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Thursday Next 04-01-07 07:34 AM

Doctor Who
Series Three of the new series started last night...who was watching? And what did you think?

I thought it was a big step up from the Christmas special, which tried too hard to be funny and often failed, and also had the extremely irritating Catherine Tate in it. This at least had one funny line "Where are they from? The planet Zovirax?"

The new companion seems ok, but really too similar to Rose. I thought they would have gone with something different. I really hope they don't go for a romance between the Doctor and Martha.

David Tennant is brilliant, even crazier than before.

The rhinos were lame, though.

Pyro Tramp 04-01-07 08:00 AM

Re: Doctor Who
Agree with all that. I was actually really suprised at some of the effects, good to see license money goes somewhere. Yes, Rhino's were lame, my eyes nearly rolled into the back of my head when they took their helmet off, but oh well. I got the impression the new companion would be very similar to Rose but thank **** it's not Catherine Tate. The episode next weeks looks bit naff but i never really enjoyed the ones set in the past.

Thursday Next 04-13-07 06:36 PM

Re: Doctor Who
I liked episode 2. Really quite funny, very Shakespeare in Love. Without the love.

Thursday Next 05-29-07 06:59 PM

Re: Doctor Who
Three good episodes then downhill all the way. But I seem to be the only person on here still watching (or still bothering to talk about it...). The new companion is really winding me up. I know it's for kids, but does everyone in the show need to hug so much?

Thursday Next 06-04-07 07:18 PM

Re: Doctor Who
Geek that I am, I would just like to qualify my above comment that the episodes have been going downhill after the Family of Blood two-parter turned out to be really quite good. Those scarecrows were scary. And David Tennant can act. He so needs to be in more films.

Pyro Tramp 06-04-07 09:12 PM

Re: Doctor Who
Funnily enough, that was the only episodes i've seen since the first i think. Things i don't like about the show but do still like the fact it knows how to have fun without being really pretentious.

Thursday Next 06-09-07 05:52 PM

Re: Doctor Who
True. I quite liked tonight's ep. Sort of like a development of last series' 'Love and Monsters', but a bit slicker. Not so much Doctor, which is a shame, but not so muh Martha either, which is a relief...

Pyro Tramp 06-10-07 07:19 AM

Re: Doctor Who
Missed last nights, no one in my house watches it. Might catch it on On Demand.

Thursday Next 06-10-07 07:23 AM

Re: Doctor Who
Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp (Post 373081)
Missed last nights, no one in my house watches it. Might catch it on On Demand.
No one in my house would watch it if they had a choice...but they don't! :)

Pyro Tramp 06-16-07 09:11 PM

Re: Doctor Who
Wow, tonights was actually amazing. Some of the best TV i've seen in a while, including Heroes and 24.

undercoverlover 06-17-07 01:19 PM

Re: Doctor Who
love love love dr. who

i prefer david tennant as well and the new girl freema - shes pretty good

Thursday Next 06-29-07 06:00 AM

Re: Doctor Who
Finally getting to watch the last two episodes tonight, after last Friday's repeat was moved to make way for Glastonbury (although that was good too), woo! Then Saturday's is the last in the series, boo!

Thursday Next 06-29-07 06:25 PM

Jack's Back!
Well that was an exciting if over the top couple of episodes. Looking forward to tomorrow's finale. I liked how earlier episodes tied in to the finale in a much more comprehensive way than the previous two series. I could have done with a few fewer flashbacks, but Mr. Next said he could have done for a few more, as he didn't have a clue what was going on!

undercoverlover 06-30-07 01:35 PM

Re: Doctor Who
tonights the finale, cant wait. Bit annoyed that Freema wont be in the next ones, theyre gonna have a new assistant, i quite liked her.

Pyro Tramp 07-01-07 10:19 AM

Re: Doctor Who
Yeh, i preferred her to Billie Piper.

Good episode, was hoping for something a bit more explosive i think but it all worked really well. Not so keen on Jack tho.

Thursday Next 07-01-07 11:46 AM

Re: Doctor Who
Originally Posted by undercoverlover (Post 374828)
tonights the finale, cant wait. Bit annoyed that Freema wont be in the next ones, theyre gonna have a new assistant, i quite liked her.
Is that true? I didn't know that. But then I have been avoiding spoilers until I watch the last episode tonight. If they get a new assistant I really hope they go for someone different (i.e. not a young girl from London with suspicious fashion sense and a crush on the Doctor).

