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sadesdrk 11-17-01 03:19 PM

The Highlight of Your Day Tab
This thread is for us to get to know each other better. So at the end of each day, or right in the middle of it...whenever you discover you're having a " moment ". Post it here. Share it with us, get sappy if ya wanna.:D

So far, this Saturday...the highlight of my day has been making oatmeal cookies. Everytime I walk into the livingroom...I smell them, mmmmmmm.

jungerpants 11-17-01 03:53 PM

I just played in my weekly Wiffle Ball game, and my team won 21-0 after 2 innings. I went 5-5 and got on base 7 times. In two innings! :D

sadesdrk 11-17-01 04:09 PM

Oh! Good for you HyperB...hense the user name eh?;D

ryanpaige 11-17-01 05:32 PM

I drove through Dealey Plaza and saw all the Kennedy Assassination cultists doing their bit (since this is the last weekend before the anniversary of the assassination), some of them even had tape measures - no doubt for making some sort of calculations regarding trajectories, etc. from the grassy knoll. That was pretty cool, though it is a little creepy to be driving down the motorcade route with all those people standing around.

The Silver Bullet 11-17-01 05:57 PM

Making a documentary on the making of a documentary.
We had already done it and we were editing and the monitor on the computer short circuited, so they started the camera as we moved a new monitor in and so on, thus filming the post-production section of the doco.

The back story:
We went out to shoot a doco on our play Smashed but when we got back the footage was so riddlled with problems -- people just HAD NOT been willing to help. We were also ona strict deadline to get it done and it all shows. So we decided to use the roll on footage to make "The Blair Smashed Project", a mockumentary that actually happened I guess.

For anyone who's never made a doco it's a warning -- stay away from them!!!

Yoda 11-17-01 07:59 PM

Hmmm, highlight of the day? I'm not sure. A few good things: a few times in "Monsters, Inc.," I was really enjoying myself. I had another moment when I came out of the theater and saw several things: a giant line of people (giant considering this theater is pretty dang small) waiting for the next Harry Potter screening, which wasn't for another half-hour! Also saw the two trash cans about ready to overflow, and the theater playing Potter with a big "KEEP OUT" sign taped on it. I'm so glad to see the movie doing so well.

I also got a little burst of happiness (well, sort of) after adding a few items to the site...feels good to have updated often as of late. It's got a nice "buildup" feeling, and by that I mean that everytime I do it, it gets better, because all the older stuff is still there. I feel like I'm just placing bricks one on top of another...building straight up. :)

sadesdrk 11-17-01 08:14 PM

Originally posted by TWTCommish
I also got a little burst of happiness (well, sort of) after adding a few items to the site...feels good to have updated often as of late. It's got a nice "buildup" feeling, and by that I mean that everytime I do it, it gets better, because all the older stuff is still there. I feel like I'm just placing bricks one on top of another...building straight up. :)
That's cool T.:)

Holden Pike 11-17-01 09:37 PM

This Saturday I met my Sister and finally got her to see Amelie, so that made me warm and happy all over. Then I get home and what had come in the mail?: the new boxed set of all five Dirty Harry DVDs, three days early from the Tuesday street date. Now in less than two hours on HBO is a brand-new live stand-up special with George Carlin.

Happy-Happy, Joy-Joy, Ren!

OG- 11-17-01 09:45 PM

I went to Monticello today, that was kinda interesting.

Steve 11-18-01 02:06 AM

The highlight of today was in Amelie, during those last 5 minutes. Brings a tear thinking about it. :)

ryanpaige 11-18-01 03:19 AM

I don't think I can say the real highlight of my day with the youngins around.

I did go see a play tonight, though, and I enjoyed that (it was cooler than driving through Dealey Plaza, especially since I drive through there all the time). It was a Texas Woman's University production of "The Boy Friend" and the folks in it did a good job, I thought. They are ready for Broadway, of course, but it's nice seeing people who are obviously enjoying themselves and their "craft" giving their all even for a pretty small audience (made up mostly of relatives of the cast, I would bet). And when they do a good job, it's that much better (and there was a cute redhead in the cast. And everybody knows how much I like redheads).

