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Sexy Celebrity 11-28-16 04:33 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Citizen Rules 11-28-16 04:49 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Guaporense 11-28-16 07:46 PM

Re: President Trump
isn't it "terminate THE deal"?

Iroquois 11-30-16 12:00 AM

Re: President Trump
And here I was thinking it wasn't possible for Pink Flamingos to be any more disgusting.

The Gunslinger45 11-30-16 12:06 AM

Re: President Trump
Vote for Divine! Make Filth Great Again!

Swan 11-30-16 11:31 AM

Re: President Trump
It's all a big conspiracy orchestrated by John Waters!

Powdered Water 12-01-16 01:29 PM

Re: President Trump
And shes also a he. So, maybe it really is Trump

Iroquois 12-01-16 09:22 PM

Re: President Trump
If we're talking John Waters movies then I'd be more inclined to compare him to Edie Massey's character in Desperate Living.

Movie Max 12-02-16 12:45 PM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1611818)
Trump's new Terminator!
Hey Citizen, I thought of you when Stein announced the recount efforts. What do you think of her initiative?

Movie Max 12-03-16 10:12 AM

Holy crap, who has time for all this scrutiny? I see a practical guy on the go.:rolleyes:

Donald Trump Uses Scotch Tape to Hold His Tie Together

Camo 12-03-16 10:20 AM

Re: President Trump
? That's from People Magazine which is pretty much specifically about pointless/superficial famous people things like that. You could find plenty of examples of them publishing crappy similar things about Obama, Hilary, whoever.

matt72582 12-03-16 11:17 AM

Re: President Trump
Trump is trying to save the taxpayers money :)

Movie Max 12-03-16 11:23 AM

Re: President Trump
1 Attachment(s)
People Magazine just had the photo I liked. I thought most mainstream media was in on reporting the tie and tape. Hillary and Obama are old news. Stein is desperately scratching away to the bone, just to get her 15 minutes of fame.

CiCi 12-03-16 11:31 AM

I don't think Stein is, at least I hope not. If the USA are going to have a major third party, then the likes of Johnson and Stein can't disappear for 4 years until the next election. They need to keep on developing their support and consolidating it. It can't be that difficult if someone as utterly clueless as Johnson still managed to get millions of votes :lol:

Citizen Rules 12-03-16 11:08 PM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 1613669)
People talk about how Donald Trump loves to eat McDonald's food.

I just figured out why.

Hillary's eating the seat! I guess she needs some fiber in her diet:eek:

Iroquois 12-04-16 05:04 AM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 1613669)
People talk about how Donald Trump loves to eat McDonald's food.

I just figured out why.

It's hard not to see a lot of Trump parallels in The Founder.

Movie Max 12-04-16 09:46 PM

It's really not something one should take personally, or be surprised at. All these recent anti-establishment wins truly seem to be more of a global movement, as opposed to isolated incidents that shouldn't have happened. They are happening and they are unexpectedly defying logic in various world territories. At some point, we should probably start expecting them, because I have a feeling these wins will continue.

This is what Italians are actually voting on in Sunday's crucial referendum

If Renzi's "Yes" campaign loses, (IT LOST) he is expected to resign, leading to a new government. A "No" vote will also likely give the populist Five Star Movement a substantial boost, and signal a further victory for a global populist political insurgency that has already helped cause Brexit and the election of Donald Trump to the US presidency.

Italy referendum: PM Matteo Renzi resigns after clear referendum defeat

Mr Renzi said the reforms he proposed would have cut Italy's bureaucracy and made the country more competitive.

But the referendum was widely seen as a chance to register discontent with the prime minister.

The No vote was supported by populist parties, and the referendum was regarded as a barometer of anti-establishment sentiment in Europe.

Italy referendum: Matteo Renzi to resign after defeat

It will also be seen, much like Brexit and the election of Donald Trump, as a victory of populist forces over an establishment party, although the reality is more complicated.

Camo 12-04-16 10:00 PM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 1613669)
People talk about how Donald Trump loves to eat McDonald's food.

I just figured out why.

Is this supposed to be like that ad we all watched the other day? Hilary really wanted that big mac and none of us paid enough attention to realize?

Citizen Rules 12-04-16 10:13 PM

Re: President Trump
Ha! that's funny:D

Movie Max 12-05-16 09:48 AM

Re: President Trump
I knew Canada wasn't all bad.:D

"While the reactions to the U.S. election are predictably negative, they aren't quite as black as we might have expected,"

When asked "overall, what impact do you believe Donald Trump's presidency will have on you and your family," 41 per cent of Albertans responded "positive," compared with just 20 per cent nationally.