Thursday Next 07-01-07 04:06 PM

Re: Doctor Who
Well tbh I was a bit disappointed with the last episode, although with such a build up it was bound to not quite live up to it. The get-outs are often a little lame (which is forgivable in what is basically a kids show) but it was bit too predictable that they were going to rewind time.

Pyro Tramp 07-03-07 11:23 AM

Re: Doctor Who
It was so predictable it was a given, so didn't bother me since knew it would happen.

Thursday Next 07-03-07 02:35 PM

Re: Doctor Who
Apparently Freema is going to be back as Martha next series, but not for the whole series, and there will be another new companion as well.

Thursday Next 07-04-07 03:25 AM

Re: Doctor Who
Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp (Post 365435)
but thank **** it's not Catherine Tate.
Bad news....:(

Pyro Tramp 07-06-07 10:59 AM

Re: Doctor Who
She wasn't AS bad as i expected but i think she may kill the Season, her character was ok for a one-off but recuring :sick:

undercoverlover 07-07-07 09:23 AM

Re: Doctor Who
she did have one of my fave dr. who lines ever, when she leaned out of the black cab window and said to the doctor

'Santa's a robot'

not the greatest line ever written but i love her delivery

The Gnat 08-09-07 02:58 PM

Re: Doctor Who
I think that she could do decently as a companion, but she won't be even near the level of Rose or Martha for that matter. And I would say there was a notable gap between Rose and Martha.

But somehow, being from the U.S., I've already seen all the episodes of season three. It is pretty good, I don't think that anything they could have done would have been on the same level as the end of season two, but it isn't bad.

Thursday Next 09-07-07 03:42 PM

Re: Doctor Who
Last episode of season 2 is on UKtv gold now. I have seen it 4 or 5 times already and cried every time without fail. I wonder if I can watch it through without crying this time...

Thursday Next 09-07-07 03:47 PM

Re: Doctor Who
...the answer to that is a resounding 'no'. :bawling:

The Gnat 11-27-07 11:55 AM

Re: Doctor Who
A little updated news for the fan(s) of the show out there as the new season gets close to starting. BBC has confirmed that Billie Piper will be back for three episodes this season as Rose.

WARNING: "Doctor Who" spoilers below
This might mean that the rumors that Davros appears at the end of the season (these rumors included Rose's return) are true.

Memnon 11-27-07 02:11 PM

Re: Doctor Who
Its funny... I have really liked Dr. Who since I was a kid, but I've never really considered it a "kids" show, as has been said several times in this thread.
I don't really know how I'd classify it, other than saying its just sci-fi, but a kids show? I don't know if I'd go that far... maybe I'd call it a family friendly show, one of those that you could all watch together (if you lived in a family that actually all like the show, which probably isn't the case for most people)...

adidasss 11-27-07 02:16 PM

Re: Doctor Who
Can one watch the newest of its reincarnations without any previous knowledge and still follow the plot without too much difficulty?

The Gnat 11-27-07 03:26 PM

Re: Doctor Who
I had no previous knowledge of Doctor Who when I started watching the newest incarnation of it. It was very easy to follow as they don't lean at all on the classic version, in that while villains or other things might crop up, they do explain them well enough. I probably missed some of the references to the old show, but you don't have to have seen the first incarnation of it to enjoy it.

adidasss 11-27-07 03:38 PM

Re: Doctor Who
Ok, thanks...I shall steal it ASAP...:)

Memnon 11-27-07 05:39 PM

Re: Doctor Who
There are certain references, characters, villains that come up in the latest ones, that are important to the whole history of the Dr. Who franchise, but I don't think there would be many issues of just seeing the latest ones.
Some of the references include the Daleks, the Master, earlier companions, and I think it was only in one or two episodes... K-9.

The Gnat 11-27-07 11:13 PM

Re: Doctor Who
K-9 was only in a single new episode.

