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Yoda 08-29-07 03:40 PM

MoFo Lists
Well, it's been a few months, so we're long overdue for a new toy, wouldn't you all say?

Behold, MoFo Lists.

What is MoFo Lists, you ask? Well, you know that American Film Institute "100 Years..." series? They've been catalogued in our database, so that we can all check off the ones we've seen. And when we have, a percentage of the films on the list we've seen (along with a link to display which one's we have/haven't seen) shows up on our posts, just to the left of the Favorite Movies dropdown. You can see an example on this post, above.

Checking movies off is strangely addictive and, like the Favorite Movies lists, should help us get a better snapshot of each person's experience and taste. And it should spark at least one "how the hell have you not seen BLANK?!" discussion. And, of course, it will probably motivate more than a few of us to see more movies. Yes, I'm using Internet-based social stigma to get us all watching more films.

Needless to say, the potential expansions and applications of this are significant. You can probably guess some of the forthcoming improvements, but if you can't, well, just wait a week or two. Suffice to say, this could end up dramatically lowering MoFo's already low collective productivity levels.

Special thanks to MattJohn and SedaiMike for testing this out for me earlier in the week.

Anyway, enjoy! And, of course, any questions or bug reports can go right here in this thread.

Thursday Next 08-29-07 03:45 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
This is just cool :love:

Pyro Tramp 08-29-07 04:09 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
There's several on there i've seen but it's been so long ago can't remember them enough to tick them. Definitely going to be kcik towards seeing somre of those, shame they're only the American ones. Also American Graffiti is on far too many lists.

Holden's seen 100% on all them then?

Sedai 08-29-07 04:17 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
I am curious to see, myself, and, yes, that came up in discussion when Chris and I were testing... ;)

Thursday Next 08-29-07 04:23 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp (Post 381587)
shame they're only the American ones.
True, maybe we could get the bfi list up there too?

Yoda 08-29-07 04:23 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by Sedai (Post 381588)
I am curious to see, myself, and, yes, that came up in discussion when Chris and I were testing... ;)
I'll be a little surprised if he's seen all the musicals. I think that one's gonna be pretty low for most MoFos, relatively speaking.

Originally Posted by Thursday Next (Post 381590)
True, maybe we could get the bfi list up there too?
Good idea. Gimme some time and I'll see what I can do. :)

Thursday Next 08-29-07 04:30 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 381591)
I'll be a little surprised if he's seen all the musicals. I think that one's gonna be pretty low for most MoFos, relatively speaking.
That's my highest percentage! Must be a misspent youth....:laugh:

Holden Pike 08-29-07 04:35 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Yes, I've seen all of them. Even the few Silents that are there, and all the Musicals.

And to nitpick, there's no "mark all" option, which made checking off all those boxes a might annoying. It also doesn't cross-reference from list-to-list, so that you have to mark say Casablanca four times rather than once.


Sexy Celebrity 08-29-07 04:37 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Oh dear... you know, I've been a member of Movie Forums for what, five years? I still haven't seen a lot of things. Why do I have something like Ladies In Lavender coming today via Netflix when I still haven't witnessed The Godfather, Ben Hur, Schindler's List, Shampoo...

I may have to resign from this place.

Godoggo 08-29-07 04:43 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by Thursday Next (Post 381592)
That's my highest percentage! Must be a misspent youth....:laugh:
Me too. I am not done yet, but I have 80% on that one. I am surprised at how many movies I have seen.

Off to finish.

Yoda 08-29-07 04:46 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by Holden Pike (Post 381593)
And to nitpick, there's no "mark all" option, which made checking off all those boxes a might annoying.
Yeah, I thought of that, but decided against it, for two reasons. First, most people won't have seen all of them (or even most). And second, we're already on the honor system, and as-is we'll probably have problems with jokers checking every box for no reason, so I didn't want to make it any easier for them.

Suffice to say, I'll have to keep an eye on the lists and try to weed out the obviously facetious ones.

Anyway, sorry you had to wade through them all.

Originally Posted by Holden Pike (Post 381593)
It also doesn't cross-reference from list-to-list, so that you have to mark say Casablanca four times rather than once.
Yeah, this is something that really should exist. I'll work on it a bit later. It's just the kind of thing I didn't want holding up the release/launch/whatever. Definitely a fine idea, though, that I'll try to implement in the very near future.

Holden Pike 08-29-07 04:49 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
If there had been a hundred Musicals, then I probably would have had a few holes here and there (which is why AFI wisely cut it off at a quarter of a list for that topic, as there aren't a hundred great American Musicals). But I do like Musicals, I din't know why anybody would have gotten the impression that I don't.

Thursday Next 08-29-07 04:50 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
BFI list

I've only seen 37% anyway....

