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Frokane 11-05-11 11:43 AM

Unfunny Comedy Actors
This is obviously down to your opinion so, post and comment sensibly.

mine are

Will Ferrel
Ryan Reynolds
Sean William Scott
Vince Vaughn


Frokane 11-05-11 11:46 AM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
oh i forgot, Seth Rogan and Micheal Cera

lundy1026 11-05-11 03:49 PM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
I agree w/ Ryan Reynolds being on your list. He would be better suited in an action or drama movie. Also, Micheal Cera too because the only reason he's in comedy is because he's awkward looking and uses that to his advantage. He's not actually "funny". I do like Will Ferrel and Vince Vaughn a lot and Sean William Scott and Seth Rogan in most. :)
(All just my own personal opinion) :D

The Prestige 11-05-11 05:05 PM

Adam Sadler, John C Reilly, Will Ferrell, Seth Rogen, Steve Carell, post Austin Powers Mike Myers, Rob Schneider, Jack Black, Chris Rock, Ashton Kutcher, Sean William Scott, post 90's Eddie Murphy, Vince Vaughn, Ben Stiller, Cedric The Entertainer, etc.

It's interesting, actors like Ryan Gosling in Crasy, Stupid, Love and Idris Elba in the US version of The Office, actors more renowned for more dramatic and more intense roles were far more halirious and effective than Carell.

downthesun 11-06-11 06:21 AM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
Prestige, a lot of your list I'd agree with but Zoolander is one of my all time favourite movies so there's no way I'd have Ferrell and Stiller on my list. I couldn't agree less with you when it comes to Chris Rock, he's very near the top of my list of the best stand up comedians of all time. Speaking of which Eddie Murphy's pre 90s stand up was out of this world and then he went and made a load of terrible comedies which completely missed the mark for me.

downthesun 11-06-11 06:35 AM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
Joan Rivers:

Norm Macdonald:

Adam Sandler:

Dane Cook:

Gilbert Gottfried:

lundy1026 11-06-11 10:44 AM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
:( It's too bad you both dont like Adam Sandler. I think he's really funny in his comedies. And I like Jack Black and ESPECIALLY Ben Stiller.

I do agree w/ post Mike Myers and Eddy Murphy and Chris Rock on your list and on downthesun's list I agree w/ Joan Rivers, Dane Cook and Gilbert Gotfrried.

People I think who should be on this list are:

Lidsay Lohan
Justin Timberlake

Nausicaä 11-06-11 02:09 PM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
I agree w/ Ryan Reynolds being on your list. He would be better suited in an action or drama movie.
Oo most definitely. He can act well when he is in the right film - Buried showed that, and some scenes in the remake of The Amityville Horror, and Smokin' Aces towards the end.

Skepsis93 11-06-11 04:27 PM

Originally Posted by The Prestige (Post 776754)
John C Reilly
Yet funnily enough that guy can really act, he's just made some really strange choices. He's not really that funny - I agree - but you look at the likes of Gangs of New York, We Need To Talk About Kevin and Chicago and one wonders why he went for those stupid comedies instead of dramatic roles which he is really good at. Really looking forward to seeing him in Carnage, actually.

Same is true, to a lesser extent, for Will Ferrell I think. Bad choices for the most part (Anchorman, Step Brothers, Talladega Nights, ick) then does Stranger Than Fiction and is really impressive.

I do think Steve Carrell is hilarious, though.

will.15 11-06-11 04:31 PM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
Comedy actors in movies today are a sorry lot. The younger ones stink and the older ones like Steve Martin and Eddie Murphy are out of gas.

akatemple 11-06-11 08:18 PM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
I cannot stand Zack Galifianakis.

filmgirlinterrupted 11-06-11 08:20 PM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
I don't think this question is specific enough. The thing with comedy actors is that I like them in some movies but not in others. Their schtick starts to get old after a while, which is what makes people think they're not funny anymore. But at some point they were, right?