The Gnat 12-26-07 02:35 PM

Re: Doctor Who
Did anyone get a chance to see the Christmas Special that aired last night? I haven't been able to see it yet, and probably won't be able to for a week or so, but I am wondering if anyone has any opinion (thumbs up/down, how many bags of pop corn, whatever) about it, if they have seen it.

undercoverlover 12-26-07 06:56 PM

Re: Doctor Who
i saw it, it was ok but not great
kylie minogue was actually not bad as an actress but there could have been a better story

Thursday Next 12-30-07 04:42 PM

Re: Doctor Who
I found it a bit tiresome...but then it is only a Christmas Special, they are always a bit cheesy and a bit too long. I thought Kylie was a dreadful actress and I didn't buy the thing between her and the doctor at all. The trailer for the new series was a bit depressing, too...I'm still not convinced that Catherine Tate isn't going to ruin it...

The Gnat 01-07-08 04:33 PM

Re: Doctor Who
I'm also worried about Catherine Tate. I didn't think that Kylie did a bad job, but the thing between her and the Doctor was extremely rushed (mainly because it was a single episode). Kylie wasn't the greatest, but there have been worse performances that I have seen, unfortunately one of them might have been Tate in last years Christmas Special. Now I have to wait patiently (or fairly impatiently more likely) until the actual season starts up.

The Gnat 04-07-08 11:06 AM

Re: Doctor Who
Whoohoo, it has started up again.

I actually enjoyed the first episode quite well. It wasn't amazing, but it did a good job giving the Doctor his new companion as well as introducing some of what will be happening in the future for the season. The last few minutes were a little WTF moment in them, like I knew it was going to happen that she would return, but I didn't expect it to be so soon.

undercoverlover 04-07-08 11:49 AM

Re: Doctor Who
i missed it on saturday but im gonna catch up online, i saw them on johnathan ross - she cracks me up

The Gnat 04-07-08 11:52 AM

Re: Doctor Who
Tate actually did better then I expected. She is notably better then the Christmas special where I wanted to shoot her :D But in this episode, she has a moment or two like that, but for the most part she is a whole lot better.

Tortuga 04-07-08 12:00 PM

Re: Doctor Who
We're just getting the Kylie episode in the States on April 18. I've watched Doctor Who since I was a kid - it aired on public TV here.

I can't say I love David Tennant's Doctor. He's just waaaaaaay too manic. I still watch out of loyalty, but nothing will ever compare to the glorious season of Christopher Eccleston. He was the best!

undercoverlover 04-07-08 12:30 PM

Re: Doctor Who
i wasnt a fan of chis eccleston, he was pretty abrasive.

The Gnat 04-07-08 12:43 PM

Re: Doctor Who
I think that I prefer Tennent's Who to Eccleston, but I like both of them. Eccleston's was intentionally abrasive, I feel, because of the fact that his Who was the one that had to destroy Gallifry in the time war and therefore it had made him a much harder/meaner man.

Tortuga 04-07-08 01:03 PM

Re: Doctor Who
I think all of the incarnations of the Doctor have had that abrasive side, so I didn't think Eccleston was any more so than the others.

He struck me as damaged goods - keeping people at arm's length while at the same time desperately needing human contact. I thought he had better chemistry with Billie Piper's Rose than Tennant did as well. And, well, I just think he's sexy. Maybe it's the ears... :D

Thursday Next 04-08-08 12:50 PM

Re: Doctor Who
Yeah, not a bad start to the new series. Tate wasn't as bad as I expected, although there were still moments where she just went 'what' like Lauren the schoolgirl. Very relieved at the suggestion that there will be no romance between them, just hope the writers stick to that because it would be beyond annoying. I get the feeling that everything happening by the police tape will come back as a bigger part of a later episode...we'll just have to wait and see...

The Gnat 04-14-08 11:58 AM

Re: Doctor Who
Good second episode. I felt like it was really setting up Donna's character and developing it so that she understands the Doctor better. For her, it has always been a good thing when the Doctor saves the day, and to see that it wasn't simply a simple decision that he has to make, I think adds a new understanding for her character.

undercoverlover 04-14-08 01:52 PM

Re: Doctor Who
yeah it was a pretty gd ep. loved the family of Caecilius - i studied Latin and it followed the same family right through the volcano too.

The Gnat 04-21-08 12:49 PM

Re: Doctor Who
Solid new episode. It was fun to see the Ood again, nothing like an odd Ood or two in the show. Next episode Martha is back, that should be fun as well. I am curious about one comment that they've made a lot of times about the bees dying off. That obviously comes into play at some point in time further in the season, but who knows how.