Yoda 08-29-07 04:51 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Oh, I didn't think you didn't like them. It's just a genre that I think is increasingly neglected by moviegoers. Granted, this is more apparent in casual moviegoers, but I assumed it would extend a little to cinephiles, most of whom probably still have a slight leaning towards films released during their lifetime; a standard under which many great musicals obviously would not qualify.

Thursday Next 08-29-07 04:54 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 381602)
Oh, I didn't think you didn't like them. It's just a genre that I think is increasingly neglected by moviegoers. Granted, this is more apparent in casual moviegoers, but I assumed it would extend a little to cinephiles, most of whom probably still have a slight leaning towards films released during their lifetime; a standard under which many great musicals obviously would not qualify.
I would have thought that of all types of film, musicals are the ones most people are most likely to have seen out of the films that are 'before their time' (besides cartoons). Musicals are always on tv on bank holidays and Christmas, your mum and your nan probably watch them, they are suitable for kids. Up until a few years ago, the only films I had seen from before about 1970 were musicals.

Yoda 08-29-07 05:04 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
That could be. I don't see many on TV, personally, and certainly not more than older non-musicals. Maybe they're played a bit more in Britland, though. Dunno.

Holden Pike 08-29-07 05:07 PM

"When they find out who YOU are they'll pad the cell."

Out of the members who have done their lists at this very early stage, I'm surprised how low the Comedy flicks are placing. I thought even people who don't watch a lot of movies or a lot of old movies would at the very least have seen some of the classic comedies of all time.

But I guess not.

I recommend everybody who doesn't have them checked off start with the Cary Grant movies on the 100 Laughs list (well, maybe excluding Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House, which is OK but by no means belongs on a top one-hundred list). His Girl Friday, The Philadelphia Story, Bringing Up Baby, Arsenic & Old Lace and The Awful Truth are all top-flight must-sees.

Piddzilla 08-29-07 05:11 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
now that is cool

Yoda 08-29-07 05:14 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
I'm a bit surprised by some of the numbers, though not as much by that one. Comedy strikes me as being more a product of its time than, say, drama. Of course, the truly great comedies are accessible over much longer periods of time, but many older comedies seem to space their jokes out a bit more and are less attractive to younger people today (who expect rapid-fire gags). Not to mention that comedy and vulgarity (something older films don't have much of) are increasingly confused with one another.

Anyway, I'll be compiling constantly updated sitewide averages and the like once we get a few more lists in there, so these meta-issues will have a bit more footing for discussion.

Ðèstîñy 08-29-07 06:51 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
So, would it be a big deal if I checked off what I own, instead of what I have seen. I am a freak for owning movies. Oddly enough, owning around 5,000 to date, I am missing quite a few here. Although I now have a new set to work on. Then again, there are a few I wouldn't buy.
Anyways, does it matter how I do it?


Lordy, doing this first list makes me want to clean out my collection. I don't want a few that I have. I want quite a few more, and I wouldn't even want to view a few of them. Then again, a few of these are waiting for me in my cart. hmmmm

TheUsualSuspect 08-29-07 07:07 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
I've got low numbers.........

Sexy Celebrity 08-29-07 07:29 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Great! My list of comedies just got shorter. I didn't notice The Nutty Professor meant the 1960's version, not the Eddie Murphy film.

Ðèstîñy 08-29-07 07:42 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Damn! I am not doing the other lists, until I buy the rest of the good ones from this list. AFI's 100 Years... 100 Thrills.

So, is this where we also talk about our lists? Because I have always avoided this movie . . . Night of the Living Dead, figuring it was too gross. Opinions?!?

gummo 08-29-07 08:30 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
I suck...but I think I did it too fast and forgot some. Oh well I'll go over it again later, I'm too lazy.

Ðèstîñy 08-29-07 10:10 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Pimp, watch my list. I'll pop-quiz you in my game. :yup:

TheUsualSuspect 08-29-07 10:34 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 381654)
Damn! I am not doing the other lists, until I buy the rest of the good ones from this list. AFI's 100 Years... 100 Thrills.

So, is this where we also talk about our lists? Because I have always avoided this movie . . . Night of the Living Dead, figuring it was too gross. Opinions?!?
Not gross at all.

spudracer 08-29-07 11:29 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
I love it...especially that movie that has the title Idemntity...:D

Ðèstîñy 08-29-07 11:35 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Can MASH read like this . . . M*A*S*H, or am I just being too picky?!?

spudracer 08-29-07 11:44 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 381733)
Can MASH read like this . . . M*A*S*H, or am I just being too picky?!?
There are more important things in the world than where you want your asterisks at!! :rotfl:

gummo 08-29-07 11:46 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by spudracer (Post 381736)
There are more important things in the world than where you want your asterisks at!! :rotfl:
Like not putting "at" at the end of a sentence. :D

Ðèstîñy 08-29-07 11:49 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by spudracer (Post 381736)
There are more important things in the world than where you want your asterisks at!! :rotfl:
Well, I can think of one place I'd like to put them.