In Alberta, Trump received 47.8 per cent approval.

Results for our midwest were not presented.

ash_is_the_gal 12-05-16 11:28 AM

Re: President Trump
why is Trump wasting his time tweeting about how crap SNL is? he's about the be the president for crying aloud. he sounds like a 12 year old on xbox live with some of this shet.

CiCi 12-05-16 03:28 PM

Originally Posted by ash_is_the_gal (Post 1614119)
why is Trump wasting his time tweeting about how crap SNL is? he's about the be the president for crying aloud. he sounds like a 12 year old on xbox live with some of this shet.
Lord knows, but this is a man who potentially ruined 40 years of diplomatic relations with China in a single phone call.

I actually find Alec Baldwin hilarious as Trump though, just imagine the tweets if Baldwin is nominated for an Emmy :lol:

Movie Max 12-07-16 09:00 AM

Re: President Trump

Iroquois 12-07-16 09:55 AM

Re: President Trump
D-S-A! D-S-A!

Nah, doesn't have the same ring to it. Good.

Movie Max 12-07-16 06:51 PM

Trump chooses pro wrestling magnate Linda McMahon to head SBA

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said on Wednesday he will nominate professional wrestling magnate and former Senate candidate Linda McMahon as his choice to head the Small Business Administration.

Movie Max 12-18-16 11:02 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Movie Max 12-19-16 09:04 AM

Electoral College meets amid effort to deny Trump presidency

Republican electors say they have been deluged with emails, phone calls and letters urging them not to support Trump. Many of the emails are part of coordinated campaigns.

"The letters are actually quite sad," said Lee Green, a Republican elector from North Carolina. "They are generally freaked out. They honestly believe the propaganda. They believe our nation is being taken over by a dark and malevolent force."

In addition to thousands of emails, Republican elector Charlie Buckels of Louisiana said he received a FedEx package with a 50-page document that the sender said "had absolute proof that the Russians hacked the elections."

"From the tenor of these emails, you would think these people are curled up in a corner in a fetal position with a thumb in their mouth," Buckels said.

Yoda 12-19-16 09:49 AM

Re: President Trump
Trump's right about the Stein recount thing, at least. Definitely a scam.

Movie Max 01-04-17 10:40 AM

I like this cartoon...:D

The victory of Donald Trump surprised virtually all political observers. Many since have focused on Trump’s record-high 39 percent margin among whites without a college degree. Few have focused on what this means: Trump — and the Republican party — owe the presidency to millions of whites who have largely voted Democratic for years. The implications of that for the future of the Republican party are immense.

Read more at:
Social conservatives often think that their policies are the way to reach out to these voters and bring them into the GOP coalition, but that’s a mistake. These voters are not motivated by social issues; they are, as the conservative Canadian political analyst Patrick Muttart says, “morally moderate.” They will go along with candidates of the Left or the Right who hold their party’s consensus views on abortion, gender identity, or marriage so long as they do not make those views their priority. Donald Trump’s lack of a firm grounding in traditional Republican social policy was, for these voters, a plus, as it signaled to them that advancing the Evangelical Christian social agenda would not be high on his agenda.

Read more at:

TONGO 01-06-17 08:37 AM

Since some of the Trumpets like to troll the other thread about Trump, you know the one with facts being discussed, I figure Ill give this thread the news clips too.

Enjoy :)

U.S. taxpayers may end up paying for Trump’s border wall with Mexico

President-elect Donald Trump may ask Congress for American tax dollars to pay for a border wall with Mexico, breaking a major campaign promise, according to multiple reports late Thursday.

Making Mexico pay for a wall to stop the flow of smuggled drugs and illegal immigrants was a centerpiece of Trump’s presidential campaign.

“Mexico will pay for the wall,” Trump said at a campaign rally in Phoenix on Aug. 31. “Believe me. 100%. They don’t know it yet, but they’re going to pay for the wall.”
Critics have assailed the wall as being unrealistic, expensive and impractical.

According to CNN and the Associated Press, Trump’s transition team has spoken with Republican Congressional leaders about the possibility of funding the wall through the appropriations process, using the authority of a law passed in 2006 under the Bush administration to build fencing along the border. Doing so would avoid having to pass a new border-wall bill, which would likely face heavy opposition by Democrats and many Republicans.