It was no "Stop the Planet of the Apes, I Want to Get Off" Starring Troy McClure, but it was enjoyable all the same.

sadesdrk 11-18-01 01:28 PM

Originally posted by ryanpaige
I don't think I can say the real highlight of my day with the youngins around.

:eek: curiosity eats away at my brain......

OG- 11-18-01 06:53 PM

Originally posted by ryanpaige
I don't think I can say the real highlight of my day with the youngins around.
Ryan got some booty!! Ryan got some booty!! :D

sadesdrk 11-19-01 11:30 PM

The higlight of today was spending the day with my cousin from Alaska. He got in last night, but he went to the Raiders game in Oakland. So I saw him today though! He's the best. We always see like five movies together before he goes.

getting excited for Thanksgiving! We always spend it with tons of family. After stuffing our faces, the guys watch football and the girls move out all the furniture and dance all night long! Nice way to work off the mashed potatoes.;D

Yoda 11-19-01 11:32 PM

Originally posted by OG-
Ryan got some booty!! Ryan got some booty!! :D
Oh crap, that was funny. Seriously. That was really, really funny. :laugh:

ryanpaige 11-19-01 11:36 PM

Originally posted by TWTCommish
Oh crap, that was funny. Seriously. That was really, really funny. :laugh:
It's so funny because it's so unbelievable that I would get some booty? :)

sadesdrk 11-19-01 11:42 PM

aw...ryan...that's not why T was laughing and you know it. It's because OG was chanting Ryan got some booty. Now that's funny.:laugh: Now...answer the friggin' question...because it is a question. What he's really saying is, Ryan...did you, or did you not, receive a piece?

ryanpaige 11-19-01 11:45 PM

It wouldn't be gentlemanly to say.

sadesdrk 11-19-01 11:48 PM're right. I get carried away sometimes. Being surrounded by males on these forums, has me forgetting my womanly manners. What I meant to say was," Ryan, sweetie, I'm so pleased to see you may have been intimate with a lady friend. Cheers." :D

Yoda 11-19-01 11:49 PM

Oh c'mon, it's so dang obvious anyway. I don't think you would've said anything in the first place if you'd spent all day at home leafing through the K-Mart catalog's underwear section, bud. Make like Patrick in scene 57 and spill it. :D

ryanpaige 11-19-01 11:53 PM

There is no Scene 57. I think you're thinking of Scene 29.

Yoda 11-19-01 11:53 PM

Page 57, I mean. My bad. I dunno how those dang things are labeled.

patti 11-20-01 01:27 AM

i have so many highlight moments each well as a few peaked out frustration moments...but my best part of every day is my morning run...with my little girl in the jogging stroller....we leave around 8:30 and get back by 11:00. it is my alltime favorite part of every day and it includes mowwing down two sugar cinnamon bagels and a large diet coke at the local bagel shop. yumma yumma....fresh air, sweat, endorphins and hot bagels. does life get any better than that?:D :D

Yoda 11-20-01 10:30 AM

Yeah, good one, patti. I've been working out a lot lately, and there are few feelings as satisfying as the one I get when I've had a great workout, and feel tired and sore walking back to the car. It's a great kind of tired.

sadesdrk 11-20-01 10:53 AM

...and don't foget sweat. I love a good sweat. I like getting on the treadmill at my gym and running like a maniac...then when I get off, it feels like I'm walking fast...and I'm all shiney and dripping sweat...i love that. Who needs a towel?:D

Yoda 11-20-01 11:04 AM

Yeah, sweat is good. I don't sweat as much (because I don't usually run much when I work out), but I do sweat a lot when I box. There's a speed bag in the Dojo that I love...I don't really go for form, I just try to hit the thing every time it bounces back at me. The gloves, now and then, will be totally soaked when I'm done. Great feeling. :)

patti 11-20-01 02:42 PM

i sweat like mad dog...i'm talking SOAKING!! can be a little embarassing on the treadmill or stair gauntlet....but it also feels terrific. it's actually a good sign....your body is just very efficient at cooling itself down- and getting rid of toxins like caffeine (morphine, ;D). some people can't sweat and they are in danger of overheating....typically redheaded types i think. my sister is a sweating machine too, so it must be a genetic thaaaaaaaang. yesterday was my first treadmill run in ages because it's cold as a nun outside...and i ran for six miles BEFORE i realized the treadmill was set at an today my BUTT IS KILLING ME.....:D

boxing looks like a blast...always kinda fantasize about swinging at that thing whatever you call it...and i've always wanted to be able to jump rope like you see in boxing training's not so easy and it's a great workout. ;D ;D

