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RedQueen83 05-19-09 05:55 PM

Interesting movies to watch?
Hi I am looking for some new or unheard of titles of movies to for that are not so main stream please no real gory ones either...:eek:

Sleezy 05-19-09 06:04 PM

Planet Terror (2007)

Pyro Tramp 05-19-09 06:33 PM

Re: Interesting movies to watch?

rufnek 05-19-09 07:10 PM

Originally Posted by RedQueen83 (Post 532634)
Hi I am looking for some new or unheard of titles of movies to for that are not so main stream please no real gory ones either...:eek:
Does "no real gory ones" mean you're looking for horror films that are only slightly gory or are you interested in a wider range of movies? I could give you a long list of films you're likely not familar with, but none of them would be new--not by 20-30 years. Every one would be a great film, however.

rufnek 05-19-09 07:15 PM

Re: Interesting movies to watch?
Never mind, RedQueen--I just saw in another thread your list of the 5 films you'd watch over and over, and we're worlds apart in our movie preferences. The younger members are more likely to come up with suggestions you'd favor.

Lennon 05-19-09 07:16 PM

Re: Interesting movies to watch?
Aguirre The Wrath of God.

RedQueen83 05-19-09 09:06 PM

Re: Interesting movies to watch?
That's alright rufnek, I do enjoy a wide variety of movies and I don't normally watch horror movies, but really are just horror movies gory? not really, so if everyone could keep that in mind that would be much appreciated :D thanks again for everyone who has mentioned something already :)

mark f 05-19-09 10:06 PM

Re: Interesting movies to watch?
OK, most of these are mainstream, but I'll start with them:

Back to the Future trilogy
Animal House
American Graffiti
King Kong (2005)

Less well-known/mainstream:

The Silent Partner (1978)
Dazed and Confused
My Father's Glory
Le Boucher (1970)
The Innocents

I'll come back with some more if you like any of these.

TheDOMINATOR 05-19-09 10:28 PM

Re: Interesting movies to watch?
Renaissance Man (1994) - A dramatic comedy.
The Quiet (2005) - A dark drama/thriller (that's not gory).
Match Point (2005) - A very thought-provoking drama.

RagingBull 05-20-09 05:26 AM

Re: Interesting movies to watch?
2001: A Space Odyssey
Twilight Samurai

CayceP 05-24-09 02:47 AM

I really don't know what exactly you're looking for, but I'll throw out five titles that I feel deserve more attention:

Wild Tigers I Have Known
The Element of Crime
All the Real Girls
Crimes of Passion

The Prestige 05-24-09 06:07 PM

Following (Christopher Nolan) - guerilla filmmaking style about a lonely's man's
attempt to connect to society by following random strangers until he follows one that will changes his life forever..

A Way Of Life (Amma Asante) - racial drama depicted the life of a single mother in Wales who lives in a council estate and her interactions with people from other ethnic backgrounds and cultures.

I'll post more when I can think of them.

RedQueen83 05-24-09 06:31 PM

Re: Interesting movies to watch?
Everyone has been super helpful and I appreciate it!!!! some great titles that I will have to check out!!

zedlen 05-24-09 10:37 PM

Re: Interesting movies to watch?
Bad thread. Check anyone's top 10's, top 100's or reviews and you'll find your interesting movies.

joequinn501 05-24-09 11:02 PM

Re: Interesting movies to watch?
the element of Crime is good, i like it

WSSlover 05-24-09 11:55 PM

West Side Story

Gimme Shelter

French Connection

Dirty Harry (the first one)

Million Dollar Baby

Slumdog Millionaire


Sound of Music

The Bible

2001: A Space Odyssey

Shrek III

Swan Lake

Grand Canyon Suite

Lord of the Rings (all of the sequels)

Spiderman I and Spiderman II

Superman I and Superman II

Wizard of Oz


Grizzly Man

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

One Day in September



Harry Potter and the Phoenix

Pink Floyd: the Wall

Lawrence of Arabia

Dr. Zhivago

Midnight Cowboy

Fantasia (the original)

Fantasia 2000


Monument Avenue

Good Will Hunting


No Country for Old Men

Gran Torino

The Dark Knight

Johnny Chimpo 06-02-09 12:06 PM

Re: Interesting movies to watch?
^I've never heard of any of those movies. Thanks for finding the obscure

spudracer 06-02-09 12:22 PM

Re: Interesting movies to watch?
I find it hard to believe that you've never heard of The Wizard of Oz or The Dark Knight or even Pinocchio. Not to mention the fact that most of those movies are far from obscure.