“By funding the authorization that’s already happened a decade ago, we could start the process of meeting Mr. Trump’s campaign pledge to secure the border,” Rep. Luke Messer, R-Indiana, told CNN on Thursday.

Placing the controversial funding measure into an existing spending bill could force a budget showdown with Democrats, who could threaten to shut down the government rather than approve the bill. That could be a politically fraught stance for many Democrats, especially those, such as Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York, who supported the bill in 2006.

“If tied to the rest of government funding, it’s much harder for the Democrats to stop, and by the way, I think it’s much harder for Democrats to vote against it if what you’re doing is authorizing funding for an existing law,” Messer later told Politico.

However, if the 2006 law does end up paying for a new border barrier, it will more likely be an upgraded fence, not the enormous concrete wall that Trump touted during his campaign. Experts have said a wall that Trump has described, rising 40 feet and spanning almost 2,000 miles of rugged terrain, would cost tens of billions of dollars to build.

TONGO 01-07-17 02:25 PM

From EcoWatch....

Q. Noam, the unthinkable has happened: In contrast to all forecasts, Donald Trump scored a decisive victory over Hillary Clinton, and the man that Michael Moore described as a "wretched, ignorant, dangerous part-time clown and full-time sociopath" will be the next president of the U.S. In your view, what were the deciding factors that led American voters to produce the biggest upset in the history of U.S. politics?

A. Noam Chomsky

Before turning to this question, I think it is important to spend a few moments pondering just what happened on Nov. 8, a date that might turn out to be one of the most important in human history, depending on how we react.

No exaggeration.

The most important news of Nov. 8 was barely noted, a fact of some significance in itself.

On Nov. 8, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) delivered a report at the international conference on climate change in Morocco (COP22) which was called in order to carry forward the Paris agreement of COP21. The WMO reported that the past five years were the hottest on record. It reported rising sea levels, soon to increase as a result of the unexpectedly rapid melting of polar ice, most ominously the huge Antarctic glaciers. Already, Arctic sea ice over the past five years is 28 percent below the average of the previous 29 years, not only raising sea levels, but also reducing the cooling effect of polar ice reflection of solar rays, thereby accelerating the grim effects of global warming. The WMO reported further that temperatures are approaching dangerously close to the goal established by COP21, along with other dire reports and forecasts.

Another event took place on Nov. 8, which also may turn out to be of unusual historical significance for reasons that, once again, were barely noted.

On Nov. 8, the most powerful country in world history, which will set its stamp on what comes next, had an election. The outcome placed total control of the government—executive, Congress, the Supreme Court—in the hands of the Republican Party, which has become the most dangerous organization in world history.

Apart from the last phrase, all of this is uncontroversial. The last phrase may seem outlandish, even outrageous. But is it? The facts suggest otherwise. The party is dedicated to racing as rapidly as possible to destruction of organized human life. There is no historical precedent for such a stand.

Is this an exaggeration? Consider what we have just been witnessing.

During the Republican primaries, every candidate denied that what is happening is happening—with the exception of the sensible moderates, like Jeb Bush, who said it's all uncertain, but we don't have to do anything because we're producing more natural gas, thanks to fracking. Or John Kasich, who agreed that global warming is taking place, but added that "we are going to burn [coal] in Ohio and we are not going to apologize for it."

The winning candidate, now the president-elect, calls for rapid increase in use of fossil fuels, including coal; dismantling of regulations; rejection of help to developing countries that are seeking to move to sustainable energy; and in general, racing to the cliff as fast as possible.

Trump has already taken steps to dismantle the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by placing in charge of the EPA transition a notorious (and proud) climate change denier, Myron Ebell. Trump's top adviser on energy, billionaire oil executive Harold Hamm, announced his expectations, which were predictable: dismantling regulations, tax cuts for the industry (and the wealthy and corporate sector generally), more fossil fuel production, lifting Obama's temporary block on the Dakota Access Pipeline.

The market reacted quickly. Shares in energy corporations boomed, including the world's largest coal miner, Peabody Energy, which had filed for bankruptcy, but after Trump's victory, registered a 50 percent gain.

Follow the link to read the complete article.

Iroquois 01-08-17 11:12 PM

Man, if those electors quoted at the top of the page are any indication, then...

Movie Max 01-09-17 04:56 PM

Re: President Trump
Wow, White outclasses Streep...