Will Ferrell, for example, was hilarious in "Step Brothers" and "Anchorman" but not so funny in "Elf" or "Old School." And I could say the same thing about Adam Sandler, who made me laugh with "Happy Gilmore" and "Billy Madison," but terrible in "Funny People" and "Mr. Deeds."

I think all comedy actors have hits and misses, so it's hard for me to single out the 'worst' ones :(

For each actor who's already been mentioned, I can think of at least 1 scene or 1 moment of theirs that made me laugh out loud; despite you guys saying they're 'unfunny.'

mastermetal777 11-07-11 01:14 AM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
I have to agree with filmgirl on this one. I, for one, love Adam Sandler in Anger Management, but don't really like him in a lot of other movies (Happy Gilmore was hilarious though). Will Farrell just loves playing the idiot I guess, but it works for him (Step Brothers and Talladega Nights made me laugh a lot). They're both really good drama actors too. Watch Ferrell in Stranger Than Fiction and Sandler in Punch Drunk Love to see how well they can handle themselves. Now, neither of them can reach Jim Carrey or Robin Williams levels, because both of them are talented beyond belief (Williams has an Oscar, and Carrey should've been nominated at least 3 times by now), but I say they're good in their own right.

By the way, Dane Cook should just stick with stand-up. He's a terrible actor, but a pretty funny comedian. Ryan Gosling is getting up there with being good, and Steve Carrell should be daring enough to do a drama. I wouldn't be surprised if he turned out to be pretty damn good at it.

Monkeypunch 11-07-11 02:27 AM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
I kinda have to disagree about Michael Cera not being funny. Yes, he has his comedy persona that one day and probably soon, he will drive into the ground, but his delivery in his best roles is spot on. He was hilarious in Arrested Development, Superbad, and I will stand up for his work in the vastly underrated Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World and Year One. His bone dry delivery is great because unlike say Seth Rogan or Jonah Hill he isn't screaming "Hey look, I'm funny!" He's just tossing off lines like they were natural bits of conversation.

The Prestige 11-07-11 09:50 AM

Originally Posted by downthesun (Post 776856)
Prestige, a lot of your list I'd agree with but Zoolander is one of my all time favourite movies so there's no way I'd have Ferrell and Stiller on my list. I couldn't agree less with you when it comes to Chris Rock, he's very near the top of my list of the best stand up comedians of all time. Speaking of which Eddie Murphy's pre 90s stand up was out of this world and then he went and made a load of terrible comedies which completely missed the mark for me.
Chris Rock is a TERRIBLE comedian, mate. Sorry, but tasteless, boring, unoriginal digs at random cultures masquerading as 'daring material' is not funny. I haven't watched Zoolander but I suppose I can say that I tolerated Stiller in Meet The Parents, and he is probably the least unfunniest of all the actors I have named, but still does nothing for me. Which Eddie Murphy comedies did you not like then?

Yet funnily enough that guy can really act, he's just made some really strange choices. He's not really that funny - I agree - but you look at the likes of Gangs of New York, We Need To Talk About Kevin and Chicago and one wonders why he went for those stupid comedies instead of dramatic roles which he is really good at. Really looking forward to seeing him in Carnage, actually.
This is true. He is a decent supporting actor, I will agree. But somebody obviously told him that he can produce belly laughs and unfortunately for us, he has taken that to heart. :(

filmgirlinterrupted 11-07-11 01:04 PM

Originally Posted by Monkeypunch (Post 776974)
I kinda have to disagree about Michael Cera not being funny. Yes, he has his comedy persona that one day and probably soon, he will drive into the ground, but his delivery in his best roles is spot on. He was hilarious in Arrested Development, Superbad, and I will stand up for his work in the vastly underrated Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World and Year One.
Michael Cera is pretty damn funny, I totally agree. I loved him in Arrested Development and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. I'm sure his routine will lose its appeal at some point, but I think he's hilarious :p

downthesun 11-07-11 02:31 PM

Originally Posted by The Prestige (Post 777017)
Chris Rock is a TERRIBLE comedian, mate. Sorry, but tasteless, boring, unoriginal digs at random cultures masquerading as 'daring material' is not funny. I haven't watched Zoolander but I suppose I can say that I tolerated Stiller in Meet The Parents, and he is probably the least unfunniest of all the actors I have named, but still does nothing for me. Which Eddie Murphy comedies did you not like then? (
I'm sorry mate I gotta disagree with you on this one, he's a terrible actor when it comes to films but I think his comedy is top notch. I think he's up there with Louis CK, Ricky Gervais and a few others as the current breed of top stand ups. I mean the guys won multiple Emmys and Grammys for his work, he can't be that bad.

