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Maher 12-22-03 06:09 AM

what is the best non porn incest movie?
people What do you think is the best mainstream
movie that deal with incest?

"Close my Eyes" is a very good one I guess,
it is about an unhappy married sister played
by Saskia Reeves who have a sexual relationship
with her brother played by Clive Owen when he
visit her, Alan Rickman played the husband.

do you know of any other mainstream movie that
deal with incest.


Holden Pike 12-22-03 07:41 AM

"She's my sister AND my daughter...."

Through twists revealed by the end of the movies, Chinatown (1974), Angel Heart (1987) and Lone Star (1996) have incest as plot points, but I wouldn't say they "deal" with the issue (Lone Star addresses it more than the other two).

In the final bit of The Grifters (1990), a desperate mother seduces her confused son in order to steal his money (though they don't actually "do" anything), and in The Manchurian Candidate (1962) an incestual relationship between mother and son is certainly implied - though not addressed (it was the '60s after all). The House of Yes (1997) is an off-beat dark comedy that has an incestual relationship between brother and sister. Natural Born Killers has it as the backstory of the Juliette Lewis character, presented as a sitcom from Hell.

The Barbara Streisand flick Nuts also has a plot twist that reveals incest, and there is an attempt to deal with it in a serious manner, though looking back as an adult and finally confronting her abusive father. A Thousand Acres (1997) does this too.

The Color Purple (1985) and The Dangerous Lives of Alter Boys (2002) also feature incest. I think one of the patient's subplots in Girl, Interrupted (1999) is ultimately about incest too.

A darkly comic coming-of-age flick that uses incest rather plainly is Spanking the Monkey (1994), where a son home from college caring for his mother, who is house-ridden due to a broken leg, starts a bizarre consentual relationship.

Those are all mainstream - or in the case of the few that are more recent independent films, films that garnered a lot of mainstream critical attention. As for which is the "best", I suppose that depends entirely in what you're looking for.


Mark 12-22-03 02:31 PM

The relationship between Norman and his mother (dead and alive) is considered incestuous in Psycho.

The relationship between J.J. Hunsucker (Burt Lancaster) and his sister in Sweet Smell of Success may also be considered incestuous.

SPIDEI2_MAN__ 12-22-03 11:50 PM

havent seen an incest movie

led_zeppelin 01-11-04 05:30 PM

I don't know if this counts or not but how about Deliverance?

Holden Pike 01-11-04 07:14 PM

Do you even know what incest is? Look it up. Get a blood relative to help.

No, there is no incest in Deliverance.

led_zeppelin 01-11-04 07:23 PM

Originally Posted by Holden Pike
Do you even know what incest is? Look it up. Get a blood relative to help.

No, there is no incest in Deliverance.
Of course I know what incest is! I live in West Virginia, the capital of incest. No they don't show or tell that there is incest in the movie, but it's kinda obvious that those people are inbred. Have you even seen Dileverance?

Holden Pike 01-11-04 07:55 PM

Seen Deliverance lots of times. There isn't any incest in the plot, and certainly no acts of incest are commited on screen. That banjo-playin' mongoloid may well be the byproduct of incest, but it could just as well be any number of factors that left him that way, from poor prenatial care to lack of nutrition to repeatedly dropping him on his noggin.

And do people really still live in West by-God Virginia? I would think anyone who can at least crawl would leave there as soon as possible, if not sooner.

led_zeppelin 01-11-04 08:20 PM

Originally Posted by Holden Pike
Seen Deliverance lots of times. There isn't any incest in the plot, and certainly no acts of incest are commited on screen. And do people really still live in West by-God Virginia? I would think anyone who can at least crawl would leave there as soon as possible, if not sooner.;D
I already said there isn't any incest shown or talked about, but what do you expect from people who look and act like that?! And yes people do still live in "West by-God-Virginia," and what's wrong with it? :furious: :#

Caitlyn 01-11-04 09:04 PM

Originally Posted by led_zeppelin
I already said there isn't any incest shown or talked about, but what do you expect from people who look and act like that?! And yes people do still live in "West by-God-Virginia," and what's wrong with it? :furious: :#

You did notice his little ... ;D ... didn't you...