Steve 11-20-01 04:27 PM

The highlight of my day yesterday was going to my friend Zach's house, where I rode a dirt bike for the first time, and I rode with Zach and we went SO fast, like 80 miles an hour or something. And Mark (Zweeedorf - remember him?) tried to ride it but he wrecked and broke Zach's fender. And his hand was bleeding. And he was complaining because he didn't have any cigarettes. And his glasses got bent. Ah, good times (and serves him right, the big jerk).

My runner up highlight is the Quidditch game in the Harry Potter movie,it was hella fun. I saw that flick yesterday, by the way. :)

sadesdrk 11-20-01 05:38 PM ARE the infamous Steve N. right? I was wonderin' about the name change...maybe you're not Steve N., but I think you are...are you?:laugh::confused:

Steve 11-20-01 07:31 PM

Yes, he is I and I am him. I dunno why I've changed my name, but I do know that everyone has asked me about it. :confused:

Highlight of today is finishing this picture I was making. :)

sadesdrk 11-20-01 07:33 PM

I wanted to shange my name too, to Sades, scince that's what everyone calls me anyway...but alas, I don't want to confuse anybody. I'll just leave it as it is.:)

ryanpaige 11-20-01 07:41 PM

Hey Steve, did you change your name?

(There, now everybody has asked about it.)

patti 11-20-01 09:17 PM

uhmmmm...steve.....did you change your name??:D

sades, you're so "sades" need to make a formal change. i was disappointed in myself for having registered as "patti" and not something creative............but i couldn't come up with anything but "fool"... :mad: :bawling: :cool:

sadesdrk 11-21-01 11:51 AM

I like not having to guess the sex of certian posters. I made it loud and clear right away because I didn't use my name, but some people don't. I like that I know patti is a girl...Sullivan is a guy...Steve is a see what I mean? It's like, what the hizzel is an OG? Naw, I'm just playin'...OG is all man!;D

OG- 11-21-01 05:20 PM

Yes he is!!;)

sadesdrk 11-21-01 06:05 PM

I know.:)

PigsnieLite 11-21-01 09:24 PM

The moon is blue!
The sky is green!
The grass is red!
But Love is Old!

From your old friend, PLite!
Wa wa wa waaaaa waaaaaaa !!! Thank you, thank you.
[PLite bows.] :cool:

OG- 11-21-01 09:26 PM

[OG- Claps] BRAVO!! BRAVO!!:D

Yoda 11-21-01 09:53 PM

I hate poety that doesn't rhyme. :D Happy Thanksgiving everyone...yes, even you, PLite. :)

Steve 11-22-01 02:14 PM

2 Highlights yesterday:

-Seeing a football game of about 35 people up at the elementary school turn into an all-out brawl. Thankfully, I stayed out of it. Although I did steal some kid's jacket because it was cold.

-Seeing PLite's post! Happy Thanksgiving to you too PLite!!! :) :D We love you!

patti 11-22-01 02:56 PM

waking up for a big pot-o-decaf with five million packets of equal dumped in.....and a nice phone call from an old friend.

and now, hangin' out at my dad's with some of the family, packer game on, smell of pumpkin pie's baking and my tummy is a rumblin'.

and i must add, that it is always nice to jump online and visit this site to see the latest posts. i love little hellos, and personalized comments....and hearing everyone's perspectives, and passions.

PigsnieLite 11-22-01 03:19 PM

:p I love you too Steve!! And OG- ! And the whole world!@!!! Ahahahahaaa!

T is for TWT
Reviewin my vurse
Which he had only just now barely perused!
But the very furst lines were deemed quite enough
To convince him PLite wrote some excellent Stuff!