FernTree 04-21-08 01:16 PM

Re: Doctor Who
We have yet to get the new series ... we havn't even seen Xmas special with Kylie :( Due in April :D

I am getting sick of every companion in the new series falling in love with the good doc and worse is that the Doc seems to return the feeling ie. Rose.

Anyone been watching Torchwood or Sarah Jane Adventures both for different audiences ... what's been the responce to them?

Thursday Next 04-21-08 06:37 PM

Re: Doctor Who
Originally Posted by The Gnat (Post 429630)
I am curious about one comment that they've made a lot of times about the bees dying off. That obviously comes into play at some point in time further in the season, but who knows how.
But I saw this on the news this morning, bees really are disappearing! Weird. I thought it was just something they made up!

thebest 04-21-08 06:38 PM

Re: Doctor Who
Eccleston was a bad-ass.

A tortured,banana-loving,big-bro hating,Captain Jack Dancing,Dalek exterminating mofo.

Anyone who can watch him in the two-part finale of his series without saying he is the best doctor has a fetish for a Scottish "Oh Yes" that I just don't get.

Do we think the bees will be the Bad Wolf/Torchwood/whatever the Master's politics name was of this series?

The Gnat 04-28-08 12:02 PM

Re: Doctor Who
I liked the new episode, a little more like the previous season, and it is always fun to see Martha again. I am not looking forward to the wait before the second part. I know it is only one week, but that is too long for me :D

thebest 04-30-08 05:10 PM

Re: Doctor Who
I'm putting it all out there right now:

I think this is gonna be David Tennant's last series as The Doctor.

The Gnat 05-15-08 09:46 AM

Re: Doctor Who
Well, you are almost correct, I think.

From what I remember hearing, and this was before the fourth series started, Tennant will be around for series five, but series five is going to be a collection of made for TV movies, not episodes as Tennant is getting back into stage acting and will be only somewhat available for the fifth series, and also, RDT (or is it RTD) is only producing the movies and then is handing over the reigns to someone else.

As for this season, I think that episode six has to be the high point for me. "The Doctor's Daughter" was a great episode. It was quite classic Who and it sets up the rest of the season quite interestingly. Georgia Moffit (daughter of Peter Davidson, who played the sixth or seventh Doctor) does a very good job, and is quite cute, which certainly doesn't hurt.

undercoverlover 05-15-08 08:24 PM

Re: Doctor Who
loved the doctors daughter ep, got a feeling we will def be seeing her again. good to see martha again and im not ashamed to say that i cried in this ep - when his daughter died and when the Hath guy drowned

The Gnat 05-19-08 12:21 PM

Re: Doctor Who
This past weeks episode wasn't up that that standard. It wasn't a bad episode as it did justice to Agatha Christie novels, but it wasn't as strong as The Doctor's Daughter. She will definitely be back for more episodes (and I could possibly see a spinoff show), but it will be exciting when she returns.

undercoverlover 05-19-08 12:26 PM

Re: Doctor Who
i thought the wasp and the unicorn was a little complicated, trying to play on agatha christie novels fair enough, but it didn't look all that convincing. I loved Fenella Woolgar as Agatha though, pretty good. Nice kiss between donna and the doctor too.

The Gnat 05-19-08 02:50 PM

Re: Doctor Who
I don't know if you've read many (or any) Agatha Christie books, but they tend to be like the episode, so I appreciated that part of it, but I do agree, it tried a little too hard at some times in making itself confusing.

The Gnat 06-02-08 10:45 AM

Re: Doctor Who
I liked the beginning to this two parter about the library. It has a pretty neat storyline to it, and I like the way that the episode started a lot, it will be interesting to see how it all works together in the end.

The Gnat 06-09-08 12:00 PM

Re: Doctor Who
And the second part was even better, that was a very good way to end that episode, I won't give it away for those in the U.S., but it was a great ending. Being I am a nerd, I like it even better.

undercoverlover 06-10-08 03:26 PM

Re: Doctor Who
I really liked this episode, I thought we got to see the best of Donna especially when she lost the children. I hope we get to see more of River.

