posted by akatemple (Post 755294)
Sorry about the fake trailer, but IMDB just posted 1 picture from the movie, it's nothing special but if you wanna see it it's here.
Interesting pic. About the trailer, didn't the shot from X-Men clue you in? ;)

I was extremely interested in this film when I thought it was going to be about the space jockey and it was rumored that the film wouldn't have any humans in it at all. That sounds amazing and I'm still waiting for the day where Hollywood makes a big budget film without a human cast or without dialog (Back when the Disney film Dinosaur teaser hit the internet I hoped that film would be dialog free, stupid me).

Once they started casting humans and rumors started that the aliens may be man made genetic creatures I lost complete interest. Count me out unless it hits an 80+ % on Rotten Tomatoes. Then I might reconsider. Might.

Also, Ridley Scott gets a bit of a pass from film geeks, IMO. He's a bit hit or miss, though. Hannibal, Matchstick Men, G.I. Jane, Legend and Body of Lies are almost as bad as his good films are good.

Nausicaä 08-17-11 03:02 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
There is a fan made trailer, not film but it's made up of screen grabs from the actual trailer that got leaked a month or so ago:

akatemple 10-01-11 05:07 PM

Lindelof On Two "Prometheus" Characters

Thursday September 29th 2011
"Lost" producer Damon Lindelof has spoken some more about Charlize Theron and Michael Fassbender's characters in Ridley Scott's upcoming sci-fi epic "Prometheus" and given us some basic breakdowns of each.
He tells MTV that Theron's Meredith Vickers is "sort of a corporate entity… I feel like Charlize brought a new spin on that old variation. It's a remix …. I don't think she's slimy [like Paul Reiser in 'Aliens']. She's not the fast-talking, snake-oil face of the company."
He added one comment that immediately raises questions - "'What company is she a face of?' I think is a big part of the fun. As we were developing the script, she had some really cool ideas that made it not the suit you're used to." Does this mean she's not working for Weyland-Yutani (which to be fair only scored a name in the sequel).
Fassbender meanwhile plays a robot character, though for those worried that's not a spoiler as his artificial nature is made clear up front according to recent reports. It's also a big part of both his character and our perspective on this universe as an audience - "One of the things that evokes the idea of 'Blade Runner' is, 'What does the movie look like from the robot's point of view?' If you were to ask him, 'What do you think about all of this? What's going on? What do you think about these humans who are around you?,' wouldn't it be cool if we found a way for that robot to answer those questions. When you cast a guy like Fassbender, [he's] going to bring a lot more to it."
Lindelof adds that part of the fun, much like the first film, will be the who survives and becomes the 'hero' question - "I think the idea of building a really cool ensemble and again presenting the audience with like, ‘Who’s going to be left standing at the end of this movie? Maybe all of them. Probably not,’ [that's] part of the fun of what we set out to do."

jibsailor75 10-02-11 05:03 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
Could be a fantastic film if they do it (and do it right, of course). The first 2 Alien films were 2 of my favorite movies of all time, but I think they got a little hoky as they continued the series.

akatemple 11-07-11 05:23 PM


"Prometheus" Finale Sets Up "Alien"?

November 7th 2011

In a continuation from his interview with Wall Street Journal’s Speakeasy, filmmaker Ridley Scott has finally said something on the record about how his next feature "Prometheus" and his legendary 1979 sci-fi horror tale "Alien" will mix. As per usual though, it's a little vague.
Scott tells the paper that last eight minutes of Prometheus will become “a pretty good DNA of the Alien one.” 20th Century Fox confirmed to the paper that Sigourney Weaver will NOT be making a cameo of any kind in the film.
Scott loves the practical - "I’m a great believer in filming the real thing if you can and so I did a lot of building the real thing." Yet he's also embraced "all the tricks, the toys" for this film including 3D and computer animation. As a result , he's had "the best time I’ve had in a number of years making a movie."

Nausicaä 11-21-11 08:13 AM

akatemple 11-23-11 12:50 PM

Revealing pics from Ridley Scott’s Prometheus!

Nov 23, 2011

My most anticipated film of 2012 is Ridley Scott’s return to the Alien mythos – Prometheus. Entertainment Weekly has some slick pictures that connect this “prequel” to the 1979 original.
Prometheus hits theaters on June 8, 2012.