I agree some of his jokes can be tasteless, but I think his work is very original and I disagree about taking digs at random cultures, the majority of his work focuses on race & class relations in America as well as politics. Topics I think he tackles very well. Anyway, this is just my own personal opinion, I have all his stand up work and rate it highly.

"America is the only place where people go hunting on a full stomach."

As for Mr Murphy: Holy Man, Nutty Professor 2, Daddy Day Care, Norbit.

Although he did have Dreamgirls and a few Shreks in there as well. His older stuff like Beverly Hills Cop I loved

Pyro Tramp 11-07-11 07:35 PM

Originally Posted by Skepsis93 (Post 776912)
Yet funnily enough that guy can really act, he's just made some really strange choices. He's not really that funny - I agree - but you look at the likes of Gangs of New York, We Need To Talk About Kevin and Chicago and one wonders why he went for those stupid comedies instead of dramatic roles which he is really good at. Really looking forward to seeing him in Carnage, actually.
I was going to touch on this in a thread. I always liked his dramatic bit part stuff, particularly Magnolia but I think he definitely found a natch as a comedy actor- Step Brothers is fantastic, admittedly it's love/hate but I think Reilly put in a utterly unexpected and successful comedy performance. Cyrus was a great example, also, as it took both his strengths. However, I do think his comedy roles have hurt him now as he really stuck out in We Need to Talk About Kevin

quint 11-08-11 10:27 AM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
I'll add another notch next to Vince Vaughn. How this guy is in movies is beyond me.

will.15 11-08-11 12:38 PM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
Nobody mentioned Kevin James. How did he get a movie career? The King of Queens was terrible. Even Jerry Stiller wan't funny in that. Apparently, he has an acting career because stand-up comics who made it in television and movies like to pal around with him put him in their stuff.

filmgirlinterrupted 11-08-11 01:04 PM

Originally Posted by quint (Post 777162)
I'll add another notch next to Vince Vaughn. How this guy is in movies is beyond me.

filmgirlinterrupted 11-08-11 01:06 PM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
How could I forget this goon? So not funny.


quint 11-08-11 02:59 PM

Originally Posted by will.15 (Post 777187)
Even Jerry Stiller wan't funny in that.
I'm glad to see I'm not the only person who sees this. Dragging out the last syllable of a word and clapping your hands at the end of every one of your lines gets a hurry.

nebbit 11-08-11 05:09 PM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
Enough People obviously like these guys as they are doing well :yup:

I think that all the people you guys have mentioned are good sometimes and terrible at times :yup:

stevo3001 11-11-11 12:23 AM

I really like Will Ferrell and Michael Cera but am used to seeing them on lists like this. But Norm MacDonald? Norm is one of the funniest people in the world, despite working almost exclusively in garbage.

I do not think I have ever so much as smiled at anything Ben Stiller has ever done. I do not think he has a funny bone in his body. That is OK, lots of people, maybe most people, are not at all funny- very few of them call themselves comedians though.

will.15 11-11-11 12:28 AM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
I love Norm MacDonald, but where has he gone?

His problem is...he is not a good actor. But some of the comics who have made it in movies are lousy actors also and they are not as funny as he is when he is clicking.

lundy1026 11-11-11 09:30 PM

Originally Posted by will.15 (Post 777187)
Nobody mentioned Kevin James. How did he get a movie career? The King of Queens was terrible. Even Jerry Stiller wan't funny in that. Apparently, he has an acting career because stand-up comics who made it in television and movies like to pal around with him put him in their stuff.
I like the King of Queens but I do admit the only movie I actually think Kevin James is funny is I Now Pronounce you Chuck and Larry but other than that I don't watch other movies he's in.

