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spudracer 12-23-01 12:12 PM

Spoilers Tag
Since a few of you don't realize you can use the simple spoilers tag that TWT made available on the board, I started this thread so you can know what you can do with it. :D

Whenever you have something that will spoil the movie just use the following Tag:
[*spoilers=Your Movie] Your movie spoiler here [*/spoilers]
Since there I wanted you to see how it works I put the * in. To make full use out of the spoilers tag, remove the * so you get something like this:
WARNING: "The Sixth Sense" spoilers below
Bruce Willis is a ghost

Now, to see the spoiler, just highlight what is in the box. :)

sadesdrk 12-23-01 12:18 PM

okay, lemmie try it.

WARNING: "the Score" spoilers below
the movie the Score was really lame, and i knew what was going to happen at the end. spoiled it for ya, didn't I?
BTW- I can't read thmmie's spoiler tag on the LOTR thread.

spudracer 12-23-01 12:29 PM

I could, try just using the Select All option with your browser. CTRL-A will do it too. :D

spudracer 12-27-01 10:33 PM

Hey TWT, is there a way you can work the spoilers tag thing into the vB code little area, with the Bold, Italic, Underline, Size all that stuff? What do you think?

Yoda 12-27-01 11:03 PM

I meant to do that awhile ago, but I keep putting it off. I'll see if I can do it this weekend, when I'll have some time off. :)

mecurdius 12-28-01 12:20 AM

we should have a spoil the movie thread... twt would you allow it?

spudracer 12-28-01 12:38 AM

Where would the fun be in that. I mean it wouldn't be much of a thread where everyone could look at it. It would spoil at least one movie for someone.

straycat 01-18-02 06:52 PM


WARNING: "See Spot Run" spoilers below
The butler did it!

sadesdrk 02-26-02 12:28 PM

WARNING: "Boy's Don't Cry" spoilers below
blah blah blah

sadesdrk 02-26-02 12:29 PM

what am I doing wrong?

Yoda 02-26-02 12:30 PM

It doesn't react well to apostrophes...which annoys me.

sadesdrk 02-26-02 12:32 PM

oh. Bummer. I wanted to respond to something about that movie. Guess I'll do it in a PM.

Yoda 02-26-02 12:33 PM

Just leave the apostrophe out.

sadesdrk 02-26-02 12:43 PM

okay. Thanks.

Sexy Celebrity 02-26-02 05:15 PM

Let me try this....

WARNING: "Heather Graham Goes To An Erotic Grocery Store" spoilers below
Heather gets pushed naked in a shopping cart by a naked Jolly Green Giant. He brings her to the cereal aisle, where she has sex with three guys dressed as the Rice Krispies. A man dressed as Tony the Tiger then gets in on the action. Later, Mama Celeste gets in on the fun. That all ends when they are interrupted by contestants on Supermarket Sweep Shows Skin.


sadesdrk 02-26-02 05:24 PM

WARNING: " Sexy Celebrity Goes To The Looney Bin" spoilers below
Sexy Celebrity, otherwise known as S.C. , was apprehended this afternoon, after authorities tracked his online movements to MoFo. He was handcuffed and thrown in the back of a padded van. He was addmitted to the Nut House in Napa, California. It is rumored that an upstanding member of MoFo, a sexy, little thing, known only as Sweetpea, A.K.A. Sades, A.K.A. Boop. will make continues visits to the new lunatic. Details at 11.

Sexy Celebrity 02-26-02 05:27 PM

Sounds like a good movie.... I get to be handcuffed!! :D


sadesdrk 02-26-02 05:30 PM

Sarcasm is lost on the wicked!:p

BrodieMan 03-12-02 11:36 PM

crap! I missed the new Heather Graham movie!! :mad:


it sounds like academy material......

Vetinari 05-17-02 11:08 AM

Might as well try it here first so I don't screw up some future post

WARNING: "Titanic" spoilers below
It sinks

Gracie 06-27-02 11:39 AM

WARNING: "A Beautiful Mind" spoilers below
John is Crazy. William Parcher, Charles, and Marcy, Charles' neice, are all illusions. There is no russian bomb, and codes aren't hidden in magazines and new papers.