led_zeppelin 01-11-04 09:08 PM

Originally Posted by Caitlyn
You did notice his little ... ;D ... didn't you...
I still find it a bit offensive. I don't know why though,


Tuna 01-13-04 06:19 PM

I'm pretty sure Anger Management wasn't an incest movie unless Marissa Tomei was Adam Sandler's sister. :p

Henry The Kid 01-13-04 07:27 PM

The War Zone is one of the most perfect movie experiences of the past few years. I highly, highly reccomend it to anyone.

led_zeppelin 01-13-04 07:30 PM

Originally Posted by Tuna
I'm pretty sure Anger Management wasn't an incest movie unless Marissa Tomei was Adam Sandler's sister. :p
I'm pretty sure you're kidding, but if not. . .I didn't mean Anger Management was an incest movie.

Tuna 01-13-04 10:21 PM

Hmm I guess I should start using [sarcasm] tags to make myself more clear over the internet

Richard Hell 01-13-04 10:41 PM

a upcoming movie called europen trip were the guy makes out with his sister because he is realy drunk and so is his sister

Henry The Kid 01-13-04 11:35 PM

Originally Posted by Tuna
Hmm I guess I should start using [sarcasm] tags to make myself more clear over the internet
You take that back.

iluv2viddyfilms 01-15-04 02:36 AM

well all the good ones are taken that I can think of so I'll just throw out a crappy one, Sleepwalkers

BillCarson 12-26-04 11:46 PM

Originally Posted by Maher
people What do you think is the best mainstream
movie that deal with incest?

"Close my Eyes" is a very good one I guess,
it is about an unhappy married sister played
by Saskia Reeves who have a sexual relationship
with her brother played by Clive Owen when he
visit her, Alan Rickman played the husband.

do you know of any other mainstream movie that
deal with incest.

An interesting "mainstream" film dealing with Incest stars Ringo,
Gomez, Flint, Sir Richard Burton, Brando and...

Try looking for a film called ...Candy

Loner 12-27-04 04:08 AM

Originally Posted by BillCarson
An interesting "mainstream" film dealing with Incest stars Ringo,
Gomez, Flint, Sir Richard Burton, Brando and...

Try looking for a film called ...Candy

I can't believe it!

Somebody's first post and it isn't a "there was this movie, that came out ten years ago, that has a guy and a girl in it, I can't remember the title."

Welcome to the forum.

Erratic Behavior 12-28-04 11:52 PM

Scarface, well sort of. Just undertones, it doesn't actually happen.

It's not that great of a movie (the remake, never seen the original), but it's still entertaining and I liked it.

Oh, and Forrest Gump. That was a great movie with a small subplot of incest.

joshuafor 12-29-04 01:15 PM

Wasn't there incest in the Manchurian Candadite? I think there was and that grossed me out, even though it was minimal.

Pyro Tramp 12-29-04 01:38 PM

and, well, Visitor Q, but i recommend, with my all my heart that you do NOT see that film

Mose 12-29-04 05:01 PM

House of Yes... I didn't really care for the movie but thought Parker Posey was brilliant in it.

Lance McCool 12-29-04 06:15 PM

Jeez, I just joined this place 2 seconds ago and this is the first thread I see... :goof:

SamsoniteDelilah 12-29-04 06:18 PM

Originally Posted by Lance McCool
Jeez, I just joined this place 2 seconds ago and this is the first thread I see... :goof:
Welcome to MoFo.
This may not be the thread to mention it, but we're all one big, happy family. :D

Sleezy 12-29-04 07:39 PM

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
Welcome to MoFo.
This may not be the thread to mention it, but we're all one big, happy family. :D

Nitzer 12-29-04 07:42 PM

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
Welcome to MoFo.
This may not be the thread to mention it, but we're all one big, happy family. :D
Except Djanjo. We didn't like him so we got rid of him. Just to show you what kind of a family we really are.

Pyro Tramp 12-29-04 07:58 PM

what did happen to Mr Django?

liam5000 12-31-04 12:18 PM

Bad Boy Bubby, easily, and the Dutch film; Flodder.