Iroquois 06-02-09 12:25 PM

Originally Posted by Johnny Chimpo (Post 536692)
^I've never heard of any of those movies. Thanks for finding the obscure
Dude, are you kidding? Most of the films in the above post (I'm assuming that's what you're referring to, given the single arrow pointing upwards) are distinguished film classics or at the very least well-known mainstream pieces. They are not anywhere close to my definition of an "obscure" film.

Anyway, back on topic. Here are ten interesting, non-mainstream (and nothing too gory, of course) films that I'd recommend (that haven't been mentioned already...)

Naked (Mike Leigh, 1993)
After Hours (Martin Scorsese, 1985)
Kikujiro (Takeshi Kitano, 1999)
Thunderheart (Michael Apted, 1992)
Days of Heaven (Terrence Malick, 1978)
The Third Man (Carol Reed, 1949)
Altered States (Ken Russell, 1980)
Glengarry Glen Ross (James Foley, 1992)
They Live (John Carpenter, 1988)
Sunset Blvd. (Billy Wilder, 1950)

Sedai 06-02-09 12:42 PM

Re: Interesting movies to watch?
I find it hard to believe this cat hasn't heard of any of these movies. I must ask:

How old are you, Chimpo? If you consider stuff like Spiderman and The Wizard of Oz obscure... Well I don't know what to say!

Thursday Next 06-02-09 12:47 PM

Re: Interesting movies to watch? I the only one who assumed he was being sarcastic...?

Johnny Chimpo 06-02-09 02:12 PM

Re: Interesting movies to watch?
Thank you Thursday. Sarcasm moviegoers... I was poking fun at the post because this thread is about more obscure interesting movies and the poster was naming some of the most well known works in the history of cinema. Sorry for the confusion. :D

Classicqueen13 06-02-09 08:38 PM

Re: Interesting movies to watch?
Pay It Forward is a great film!

Iroquois 06-03-09 12:59 AM

Re: Interesting movies to watch?
No it's not.

spudracer 06-03-09 10:10 AM

Originally Posted by Iroquois (Post 536938)
No it's not.
Maybe if you compare it to, Glitter. Eh, that's pushing it.

Iroquois 06-03-09 10:11 AM

Re: Interesting movies to watch?
I think Manos: The Hands of Fate is the challenge and the standard when it comes to truly horrendous filmmaking, myself. Granted, it's hilariously bad, but that still means it's bad.

honeykid 06-03-09 08:16 PM

Originally Posted by Iroquois (Post 537051)
I think Manos: The Hands of Fate is the challenge and the standard when it comes to truly horrendous filmmaking, myself. Granted, it's hilariously bad, but that still means it's bad.
Manos is bad, really bad, but not close to worst film. You need to see some worse films Iro. :D

Iroquois 06-04-09 01:36 AM

Re: Interesting movies to watch?
So everyone keeps telling me. Granted, Manos is saved because it's funny (and Torgo was an interesting creation) but yeah, there is just so much that's wrong with that film.

What do you consider the objective worst film, HK?

honeykid 06-04-09 08:46 PM

Have you seen the MST:3K version of Manos? It's very good.

I'm not sure I can give you an absolute, #1 worst film but, there's a good few candidates.

Plan 9 From Outer Space is the one that most people (in the last 20 years anyway) put up as The Worst Film ever made. It's certainly dreadful and I liked it less than Manos.

Blood Feast has, possibly, the worst delivery of any dialogue I can think of, as well as some horrendous acting. I love it.

Lots of those straight to dvd horror films, Camp Blood is the worst of the few I've seen. I'd say, let yourself trawl through the low budget, B-Movies of the 50's, 60's and 70's and you'll find plenty of contenders.

In truth though, although they're the worst films, I think the bigger crime (and, therefore, the real worst films) are the ones with huge budgets and/or real talent that are terrible. In my mind, I don't think I've seen the worst films ever made. Something tells me that, were I to see Pearl Harbour or Cutthroat Island that, afterwards, I'd have rather watched Plan 9 From Outer Space or Eaarrrggh (or whatever that Richard Keil film is called.)

mark f 06-04-09 08:58 PM

Re: Interesting movies to watch?
Haha. That sounds like the castle in The Holy Grail. Eegah. I still vote for The Creeping Terror. "Very interesting... but stupid!" - Arte Johnson, "Laugh-In"

no1mccoy 06-04-09 09:30 PM

Re: Interesting movies to watch?
Well I thought and still think MONSTER was/is absolutely engaging, and its a great movie!!!

Harry Lime 06-04-09 09:41 PM

Re: Interesting movies to watch?

CayceP 06-04-09 11:39 PM

I fully second the nomination of Crumb. One of my very favorite docs.

garp 06-05-09 05:35 PM

Re: Interesting movies to watch?
Being John Malcovich

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