Just kidding. Kind of. ;)

spudracer 08-29-07 11:50 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by gummo (Post 381738)
Like not putting "at" at the end of a sentence. :D
And starting a sentence with "Like" and following it with "not" and "putting" and "at" and "at" and "the" and "end" and "of" and "a" and "sentence" and "." and ":D"

Ok, that was a bit much, sleep is taking over now. Goodnight!

gummo 08-30-07 12:01 AM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by spudracer (Post 381741)
And starting a sentence with "Like" and following it with "not" and "putting" and "at" and "at" and "the" and "end" and "of" and "a" and "sentence" and "." and ":D"

Ok, that was a bit much, sleep is taking over now. Goodnight!

Thursday Next 08-30-07 03:53 AM

Re: MoFo Lists
Obviously I'm really slow, but I've just realised you can click on the lists to see which actual films people have watched, rather than just the percentages. Also cool.

spudracer 08-30-07 06:34 AM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by Thursday Next (Post 381772)
Obviously I'm really slow, but I've just realised you can click on the lists to see which actual films people have watched, rather than just the percentages. Also cool.

nebbit 08-30-07 09:28 AM

Re: MoFo Lists
Oops missed this thread, I did see the lists and was thinking how do i do that :goof:

Escape 08-30-07 09:58 AM

Re: MoFo Lists
I'll have to do mine a little later when I have the time. It won't be all that great as I know there are allot of films even in the first batch I haven't seen.

Sedai 08-30-07 10:08 AM

Re: MoFo Lists
My numbers could be better....could be worse...

Aniko 08-30-07 11:07 AM

Re: MoFo Lists
Yoda.....on AFI's Musical lists...did you include 100 or the top 25. I only saw 25 listed.

And, for some reason can't see anyone's lists when I click on them. I used to be able to get a window to pop up on the favorites lists, but that isn't working now.

Originally Posted by Sedai (Post 381822)
My numbers could be better....could be worse...
Same here. There are also an awful lot of movies I've seen in bits and parts, but never sat down to see all the way through.

Yoda 08-30-07 11:23 AM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by Aniko (Post 381826)
Yoda.....on AFI's Musical lists...did you include 100 or the top 25. I only saw 25 listed.
Actually, AFI decided to list only 25, and named the list "100 Years of Musicals." You'll notice this is slightly different from the other titles, which follow the "100 Years... 100 BLANK" format.

Originally Posted by Aniko (Post 381826)
And, for some reason can't see anyone's lists when I click on them. I used to be able to get a window to pop up on the favorites lists, but that isn't working now.
I'll send you a PM with some ways to help us narrow the problem down. In the meantime, do you perhaps have JavaScript disabled?

Aniko 08-30-07 11:30 AM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 381829)
Actually, AFI decided to list only 25, and named the list "100 Years of Musicals." You'll notice this is slightly different from the other titles, which follow the "100 Years... 100 BLANK" format.
Silly me.~ :blush:

Thanks for letting me know.

I'll send you a PM with some ways to help us narrow the problem down. In the meantime, do you perhaps have JavaScript disabled?
I'm not sure if JavaScript is disabled or not. I'll go check it. Thanks. :)

Sinny McGuffins 08-30-07 02:30 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Just done my MoFo lists. Now I have a goal!

Thursday Next 08-30-07 03:45 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by Sinny McGuffins (Post 381860)
Now I have a goal!
I think I may make it my goal to see more of the films on these lists, too. I think it will be easier than trying to see all of the films in my book '1001 movies to see before you die', anyway...

But my other goal is to watch more non-English language films, so don't know how watching more afi listed films will fit with that...

nebbit 08-30-07 05:59 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
I finally finished mine :yup: I had to do it in 3 goes as my computer is playing up :mad:

Escape 08-30-07 08:38 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Wow. I don't know if I should laugh or cry. My highest is Thrills and that's still less than 50 percent.

The Musicals are terrible for me and that I could laugh at cause I doubt I ever watch another musical in my life. Can't stand them. :nope:

nebbit 08-30-07 09:21 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Have a look at Pikeys :yup: he has 100% for all :eek:

Escape 08-30-07 09:25 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by nebbit (Post 381911)
Have a look at Pikeys :yup: he has 100% for all :eek:
Yeah I saw that. I would have used the shock face if he had any less to be honest.

Pyro Tramp 08-30-07 09:41 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Crikey Nebbit, you've seen a fair few! More than Yoda, shall be expecting some more film orientated, analytical, critical posts from you from now on.

spudracer 08-30-07 10:55 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by nebbit (Post 381911)
Have a look at Pikeys :yup: he has 100% for all :eek:
No offense to the older MoFo's, but you have to expect they've seen far more than the young-ins.