So T wrote without stopping for several days,
In terms of Extreme but well merited praise!
To quote but one passage .. No Person, seth he.
Would be really content just chortling in glee.
For while the versification might call for some strictures,
I cant say enough for the gor-geeous pictures!
And tho the handling of line might be somewhat defective,
His wit supplies verve where he lacks in

Toodles all!! PLite!

Yoda 11-22-01 03:24 PM

Excellent little rhyme there. I like poems that rhyme. :)

sadesdrk 11-22-01 03:28 PM

Happy Thanksgiving everybody! Chow down wide load!!!!

Nice to see you PLite!;D

Highlight of the day so far: Watching 25 sexiest music artists with my sisters over at mom and dad's. I never laughed so hard. Mark Anthony comes on as one of sexiest and all of us go," Ewwwwwww!!!!!!!":laugh: the man is just not sexy! Pretty soon I'll be over at my uncle's and aunt's feasting on good food and ejoying awesome company...then, WE DANCE!!!!!!!!!

patti 11-24-01 10:16 PM

60 minutes if climbing on a stairmaster NEXT TO a guy i've been watching for many weeks....yeeeeehaaaa.

Yoda 11-24-01 10:20 PM

:laugh: Quite nice. :) My highlight might have to be a big long stretch, just reading Harry Potter throughout the day. Sitting on the couch, or some chair, just chilling out. Quite nice.

patti 11-24-01 11:03 PM

:) that does sound nice, commish.;D

spudracer 11-24-01 11:13 PM

Here's my highlight....I finally got my paycheck today. Since the store is closing their not getting anything in the checks had to be Fed/Ex'd...took em long enough. :D

patti 11-25-01 02:15 PM

highlight of today was waking up ALIVE!!! after having been slammed up side the head and body with a hard hitting flu late yesterday and through the night............jeeeez louise.

sadesdrk 11-25-01 06:01 PM

Highlight today...checking my PM's. Seriously...if you guys were getting what I was getting from some'd be highlightin' it too.:D

patti 11-25-01 07:00 PM

:D ;D i'm lovin' the PM's sades.:p

Yoda 11-25-01 07:22 PM

I dunno what my highlight is. It might be the fact that I've made something like 50 cents from the banners (man oh man, I hope the stupid counter thing is just counting slowly), or the Steelers slamming the door on the Titans. They're 8-2 start since 1983, when they started 9-2.

OG- 11-25-01 07:25 PM

Did you get money everyime its clicked? Because If so I'll start clicking it ALOT.

OG- 11-25-01 07:27 PM was a pretty uneventful day, very relaxing so YAY! But I'd have to say watching the MasterCard Revenge spoof commercial I downloaded. It is one of the funniest things I have ever seen.

Yoda 11-25-01 07:32 PM

Where can I find the commercial? As for clicking: no, I don't think it's per-click. I think clicks only matter if I start getting basically no clicks at all...but I don't think that's likely. I am a little p*ssed, though, that it seems to be counting poorly. This site gets, on slow days, over 1,000 impressions...on most days, 2,000, and on good days, 3,000...and so far, apparently, I've got only a few hundred impressions to my credit. Not good. :furious:

OG- 11-25-01 07:36 PM

Get on Kazaa and do a search for "BustaNutInc_MasterCard-Revenge.mpg" Now it does have some sexual material in it(ignore the name it will come up with, and no I wasn't searching for that when I found it, my bro told me about it. :p) But there is no hardcore nudity or anything.

sadesdrk 11-25-01 08:28 PM

Originally posted by patti
:D ;D i'm lovin' the PM's sades.:p
Me too...:)

Steve 11-25-01 10:10 PM

I can't post today's highlight, because this is a family forum. ;)

My highlight yesterday was hanging out with Mark and Beau, smoking, shooting the breeze, and talking about movies. It was a lovely evening.

Yoda 11-25-01 10:12 PM

Ah, a forum full of playas, it seems. Beau? I hope that ain't a dude's name. No offense to Beau if it is...I'll just have to stiffle a laugh everytime I hear it. :)

Steve 11-25-01 10:26 PM

Yeah, Bo's a dude. I don't know if it's spelled Bo or Beau, anyway, I like to think of it as Bo Jackson. Remember him? Don't diss my man, or else I'm liable to break out the flaming mad face.