Gracie 07-01-02 07:02 PM

WARNING: "Star Wars Episode III" spoilers below
Anakin is Darth Vader!

r3port3r66 01-09-03 11:43 PM

Let me give it a go...

WARNING: "Lilo and Stich" spoilers below
Stitch get's to stay

blibblobblib 01-10-03 11:48 AM

Will it work?....

WARNING: " Bridget Jones Diary " spoilers below
Bridget is really a man...and an incredibly hairy one at that.

theshape82 03-28-03 12:10 PM

WARNING: "Blade" spoilers below
Blade is half vampire

theshape82 03-28-03 12:11 PM

WARNING: "Halloween" spoilers below
Some people die

theshape82 03-28-03 12:12 PM

wow...i like that :dizzy:

sphericthor 06-29-03 09:17 AM

WARNING: spoilers below

Just thought I would try this out

EDIT: What am I doing wrong?

Yoda 06-29-03 02:32 PM

You need to add a title. Like this (without the asterisks):

[*spoilers=Terminator]He'll be back[/spoilers*]

sphericthor 06-30-03 08:01 AM

WARNING: "terminator" spoilers below
Arnie's a robot ye know!!

sphericthor 06-30-03 08:02 AM

Can I ask why the text doesn't appear unless you highlight it

Yoda 06-30-03 11:06 AM

Originally Posted by sphericthor
Can I ask why the text doesn't appear unless you highlight it
:laugh: Because that's the entire point. :D So that people don't go reading accidently, thus inadvertantly spoiling things for them. This way people have to CHOOSE whether or not they want to see the spoilers.

sphericthor 07-01-03 10:22 AM

Originally Posted by Yoda
:laugh: Because that's the entire point. :D So that people don't go reading accidently, thus inadvertantly spoiling things for them. This way people have to CHOOSE whether or not they want to see the spoilers.
I kind of figured it out after my previous comment, I just wasn't thinking about it at the time

Redookie19 11-13-03 10:38 PM

WARNING: "Steel" spoilers below
Seeing this movie will make u dumber


EDIT: three...

EDIT: four...

EDIT:Now I'm getting pissed and want help please

EDIT: Making it so noone can read what I type: Redookie19 is happy, Getting a good laugh when Redookie19 puts in the stupid asteriks 5 freaking times before he gets it right: You guys are jerks! Finishing....Priceless! There are somethings yelling can't get done...For everything else... Theres this guy :confused:

Loner 11-24-03 04:12 AM

Lemmie try!!!

WARNING: "Soylent Green" spoilers below
Soylent Green is made out of people!!!

Yoda 12-06-03 05:31 PM

In case anyone hasn't noticed yet, there's now a button on the WYSIWYG editor to facilitate the use of the Spoilers Tag. It's the red exclamation point ( at the far right-hand side of the second formatting column.

If you don't see it, you're probably using either the Basic Editor, or else the Standard Editor. To switch to the Enhanced Interface, visit the Edit Options page and scroll to the bottom. It's the third option in the last dropdown menu.

Please note that this button does not work properly when using the Standard Editor (which is the compromise between the full-on MS-word style WYSIWYG editor, and the plain text box). It produces spoiler tags sans the "=" part which identifies the specific movie the spoilers refer to, and thus will not work properly as-is. I'm working on an elegant way to fix this.