EndlessScream 11-24-11 12:26 AM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
what is xerxes doing there?

Nausicaä 11-27-11 01:40 PM

See how long this one lasts before taken down by Fox?

Holden Pike 11-27-11 02:44 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
I've been pretty neutral about Prometheus from the second I heard Ridley was returning to the Alien universe, but I must confess that the use of the Jerry Goldsmith score and cutting the trailer in the same style as the kinda hooked me.

genyav 11-27-11 03:58 PM

will be in Prometheus(prequel) one of main character:) Jones(Jonesy) or another .... ?

genyav 11-29-11 03:09 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
bump! my question..

Pyro Tramp 11-29-11 06:49 PM

Originally Posted by genyav (Post 780507)
bump! my question..
...doesn't make sense

genyav 11-30-11 02:26 AM

Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp (Post 780537)
...doesn't make sense
what make you think that ?

akatemple 11-30-11 11:37 AM

Originally Posted by genyav (Post 780251)
will be in Prometheus(prequel) one of main character:) Jones(Jonesy) or another .... ?
I don't understand what you are asking here.

linespalsy 11-30-11 11:44 AM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
I think he's asking if Jones the cat is going to be in this prequel. Or possibly he's implying that either Jones or another "main" character from the original (the face-hugger perhaps?) will make a triumphant return to the silver screen, and wondering which. There can be only one!

Used Future 11-30-11 11:44 AM

I think Genyav is asking if Jonesy the cat will be in Prometheus, and I'm guessing a big fat no.

Used Future 11-30-11 11:45 AM

Beaten by the faster US server again. :(

genyav 11-30-11 02:09 PM

Originally Posted by linespalsy (Post 780647)
I think he's asking if Jones the cat is going to be in this prequel.
Originally Posted by Used Future (Post 780648)
I think Genyav is asking if Jonesy the cat will be in Prometheus, and I'm guessing a big fat no.
of course i mean this,
and if not a cat, than no pet ?

akatemple 12-19-11 04:45 PM

This sucks, how can they do an Alien movie without Xenomorphs (did not know that's what they were called) but I am sure whatever kind of aliens they have will be bad ass so I'm still looking forward to this.

Xenomorphs “absolutely not” in Prometheus

Dec 19, 2011

It’s been rumored for the longest time that we would be seeing H.R. Giger’s Xenomorphs in Ridley Scott’s Promotheus, which is essentially a prequel to his 1979 classic Alien. Well, Scott has now squashed that rumor in an interview with Filmophilia. “No. Absolutely not. They squeezed it dry. He (the xenomorph) did very well. (He laughs) He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ,” he said about the issue.
Granted Filmophilia’s original question as to see the original alien that Giger designed for the original. However, it’s speculated the film will be the genesis of the alien, and that we can probably expect to see a different design of the creature. One thing is for sure is that Scott has confirmed the inclusion of the mysterious “Space Jokey” creature in the film. It will be interesting to see what Scott will come up with when the film is released next June.

Nausicaä 12-19-11 05:40 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
Don't need the things, you have them in a series of films already! :p

akatemple 12-22-11 03:34 PM

akatemple 12-23-11 03:04 AM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
In the trailer it looks like the ship from Alien, the U shaped one that they find on the planet, I have a bad memory but it looks like the same.

TheUsualSuspect 12-23-11 03:57 AM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
Anyone who doubted this was a prequel can doubt no further. They show the "space jockey" in this trailer.

Looking forward to it.

filmgirlinterrupted 12-23-11 03:59 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
Very reminiscent of "Alien." Looks epic. I'm a huge fan of Fassbender and Elba, icing on the cake :p

The Prestige 12-26-11 05:34 PM

Very very very very very excited for this. Shame it's being shot in 3D, Ridley had an excellent opportunity to go 70mm with this one. I will be seeing it in normal vision, but yeah, very reminiscent of Alien indeed. It looks be Ridley's most aesthetically pleasing film since Gladiator, I mean the set designs look absolutely bold and if the tension build up in the trailer is anything to go by, this should be a very claustrophobic and intense experience.