MIL 01-02-05 06:28 PM

I think CAT PEOPLE was good & pretty incestious

ash_is_the_gal 01-03-05 01:40 AM

This is sort of off topic, but has anyone ever seen the movie Flowers in the Attic? Its not really incest or anything, but I've always thought it implied brother and sister incest...and then, well I read the book and found out they do have an incestual relationship afterall. Not to sound like a total pervert, but would have liked to seen that come to life on the big screen. :cool: Would have spiced up the movie a bit! :)

PimpDaShizzle V2.0 01-03-05 04:24 AM

Originally Posted by ash_is_the_gal
....they do have an incestual relationship afterall. Not to sound like a total pervert, but would have liked to seen that come to life on the big screen. :cool:
Not to sound like a murderer or anything but I did shoot this man in the throat one time.

THEDUDE__ 03-29-05 01:29 PM

I think its funny you had to say "non-porn", like anyone would say how much they loved incest porn

slipknotz10thmask 03-29-05 03:07 PM

what does incest mean?

Deckard 03-30-05 04:18 AM

Tim Roth's THE WAR ZONE (9/10)
How can we have a conversation about cinema that tackles incest and not mention Tim Roth's gritty, confrontational gem THE WAR ZONE.

Based on the book of the same name, this film never4 shies away from its subject matter and paints a very grim picture indeed. Offering no answers just showing the complexity of incestial relations and how it effects those around it.

Sublime perfromances all round, Ray Winstone has never been better. Miminamalstic cinematography and a deep complex script all come together and create an atmospheric piece of celluloid you will never forget.

Loner 03-31-05 12:45 AM

Murmur of the Heart

Good to see you posting again Deckard.

lucy_jaimes 03-31-05 08:49 AM

Deliverance doesn't have incest in it?!?! if thats the case then why is it considered to be the pinicle of incest movies?

Sinny McGuffins 05-13-06 11:55 PM

Not the best, but certainly one of...
Chan wook-Park, 2003

Nexus 05-14-06 07:15 AM

Brian Yuzna's surrealistic cult flick Society has some incestuous orgies in it. Pretty fun, though it's somewhat dated.

Alvin 05-14-06 07:41 AM

Ah yes, Oldboy, highly disturbing stuff.

I like the title, I guess you felt a bit sick looking for an incest movie and thought that it was better to point out that you were after strictly non-pornographic incest?

Perhaps Leon, the world's best paedophile movie would be worth a look too?

Edit: Or maybe not as this guy seemingly joined up only to look for a good incest film and then left never to be heard from again.

TheUsualSuspect 05-15-06 12:36 AM

It's funny how many movies are being spoiled in this thread.

7thson 05-15-06 12:46 AM

I hate it when incest is spoiled. Pervos///:)

7thson 05-15-06 12:47 AM

wait a sec...thatl do pig????? lol

Nexus 05-15-06 08:11 AM

Can't believe I didn't think of this before - just go here:

Sexy Celebrity 05-15-06 09:23 AM

I about died when I saw this. I thought it was a newer thread.

CaptainCrunch 05-15-06 04:13 PM


Sotto_Voce 05-18-06 05:16 AM

OLDBOY. Hands down. (not a spoiler... OR IS IT!?)

eviltwin 05-19-06 04:13 PM

Definitely The War Zone, as has been mentioned by other posters. But U Turn deserves an honourable mention.

movied 05-19-06 05:03 PM

hi all

Don't remember of any good incest movie...but can anyone of you help me find a movie which deals with sharing of husbands and wives amongst 2 couples. i have seen one but don't remember the name.

please help me find movies on this topic


Holden Pike 10-29-07 01:38 PM

What is the best non-porn incest movie?
By the by, just for baseline purposes did anybody ever figure out what the best porn incest movie is? For me it's probably Taboo XII, which cleared up some of the unanswered questions from Taboos X and XI, and also had some nice character development and money shots.

Sir Toose 10-29-07 01:44 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?

...and upon walking into a thread with an ill-conceived and freakish title, {bbusername} never suspected that it really was a doorway into The Twilight Zone.

Misterking 10-29-07 01:52 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
Originally Posted by Holden Pike (Post 389812)
By the by, just for baseline purposes did anybody ever figure out what the best porn incest movie is? For me it's probably Taboo XII, which cleared up some of the unanswered questions from Taboos X and XI, and also had some nice character development and money shots.
Wow, the Taboo series went that long?? I'm really behind the times here.