Holden Pike 08-30-07 11:26 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Jeepers, I'm only thirty-seven. And I saw the vast majority of those flicks before I was thirty.

spudracer 08-30-07 11:33 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by Holden Pike (Post 381940)
You could've ended that post right there and would've automatically dated yourself. :D

What I meant by my previous post is that most of the films on the AFI lists were fresh in people's minds back then, and back then going to the movies didn't cost almost as much as it costs to fill your tank with gas nowadays.

For the MoFo's that are in their 30+ years, they would've had a more enjoyable opportunity to watch them moreso than those of us who haven't been around as long and have really been catered to with VHS, DVD and now HD DVD/Blu Ray.

Of course, you're only 12 years older than me Holds, so you're not the old fogey I previously made you out to be. :)

Escape 08-30-07 11:41 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by spudracer (Post 381935)
No offense to the older MoFo's, but you have to expect they've seen far more than the young-ins.
I'm not sure there spud. A matter of taste I think. Well you're right too but for me it's the taste thing. There are allot of movies on the lists there I would never have any interest in seeing.

Taxi Driver or The French Connection are the ones I want to see definitely soon enough.

But something like The Wizard of Oz ......Hell no. :nope:

spudracer 08-31-07 12:11 AM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by Escape (Post 381944)
But something like The Wizard of Oz ......Hell no. :nope:
Oh, well...try growing up in Kansas and having that movie played ALL THE TIME. I remember growing up hiding whenever the Wicked Witch of the West would come on screen, granted I was like 4 or 5, but she's very traumatizing to a small child. :D

Well, what I've been trying to say this whole time, just not said it, is that back when you HAD to go to the theatre to watch a movie, you were actually able to take it all in, whereas, those of us who have the option of watching a movie in the theatre, on the computer, on TV, whatever you desire basically don't really get to take in the classics as they were meant to be taken in. You can still enjoy them, don't get me wrong, but you won't be able to truly see it how it was meant to be seen (ie., Star Wars). Now, since Lucas re-released them, an entire new generation was introduced to the saga as it was meant to be seen, and it means so much more to them having seen it on the big screen vice on a 25", or whatever size TV. That's basically what I've been trying to say, but for some reason go off on in an entirely different direction.

I think taste has something to do with it, but not entirely.

nebbit 08-31-07 01:04 AM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by spudracer (Post 381943)
Of course, you're only 12 years older than me Holds, so you're not the old fogey I previously made you out to be. :)
I am! :yup: and i take "no offence" to your previous statement :nope: a lot of those old movies I saw on TV when i was a kid :yup:

PimpDaShizzle V2.0 08-31-07 01:57 AM

Re: MoFo Lists
I suck at remembering the name's of movie's I've seen. I'll need to go back over what I checked while I look at the covers on another site. I never learned to read. I remember pictures a lot better.

nebbit 08-31-07 03:10 AM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by PimpDaShizzle V2.0 (Post 381965)
I suck at remembering the name's of movie's I've seen. I'll need to go back over what I checked while I look at the covers on another site. I never learned to read. I remember pictures a lot better.
Me too, there are a few I think I have seen, have to go and read what they are about then i remember them :goof:

Pyro Tramp 08-31-07 07:33 AM

Re: MoFo Lists
What's wrong with the Wizard of Oz Escape? I'm only 20 and just got the 3-disc edition on DVD few months ago, mainly because of Blue Velvet but it's still pretty fun.

Escape 08-31-07 09:34 AM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by spudracer (Post 381949)
I remember growing up hiding whenever the Wicked Witch of the West would come on screen, granted I was like 4 or 5, but she's very traumatizing to a small child.
Yeah I've never liked witches. Not in a scary way or anything, they just annoy me lol. Now clowns I've always hated. Grown men in make up interacting with little boys and girls. yeesh. Not a big make up guy either so maybe I just didn't want that white stuff touching me the closer I got to them.

Originally Posted by spudracer
Well, what I've been trying to say this whole time, just not said it, is that back when you HAD to go to the theatre to watch a movie, you were actually able to take it all in, whereas, those of us who have the option of watching a movie in the theatre, on the computer, on TV, whatever you desire basically don't really get to take in the classics as they were meant to be taken in. You can still enjoy them, don't get me wrong, but you won't be able to truly see it how it was meant to be seen (ie., Star Wars). Now, since Lucas re-released them, an entire new generation was introduced to the saga as it was meant to be seen, and it means so much more to them having seen it on the big screen vice on a 25", or whatever size TV. That's basically what I've been trying to say, but for some reason go off on in an entirely different direction.
Yeah, I agree that there is a huge difference in seeing it at home rather than in the theatre but mostly in the atmosphere department.
In theatres, the picture is still grainy with lines and constant imperfections popping up as the movie continues to run. To me, the clarity is allot better at home. And now with those 60'' HDTV screens out on the market with the wicked surround sounds going with them that wasn't available in theatre years ago, the movie seems to be captured even more perfectly than before. The only thing missing is the size, smell, look and feel of 100 plus people watching it with you in one room which really doesn't effect the movie on it's own. That's my opinion anyways.

Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp (Post 381981)
What's wrong with the Wizard of Oz Escape? I'm only 20 and just got the 3-disc edition on DVD few months ago, mainly because of Blue Velvet but it's still pretty fun.
I suppose it's that era. Not a big fan of the 30's, 20 and below. I could never stand to watch a Charlie Chaplin movie for instance. I also don't like people in costumes and make up and all, acting childish and just weird. As many times as I've heard the name The Wizard of Oz, this is how much I know about the story.....

'Some little girl meets a bunch of odd creatures (that I never in a million years would pass off as the real deal) and they take her on some weird adventure involving a witch or something'

......see, I just shut my mind out even wanting to know what it's entirely about. I just don't care to even look further. I'm weird that way I suppose.

Thursday Next 08-31-07 03:46 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by Holden Pike (Post 381940)
Jeepers, I'm only thirty-seven. And I saw the vast majority of those flicks before I was thirty.
It's not that 37 is old, but that is still a lot of movie-watching years on, say, someone in their 20s. And I bet some people on mofo haven't even reached 20 yet. If you never had a video or dvd player as a kid, and your parents wouldn't let you watch anything age-restricted then you have a lot of catching up to do from the age of 17! I hope to have seen the vast majority of the films on the list by the time I'm 30, too :)

Ðèstîñy 08-31-07 03:55 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
I would say it's a 50/50 shot. You have to want to view these films. I know some people who never will. Then you need the time to view them.
Me, I'm 38, and I need more time. I aim to own the bulk of them, eventually. :yup:

Godoggo 08-31-07 04:16 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp (Post 381981)
What's wrong with the Wizard of Oz Escape? I'm only 20 and just got the 3-disc edition on DVD few months ago, mainly because of Blue Velvet but it's still pretty fun.
Glad to hear someone else likes it. I was starting to worry; I adore The Wizard of Oz.

Holden Pike 08-31-07 05:14 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
This idea that somehow we had it better back in the day to see older movies is ass backward. There was no TCM. There was barely HBO in most markets until the early '80s. VCRs didn't become mainstream until the early '80s. If you were a budding film buff in the pre-VCR/pay cable era, you had to wait for movies to show up on regular broadcast television. Hunting through the TV Guide and figuring if you had to stay up late to see The Maltese Falcon or Singin' in the Rain or, the if cinema gods smiled on you, something from Kurosawa or Bergman. This ability to walk into an establishment and pick out the movie you wanted to see virtually whenever you wanted to see it was unheard of. You know, unless you lived near the USC or NYU campus and had your own projector. And now this generation of budding film buffs finds is quaint that you used to have to actually walk into a video store to see what they had on the shelves. Just NetFlix it! Oh, what spoiled little monkeys so many of you guys are...AND YOU STILL TAKE IT FOR GRANTED! "You" seem to still spend most of that incredibly luxury getting the recent stuff and not catching up with Huston and Welles and Hawks and Truffaut and on and on and on.

Spud, if you look on the lists people have filled out, it's generally not Star Wars and Rocky and Aiplane! that they haven't seen. It's the stuff from the '20s through the '60s. That stuff is much more readily available now than it was in 1975 or even 1985.

In the U.S.A. anyway, no matter what little podunk town you live in, no matter what kind of limited budget you may have, there is amazing access to so much of the world's great cinema today. I wish more people would get excited by it and take advantage of this unprecedented availability. But alas....

Sedai 08-31-07 05:31 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Agreed. I wondered when I saw that original post if the person wrote out the opposite of what they meant. Just last week I was sitting watching Polanski's Knife in the Water, which had just appeared on my doorstep in my mailbox, and was thinking how amazing it is to be able to have a film like this mailed to you in DVD quality in one day, watch it, and send it back the very next day, only to find some Indy film or rare Italian piece in your box the day after that.

Love it....

Holds: The Falcon and the Snowman just arrived, so I shall take that in later tonight or sometime tomorrow. I am looking forward to it after your recommendation.... I know, I know, I should have that one under my belt already.....

Thursday Next 08-31-07 06:33 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by Holden Pike (Post 382088)
This idea that somehow we had it better back in the day to see older movies is ass backward. There was no TCM...VCRs didn't become mainstream until the early '80s.
This is very true. I think I doubled the amount of films I had seen after joining lovefilm. And being able to skyplus stuff off of Filmfour and TCM is brilliant.