Heavyweight ****ing cast too. PEARCE, FASSBENDER, ELBA, RAPACE, Theron. This can't disappoint.

akatemple 01-01-12 06:57 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
Ian Whyte is our “God” in Prometheus?

Dec 29, 2011

While Ridley Scott continues to deny Prometheus will be a prequel to his 1979 classic Alien, all evidence (here and here) points to it being just that, a prequel. Well, not only will we see the mysterious “Space Jockey” from the 79 film, a source has told Bloody-Disgusting that Ian Whyte will be portraying one of the via suitmation. They also have heard the Space Jockeys will be referred to as our “Creator” or “God”. Whyte’s character will be referred to as “The Engineer”, but it’s unkown if that will be creature featured briefly in Scott’s Alien.

n3wt 01-02-12 10:39 AM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
I saw the trailer for this the other day and the only word that come to mind was... "WOW" cannot wait for this!!

The Prestige 01-07-12 09:24 PM

Well I WAS hyped for it. Now i'm just semi hyped. Apparently it might turn out to be a 12A. Dunno why a 12A is being called for when the 3D thing will make enough cash flow already. I'm not saying it has to be violent or have bad language to be a good film, but I just hate the idea of restricting stuff for a film that potentially has very few limits. I hope they at least make it a 15 (since 15 is the new 18 these days).

Kidney Killnitt 01-21-12 07:46 PM

Hi to all, this is my first post here. (Im posting what may be deadly spoilers - so be warned)

After watching the trailer which leaves one full of deliberate confusion your presented with a familiar sight. We see a guy moving in that scene, very tall, not human....must be the pilot - a Space Jockey. Yes? Well I think-No!

Why would we be shown the real deal after a minute of random mystery? I think this tall pale guy is in fact one of the human crew long after infection & mutation. Perhaps the one who resists the change and by this effect evolves into or is rewarded by becoming a young engineer instead. He is some how given a explorer ship as his method of learning about himself - seen in the trailer.

But he is horrified by the actions of his peers and their monsters and turns to help the crew. He remote activates a Bio Ship for the crew to use and also effects the Xenos into seeking his peers as a greater food source. The remaining explorers then flee easily as the Xeno ignores them seeking out Engineers.

Explosions of viewed as the Xeno cause chaos in their attempt to feed on any thing Engineer related. Engineers are unable to alter the Xeno instruction as a new "found one of theirs" has created it. They aim to capture this new one but are caught up in the Xeno destruction of their temple - weakening them. All Urns are smashed and exposed to Earths atmosphere - the Genisis of man begins.

One crew member is guided to a Bio ship and meets this new engineer. It introduces itself as the former crew member. The ship moves into space near to the Prometheus. Another crew member now horribly changed has waited until now - wanted to have the power that the young engineer has. It attacks the new engineer and in the fight a cry of "flee" is heard. The new engineer remotely opens a exit portal. We see the survivor flee into space and meet the Prometheus.

Once inside, the survivor goes to the sleep chambers, remotely controlled by the new engineer.

The new engineer then allows itself to be sucked into space with the monster and uses its mind to open to travel portal. The Prometheus is pulled into nothingness. The young engineer now calls his ship and rejoins it leaving the monster trapped in old Earths gravity - the beast burns up. Badly beaten and wounded, the young engineer merges with a Bio Suit to heal and begins plotting a journey to Earths future. It senses death upon Earth now - no engineers in existence. Soon the survivng xeno will perish with no food. Great winds are seen upon Earth with focus given to the BIO FORMER contents flapping around.

It is now realised by the young engineer that his peers where here not to create us. Humanity was created by humanity (stepping into the past)

The young engineer is then seen smiling and looking at a projection of modern day Earth. It then moves the craft to be pulled into nothingness. We see the being look at pollution problems, wars and starving via a projected screen. The being speaks - I shall heal this for humanity.

Somewhere else inside the BIO SHIP a egg is seen - previously laid by the monster. The young being of power falls into sleep and regenerates/heals.

Something is seen scurrying like a rat.

The original Space Jockey was one of us now evolved to god like ability. Caught off guard in its healing and killed.

Thats my idea - bet its all wrong but there you go :)

Kidney Killnitt 01-21-12 08:20 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
Um, this idea for the film came in dreams and also constructive thinking. Previously Ive found myself to be spot on with past movies.