Thanks for bumping this thread, by the way. It's all kinds of awesome.

Yoda 10-29-07 01:57 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
Creepy fact: this thread gets a lot of traffic, and is currently the 59th-most viewed thread in the site's history. That may not sound very high, but it'd be a lot higher if we excluded threads like "Word Association" and "Movie Tab."

Holden Pike 10-29-07 02:00 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda
Creepy fact: this thread gets a lot of traffic, and is currently the 59th-most viewed thread in the site's history. That may not sound very high, but it'd be a lot higher if we excluded threads like "Word Association" and "Movie Tab."

I just made the silly reply because I noticed an unregistered member (and member is probably very apt, though it may indeed be registered under State offender laws) was viewing it.

Ewwwwww. But to be fair, I don't know what their sister or mother or aunt or whoever looks like. Maybe they're hot?

Sir Toose 10-29-07 02:03 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
You all have obviously missed the FACT that my post in this thread was nothing short of brilliant.


Lycanthrope 10-29-07 02:08 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
Not sure if it's the best but one of the strangest would be
"Bad Boy Bubby"
directed by Rolf de Heer. It stars Nicholas Hope and Carmel Johnson.

Yoda 10-29-07 02:10 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
Originally Posted by Holden Pike (Post 389821)

I just made the silly reply because I noticed an unregistered member (and member is probably very apt, though it may indeed be registered under State offender laws) was viewing it.

Ewwwwww. But to be fair, I don't know what their sister or mother or aunt or whoever looks like. Maybe they're hot?
Good point. I mean, after all, it's just incest to them, right? It's not like they're related to us.

I'll stop talking now.

Originally Posted by Sir Toose (Post 389822)
You all have obviously missed the FACT that my post in this thread was nothing short of brilliant.

I really can't see anything related to The Twilight Zone these days without instinctively thinking of Futurama's "The Scary Door."

"You are entering the vicinity of an area, adjacent to a location, the kind of place where there might be a monster or some kind of weird mirror. Of course these are just examples and it could be something much better. Prepare to enter...The Scary Door. As per your request please find enclosed the last man on earth."

Pyro Tramp 10-29-07 02:14 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
Back on subject, anyone mentioned The Dreamers?

Sedai 10-29-07 02:35 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
For me, it can only be one film:

The House of Yes (Waters, 1997)

(No, not that Waters)

Cute little indy film. Great dialog. I watched it with my sister recently.

Pyro Tramp 10-29-07 02:38 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
Although on TV, how about Hollyoaks or Green Wing because sleeping with your mum CAN be funny.....

MarKus 10-29-07 02:59 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp (Post 389827)
Back on subject, anyone mentioned The Dreamers?
Yeah I've heard that British movie is good.. but haven't watched it yet..

Misterking 10-29-07 03:32 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me

Pyro Tramp 10-29-07 03:43 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
Originally Posted by MarKus (Post 389840)
Yeah I've heard that British movie is good.. but haven't watched it yet..
Is it British? Didn't realise, figured shot in France and Bernando Bertullici (sp?) sounded Italian.....

Memnon 10-29-07 03:55 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
Originally Posted by Sedai (Post 389834)
For me, it can only be one film:

The House of Yes (Waters, 1997)

(No, not that Waters)

Cute little indy film. Great dialog. I watched it with my sister recently.
Either no one really caught that, or they are trying desperately to ignore such references in posts... so I thought I'd bring it up for those who missed it, and to put it in bold for those who are trying to ignore it... :p

Yoda 10-29-07 03:59 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
Yeah, I noticed that, and was going to say that I would have omitted that particular detail. But then I figured people would think I was weird and creepy, so I didn't...a rationale I'm undermining by posting this, I suppose.

Pyro Tramp 10-29-07 04:04 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
I was more concerned about his spelling of 'dialogue'

Sedai 10-29-07 04:13 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
Dialog is actually a variant or dialogue. You see, I was sick of MoFo putting a little red line under dialogue, even though it's clearly correct. Meanwhile, my spelling is just fine on the variant. See, it's right here in the dictionary.