Thursday Next 06-21-08 02:41 AM

Re: Doctor Who
I liked the library two-parter. It was actually quite creepy. The whole River Song thing was a bit 'The Time Traveler's Wife' though. Which is not necessarily bad, I like that book too.

undercoverlover 06-21-08 03:37 PM

Re: Doctor Who
Turn Left - a Donna centric episode, actually really gd episode that stemmed from an incident that would normally start an average one. Is it me or does Billie Piper speak weirdly now? like she had a kind of mouth guard or false teeth in? can't wait for next week's a combination of all of the spinoffs including Jack and Gwen from Torchwood and Sarah Jayne from the Sarah Jayne adventures

thebest 06-22-08 10:58 AM

Re: Doctor Who
Rose was overbiteful alright. Ridonkulously annoying. Donna is in every way my least favourite companion so having an pisodeful of her was not hte most fun thing for me.

undercoverlover 06-22-08 01:59 PM

Re: Doctor Who
Love your personal dictionary btw. Why don't you like Donna so much? Don't like catherine tate or don't like the character?

thebest 06-22-08 06:12 PM

Re: Doctor Who
I dislike Catherine Tate with the screaming and the not being able to run without me laughing at her penguinlike waddle.
I like the character especially in the Christmas special ep, where I believe the character should have been left.

Her best moment was the Forest of the Dead with her speec disability husband I thought that was touching.

But she almost ruined s2's unbelievable finale with her "What the hell is this place!" Overact much miss Tate?

I too am looking forward to the return of Dr.Song next series-ish.

The next two eps both seem chock-a-blocka with what makes Who so brilliant.Although my idea for Rose getting back to Tennant due to the parallel Earth's Doctor(Christopher Eccleston) was much better.Stupid BBC never reply to my e-mails . . . .

thebest 06-29-08 08:19 PM

Re: Doctor Who
Am I allowed to talk about the newest episode yet?


Minor spoilers ahead:

Loved the bit with the Primer.Great actor.Really must drop props for Barrowman aswell he was on fire.I kinda want to watch the Sarah Jane Adventures too . . .Scary ep too.Can't wait for next week, the reason for that is obvious to anyone who saw it.

Oh and praise can be heaped at the foot of my door ;D

undercoverlover 06-29-08 08:21 PM

Re: Doctor Who
It was a totally awesome episode and it was nice to see all of the factions joining together. Next week i think is going to be a better finale than last seasons which i wasnt particularly struck on.

thebest 07-19-08 12:01 PM

Re: Doctor Who
What a weird ep!

Unbelievablely twisty and I was so sure David was about to be dropped! Damn! Tears were jerked harder than that weird streaked meat snack americans seem to enjoy.

undercoverlover 07-19-08 04:06 PM

Re: Doctor Who
heh heh

i thought it was a good season finale and i was super upset about donnas story - i cried, i cried like a big dumb homo (any 30 rock fans?)

I really am sick of the Daleks though, enough is enough.

The Gnat 07-25-08 03:32 PM

Re: Doctor Who
I thought the finale was fine, I didn't like it as much as I did the first part, the first part had more emotion to it then the second part did, I felt like the end wrapped things up a bit to nicely and that they didn't need to do that.

RadeTagean 07-25-08 04:43 PM

Re: Doctor Who
I must admit with everyone being bought together like that you were just waiting for the Doctor's Daughter to show her annoying little face and try and save the universe.

when i first heard that tate was going to be the companion i was like no way will that work in a million years.

turns out I was wrong. they went all out on the stories and they delivered big time.

nearly all episodes were fantastic bar the first one which was rubbish.

well done to all on the DR WHO TEAM

tramp 01-17-10 01:43 PM

I see this thread is a couple of years old? Any current Doctor Who fans here?

I saw the entire 2005 relaunch series through netflix, then they had a marathon on BBC America over the News Years break. I watched the entire thing! :eek:

I looooove this show. I never saw the earlier Who series.

Did anyone see the recent End of Time? I cried thinking that Tennant's time as the Doctor is over. I'm not too thrilled with the look of the new Doctor, he seems rather young, lol! (or I'm too old!)

I recently did a bit of research and it seems that this has been thought of as the "most successful science fiction of all time," based on DVD sales, downloads, ratings, etc. I thought that was interesting.

LOVE this show.

honeykid 01-17-10 05:36 PM

I did start to watch Dr. Who when it came back, but left it once Tennant became The Doctor. I can't stand that bloke. I did see a couple of his episodes, one of which was actually good, but I just can't stand him so I stopped. It was a shame, as I've never minded perving over Billie Piper. ;)

Still, there's something about the new assistant. If only I could put my finger on what it is...