Used Future 11-15-11 06:49 AM

I think John C. Reilly is funny; he's just not had the right vehicle except maybe for Step Brothers which is somewhat underrated. Loved him in Boogie Nights (yes Chest Rockwell made me laugh) and he's also rather amusing in semi-serious chick flick The Good Girl. I also got a real kick out of Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story, but I'm probably alone on that one.

He's made some duds like Talledega Nights *shudder* but I put that down to the writing not Reilly's lack of talent.

EndlessScream 11-15-11 08:06 AM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
This man,
and this dude,

thx for the pic, Lundy. :p

quint 11-18-11 06:11 AM

Originally Posted by filmgirlinterrupted (Post 776936)
For each actor who's already been mentioned, I can think of at least 1 scene or 1 moment of theirs that made me laugh out loud; despite you guys saying they're 'unfunny.'
I agree.

Lists like this are pretty subjective. What it comes down to is the individual's own sense of humor.

If someone says they think someone is 'unfunny', that's cool. Opinions can't be wrong, only disagreed with, I suppose.

JessicaMonroe 11-21-11 04:08 PM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
Kevin James, Nick Swordson and Rob Schneider definitely would be my picks over Farrell or Stiller. Even Chris Rock to a point would be added there, though I liked him in The Longest Yard. Something about Swordson and Schneider (usually as supporting characters in Sandler movies) always comes off as stereotypical and cheesy.

sudew 11-25-11 09:50 AM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
you guys know jeff dunham??

mojofilter 01-02-12 04:54 PM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
After watching, or should I say 'surviving', Larry Crowne, I'd say Tom Hanks should stop doing comedies.

Tom was great in all those 80's goofball comedies like Bachelor Party, Splash, Turner and Hooch, The Man With One Red Shoe, Big, and Joe Versus The Volcano.

In the 90's, he became a serious actor with one big hit after another. However, he managed to deliver the laughs in a few films. He was hilarious in A League Of Their Own, Sleepless in Seatle, and Forrest Gump. You've Got Mail was pretty good, too.

In the 00's, he was really funny in Catch Me If You Can and The Ladykillers. Charlie Wilson's War and The Terminal were unfunny and forgettable roles.

I just think Tom Hanks should stick to doing more serious roles like the ones in Road to Perdition, The Green Mile, Saving Private Ryan, Cast Away, and Apollo 13.

Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close is the just the kind of movie that he should be in. I can see him winning a third Oscar in the near future if he sticks to the dramatic roles.

TheUsualSuspect 01-03-12 01:34 AM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
So he has one bad comedy movie and he should never do them again? After the entire list of every comedy he did you liked? I don't get it.

mojofilter 01-05-12 03:41 PM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
My point is his last really funny movie was The Ladykillers in 2003 or 2004.

I just prefer seeing him in serious roles, that have a bit of humor in them. Let's be honest, his last attempts at comedy were failures.

JayDee 01-05-12 04:55 PM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
First name that popped into my head - Seth Rogen!

I just find him painfully unfunny and downright annoying actually. On top of that both his voice and especially his laugh just drive me almost crazy!

CandyforniaCats09 04-10-12 12:38 AM

Adam Sandler. I don't watch his movies. I don't find him funny whatsoever. No offense to his fans. I hate it when he does that stupid voice and goes on and on and it never seems to end

earlsmoviepicks 04-10-12 10:49 AM

Originally Posted by CandyforniaCats09 (Post 803367)
Adam Sandler. I don't watch his movies. I don't find him funny whatsoever. No offense to his fans. I hate it when he does that stupid voice and goes on and on and it never seems to end
I agree-- comics seem to get watered down when they switch to leading man status....