Frightened Inmate No. 2 01-11-17 12:33 PM

Re: President Trump
yo this dude likes piss

Yoda 01-11-17 12:39 PM

Re: President Trump
Eh, maybe. It's pretty clear BuzzFeed acted irresponsibly by posting something they hadn't verified, and which in fact no one seems able to verify right now. And overreaching just provides a ready-made excuse to dodge the issue, allowing him to talk about journalistic protocols instead of facts.

That said, if any Trump supporters are mad about serious accusations without verification, they can show me evidence of how outraged they were when Trump accused Ted Cruz's father of helping to assassinate JFK, or when he floated a dozen other conspiracy theories.

Camo 01-11-17 12:42 PM

Was wondering why this hadn't been mentioned here yet. Eh.. well nothings been confirmed as Yoda said, i saw something on another site that claimed it was a 4 chan hoax but i was just scanning through didn't look into it. It's all nuts anyway.

Yoda 01-11-17 12:47 PM

Re: President Trump
The 4chan stuff seems like nonsense. They claim they leaked it to Rick Wilson (Trump supporters hate him, because he was critical of Trump, naturally). Wilson categorically says otherwise, and basically proved it by saying that if he was the source, he relinquished any claim to anonymity, so BuzzFeed would be free to identify him as such. Maybe they would and maybe they wouldn't, but for anyone not engaged in willful reasoning, that should settle it. And if that part isn't true, there isn't much reason to think the rest is.

Frightened Inmate No. 2 01-11-17 03:40 PM

Re: President Trump
i realize that this is probably not true, but it's still super funny and i will be making piss puns for the foreseeable future.

Kaplan 01-11-17 05:06 PM

Re: President Trump
I guess I'm the only one who who's not amused by the whole thing, now that I'm learning a little more about it. And Buzzfeed is trash. Of course they are significantly less trashy than, say, The National Enquirer, and Trump thinks they should win the Pulitzer Prize. :rolleyes:

donniedarko 01-11-17 10:32 PM

Re: President Trump
After Barack Hussein Obama's little Israel stunt I'm 100% on board with the Trump victory

**** what the Democratic party has become. The Bernies and Warren's ruined what was once a decent party. Now i would take 2000 Nader over who's coming out of this sh*t house

Kaplan 01-12-17 09:12 AM

Originally Posted by donniedarko (Post 1626278)
After Barack Hussein Obama's little Israel stunt I'm 100% on board with the Trump victory

**** what the Democratic party has become. The Bernies and Warren's ruined what was once a decent party. Now i would take 2000 Nader over who's coming out of this sh*t house
What stunt was that? The 10 year/38 billion dollar aid package to Israel Obama signed last year? Or are you referring to his standing by and letting the international community express their opinion on the growing illegal settlements? Israel needs us more than we need them, but you'd never know it to listen to that greedy, corrupt failure of a prime minister, who is as likely to be indicted by the end of the year as he is to remain in power.

I do agree that I don't want to see the democratic party become overall more progressive. That I don't want to see.

donniedarko 01-12-17 03:26 PM

Re: President Trump
Israel needs us more than we need them? Eh, I don't think you've really read up on the full deals with the iron dome funding because US business makes a good amount of money on that. Bibi having a 50% chance of being indicted? Don't know where you got that but I won't be looking through your ass to find it. A much stronger leader than Obama could ever be.

donniedarko 01-12-17 03:27 PM

Re: President Trump
Maybe move on from the propaganda the international community and Kerry feed you about the settlements

donniedarko 01-12-17 03:31 PM

Re: President Trump
Traders give BibI a 72% chance to last to the years end. If you're so confident on your claim go lose some money. I'll probably be putting a bit on yes

donniedarko 01-12-17 03:35 PM

Re: President Trump
Democrats claiming they're worried about Sessions nit picking which laws he wants to follow, yet stand with illegal immigrants and against deportation :shrug:

Kaplan 01-12-17 06:52 PM

Originally Posted by donniedarko (Post 1626559)
Israel needs us more than we need them? Eh, I don't think you've really read up on the full deals with the iron dome funding because US business makes a good amount of money on that.
Let me get this straight: In 2014 Obama signs a deal for the U.S. to give Israel $225 million to help with their air defense and yet in your version of reality this is a case of the U.S. needing Israel more than they need us...? And mind you that was on top of the $3 billion we already were giving them every year, a total that is now $3.8 after Obama signed the last aid package. You do realize we give more aid to Israel than any other country in the world? Reality looks like a Daliesque pretzel the way you twist it.