Star Trek Next Gen first Movie: Dreamt of seeing the disc seperate and crash at the end of the story leading to a new beefier star ship being built. In the Dream it crashed upon a road which lead to a new project for STNG further along this roadway.

Independence Day: Worked out that the only way to beat the invader was to wait until they opened up to fire their major weapon. Dreamt of the aliens in the movie and felt dissapointed - sensed alot of problems there in budget and ability to display a alien, big confusion over what would look amazing:)

Terminator 3: Worked out that the only way to kill the bad guy(women) was to place explosive within her stomach area. Friends where surprised when i told them this! They had seen the picture I had not.

Bush: Saw him (in dream) stood higher next to his challenger for the President role. A few days later President Bush addressed the USA.

Star Trek Voyager: (dream) Speices 8472, saw it hitting the rear of Voyager and sending it into trouble. Alot of how can we do this was heard and angered voices struggling with "plots" and "impossibilities"

Now heres one that didnt happen :)

STNG: best of both worlds part 2. Had to wait ages for this episode on TV :) I had one dream in which Q appears aboard the Enterprise as it faces the cube near Earth. Saw a few other ships too. A women says, "weve stopped it!" Then it comes to life again and Q is impressed by us. He clicks his fingers and sends it away. Q goes onto to say to Picard, "why hide under your bed sir when you can control the fear"

Well that never happened :)

Kidney Killnitt 01-23-12 08:36 PM

May I add here, the disc looking ship seen in the trailer is in fact a BIO SHIP with a destination and also a mission to spray its new (future human) mixture. It crashes after the Engineers responsible for it (in the temple) are over come by hungry xenos.

Thats my wacky but often true report so far.

Kidney Killnitt 01-23-12 08:50 PM

The leaked beginning to the movie is almost correct. As far as I know there will be a dot in the sky seen descending in one shot.(Although I suspect they shall remove it) Were then breifly shown the BIO SEEDERS who terraform - wipe the slate clean (deep holes into the core that alter the planetoids cycle)- allowing for life to be added upon a controlled world. ( a mixture gases, spraying and disgusting looking animated moulds blowing in the wind/rain.)

Kidney Killnitt 01-24-12 09:31 PM

The reason the Promethius is pulled back in time is simply because they stumble into, or trigger the Engineers time well. Theres no great welcome upon arrival at Zeta R.

Prior to arrival at Zeta R only a skeleton crew are awakened. This allows the company to keep anything discovered classified if needed. This skeleton crew are the ones that will explore the planet at the other end of the time well. The women in charge of this mission to Zeta R demands that the rest of the crew remain in sleep upon exit from the time well. There may still be things that need to be classified. A drop ship is launched with a small group of explorers.

They find a large, dark & forboding mystery ahead. Stangley, all scans detect no life. One member of the crew theorises that this place is a ancient ET structure matching the artifacts found upon Earth. The female Leader, orders a full investigation.

Exploring the entrance reveals cut stone blocks similar to those found back on Earth dating 1000s of years. An entrance ahead, open, ahead dark and complex structures. Silent, disturbing but wonderful. Heat is detected and builds up in certain parts of this complex. Following this heat signature they find the Head structure. They collect HURNS and turn to leave. following the tunnels to the exit. One crew member who has worked out the secret of these HURNS passes an ENGINEER structure. It reaches out and collects the hurn then pours part of it onto the crew member. The others return to find him screaming with nothing else around. They flee in terror alerting the drop ship that they have a casualty. The wounded crew member and HURNS are taken back to Promethius.

Whilst one HURN is studied all other crew awake and turn to their tasks & operations - HIGH ALERT. The injured crew man is monitored and found to have been exposed to some form of natural pollution. He quickly regains his senses, and tries to piece together what happened. His memory seems lost has he develops a severe cold like illness. Coughing, sweating. Nothing can be found as the crewmans body seems in good function. They joke that hes caught an alien cold. Hes allowed to return to his partner and they sleep together.(his partner is the female leader of this expedition.)

Soon, many others are displaying the mild cold symptons and treat it as sleep sickenss.(The crewman was handled with a damaged helmet as he was taken to the doctors.)