Originally Posted by Holden Pike (Post 382088)
Oh, what spoiled little monkeys so many of you guys are...AND YOU STILL TAKE IT FOR GRANTED! "You" seem to still spend most of that incredibly luxury getting the recent stuff and not catching up with Huston and Welles and Hawks and Truffaut and on and on and on.
I think this kind of condescending comment is quite unnecessary. So you have seen all the films on the list and the rest of us haven't. Can't you just feel smug and superior rather than resorting to petty name calling? Most people are on this site because they love movies and want to watch more. Most people are probably inspired by this list idea to watch more. I don't see that having a go at people for not spending all their spare time catching up with Hawks and Truffuat is at all called for.

nebbit 08-31-07 07:07 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by Thursday Next (Post 382102)
I think this kind of condescending comment is quite unnecessary. So you have seen all the films on the list and the rest of us haven't. Can't you just feel smug and superior rather than resorting to petty name calling? .
When I read what Pikey wrote I thought, it was his pathetic attempt at humour :laugh: :eek:

Holden Pike 08-31-07 07:23 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by Thursday Next
I think this kind of condescending comment is quite unnecessary. So you have seen all the films on the list and the rest of us haven't. Can't you just feel smug and superior rather than resorting to petty name calling? Most people are on this site because they love movies and want to watch more. Most people are probably inspired by this list idea to watch more. I don't see that having a go at people for not spending all their spare time catching up with Hawks and Truffuat is at all called for.
Well, I wasn't having a go at anybody on the site or even in this thread in particular, but talking about the younger generation in general, the NetFlix/download generation who while only fifteen or so years removed from the VCR generation just doesn't seem to use the resources the way any budding film lover should.

But that you took it so personally, I guess it cut close to the quick.

And of course chastising people, any people, for not watching Howard Hawks and François Truffaut flicks is necessary!!!

Escape 08-31-07 08:27 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by Holden Pike (Post 382088)
In the U.S.A. anyway, no matter what little podunk town you live in,
That's the second time I've ever heard that word. First time was while watching 'A History of Violence'.

I'm like: "what did he just say? WTF is a podunk?"

I even had to turn the subtitles on to make sure I heard it right.

Ok, I just had to say that. You may all continue now. :cool:

Ðèstîñy 08-31-07 08:43 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Also, back in the day, it took a lifetime for movies to get from the theater, to cable. Now, you blink twice, and they are on DVD.

Yoda 08-31-07 09:13 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Phrasing aside, Holden's right in that access to film (classic or otherwise) is greater than ever. Online rentals and movie downloads, in particular, make the amount of effort required to peruse the classics far, far lower than it's ever been before.

Of course, as we go on the list of great and/or influential movies grows substantially, as does the number of films and shows vying for our attention, so this generation does face some other difficulties in finding time for classic films.

7thson 08-31-07 10:40 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Well, movies aside, I for one am glad to be able to use the pot inside the house instead of outside and using corncobs to wipe.;D

nebbit 08-31-07 11:35 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by 7thson (Post 382154)
Well, movies aside, I for one am glad to be able to use the pot inside the house instead of outside and using corncobs to wipe.;D
Ummm :eek: a little more info than we needed :laugh:

Thursday Next 09-01-07 06:48 AM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by Holden Pike (Post 382109)
But that you took it so personally, I guess it cut close to the quick.
I didn't take it all personally. I think I make good use of online rentals etc. to watch more older films as I said in my post, so I don't know how you came to that conclusion. You make assumptions about 'the younger generation' :rolleyes: despite having protested at being 'only 37' on a previous post. You say you weren't having a go at anyone on the thread, but your use of 'you guys' in your post implies differently.

Originally Posted by Holden Pike (Post 382088)
Oh, what spoiled little monkeys so many of you guys are...AND YOU STILL TAKE IT FOR GRANTED!
I simply objected to this kind of name calling and shouting, which does appear to be directed at other people on the thread. I just didn't think it was necessary in the context of this thread.

Tacitus 09-01-07 10:21 AM

Re: MoFo Lists
I'm developing a slight case of RSI, perhaps not seen in these hands since my first viewing of Barbarella...

I'll take a break. ;)

Thursday Next 09-01-07 12:01 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Only 89% for '100 laughs', Tacitus? Shame on you :laugh:

Btw did you know they had closed the bbc boards completely? I hadn't been on there since June so got a bit of a shock when I found they weren't there...

Austruck 09-01-07 08:00 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Yoda, as admin and owner of this site, you really must get your numbers up. Shame on you.

I was surprised that my lowest number is about 56%. Yay me. :)

And thanks, Holds, for defending us "oldsters" because frankly, I see my own kids (even the "old" one) taking for granted the incredible access to any sort of entertainment. Heck, you can even watch your Netflix flicks online in about 30 seconds, without having to wait a day for them to show up at your door.

There were so many times as a kid/teen when I'd want to stay up late to watch a movie that was finally coming on TV but wasn't allowed. Devastated! If you missed it at the theater, your next chance to see it was YEARS and YEARS down the road. If you had HBO (which I remember when it was NEW), then maybe it was only a FEW years till you saw it. But if you had only broadcast cable, GOOD LUCK waiting that patiently for a movie you missed at the theater!

And older movies? Nice try. No late-night movie channels then. Heck, very few channels even ran 24 hours a day, let alone played movies for you.