Bibi having a 50% chance of being indicted? Don't know where you got that but I won't be looking through your ass to find it. A much stronger leader than Obama could ever be.
The allegations of corruption against Netanyahu are pretty substantial and he is currently under investigation. I assume you've heard this? Regardless of how it turns out, he is still greedy, corrupt, and a failure. And the right wing will call everyone a stronger leader than Obama, so that's just empty rhetoric.

matt72582 01-13-17 08:09 PM

Re: President Trump
Israel is an apartheid state... REAL liberals fight against injustice ANYWHERE, not just when it's trendy.

donniedarko 01-13-17 08:43 PM

Re: President Trump
I'll get back to your grievances when I'm on a computer, Kaplan

Matt, tell me exactly how Israel is an apartheid state please?

Friendly Mushroom! 01-14-17 05:17 PM

Re: President Trump
The world is weird. For example - Mario got Sonic Adventure 3 before Sonic.

Friendly Mushroom! 01-15-17 09:18 AM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 1627757)
Obvious Joke = Trump is force choking Ben Caron.

It also looks like Trump has elf ears for some reason.

TONGO 01-15-17 01:51 PM

Movie Max 01-15-17 02:19 PM

Trump may be a 'clown,' but he was right about the media: Rolling Stone journalist

"The media and politicians had spent so much time with each other that they lost touch with regular people, and Trump capitalized on that. He made us in the media villains, representative of this out of touch, ivory tower political culture," he said.

"I think there's some fairness to it, as much as I dislike Donald Trump, he hit a note, several notes, in this campaign that were true, and that was one of them."

Iroquois 01-17-17 04:04 AM

Re: President Trump

Movie Max 01-18-17 10:32 AM

Re: President Trump

Movie Max 01-19-17 09:51 AM

Re: President Trump

Captain Steel 01-19-17 10:56 PM

HAPPY INAUGURATION EVE! Sexy and everybody!

So, who's boycotting the festivities and who wishes they had one of the tickets to the ball that had been reserved for one of the people who refuse to attend on the principle that they now no longer acknowledge the United State's election system?

I know this has been repeated, but it does bear repeating... it's just amazing that so many of the people who were outraged at Trump's suggestion that he might not honor the vote (and the ultimate decision of the Electoral College) and who called him un-American and disrespectful to the Constitution are the same people now saying they will not acknowledge him as President; that he was illegally elected or that the election system (which they fully supported right up until the final votes were cast) is broken, flawed, unjust or needs to be thrown out. It's just amazing how anyone can be so openly hypocritical to tout a system as the best around, until their candidate loses - then state that the same system they supported is "broken"!

But once again, this is the double standard of the Left and their philosophy of Political Correctness, which dictates "what's good for the goose is good for the gander... as long as it's not OUR gander! OUR gander needs a whole different set of special rules, standards and entitlements - while we insist that everyone else who we don't deem as special or entitled or 'one of us' be forced to comply with rules and standards based on a level playing field of equity and which are applied & enforced equally!"

Iroquois 01-19-17 11:18 PM

Re: President Trump
Bit rich coming from the side that picked the most aggressively entitled individual in the land.

Iroquois 01-20-17 03:03 AM

Re: President Trump

Movie Max 01-20-17 09:40 AM

Re: President Trump

ashdoc 01-20-17 01:26 PM

Re: President Trump
So what are the opinions on trump's speech by the experts here?

Yoda 01-20-17 01:27 PM

Re: President Trump
Granted, that second one will only seem relevant to someone who thinks ideas, ya' know, matter. To people who've decided America lives or dies based on some undefinable attitude (rather than an idea, as its Founders clearly believed), it probably won't make a lot of sense.

The first one, however, is a contradiction whether you align with the Founders or not.

Topsy 01-20-17 01:40 PM

Re: President Trump
someone should have held the applause sign up for them so they knew when to do it.
some awkward moments where he had to stand there and wait for it lol
his speech was nothing surprising,sadly.

mark f 01-20-17 02:19 PM

Re: President Trump
An extremist, one-sided perspective on an America that only exists in the minds of all the villains in Frank Capra movies. I don't see Trump ever getting reformed like they did. The comeuppance is still a possibility. Trump didn't look too happy at some of the prayers offered after his swearing in since they offered things which seem anathema to his policies.

jiraffejustin 01-20-17 02:21 PM

Re: President Trump
There's no going back now. Let's trooper through these four years so we can re-elect him and trooper through four more years.