With alot of garbled systems still reacting to the time well - the Promethius is cut off in areas still requiring good old fashioned walks to certain areas. Soon reports of ill people reach command. People start disappearing from duties.

The drop ship crew are told to stand by and remain upon the surface.

Reports of crewmen atacking each other are reported within the Promethius. Armed security seek out this threat and find slim and hideous human forms feeding on the dead. These intruders still retain part of their human ability and can unlock doors, use computers and pick up and use guns. Bullets, electricity and fire are used to combat this menace.

A war breaks out inside Promethius as the leader, infected android and several personel flee to the planets surface. Several missing crew are traced via DNA and found to be inside the temple. Several of the new drop ship crew move from duties and head for the temple. The original infected crewmember leaps from above a transporter and infects two others. Flamethrowers are now used to clean the drop port. Again, the wounded are taken into care.

The group returning to the temple fall into trance and meet a female structure similar to the HEAD only more horrid. It speaks to them and offers eternal existence for a simple service in return. The DNA traces previously sensed now manifest

Prometheus alerts the drop port that agressions have stopped. No crew remain and the intruder is dying rapidly.

Back on the planet the female leader snarls realising it was all a trap.
A battle rages inside drop port against more of these ugly forms. Drop port is crippled and later destroyed to kill the enemy.

Two women remain.


JacobeVine 02-04-12 12:49 AM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
Question, the way the Space Jockey looks in the first movie being all mummified. Is this due to having an alien within it and then dying afterwards? Or will similarities between design be universal as far as the rest of Giger's world goes? As in, Do the Aliens mimic the Space Jockey or did the Space Jockey mimic the aliens?

Cenydd Ros 02-17-12 07:08 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
Prometheus will be the movie of the decade.

honeykid 02-18-12 01:05 AM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
... And the award for "The Most Disappointed Man Of The Decade" goes to....

Cenydd Ros 02-18-12 12:01 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
...all those directors who didn't direct Prometheus.

honeykid 02-19-12 07:01 AM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
lol... That's actually a good comeback. :)

akatemple 02-28-12 05:57 PM


Guy Pearce will change the world in Prometheus
Feb 28, 2012

It was recently revealed by Director Ridley Scott himself that Guy Pearce will be the key link between his newest film Prometheus and his 1979 classic Alien.
WARNING: "SPOILERS" spoilers below
Pearce will be playing Peter Wayland, founder of the Weyland Corporation that was featured in the Alien franchise.

bouncingbrick 02-28-12 06:36 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
Here's something fun.

According to his speech we've got a crap ton of technology to invent in the next 11 years. It'd be cool if even half that stuff comes true.

EDIT: akatemple, how is that a spoiler? Isn't it a foregone conclusion that the company or its roots would be in the film?

akatemple 02-28-12 08:03 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
For me it was not a spoiler but I cannot say that on behalf of everyone, just covering my ass.

I watched that video, that is crazy, and agree it would be awesome if some of that happened.

Cenydd Ros 02-28-12 10:48 PM

"My name is Peter Weyland, and if you'll indulge me I'd like to change the world."

Is it just me or is he doing his best Sam Neil?

akatemple 03-13-12 08:30 PM

This is a trailer for the new trailer. :confused: still it looks pretty awesome, can't wait for the movie.

Nausicaä 03-14-12 08:06 AM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
^ Previews for trailers are annoying and hope it's not a new trend, who has trailers for an upcoming trailer... but yes, probably the top film to see for me in 2012.

Pyro Tramp 03-14-12 08:11 AM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
.13 seconds. Is that an alien throwing the person in suit?

Nausicaä 03-14-12 08:13 AM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
It looks like another of the guys in one of those space suits unless aliens now wear boots.

Tyler1 03-14-12 10:16 AM

Originally Posted by Nausicaä (Post 797856)
probably the top film to see for me in 2012.
Me too.

TheUsualSuspect 03-14-12 02:58 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
It's a person, but the shot after looks like someone's got acid on their helmet.

honeykid 03-14-12 04:37 PM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
Well that's going to sting. :yup:

Cenydd Ros 03-17-12 12:33 AM

Re: Ridley Scott’s Prequel to Alien
Weyland Industries now online.

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