Powderfinger 04-13-12 10:22 AM

Originally Posted by Frokane (Post 776663)
This is obviously down to your opinion so, post and comment sensibly.

mine are

Will Ferrel
C'mon! :rolleyes:

Deadite 04-13-12 04:49 PM

Originally Posted by Used Future (Post 778308)
I think John C. Reilly is funny; he's just not had the right vehicle except maybe for Step Brothers which is somewhat underrated. Loved him in Boogie Nights (yes Chest Rockwell made me laugh) and he's also rather amusing in semi-serious chick flick The Good Girl. I also got a real kick out of Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story, but I'm probably alone on that one.

He's made some duds like Talledega Nights *shudder* but I put that down to the writing not Reilly's lack of talent.
John C. Reilly is a really good actor, both in dramatic and comedic roles. He's been in some very lame movies but plenty of decent movies and some great ones too.

I personally thought Talledega Nights was mostly obnoxious but Walk Hard was a fantastic comedy, one of my all-time favorites, in fact.

He can bring genuine depth to dramatic roles, such as in the film Terri, which is a small coming-of-age indie gem that I strongly urge everyone to check out.

Devils Angel 04-17-12 06:55 AM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
I know a lot of people wont agree but 2main ones for me, that i find incredibly unfunny, Eddie Murphy and Jim Carey. I just dont rate them comically. I know a lot of people find them hilarious, but, they make me want to gouge my eyes out and stick pens in my ears.

MovieManLV94 04-21-12 03:59 PM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
Seth Rogan
Adam Sandler
Sasha Cohen

genesis_pig 04-21-12 04:39 PM

Originally Posted by Devils Angel (Post 805356)
I know a lot of people wont agree but 2main ones for me, that i find incredibly unfunny, Eddie Murphy and Jim Carey. I just dont rate them comically. I know a lot of people find them hilarious, but, they make me want to gouge my eyes out and stick pens in my ears.
Eddie Murphy was good in SNL, But he has some nice movies to his credit too.
I love Bowfinger, Metro, Boomerang, Beverly Hills Cop & Golden Child.
& I don't like the movies cos of him or his humor, they were just entertaining.

As for Jim Carrey, I kind of like this guy. For one, it appears as if he is trying hard to be funny, when honestly I find him mostly playing a guy who is trying hard to be funny. He doesn't try to be witty & smart-mouthed like Eddie Murphy, Adam Sandler or Seth Rogen.
So with all his stretchy facial expressions, he still manages to bring about some sort of an over-dramatic humor we all try to bring out in stages of utmost frustration.

I hate Seth Rogen & I hate it even more when he writes films, he tries so hard to be funny. I have no idea how he has managed to up his career, from a wannabe comedian to getting a role as a Superhero.
I really hope he does well in life other than films, would really love to see less of him.

migrod 04-30-12 10:37 AM

Sean William Scott, that stupid face just doesnt make me laugh:rolleyes:

ollanik 04-30-12 03:18 PM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
Adam Sandler
Seth Rogen

PeterVincent 05-19-12 11:29 PM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
I really don't find Aziz Ansari funny. I reallllllllly don't.

Flimmaker1473 06-12-12 03:50 AM

Ashton Kutcher
Justin Timberlake

Monkeypunch 06-21-12 04:21 AM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
Adam Sandler used to make me laugh, but I think his days as a viable comedian are done. Ever since Jack and Jill, people avoid him like he has the black plague...His new flick made NOTHING so far. Poor Adam. He got famous and surrounded himself with more yes men than George Lucas, so now he'll never know if something is funny or not...

Powderfinger 06-21-12 05:25 AM

Originally Posted by Flimmaker1473 (Post 818563)
Ashton Kutcher
Justin Timberlake
I didn't think Justin Timberlake was a comedian?

Ashton Kutcher sucks!