FilmStudent2004 04-05-04 07:28 PM

WARNING: "Return of the King" spoilers below
The Orcs Loose and Frodo goes with the elves

7thson 04-05-04 08:49 PM

WARNING: "Passion" spoilers below
] Jesus Dies in the Passion

Cool, not that Jesus Dies, but cool that it works.....oh crap I need to tag this sentence too.

thegodfather15 08-14-04 05:02 PM

WARNING: "Signs" spoilers below
Water kills aliens

SpoOkY 09-30-04 11:10 AM

WARNING: "21 grams" spoilers below
This movie contains...drugs

Charismasloverno5 11-09-04 09:51 AM

WARNING: "Donnie Darko" spoilers below
He dies to save the world

scissorhands85 11-21-04 10:56 PM

WARNING: "National Treasure" spoilers below
They find the treasure

gummo 11-21-04 11:25 PM

WARNING: "The Doom Generation" spoilers below
The Doom Generation

blah blah blah

Nitzer 11-22-04 12:17 AM

WARNING: "Dumb and Dumberer" spoilers below
Burns your brain cells at twice the normal rate

Escape 02-14-05 04:46 PM

WARNING: "Revenge of the Sith" spoilers below
The Butler did it.

Escape 04-24-05 12:20 PM

lol. Sorry daikw. You blew it with your first post. ;)

Escape 04-25-05 04:38 AM

And now you deleted all 3 of them to make me look like some dumbass who talks to himself. :blush:

The Taxi Driver 04-25-05 12:02 PM

i wanna try this
WARNING: "TheBirds" spoilers below
its about birds

Pyro Tramp 07-26-05 10:43 AM

WARNING: "Me posting spoilers" spoilers below
I can't use spoilers

SamsoniteDelilah 07-26-05 03:42 PM

It would appear that you can.

Pyro Tramp 07-27-05 04:26 PM

Indeed it would. Ironic huh?

Eyes 07-27-05 06:34 PM

I dont' know about ironic...

Pyro Tramp 07-27-05 07:41 PM


<bows head in shame>

Misirlou 08-16-05 10:45 PM

WARNING: "The Breakfast Club" spoilers below
They never have breakfast! What the hell?!?

Yay I got it on the second try! :D

Josiah 10-25-05 04:10 PM

WARNING: "spiderman" spoilers below
Peter parker is spiderman:D

Xui Wan 03-04-06 10:48 PM

WARNING: "nada" spoilers below
likeomg seriously This took hella tries LoL
sweet I did it Im leaving the pink in there cause well LOL looks hella sweet!!!!

Pyro Tramp 03-04-06 11:00 PM

Errrrrmm. Hate to break it to you Xui ,
WARNING: "Xui Wan" spoilers below
but it ain't worked.

gummo 03-04-06 11:09 PM


WARNING: "" spoilers below

Xui Wan 03-05-06 12:03 AM

Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp
Errrrrmm. Hate to break it to you Xui ,
WARNING: "Xui Wan" spoilers below
but it ain't worked.

WARNING: "SUCKS" spoilers below

Xui Wan 03-05-06 12:18 AM

WARNING: "OMG LAME!!!" spoilers below

lol nvm

gummo 03-05-06 02:47 AM

Hey, you got it

WARNING: "YAY" spoilers below
good job!!!! :D

Escape 05-08-06 08:41 PM

WARNING: "spoilers" spoilers below
There are spoilers in this spoiler tag spoiling the tag that contain spoilers which spoils it for those who dont want it spoiled.

spudracer 05-08-06 08:56 PM

It's amazing how strong this thread still is...
WARNING: "Yeah" spoilers below
I mean it just keeps going and going and going...

Pyro Tramp 07-04-06 09:22 AM

Yoda, i'm still having trouble with clicking view spoilers, it redirects me to the home page, can't remember if i've mentioned this before but anyway, yeh.

Escape 07-04-06 09:45 AM

Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp
Yoda, i'm still having trouble with clicking view spoilers, it redirects me to the home page, can't remember if i've mentioned this before but anyway, yeh.
Yeah it worked for me once but has since stopped also.

Yoda 07-04-06 03:08 PM

There's a bug wherein two spoiler tags in the same post do not work; this happens also when someone quotes someone else's spoiler tags, and then adds their own. The normal ones in this thread should still work fine, however.

Pyro Tramp 07-05-06 09:06 AM

Oh, k, explains the hit and miss redirection. Thanks.

Randal Graves 09-04-06 12:14 AM

WARNING: "Your Movie" spoilers below
Your Mom

Sedai 10-12-06 12:16 PM

Why, oh why,do I read this clown's posts....