Playa? I think not, friend. You want to talk to a playa, talk to Peter (OG-), he's been with more girls than I've talked to. ;D

Yoda 11-25-01 10:31 PM

Yes, Peter is surely a player. I'll bet you've talked to more girls than I've SEEN, man. And yeah, I remember Bo Jackson...he wasn't too bad. Hit a home run in that one All-Star game in the late 80s or something...when he was playing for the Royals, I think. Or did he rob someone of a HR? I forget. He was alright, though. I hope for your friend's sake that it's spelled "Bo."

OG- 11-25-01 10:32 PM

Yea man, don't diss Bo or I will busta cap in yo ***!!
I can't post today's highlight, because this is a family forum.
Ohhh...I know who steve hung out with today!!

Yoda 11-25-01 10:33 PM

You guys want me to rename this thread "Booty Tab" and movie it to the "Games, Lists & Tabs" Forum? :D

sadesdrk 11-25-01 10:38 PM

damn. I was gonna start the booty tab thread! Cause I need to keep track.....:D

spudracer 11-25-01 10:47 PM

I'm not going to comment on Saides response...she gets mad when I tell the truth about her booty calls. :D

sadesdrk 11-25-01 10:52 PM

You are such a brat! I don't tell you s***! I'm not a bad person! I lead a very normal life! You all have just made these wacky assumptions about me, I have no idea where you're coming up with this stuff....LIES!:D

OG- 11-25-01 11:16 PM

Pasha! I hate liars!!

Actually, new highlight of my day is this Rocky Road ice cream I'm eating. I don't know who makes it, where it came from, or anything about it, but DIZAM!!

Steve 11-25-01 11:18 PM

Originally posted by OG-

Ohhh...I know who steve hung out with today!!
Yup...Mark. :laugh: :laugh:

Yoda 11-25-01 11:18 PM

You mean you don't know what brand it is, or who invented the flavor? I think that's the one with chunks of choloate and cookies and marshmellows, or something. Crap, I'd kill for some of that. BACK, FOUL TEMPTRESS!

OG- 11-25-01 11:20 PM

Originally posted by Steve

Yup...Mark. :laugh: :laugh:
Yea...Mark...If he developed an ***, grew breasts, and changed his name....

spudracer 11-26-01 12:20 AM

Originally posted by sadesdrk
You are such a brat! I don't tell you s***! I'm not a bad person! I lead a very normal life! You all have just made these wacky assumptions about me, I have no idea where you're coming up with this stuff....LIES!:D
*cough cough* bullsh*t *cough cough*

We all know your lifestyle Sadie...working at ******** ****** has made you this way. Working in your unmentionables. ;D

I hope I gave nothing away...but for those wanting to know about what's in the's a hint...there's a thread about it on this site. :laugh:

Boy am I gonna hear about this one....;)

patti 11-26-01 12:25 AM

i'm illin'.....but the highlight of this not so fine day was reading this thread and chucklin', thanks you guys.:laugh:

sades, if you start a "booty thread", will i be able to post on it even if i haven't managed any action?:laugh::cool:

Yoda 11-26-01 12:32 AM

Originally posted by patti
sades, if you start a "booty thread", will i be able to post on it even if i haven't managed any action?:laugh::cool:
I hope so, or I won't be able to post on it at all. :D On a more serious note, though, please do NOT create such a thread...yes, that means you, Sades/OG. :) I think it'd be a little over the line...and not really consistent with the other games/tabs going on there.

patti 11-26-01 01:04 AM

i'm kiddin' around commish....and i'd have to agree with you ;)

The Silver Bullet 11-26-01 03:51 AM

The highlight of yesterday was driving to a shack on the coast. I do a year 12 subject [drama] and I've made a connection to these kids, and they wanted to know if I wanted to spend a weekend with them. And on the way up, I was in the back seat, in the middle, and we had pillows everywhere and Tara and Sarah were leaning on my shoulder's asleep. Now, not sickingly, was this a highlight, but just the fact that they'd do so. I felt really accepted. And then they woke up, the sun started setting, we wound down the windows and played the song "How You Remind Me" on full boar. Singing.

I don't think I've felt like I've belonged more than that, ever.