And, as we know, I am partial to a redhead.

tramp 01-17-10 07:10 PM

Honeykid, why do I always feel that we have such divergent tastes?

I loved David Tennant!


honeykid 01-17-10 09:09 PM

LOL... Nevermind, honey. You know that opposites attract.

You missed a trick this Christmas though. Over here David Tennant was on BBC tv and radio 75 times. That's right, 75! About 40 of them were repeated programmes, but still. 75 bloody times, including two of the programmes I watch (Nevermind The Buzzcocks and QI) as well as a recorded for tv version of Hamlet, which he recently finished his run in, something I'd have watched were he not in it. That was all the more disapointing because Patrick Stewart was playing Claudius. I've seen him play that role before (with Derek Jacobi playing Hamlet) and he was fantastic.

Thinking about it, maybe I should've given it a go anyway, as his horrid over-the-top acting style might've worked a lot better on the stage. On the other hand, having a camera so close probably just made it like any other tv programme. :(

tramp 01-18-10 10:33 AM

Did you call me "honey?" :skeptical:

Well, then, I wished I lived where you live.. I would have loved to see David play Hamlet.


honeykid 01-18-10 07:00 PM

Originally Posted by tramp (Post 595770)
Did you call me "honey?" :skeptical:

Well, then, I wished I lived where you live.. I would have loved to see David play Hamlet.

Indeed I did. Don't fret, I call all women "honey". Strangers, my mother, best friend, all of them.

You can get the dvd, too.

I don't know if it's available over there or if your dvd is region free, but I thought I'd let you know anyway. :)

tramp 01-18-10 10:13 PM

Thanks, honey.


Thursday Next 01-19-10 06:58 AM

Re: Doctor Who
I thought David Tennant as the ghost of Christmas present on Catherine Tate's Christmas Special was hilarious

honeykid 01-19-10 07:33 PM

Re: Doctor Who
David Tennant and Catherine Tate's 'comedy'? It's double awfulness. :D

tramp 01-21-10 06:46 PM

I enjoyed it. :D

honeykid 01-21-10 10:07 PM

Re: Doctor Who
Why aren't I surprised? ;)

Thursday Next 04-10-10 05:24 PM

Re: Doctor Who
Doctor Who is back!

Matt Smith now stars as the eleventh doctor. His assistant is named Amy Pond. She's a young woman (again) but at least she's not from London, but a small town in Scotland.

I'll admit I was dubious about this new series but I watched the first episode last week and was pleasantly surprised. The new titles are a bit rubbish but the new Tardis design is nice and steampunk and generally it was very enjoyable.

tramp 04-11-10 02:19 AM

The new Doctor premieres here next Saturday night. I can't wait. :)

Thanks for that little bit of a review. This is kinda hard, since I absolutely love the show, but I adored Tennant. I hope I like this new guy.

n3wt 04-11-10 10:39 AM

Re: Doctor Who
I just cannot get into Dr Who at all :nope: I remember watching it back in the day when I was young and the Darlicks where in it but I really lost interest and it just seems to cheesy for me at the moment. Im probably in the minority here who dont like it which is strange because I love Sci-Fi etc but I just cant get in to it.

honeykid 04-12-10 11:10 AM

Here's a good reason to 'get into it', n3wt.

Caught the last 15 minutes of Saturday's episode. I'm out of the habit of watching it but, as The Tennant Idiot (I can't have be the only straight male who hates him, can I?) is gone now, hopefully I can start watching again.

OK, one more pic. ;)

Thursday Next 04-12-10 12:16 PM

Re: Doctor Who
The second episode was very good, I thought. A bit daft, genuinely creepy and kind of touching all at once. Borrowed a bit from the Prisoner but if this standard keeps up it could be the best series yet.

n3wt 04-12-10 12:20 PM

Re: Doctor Who
HK :up::up:

Golgot 04-12-10 12:23 PM

Re: Doctor Who
I rarely catch the Doc, but saw last night's. Thought the plot was pretty classy (until the kid-friendly 'don't do bad things you silly bad people' ending. Thought they coulda fleshed that out a bit more...