Powderfinger 06-21-12 05:27 AM

Originally Posted by ollanik (Post 808291)
Seth Rogen
I like Seth Rogen, he's a bit weird is a good way :D

genesis_pig 06-21-12 06:55 AM

Originally Posted by Monkeypunch (Post 820747)
Adam Sandler used to make me laugh, but I think his days as a viable comedian are done. Ever since Jack and Jill, people avoid him like he has the black plague...His new flick made NOTHING so far. Poor Adam. He got famous and surrounded himself with more yes men than George Lucas, so now he'll never know if something is funny or not...
Eddie Murphy has been sailing the same boat for a long time now.
Maybe these guys should get together & do a movie like Expendables.

Flimmaker1473 06-21-12 02:29 PM

Originally Posted by genesis_pig (Post 820759)
Eddie Murphy has been sailing the same boat for a long time now.
Maybe these guys should get together & do a movie like Expendables.
That is a great idea!
I can see it now, Robin Williams, Eddie Murphy, Ben Stiller, Adam Sandler, Jim Carrey, David Spade, Denis Leary, and Tim Allen.
That would be a cool film.

gandalf26 06-21-12 02:58 PM

Originally Posted by The Prestige (Post 776754)
Adam Sadler, John C Reilly, Will Ferrell, Seth Rogen, Steve Carell, post Austin Powers Mike Myers, Rob Schneider, Jack Black, Chris Rock, Ashton Kutcher, Sean William Scott, post 90's Eddie Murphy, Vince Vaughn, Ben Stiller, Cedric The Entertainer, etc.

It's interesting, actors like Ryan Gosling in Crasy, Stupid, Love and Idris Elba in the US version of The Office, actors more renowned for more dramatic and more intense roles were far more halirious and effective than Carell.
Agree with most of this list however,

Will Ferrell is hit and miss, and when he hits he is VERY funny. Particularly in "Old Scool" and "Anchorman".

Sean William Scott is hilarious in "American Pie" and "Road Trip".

gandalf26 06-21-12 03:01 PM

Originally Posted by Monkeypunch (Post 820747)
Adam Sandler used to make me laugh, but I think his days as a viable comedian are done. Ever since Jack and Jill, people avoid him like he has the black plague...His new flick made NOTHING so far. Poor Adam. He got famous and surrounded himself with more yes men than George Lucas, so now he'll never know if something is funny or not...
Poor Adam lol, he will have to console himself in the $$$ millions upon millions of teh dollars that he has made.

If I were to draw up the most unfunny people of ALL time, Adam Sandler would be my absolute, undisputed No 1.

I don't think he has EVER made me laugh.

Flimmaker1473 06-21-12 03:19 PM

Originally Posted by The Prestige (Post 776754)
Adam Sadler, John C Reilly, Will Ferrell, Seth Rogen, Steve Carell, post Austin Powers Mike Myers, Rob Schneider, Jack Black, Chris Rock, Ashton Kutcher, Sean William Scott, post 90's Eddie Murphy, Vince Vaughn, Ben Stiller, Cedric The Entertainer, etc.

It's interesting, actors like Ryan Gosling in Crasy, Stupid, Love and Idris Elba in the US version of The Office, actors more renowned for more dramatic and more intense roles were far more halirious and effective than Carell.
John C. Reilly is a better dramatic actor (he has done mostly dramas and it really wasn't until the 2000s he started doing comedy). But he can be funny. Adam Sandler is still funny, he just hasn't made a good movie in a long time. I agree about Myers post Austin Powers, Schneider and Jack Black (I think he is a great actor though and has range that no one expected. But he is a walking joke). Chris Rock is very funny IMO. Ashton Kutcher sucks. Sean William Scott was funny in the American Pie movies and Role Models. I agree with Murphy post 90s, Vaughn, Stiller and Cedric the Entertainer (though Vaughn and Stiller are good actors)>

Ryan Gosling is just a better actor than Steve Carell. That is why he was funnier.

genesis_pig 06-21-12 04:51 PM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
Powderfinger just gave me a negative rep on one of my post, I am guessing cos I mentioned my hatred for Seth Rogen. :cool:
Well, too bad it wont help Seth Rogen's acting or personality, he'll still suck.