It was my Almost Famous moment:

Aww, made friends with the rock stars.

spudracer 11-26-01 09:51 AM

Thats a pretty good highlight silver bullet.

sadesdrk 11-26-01 01:14 PM

Originally posted by spudracer

Boy am I gonna hear about this one....;)
You are in soooooooooo much trouble.:mad: I told you, no one wants to hear about my adventures as a sanitation worker!

spudracer 11-26-01 03:23 PM

Sanitation huh!? So that's what they call it nowadays. I guess that's partly true...some people make a mess in theirs. :laugh:

sadesdrk 11-26-01 03:54 PM

gross.Really, really gross.:laugh:

OG- 11-28-01 12:16 AM

Highlight of my day:

While watching Antigone in English, I grew bored and started to time how long I could hold my breath. I got 2 minutes 6 seconds the first time, not too bad but I know I can do better. I got pretty lightheaded but went again, 2 min 10 secs this time. Still not good enough. Steve and Ryan tell me not to go again, but screw it. I'm really out of it now, and only got 1 min 43 seconds. Getting pretty close to passing out, but I gotta beat 2:10. I go a fourth and final time, I'm pretty worn out, lightheaded, and had to take off my fleece cuz I was getting pretty hot..started to hold my breath, closed my eyes, and started the stop watch. 3 minutes and 1 second later I stopped that watch. BOOYAH!! Of course I felt pretty beat after it, and could barely put my shirt back on, let alone walk, but it was worth it.

That records going down next class!! Well either the record will break, or I'll pass out, whichever comes first.:p

Yoda 11-28-01 12:19 AM

That reminds me of an episode of the Simpsons where Lisa worries about becoming stupid like Homer and Bart, so she looks out into the hallway and sees them running at each other with pots on their head, yelling, and smashing into each other. They both fall over, laugh, and Homer says something like "I win again...31-22!" :D

Anyway, I can't hold my breath worth crap. I used to be pretty good, but I don't bike as much, and my lung capacity is pitiful now. It's easier for me if I'm underwater, though. I bet, if I had a bit of motivation to do well, I could get something like 1:15-1:30...though I rarely try.

Highlight of my day: hearing back from a friend of mine via email (she's pretty busy most of the time), and just talking about miscellaneous stuff. Other than that, it'd have to be making some improvements to the quiz section...cizzool.

patti 11-28-01 04:51 PM

i used to hold my breath in the tub a lot....seemed like forever and i would come up only because it spooked me that i didn't seem to even need a breath! the movie that i'm reminded of when thinking about holding one's breath is The Abyss.

highlight today was as usual my morning run--cool, crisp 33 degrees out, lite ice over the puddles and maniac squirrels darting all over the place in their last hunt for acorns before the snow starts falling! ( i actually saw a chipmunk "hit and run" on the bike path where i run..poor thing....just left for dead.:( :p)

commish, nice simpsons description...painted the scene for me and left me laughing. i think laughing is one of the healthiest things....this board gives me plenty:laugh:

sadesdrk 11-28-01 06:54 PM

Highlight of my day today: Getting a picture of patti and her family. Great looking family! I'm glad we're writing more often patti dah-ling! Thanks again:D

ryanpaige 11-28-01 07:20 PM

You're always getting pictures of others, but you're never putting out the picture of yourself.

sadesdrk 11-28-01 07:28 PM

I said I was going to...hold your horses. Maybe I've sent one to patti, maybe I just don't want to put it out on the internet quite yet...:p

Yoda 11-28-01 07:57 PM

Actually, it's a good thing to hold off for now. I'm hoping to perhaps put up some sort of public gallery so we can all post pictures of ourselves, our families, where we live, or anything like that. Not sure about it yet...but we shall see. :)

OG- 11-28-01 09:48 PM

Hmmm...what did I do today? I shot down a bunch of idiots in Anthro class, stupid people and their stupid anti-cloning logic. That was fun.

It was mexican pizza, and yes thats what it called, for lunch today. YUM!:)

Umm...I finally completely my extended research paper!!!, TAKE THAT STATE OF VIRGINIA!! That was good.