seanc 01-20-17 02:38 PM

Originally Posted by mark f (Post 1630451)
An extremist, one-sided perspective on an America that only exists in the minds of all the villains in Frank Capra movies. I don't see Trump ever getting reformed like they did. The comeuppance is still a possibility. Trump didn't look too happy at some of the prayers offered after his swearing in since they offered things which seem anathema to his policies.
Yeah, I think what alluding to is how dire he is about the state of the country. I agree, I can't tolerate it when he talks about us like we are a third world country. Nothing a big wall and super low corporate tax rate won't fix though. :sick:

TONGO 01-20-17 03:20 PM

Anti-Trump protests tear gassed today in Washington

Movie Max 01-20-17 03:53 PM

Re: President Trump
Over the last 8 years, I've noticed that a free market and bailouts managed to go hand in hand. Isn't that a huge and expensive example of how a free market and protectionism can both coexist?

Yoda 01-20-17 04:06 PM

Bailouts aren't protectionism. Protectionism is restricting trade through tariffs and regulations.

Captain Steel 01-20-17 04:07 PM

Re: President Trump
Protests - it's amazing that the Left / PC camp, which claims to abhor violence, can't ever seem to conduct protests without them turning violent (over 90 anti-Trump protesters arrested in NYC so far for violence, assaults and vandalism).

This is definitely not the kind of protest that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. talked about (but then he was a Christian & civil rights activist, not a politically correct Leftist).

Movie Max 01-20-17 04:18 PM

Re: President Trump
Ok, my mistake.

“It’s time to drop the fantasy that a purely free market exists in the world of global trade,” Mr Hochberg told an American audience shortly after returning from Prague. “In the real world our private enterprises are pitted against an array of competitors that are often government-owned, government-protected, government-subsidised, government-sponsored or all of the above.”

Global Trade Alert (GTA), a monitoring service operated by the London-based Centre for Economic Policy Research, defines protectionism more broadly as anything that hurts another country’s commercial interests. It thus includes government bailouts of domestic companies, wage subsidies, export and VAT rebates, export credits and financing from state-owned banks.

Yoda 01-20-17 04:29 PM

I'm not sure what your point is: it says right there in the quote that they're defining protectionism as "anything that hurts another country’s commercial interests." And the reason they have to state that is because it's outside of the normal definition.

Captain Steel 01-20-17 08:49 PM

This is just funny - Bill caught by Hillary while checking out Ivanka this morning. (Can't say as I blame him - Ivanka looked stunning! Gotta be the hottest "first daughter" ever!)

Friendly Mushroom! 01-20-17 10:28 PM

Originally Posted by Iroquois (Post 1630289)


Movie Max 01-20-17 11:00 PM

Originally Posted by Captain Steel (Post 1630579)
Bill caught by Hillary while checking out Ivanka this morning.
"I did not imagine sexual relations WITH THAT WOMAN" - Bill Clinton

Frightened Inmate No. 2 01-20-17 11:11 PM

Re: President Trump
too bad trump can't say that

Camo 01-20-17 11:14 PM

Re: President Trump
So... Trump did imagine sexual relations with that woman?

Citizen Rules 01-20-17 11:17 PM

Re: President Trump
I for one, am going to start learning Russian so that when Trump hands the USA over to Russia, I will still be able to order a vanilla latte, with a shot of Smirnoff....

Swan 01-20-17 11:17 PM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1630653)
I for one, am going to start learning Russian so that when Trump hands the USA over to Russia, I will still be able to order a vanilla latte....
Crapbake Kope?

Citizen Rules 01-20-17 11:18 PM

Re: President Trump
Ha, it could be!

Camo 01-20-17 11:20 PM

Re: President Trump
Those Russians taking over America for some reason. :shrug: This makes sense but everything else doesn't :shrug:

Iroquois 01-21-17 03:03 AM

Originally Posted by Captain Steel (Post 1630477)
Protests - it's amazing that the Left / PC camp, which claims to abhor violence, can't ever seem to conduct protests without them turning violent (over 90 anti-Trump protesters arrested in NYC so far for violence, assaults and vandalism).

This is definitely not the kind of protest that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. talked about (but then he was a Christian & civil rights activist, not a politically correct Leftist).

TONGO 01-21-17 07:27 PM

Scarlett Johansson took the podium on Saturday during the Women’s March in Washington, D.C. to advocate for Planned Parenthood and address Donald Trump himself.