I dont exactly care for Sandler, especially when he does those funny voices, but have to admit, over guys like Seth Rogen & Dane Cook Sandler is a Daniel Day Lewis.

Seth Rogen starred in 2 of my favorite tv shows, Freaks & Geeks and Undeclared, the show sidelined him throughout the series,, just when towards the end of the series, they decide to give him a girl & have episodes based on him.. the shows get cancelled. :D

Powderfinger 06-22-12 12:18 AM

Originally Posted by genesis_pig (Post 820844)
Powderfinger just gave me a negative rep on one of my post, I am guessing cos I mentioned my hatred for Seth Rogen. :cool:

Seth Rogen starred in 2 of my favorite tv shows, Freaks & Geeks and Undeclared,
What about the Film Knocked Up?

Jakeseven8 06-22-12 01:03 AM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
Adam carolla
Conan Obrain
David Letterman

genesis_pig 06-22-12 06:48 AM

Originally Posted by Powderfinger (Post 821000)
What about the Film Knocked Up?
What about it?
It was just about average, nothing we haven't seen before..
Not even remotely as entertaining as Nine Months or She's having a baby.

But decent performances by Paul Rudd, Katherine Heigl, Jason Segel, Jonah Hill, Martin Starr, Jay Baruchel, etc..
As for Seth Rogen, he was Seth Rogen. Someone he probably plays in everything he has ever done.

I really like Paul Rudd & Jonah Hill, I think they are really good in most of their films.
Other comedy film regulars who are always impressive are John C Reilley & Jason Bateman.

honeykid 06-22-12 06:53 AM

Originally Posted by genesis_pig (Post 821042)
What about it?
It was just about average, nothing we haven't seen before..
Not even remotely as entertaining as Nine Months or She's having a baby.
They should re-release both those films just to use that quote on the posters. :D

Coincidently, that's two days in a row that I've heard Nine Months mentioned in a positive way. Surely that didn't even happen in the houses of those who made it.

Nuggett 06-22-12 07:09 AM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
Topher Grace! Hate that guy :P

Other than that I can't think of anyone that hasn't been named in this thread.

earlsmoviepicks 06-22-12 10:21 AM

I agree-- it seems like comedians get into movies, get comfortable and ultimately want to aspire to not be funny anymore.

Originally Posted by Monkeypunch (Post 820747)
Adam Sandler used to make me laugh, but I think his days as a viable comedian are done. Ever since Jack and Jill, people avoid him like he has the black plague...His new flick made NOTHING so far. Poor Adam. He got famous and surrounded himself with more yes men than George Lucas, so now he'll never know if something is funny or not...

genesis_pig 06-22-12 03:49 PM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
How ‘Seth Rogen’ Ruined Adam Sandler’s Career

Frokane 06-27-12 11:31 AM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
paul rudd is a little one dimensional but it definatley works
jason bateman is very average

genesis_pig 06-27-12 01:33 PM

Originally Posted by Frokane (Post 822426)
paul rudd is a little one dimensional but it definatley works
jason bateman is very average
I don't think any of those guys ever tried to be funny, I could be wrong. Haven't seen all of their films. I mostly see them playing your everyday average guy.

cricket 07-17-12 06:25 AM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
Jack Black annoys the crap out of me in his movies and in his interviews.

D34DT0Y 07-17-12 07:12 AM

Jim Carrey

Gideon58 08-01-13 06:33 PM

First guy I thought of when I saw the title of this thread was Dane Cook...I just want to slap the guy every time he opens his mouth.

The Gunslinger45 08-01-13 06:34 PM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
Nick Swardson

MovieFan31 08-01-13 06:36 PM

Originally Posted by D34DT0Y (Post 827219)
Jim Carrey
Jim Carrey was his funniest in Liar Liar. That film made me laugh so hard I bust a gut! :laugh:

Lucas 08-05-13 11:23 PM

Re: Unfunny Comedy Actors
Nick Swardson-King of unfunny. This man sucks
Dane Cook
Eddie Murphy(at least for the last 2 decades. He's past his prime guys.)
Kevin James
David Spade

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