Meanwhile, I didn't REALLY watch that film with my sister...

I watched it with the cat.

linespalsy 10-29-07 04:19 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
The first time I saw that film I watched it with my whole family (including sister), not really knowing what to expect. It is a personal favorite.

Sedai 10-29-07 04:20 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
Yup, I love this film. Snarky, wonderful diallougq7, and it has Parker in it...whom I love.

Sedai 10-29-07 05:19 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
Ah! Fire Walk with Me... Great choice!

linespalsy 10-31-07 01:22 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?

"I, the wrath of God, will marry my own daughter and with her I'll found the purest dynasty the earth has ever seen."

Sexy Celebrity 10-31-07 01:51 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?

OK, a little background. I found this movie, Harry and Max, a movie about two young celebrity brothers who like to go on trips to the mountains and SLEEP WITH EACH OTHER (I mean, really sleep...) - I found this last year at BLOCKBUSTERS of all places! Now, Blockbusters usually carries lots of gay interest movies, films often distributed by TLA Releasing, the big gay distributor. I came across Harry and Max and was like, "This is too funny not to rent." So mind you, I didn't rent it because I wanted to watch two brothers get it on.

From what I remember, there wasn't any sex or nudity, but there was implied sex between the two of them, I think. I do think they kissed each other, but it wasn't anything passionate and long WHY AM I GOING INTO DETAIL?! WHO THE HELL CARES?! Just know that it was a freaky movie, but it didn't go overboard.

I do remember a scene where the older brother's girlfriend (not an actual girlfriend, a girlfriend!) learned about what was going on between the bros, and she had a great "That's sick! He's your brother, your freak!" moment and walked off.

Anyway, if you want something really different... Harry and Max is it.

By the way, how are those two brothers? I don't see the resemblance.

Misterking 10-31-07 02:00 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 390281)
I found this last year at BLOCKBUSTERS of all places!
Every now and again a movie does slip past the Blockbuster radar. One time I walked in there and found this on the shelf:

And by the way, it's awesome.

Sexy Celebrity 10-31-07 02:17 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
Originally Posted by Misterking (Post 390286)
Every now and again a movie does slip past the Blockbuster radar.
For the longest time, I never understood the whole "Blockbuster is evil and edits their movies!" thing because I saw things like the X rated John Waters classic Pink Flamingos through Blockbuster.

But... I don't bother with it anymore now because I have Netflix. Also, the Blockbuster where I rented Pink Flamingos is now something called Casa Furniture.

Powdered Water 03-23-08 04:39 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
7th is right, every time I look at what the guests are checking out lately there is someone in this thread. Too funny. Incest! Porn! Yes! Jesus...

droo_face 04-03-08 01:26 AM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
curse of the golden flower, lady wants to get jiggy with her son

mack 04-03-08 01:37 AM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
oh god. the entire subject is totally repulsive.

but how about the fact that Prison Break Season 2 indicated that the Presidential candidate was sleeping with her brother?

yuck. :sick:

jrs 04-03-08 02:22 AM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
How the hell did someone even think of creating this thread in the first place. Repulsive is right.

chet seven 04-03-08 02:27 AM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
refer to avatar...

ha gross

mark f 04-03-08 02:35 AM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
I certainly wouldn't call it the best or even good, but it does have an attractive cast.

Sexy Celebrity 04-03-08 02:58 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
The title of this thread is my favorite at Movie Forums.

Sir Toose 04-03-08 03:07 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
J, I just can't even be adult about it so I've not participated in the thread at all.

In fact.... nope, never mind I'm bowing out out again. :D

justdecent 04-03-08 07:01 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
I've read through all of these and still can't think of ANY that i've seen. Thought one or two would spir my memory.

rufnek 04-03-08 07:36 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
Back in 1963, when incest was only hinted at, not openly expressed on the screen, Dean Martin played a ne’er-do-well son who returns from Illinois with a new wife to New Orleans to meet his two spinster sisters, Wendy Hiller as Anna Berniers and Geraldine Page as Carrie Berniers. Carrie, who has always had an incestuous love for her baby brother to the point where Anna used to sit up nights to prevent her from molesting him, does her best to break up his marriage with disastrous results for all. Written for the stage by Lillian Hellman, it’s one of the best films on that subject and has a stellar cast directed by George Roy Hill with a great score by George Duning.