“President Trump, I did not vote for you. That said, I respect that you are our President-elect and I want to be able to support you,” she said. “First, I ask that you support me, support my sister, support my mother, support my best friend and all of our girlfriends, support the men and women here today that are anxiously awaiting to see how your next moves may drastically affect their lives.”

“Support my daughter,” she continued, “who may actually — as a result of the appointments you have made — grow up in a country that is moving backwards, not forwards, and who potentially may not have the right to make choices for her body and her future that your daughter, Ivanka, has been privileged to have.”

Watch a clip below, via NBC News.

The Avengers and Ghost in the Shell action star then shared how Planned Parenthood helped her and saved the lives of her friends through cancer screenings and treatments.

matt72582 01-21-17 07:34 PM

Re: Donald Trump for President?
I wonder if the same people would protest if Hillary Clinton was inaugurated.

seanc 01-21-17 07:34 PM

Re: Donald Trump for President?
People talking about their children as if they are a choice to dispose of make me want to puke.

Topsy 01-21-17 07:42 PM

Re: Donald Trump for President?
^^ are you talking about abortion?

also them using pictures from Obamas inauguration as the twitter header because noone came to his :lol: :lol:

seanc 01-21-17 07:44 PM

Originally Posted by Topsy (Post 1630950)
^^ are you talking about abortion?

also them using pictures from Obamas inauguration as the twitter header because noone came to his :lol: :lol:
No, I'm talking about condoms.

Topsy 01-21-17 07:46 PM

Re: Donald Trump for President?
buy the old leather ones that you can wash and you wont have to dispose of them :up:

cricket 01-21-17 07:50 PM

I tried using a plastic bag once. I was friggin hammered.

Topsy 01-21-17 07:56 PM

Re: Donald Trump for President?
such a gent! ;)

cricket 01-21-17 07:58 PM

Originally Posted by Topsy (Post 1630957)
such a gent! ;)
I thought so!

Topsy 01-21-17 08:03 PM

Re: Donald Trump for President?
all is better than nothing..or something :lol:

Cobpyth 01-21-17 08:27 PM

Re: Donald Trump for President?
I'm not really connecting with the purpose of today's protest. Against which specific potential policy change are they protesting with their pink pussy hats?

I understand protests that are against specific new policies, but I have a hard time seeing the point of this kind of protests. Some of these women actually seem to think that they're going to be discriminated in the future like black people were in the past. There's absolutely nothing that points in that direction, though. I don't get it.

Protest against actual dangerous policy proposals, because that's what ultimately really counts. This chaotic movement that mainly seems to be focused at Trump's persona will not lead to anything meaningful or constructive, in my opinion.

Use specific arguments to combat Trump, not vague symbolism.

Friendly Mushroom! 01-21-17 08:27 PM

Re: Donald Trump for President?

TONGO 01-21-17 08:54 PM

Originally Posted by Cobpyth (Post 1630967)
Use specific arguments to combat Trump, not vague symbolism.
You'd think. Problem is people dont respond anymore to specific arguments, policies, or the truth being revealed. If it were he wouldnt have gotten elected. Its a different time now, and the educated within the USA need to wake up to that fact.

What would we respond to now? Someone more legit, I hate to say this, and more "cool" too.

If the Democrats come at him in 2020 with the facts, policies, and arguments....with a candidate thats boring & sound, Trump will win again. :(

Cobpyth 01-21-17 09:19 PM

Originally Posted by TONGO (Post 1630980)
You'd think. Problem is people dont respond anymore to specific arguments, policies, or the truth being revealed. If it were he wouldnt have gotten elected. Its a different time now, and the educated within the USA need to wake up to that fact.
Wrong. That's the worst lesson to take away from this election!

Hillary simply did a horrible job of arguing for her policies and she wasn't a believable person in the first place anyway. She didn't lose because she's not able to put up a show like Trump can. She lost because she was a terrible communicator for her ideas. She constantly played the "feelings" card with her "first woman president"-slogans and her main focus on character attacks, instead of rationally and clearly explaining why her policies were better for America.

One of the main reasons why Trump won was because he was able to bring all his opponents to his level and we all saw that he was better at playing that game.

People will be craving for a serious policy-minded person after four years of Trump (if he messes it up). If Trump's opponents keep acting in the way they are doing now, though, I am pretty sure that they won't benefit from it. Even I am instinctively getting appalled by them at times.

Don't engage in a war of feelings. Engage in a war of rational arguments. Don't lower the standard, but elevate it!