Yoda 10-12-06 02:03 PM

I like clowns. They're scary.

Escape 02-24-07 10:29 PM

Re: Spoilers Tag
I've always hated clowns. Grown men in make-up pretending they are your friend. That white make-up alone makes me want to gag. Ronald McDonald is another one I couldnt stand. Just look at this fool. I mean DAMN!

jrs 07-18-07 01:06 PM

Re: Spoilers Tag
when clicking view spoilers it brings me back to the homepage....what's wrong?

Yoda 07-18-07 01:09 PM

Re: Spoilers Tag
Originally Posted by jrs (Post 376461)
when clicking view spoilers it brings me back to the homepage....what's wrong?
There is a bug that causes the "View Spoilers" link to break when a spoilers tag appears more than once in a single post. This is because the spoilers tag reads the ID number of each post to hide and display the spoilers, so when it sees two spoiler blocks with the same ID number, it doesn't know which to display.

I've toyed around with a solution for awhile, but haven't been able to fix it yet. Thankfully, multiple spoilers in a single post are a bit rare, but I'd still love to find a way to fix this if I can. In the meantime, I hope it isn't too much of an inconvenience.

Rainier 11-27-07 01:29 PM

Re: Spoilers Tag
well that's pretty interesting...let me try ti first...:p:p

nprem_sachin 12-06-07 11:44 PM

Re: Spoilers Tag
Originally Posted by sadesdrk (Post 37317)
WARNING: "Boy's Don't Cry" spoilers below
blah blah blah

Johnny Chimpo 06-18-09 04:12 PM

Re: Spoilers Tag
WARNING: "David Lynch Films" spoilers below

Erasmus Folly 07-25-09 07:14 AM

Re: Spoilers Tag

WARNING: "Moon" spoilers below
Good Twilight Zone Episode

SoulInside 03-05-10 06:35 AM


WARNING: "Your Movie" spoilers below
I smoke a lot of weed these days. Just kidding.

SamsoniteDelilah 12-26-10 08:54 PM

Re: Spoilers Tag
Interesting. I looked for the tag today when posting about Black Swan and ended up taking a shot in the dark with typing in code. Is there still a button that I'm missing?

Yoda 12-26-10 09:21 PM

Re: Spoilers Tag
Aye; you had "spoiler" instead of "spoilers" and didn't specify a movie name (the part after the = sign). I fixed it up right after you posted it, though. :)

planet news 01-09-11 01:47 PM

Re: Spoilers Tag
So, I really don't want to cause anyone any trouble, but whatever happened to the "drop-down" spoilers on this board? I always liked those, because you could type a really long post and not stretch out the page or have a hidden image pop up or something. I have zero problem with the current spoilers, but I wonder how hard it is to get the "drop-down" spoiler up in this joint.

Again, I really don't want to cause anyone any work... just thought of it...

Yoda 01-09-11 01:49 PM

Re: Spoilers Tag
I don't think we ever had anything like that. Are you thinking of another board (if so, could you send me an example)? Are "drop-down" spoilers basically just one line until you click the button, at which time they sort of expand down?

planet news 01-09-11 01:58 PM

Re: Spoilers Tag
Here's a forum that shows it (I'm not a member of it). It goes down as large as you need it, but when hidden, it only takes up a line of space.

Yoda 01-09-11 02:02 PM

Re: Spoilers Tag
Yeah, I've seen those. I could certainly write something like that up without too much trouble. You think it's better?

planet news 01-09-11 02:10 PM

Re: Spoilers Tag
I frequent a forum where it is encouraged in order to make pages more readable. Especially in debate threads where the replies often take up a full page. Very rarely does it get as bad as it does in MoFos as it does there however.

If you have to actually write something, I don't think it's worth it. I thought maybe you could just "activate" it or something on vBulletin.

Seriously, don't worry about it...

Ðèstîñy 01-09-11 02:21 PM

Forgetting which forum you used fancy spoiler tags on? A likely story.