I remember renting our first VCR when Yoda was a baby. It was such a big deal that we had friends over to watch the TWO movies we rented along with the VCR (which weighed a ton). We were so excited.

And no, I'm not ancient. I'm ONLY 46 and I owned Nirvana's Off the Deep End and Pearl Jam's Ten and Nine Inch Nails' Pretty Hate Machine before some of you were going through puberty! Not old!

Harrumph. Whippersnappers.

nebbit 09-01-07 11:01 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp (Post 381927)
Crikey Nebbit, you've seen a fair few! More than Yoda, shall be expecting some more film orientated, analytical, critical posts from you from now on.
You will be waiting a long time, talking is my thing

Yoda 09-01-07 11:02 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Hey, I don't think I've taken it for granted at all. See my post above.

That said, yeah, my numbers should be higher. I sometimes wonder whether running this site has caused me to watch more movies, as t often sparks my interest in things, or fewer, as I've put so much time into it.

Getting Netflix (ironically enough, from you) last year has made a huge difference, however. I've been plowing through classics since then.

Tacitus 09-02-07 05:47 AM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by Thursday Next (Post 382225)
Only 89% for '100 laughs', Tacitus? Shame on you :laugh:
I've always preferred TV comedy to cinematic, for some reason. ;)

I don't think I'll even bother filling out the Musicals list, y'know, as they bring me out in a rash thus I actively avoid all contact with the buggers.

Btw did you know they had closed the bbc boards completely? I hadn't been on there since June so got a bit of a shock when I found they weren't there...
The weird thing is that I logged into the boards (for the first time in a year) on the day that they closed for good. It's a real shame as I can remember the days when it was a fantastic place to talk movies (and more, until that got ruined).

The mods allowed a thread where folk could post links to other forums but mine got removed because some arsewit complained that I'd posted an email address. If you've got Bridget's addy I'd be grateful if you'd throw me a PM. :)

EDIT - I'm with you on the BFI list too. It might give some of the non-BritFos some fresh ideas on what they consider 'good'. ;)

Pyro Tramp 09-02-07 10:32 AM

Re: MoFo Lists
Yeh, who doesn't love social realism.......

Sinny McGuffins 09-02-07 08:51 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp (Post 382358)
Yeh, who doesn't love social realism.......
I hope you were being sarcastic, cause social realism sucks! People should stick to real British movies like Austin Powers!


Pyro Tramp 09-02-07 09:59 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by Sinny McGuffins (Post 382405)
I hope you were being sarcastic, cause social realism sucks! People should stick to real British movies like Austin Powers!

Depends, were you?

Golgot 09-02-07 10:28 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by Holden Pike (Post 381593)
And to nitpick, there's no "mark all" option, which made checking off all those boxes a might annoying.
I think you might have meant mite.

(As punishment you must now deny any knowledge of the film Animal House)

Prospero 09-03-07 10:07 AM

Re: "When they find out who YOU are they'll pad the cell."
Originally Posted by Holden Pike (Post 381612)

Out of the members who have done their lists at this very early stage, I'm surprised how low the Comedy flicks are placing. I thought even people who don't watch a lot of movies or a lot of old movies would at the very least have seen some of the classic comedies of all time.

But I guess not.

I recommend everybody who doesn't have them checked off start with the Cary Grant movies on the 100 Laughs list (well, maybe excluding Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House, which is OK but by no means belongs on a top one-hundred list). His Girl Friday, The Philadelphia Story, Bringing Up Baby, Arsenic & Old Lace and The Awful Truth are all top-flight must-sees.
Wow, it's been quite a while since I've been here, but the movie lists drew me back. Thnaks to all involved for putting this together.

I agree with Holden regarding Cary Grant. I was about to say that he is the yardstick by which all modern comic actors should be judged, but that's pretty much hyperbole. Even so, all the films mentioned by Holden are "must-sees" in my estimation.

And don't forget: Grant wasn't too shabby in a fair share of thrillers: Notorious, North By Northwest, To Catch a Thief, Charade, and Gunga Din are all well worth watching.

It's good to be back.

Sinny McGuffins 09-03-07 01:46 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp
Depends, were you?
Course I was. I have tons and tons of respect for the British social realism films. They're real, reflecting the real life of real Brits. And I knida like that.

Originally Posted by Prospero
It's good to be back.
And it's good to have you back. :yup:

Pyro Tramp 09-03-07 07:40 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by Sinny McGuffins (Post 382485)
Course I was. I have tons and tons of respect for the British social realism films. They're real, reflecting the real life of real Brits. And I knida like that.
Yeh, i have respect for them and all, and was being sarcastic but also not. Think sometimes they remove the fun of film, i mean the kitchen sink just ain't enjoyable but as a pieces of film in terms of representing nationality, they're great.

nebbit 09-04-07 05:39 AM

Re: "When they find out who YOU are they'll pad the cell."
Originally Posted by Prospero (Post 382468)
It's good to be back.
Nice to see you again :yup:

Yoda 09-11-07 02:48 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Well, some of you may have noticed that sometime yesterday, the MoFo Lists area was down for maintenance. Why? So glad you asked.