The best incestuous character ever, however, is the mother from hell in the 1962 original film, The Manchurian Candidate, with Angela Lansbury as the manipulative mother and communist agent who uses her own son as both an assassin and a love toy while he’s in hypnotic trances.

Lansbury was only 3 years older than Laurence Harvey when she played his mother in that movie. She was nominated for an Oscar as Best Supporting Actress, and in 2007 Newsweek selected her character as one of the 10 greatest villains in cinema history.

MovieMaker5087 04-03-08 07:46 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
Here's a B-flick that's all about incest. There is a steamy sex scene, but it's got an R rating, so it's not exactly porn. The film used to be my nickname to a group of people I know, but they now gave it away to someone else who looked like a character from the movie, instead of being an "incestuous" being like myself (long story, inside joke, bottom line is that I'm not a product of cousinly love):

Sexy Celebrity 04-04-08 03:17 AM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
Originally Posted by MovieMaker5087 (Post 425186)
How in the world does a movie that looks like that deal with incest??

It looks like Troll 3.

MovieMaker5087 04-04-08 11:48 AM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 425237)
How in the world does a movie that looks like that deal with incest??

It looks like Troll 3.
The creatures in it are all products of generations of incest, and the main character comes to where they live to find a cure for a blood disease he has.

Godoggo 04-04-08 12:01 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
Originally Posted by MovieMaker5087 (Post 425291)
The creatures in it are all products of generations of incest, and the main character comes to where they live to find a cure for a blood disease he has.
I have actually seen this movie. It's awful.:sick:

MovieMaker5087 04-04-08 01:53 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
Originally Posted by Godoggo (Post 425295)
I have actually seen this movie. It's awful.:sick:

Sexy Celebrity 04-04-08 02:25 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
Originally Posted by MovieMaker5087 (Post 425291)
The creatures in it are all products of generations of incest, and the main character comes to where they live to find a cure for a blood disease he has.
So, incest is a cure for blood diseases??? :eek: :goof:

MovieMaker5087 04-04-08 02:59 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 425315)
So, incest is a cure for blood diseases??? :eek: :goof:
No, the cure for it is...

WARNING: "The Cure" spoilers below
the main character has to eat a fetus of one of the creatures that's his relative.

FernTree 04-07-08 08:15 AM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
What an interesting topic.

I recently saw Sister My Sister ... it is a UK film from 1994, An adaptation of a real life murder case which happened in France in the early 1900's. Originally called the "Papin Affair" because that is the real family name of the two sisters who murdered their employers. This case has been the basis of many psycho-analytists who were fascinated about the relationship between the two women. This film is one of the more common intepretations that exists on the nature of the relationship between the two sisters. In 2000 this murder has been made into another film, this one from France titled Murderous Maids

Bad Boy Bubby ... a great Aussie indi film which was shot in Adelaide. If you can, give it a watch.

I don't think that anyone has mentioned this classic, The Silence which was directed by Ingmar Bergman in 1963.

7thson 05-05-08 03:32 AM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
I liked The Killer Bees made for TV film from the 70's, I mean Kate Jackson has never been sweeter. wait...non-porn incest....ha, thought it was non-porn insect movies...sry.

globalbpo 05-05-08 03:40 AM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
The other Boleyn Girl "almost" had an incest scene in it. It was quite disturbing...

OzzMan 05-05-08 08:04 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
I hate to bring it up in a movie forum, but the first thing that popped in my head after reading the thread title was the classic "Home" episode of the X-files.

7thson 05-10-08 09:16 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
All of you guests that have come here just to view this thread:

FILMFREAK087 05-10-08 09:42 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
And ppl say I create strange threads...

Maher 06-08-08 06:58 AM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
La Coupure (2006) (French-Canadian)

is a film about a brother and his sister in love since their adolescent years and their struggle to end their incestuous relationship.

Sci-Fi-Guy 06-08-08 06:28 PM

Re: what is the best non porn incest movie?
Since nobody's mentioned it yet...

It was the first thing that popped into my head.:rolleyes:

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