I think that we should consider this spam, and let Loner get in some practice with the ban hammer.

To whom it may concern . . . I'm teasing.

planet news 01-09-11 02:29 PM

Re: Spoilers Tag
I'm purposely not mentioning the name. I don't go on there as much anymore compared to here. People are way more hostile. Hence the massive spoiler tags to collapse the arguments. That's basically the reason why I'm not mentioning the name (which I actually have mentioned).

I love this place. It is an oasis of the internets.

(and I'm not only brown-nosing the mods when I say that)

Yoda 01-09-11 02:41 PM

Re: Spoilers Tag
Ah, I dig. It would involve me doing something vaguely resembling work, but you make some good points about its advantages. I think the one about images and other colored text in spoilers and such is probably the most pertinent, as most people don't mind the long replies.

I'll add it to the list and see if I can come up with something good. Apart from a little effort the main thing is that I kind of like the "placeholder" look of the current ones. I'm tempted to add a second type, but that might be too confusing, so I'd probably be forced to choose.

genesis_pig 01-09-11 02:43 PM

Spoiler... Spoiler... Spoiler... Spoiler... Spoiler... Spoiler... Spoiler...

WARNING: "spoil me" spoilers below
Spoiler... Spoiler...
WARNING: "spoil me" spoilers below
Spoiler... Spoiler...
WARNING: "spoil me" spoilers below
Spoiler... Spoiler...
WARNING: "spoil me" spoilers below
Spoiler... Spoiler...
Spoiler... Spoiler...
Spoiler... Spoiler...
Spoiler... Spoiler...

Spoiler... Spoiler... Spoiler... Spoiler... Spoiler... Spoiler... Spoiler...

NOt3: This spoiler is subjected to deletion if necessary.

Loner 01-09-11 08:06 PM

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 707063)
Forgetting which forum you used fancy spoiler tags on? A likely story.

I think that we should consider this spam, and let Loner get in some practice with the ban hammer.

To whom it may concern . . . I'm teasing.
I was wanting to a couple of nights ago, but you are too quick on the draw.

Ðèstîñy 01-10-11 01:49 AM

Re: Spoilers Tag
Well oops, I had no idea. You may get some practice tonight, though. I'm about to split for 2-3 hours. Just so you know.

Lanikai 05-23-11 11:45 PM

Re: Spoilers Tag
Testing spoilers tags...

WARNING: "The End of the World" spoilers below
It ends

The Rodent 06-21-12 01:51 PM

Quick test... in preparation for next month when TDKR comes out...

WARNING: "TDKR" spoilers below
Darth Vader is Luke's Father. Hahahaha! You were hoping for something else? Test completed. Rodent is ready.

dadgumblah 02-18-13 04:01 AM

I just wanted to test this space and see if it worked. And to say that I don't like
WARNING: "spoiled cabbage" spoilers below
spoiled cabbage
. Or fresh for that matter. :)

OMEGA5 09-30-13 05:35 PM

testing complete

Yoda 09-30-13 05:36 PM

Re: Spoilers Tag
Gotta remove the asterisks. :)

Yoda 03-25-16 12:27 PM

So, this isn't quite another spoiler tag, but it can be used as one, so I'll mention it here: you can now collapse things into one line, and reveal them with a Show/Hide button, like this:

Table of Contents  

I've always liked the slightly atypical way we mark spoilers here, but it does have some downsides, like the inability to hide spoilery images, for example. So if you want to do that, or just prefer this, or just want to collapse things (like an unwieldy Table of Contents in a review thread, for example), you can do it like this:

[*collapse=Title Here]Hidden stuff here[/collapse*]

Thanks to Rhys for bugging me into doing this.

Gideon58 05-25-16 03:38 PM

Thanks, I was just curious.

Dani8 02-06-17 02:23 AM

Re: Spoilers Tag
Testing about bambi's mother spoiler

[*spoilers=Your Movie] she got eaten [*/spoilers]

Dani8 02-06-17 02:24 AM

Re: Spoilers Tag
Oh damn. Didnt work. Sorry for spoiler.

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