Iunno, I haven't gotten a TRUE highlight yet...maybe I'll go get more of that ice cream.:p

Yoda 11-28-01 10:00 PM

Originally posted by OG-
Hmmm...what did I do today? I shot down a bunch of idiots in Anthro class, stupid people and their stupid anti-cloning logic. That was fun. we go. You don't mind us creating humans to use their parts for other humans, then? :)

OG- 11-28-01 10:03 PM

If you want to argue about this, I'm all for it, but start a thread, I don't want to ruin this one.

patti 11-28-01 10:38 PM

good thinkin''s your breath-holding going? :D

OG- 11-28-01 10:56 PM

Didn't try again today, I'm saving it for English tomorrow. We'll see how it goes then.:D

New highlight. I don't really feel like typing it out, lol i'm such a tease, but it was funny!!!:D :D

Yoda 11-28-01 11:26 PM

Was it the Mark thing, P? If so, I've gotta agree: very worthy Highlight of the Day.

patti 11-28-01 11:53 PM

commish, chuckie t's are indeed the basketball hightops of which you speak and you should be able to get them in bigger sizes since they are or were made for basketball players......depends on how much change you're giving back for those twenty dollar bills!!! and what size would you be needing Holden?;D ;D (Holden just ignores my little flirty comments...and his silence just fuels it on.....sorry Holden, i'll try to leave you alone hehheh; it's his brain i tellyou, i like his brain!:laugh: yup :yup:

OG- 11-28-01 11:59 PM

Yea, I was talking about the Mark thing. For anyone whos interested:

I got an IM from someone named "chicoramma", someone who lives in the same area as I and looking for a guy to talk to. So I got her interested, then said I couldn't talk online anymore, and gave her Mark's phone number(zwee/jareds uncle). Of course she called him, and a few minutes later Mark rapes me with a string of foul words. Couldn't stop laughing.

But again, a new highlight of the day. Just had a good, fairly long, indepth conversation with Steve. That was the highlight of my day.:)

sadesdrk 11-29-01 02:52 AM

Originally posted by patti
and what size would you be needing Holden?;D ;D (Holden just ignores my little flirty comments...and his silence just fuels it on.....sorry Holden, i'll try to leave you alone hehheh; it's his brain i tellyou, i like his brain!:laugh: yup :yup:
Oh, yeah...this reminds me of what I was going to tell you!

The Silver Bullet 11-29-01 03:27 AM

I found out that next Tuesday I'm going to the state Capital [Adelaide, SA, for the interested people] and going to a University Film Studies editing complex to roll around on those rolly chairs and edit a heap of film footage.

patti 11-29-01 05:15 AM

here's to "rolling in celluloid" SilverB. have fun:cool:

and sades, do you really have something to tell me about Holden or are you just trying to freak him out?:yup: :nope: :yup: ;)

Yoda 11-29-01 11:39 AM

I think Patti's a bit high on those smilies. :) I think my highlight for yesterday might have been just finishing the 4th Harry Potter book for the second time. Feels good to take it all in...I feel like I've got a much better handle on it all, now...before I re-read books 2, 3, and 4, I had a lot of gaps in my head. I feel like they've been filled -- which is a nice feeling.

sadesdrk 11-29-01 01:40 PM

Lot's of highlights yesterday. I watched a re-run of SNL and the host was Christopher Walkin...he was awesome. Made the show. The Musical Guest was Weezer, the performed my favorite song off of the green album. Just a cool show. I have a small crush on Jimmy Fallon.:yup:
Another highlight...I can't share...patti knows though;D

Highlights today are yet to be discovered....

patti 11-29-01 01:58 PM

yes commish, i am a bit high on the smiley's.....they are my friends. i can't even pick a favorite....i'll get over it after i have overdone it for a while. does it bug you?

highlight today? i have a pretty great life and i have lots of highlights sprinkled through every's nice to be happy......lot's of things become "highlights" when you're happy. i've had "not so happy" years in my past, so i'm not just trying to be annoying in saying "oh, i'm sooo happy..." it's cold here, and it'll get colder, but it's a very damp cold today...foggy 32 degrees when i was running this morn....gotta keep moving to stay warm.

i have been enjoying the consistent highlight of some hysterical and fun PM's from our friend sades...still waiting for a picture though.....and the dirt on holden.;D

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