Earlier in the thread Holden pointed out that when you checked a movie off of one list, it wasn't automatically checked off of the others. This was due to the rather simplistic nature of the system as it was first constructed. It was done relatively quickly, and though I think I'm generally pretty good about thinking ahead in these sorts of matters, in this case the system I'd built really wasn't very expandable/flexible.

So, I spent a fair number of hours last week, and several more yesterday and today, fundamentally revamping large portions of it. Now, movies are stored in one place, with no duplicates, meaning that a movie checked off one list is automatically checked off any others it might be on.

This probably seems like a lot of time and effort to devote to such a relatively small feature. It is. However, the changes needed to add this small feature (properly, at least) also allowed for some other new features, and greater expansion down the line.

As a result, list updates are now tracked. That means that people can see who added what, and when. At the moment, all you'll see is the most recent updates on the bottom of the MoFo Lists page, but before long you'll be able to...
  • Browse all updates chronologically
  • Browse updates on a per-user basis
  • Subscribe to receive notifications when a user updates a list
The first two should be available sometime this week (I'll post here when they are, of course).

New lists coming soon, too. The BFI will be next.

Hope you all dig the changes. They look minor on the outside right now, but will make a lot of new features possible moving forward.

nebbit 09-12-07 07:16 AM

Re: MoFo Lists
Thanks Yods :yup:

Sedai 09-12-07 11:46 AM

Re: MoFo Lists
Thanks man :)

Yoda 09-12-07 11:53 AM

Re: MoFo Lists
Okay, I've added the BFI's Top 100 British Films list, but that's leading me to ponder how these things should be displayed. At the moment, the menu on our posts says "AFI Lists." Should that be changed to simply "Lists"? "Viewing Lists"? "Movie Lists"?

Also (and this is a bit more important): how many lists do we think should display? Obviously, a few more and that dropdown menu is going to get rather cumbersome, so we should probably have a cutoff...perhaps with a link to the rest. Right now we have five, and I think that's about right. Not displaying them all, however, necessitates that we decide which ones are displayed, and why.

Any thoughts/opinions on the matter would be helpful. :)

Pyro Tramp 09-12-07 01:59 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
As for diplaying, think the all inclusive list obviously should take priority and the more specific ones lesser. I don't personally mind a big drop down menu for it.

Would be cool to see an overall % next to drop username or something.

Thursday Next 09-12-07 04:46 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Thanks for adding the bfi list. I feel like a bit of an idiot for having suggested it and yet only seen 39% of the films. But at least two I have set up to record this week...

Pyro Tramp 09-12-07 04:55 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by Thursday Next (Post 383755)
Thanks for adding the bfi list. I feel like a bit of an idiot for having suggested it and yet only seen 39% of the films. But at least two I have set up to record this week...
I'm a bit disappointed myself at how many i've not seen, though have like 10 on DVD to be watched

Holden Pike 09-12-07 05:19 PM

I've got a 93% on the BFI list, but in my defense (and most of us Yanks, actually) some of these are either very scarce or just plain aren't available in the U.S. of A.

But I just checked and the great video rental place in my neighborhood does have at least five of the seven I haven't seen, so I'll be able to remedy that list up to 98% over the next month or so.

Piddzilla 09-13-07 03:39 AM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by Holden Pike (Post 383759)
I've got a 93% on the BFI list, but in my defense (and most of us Yanks, actually) some of these are either very scarce or just plain aren't available in the U.S. of A.

But I just checked and the great video rental place in my neighborhood does have at least five of the seven I haven't seen, so I'll be able to remedy that list up to 98% over the next month or so.
That's great, Holds!

Tacitus 09-13-07 06:29 AM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by Holden Pike (Post 383759)
I've got a 93% on the BFI list, but in my defense (and most of us Yanks, actually) some of these are either very scarce or just plain aren't available in the U.S. of A.

But I just checked and the great video rental place in my neighborhood does have at least five of the seven I haven't seen, so I'll be able to remedy that list up to 98% over the next month or so.
Which ones have escaped so far, HP?

Thanks for that Chris, some decent films on these lists at last...

*runs* :D

Edit - The BFI list isn't displayed in drop-down? Outrageous!

adidasss 09-13-07 09:23 AM

Re: MoFo Lists
My results are embarrassing.>.<

nebbit 09-13-07 05:41 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 383835)
My results are embarrassing.>.<
Awww poor little addie :kiss:

Ðèstîñy 09-13-07 06:03 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
If you have yet to see Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, which happens to be on the list, it is on "On Demand" this month, in the free movie section. It runs until the 27th.

adidasss 09-13-07 06:12 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
Edit: I have that one but have yet to see it. I'm kinda apprehensive about older comedies, even if they come from Kubrick.

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