WARNING: "DW" spoilers below
If the whale-thing wanted to help out why would they have needed to torture it etc to get compliance? Thought a few more lines woulda made that bit less 'bad politicians do bad coz they're bad' etc.

Aside from that loved the parochial spaceship/despotism deal, with the Liv Ten stuff & voting/memory-wipe business too.

tramp 04-19-10 07:37 PM

Okay, I'm an idiot. Either that or I have ADHD, lol.

I WROTE on my calendar to watch the episode Saturday night... and then forgot. I need to see if it is on Demand.

I discovered my idiocy when today, one of my students came rushing in and yelled, "Ms. M..., did you see Doctor Who Saturday night? It was great! The new Doctor is soooooo hot!"

She's 13. :)

I have surely created a new Doctor Who fan (I showed a Doctor Who episode to my Media students.) And the new Doctor is apparently hot. :cool:

Thursday Next 04-19-10 09:15 PM

Re: Doctor Who
Episode 3 was a bit rubbish :( Won't say too much since I think US viewers are a week behind?

I don't find the new Doctor hot. Although I do think he's cool in a fantastically geeky way :D

honeykid 04-19-10 10:22 PM

I like the new Doctor. He looks like one of those young people who's actually an eccentric 50 year old. I thought weeks was ok, but I love the Daleks and the end battle reminded me a bit of Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow.

tramp 04-19-10 10:41 PM

Actually, I'm in the US and I'm two weeks behind. I just saw the first episode.

My son wasn't interested in Doctor Who when I was watching all the David Tennant shows, but he watched this with me and he's watching it again, he liked it so much. So now there's another fan in the family. We went back and watched the Mars episode and he liked Tennant, but he LOVES this new Doctor. (Of course, he did see the Doctor at his worst... in terms of his morality.)

I think it was a good episode. I loved the new TARDIS, and I liked the whole set up of the story with the girl. I also enjoyed the room at the end of the hall.

The jury is still out about whether Matt Smith will be as good as Tennant in my eyes, but the preview of future episodes looked pretty cool. I'm looking forward to seeing them.

Honeykid, I like that description -- he does seem like a 50 year old eccentric in a young man's body. Maybe that is why they cast him. :)

tramp 05-10-10 08:26 PM

I don't know; after seeing the first 4 episodes of this season, then going back and watching a bunch of Tennant shows (we bought seasons 2,3,4), I don't feel Smith has the same "gravitas" that Tennant had. He seems too young and empty to me when I compare the two men.

This 4th episode was fun with the weeping angels, but this is where I was beginning to feel a loss with Smith as the Doctor. He doesn't have the necessary charisma, imo. I felt like I was watching a kid playing grown up (with Tennant as the grown up).

Anyone else feeling a bit changed? Not as excited as before?

honeykid 05-10-10 11:16 PM

Re: Doctor Who
I have it on in the background rather than watching it intently, for the most part, so I could be very wrong, but I feel it has more to do with the writing than the acting. Of course, if you don't think that Smith has the gravitas or charisma to pull off the role maybe I'm not approaching it the same way you are. I feel that the stories have been 'less adult' than they were when I left it, after the first series.

meatwadsprite 05-10-10 11:38 PM

Re: Doctor Who
BBC lets you watch them on demand (for free on my service), so I'll probably be seeing a bunch of episodes. The first two were pretty fun.

tramp 07-01-10 09:07 PM

Rumours are flying all over the internet that Davies is doing a big screen adaptation and guess who has been "confirmed" to play the Doctor?

Johnny Depp.

I personally like it. I think he's a great choice. Funny, though, I've read a ton of comments in the articles where people are going nuts! They think it is a sacrilege that an American would play the Doctor.

What do you think?

Btw, just google "doctor who johnny depp," and you'll see a ton of articles.

Thursday Next 07-02-10 03:18 AM

Re: Doctor Who
Johnny Depp as the Doctor? I'm highly dubious...

tramp 07-28-10 02:58 PM

Yep, the rumor was killed pretty fast.

OKAY!!! Who saw the finale of this season?!!

I thought it was pretty great, I especially liked Part 1 of it. Very different than the Davies' finales--less epic, lol--and I love how Moffat likes to play with time. The time travel has always fascinated me.

So, what did anyone think??

planet news 07-28-10 04:42 PM

Re: Doctor Who
Finale already? I'm so behind on this b*tch... :mad:

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