TONGO 01-21-17 09:31 PM

Originally Posted by Cobpyth (Post 1631004)
Wrong. That's the worst lesson to take away from this election!

Hillary simply did a horrible job of arguing for her policies and she wasn't a believable person in the first place anyway. She didn't lose because she's not able to put up a show like Trump can. She lost because she was a terrible communicator for her ideas. She constantly played the "feelings" card with her "first woman president"-slogans and her main focus on character attacks, instead of rationally and clearly explaining why her policies were better for America.

One of the main reasons why Trump won was because he was able to bring all his opponents to his level and we all saw that he was better at playing that game.

People will be craving for a serious policy-minded person after four years of Trump (if he messes it up). If Trump's opponents keep acting in the way they are doing now, though, I am pretty sure that they won't benefit from it. Even I am instinctively getting appalled by them at times.

Don't engage in a war of feelings. Engage in a war of rational arguments. Don't lower the standard, but elevate it!

Your thinking is completely right. I agree with it, but am disillusioned that most Americans are even capable of being intelligently objective now. Yeah I think Bernie would have beaten Trump with the same election strategy you mapped out, but Hillary just was not approachable or familiar to voters, like Trump even or Bernie.

mark f 01-21-17 09:40 PM

Re: President Trump
If somebody elevates "it", Trump calls them a liar in a tweet. And nobody lies more and "better" than Trump and his surrogates. To paraphrase one of those surrogates, fear of Trump is rational.

TONGO 01-21-17 09:41 PM

A most dreadful inaugural address: George Will

WASHINGTON -- Twenty minutes into his presidency, Donald Trump, who is always claiming to have made, or to be about to make, astonishing history, had done so. Living down to expectations, he had delivered the most dreadful inaugural address in history.

Kellyanne Conway, Trump's White House counselor, had promised that the speech would be "elegant." This is not the adjective that came to mind as he described "American carnage." That was a phrase the likes of which has never hitherto been spoken at an inauguration.

Oblivious to the moment and the setting, the always remarkable Trump proved that something dystopian can be strangely exhilarating: In what should have been a civic liturgy serving national unity and confidence, he vindicated his severest critics by serving up re-heated campaign rhetoric about "rusted out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape" and an education system producing students "deprived of all knowledge." Yes, all.

In what should have been a civic liturgy serving national unity and confidence, he vindicated his severest critics by serving up re-heated campaign rhetoric.

But cheer up, because the carnage will vanish if we "follow two simple rules: Buy American and hire American." "Simple" is the right word.

Because in 1981 the inauguration ceremony for a cheerful man from the American West was moved from the Capitol's East Portico to its West Front, Trump stood facing west, down the Mall with its stately monuments celebrating some of those who made America great -- Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln. Looking out toward where the fields of the republic roll on, Trump, a Gatsby-for-our-time, said: "What truly matters is not which party controls our government but whether our government is controlled by the people." Well.

"A dependence on the people," James Madison wrote, "is, no doubt, the primary control on the government; but experience has taught mankind the necessity of auxiliary precautions." He meant the checks and balances of our constitutional architecture. They are necessary because, as Madison anticipated and as the nation was reminded on Friday, "Enlightened statesmen will not always be at the helm."

Cobpyth 01-21-17 10:10 PM

Originally Posted by mark f (Post 1631018)
If somebody elevates "it", Trump calls them a liar in a tweet. And nobody lies more and "better" than Trump and his surrogates. To paraphrase one of those surrogates, fear of Trump is rational.
Most of the people he responded heavily to didn't challenge him on policies.

Meryl Streep
Megyn Kelly
Pope Francis
Mitt Romney
Hillary Clinton
Glenn Beck
Almost every other high-profile person he attacked on Twitter...

They all mainly attacked his persona, instead of strongly and rationally explaining why (some of) Trump's ideas are not in the best interest of America. They attacked the man instead of the policies.

Trump is the president of the United States now. Not a single character attack will change that. Why not simply combat the bad policies he's implementing from this moment on instead of insisting on talking about his persona? He won't be able to use personal attacks as an answer to widely accepted and logically explained arguments against his policies. People will see through that, including a large part of the people who voted for him in this election!
I'm strongly convinced that this is the rhetoric that should be used.

Kaplan 01-21-17 10:11 PM

Re: President Trump
George Will is correct that it was a dreadful inauguration speech, but as a side note that was a dreadfully written article. Is that how George Will always writes, like he's fighting off the effects of anesthesia?

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