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Zephyrus 01-04-01 09:42 AM

I was writing a post and happened to think of Kevin Costner, which of course gave me the idea for this thread :) Well, everyone says that every single Costner movie since Dances With Wolves has failed at the box office, that the general public hates them and that they keep on paying him big money to star in new movies in hope that it will be the one in which he will make his big come back like John Travolta...

I mean seriously, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with movies like Water World, The Post Man, The Body Guard, Tin Cup etc. They were all very enjoyable for me, even moreso than some of the movies which DID make it big time in the box office (like MI-2 for example).

Anyone know what's going on??

Yoda 01-04-01 10:45 AM

I'm sorry, but my hatred for Kevin Costner knows no bounds. The man cannot act. Plain and simple! He doesn't look terribly intelligent (I don't care much either way though), and he doesn't choose his movies wisely.

I cannot honestly remember a movie in which he did a good job as an actor - Field of Dreams was the only one where he didn't totally stink up the place.

OllieO 01-04-01 12:09 PM

I agree with Chris there Zeph. He's done nothing really of merit - Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves was almost adequate, apart from (Pro-Briton rant coming) his American accent being used for a British person... :furious:

ryanpaige 01-04-01 12:46 PM

I like Costner in the sports movies (Bull Durham, Tin Cup, FIeld of Dreams, even For Love of the Game) and thought he did a good job in JFK (even though the story was ridiculous) and other movies like No Way Out.

I haven't seen Dances With Wolves or The Bodyguard or Waterworld, so I can't comment on those.

crash 01-04-01 04:00 PM

I, too, hate Kevin Costner with a fiery rage. He's a terrible, terrible actor with no sense of scene or dialogue. He just can't act.

OG- 01-04-01 04:12 PM

Waterworld was an entertaining movie. And Field of Dreams was a good movie. And I loved Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. But Costner is only ok in my book.

OllieO 01-04-01 05:03 PM

It's not just that he's a terrible actor - he genuinely thinks that he's a god! His stuff his pretentious arrogant trite. :furious:

Rodney 01-04-01 06:34 PM

I don't like Kevin Cosner much either. I think that he is a bad actor for the most part. The only movie that I liked him in was Field of Dreams and even then he didn't do that good of a job.

jamesglewisf 01-05-01 12:46 AM

I thought he was really good in The Big Chill.

PooPooMaster 01-05-01 01:14 AM

There are plenty worse actors/actresses out there...and plenty worse movies then his.

Dances With Wolves was a MASTERPIECE. Anyone who says it sucks has no idea what he/she is talking about.

Zephyrus 01-05-01 04:33 AM

I can't believe I'm reading this, it just has to be a forum-wide conspiracy against me and Kevin Costner! The cruelty, the horror! ;D

I think he's a great actor, I think all those descriptions you guys (and gals) wrote would fit someone like Leonardo DiCaprio, especially what crash wrote! :)

Oh well, I think it's all just a matter of taste...

OllieO 01-05-01 07:05 AM

Don't even get me started on Leonardo DeCappuccino! :furious: That little maggot!

Zephyrus 01-05-01 07:44 AM

At least we agree on Leonardo DiCappucino, who's got about as much acting talent as a fly on drugs (mind you, a fly ondrugs would be an interesting thing to see :D )!!

crash 01-05-01 08:17 AM

DiCaprio was good in What's Eating Gilbert Grape -- I haven't seen a good performance since.

Zephyrus 01-05-01 08:22 AM

I haven't seen that one, is it the movie about some mentally retarded patient or someting like that?? I think I heard that it was a good movie, but I probably won't watch it because of my prejudices against him ;)

jamesglewisf 01-05-01 11:30 PM

C'mon. I throw a great post out there about The Big Chill, and nobody get's it?

I'm watching Silverado right now. Costner is good in that one.

thmilin 01-05-01 11:48 PM

never saw the Big Chill, though i've heard about it, sorry ...

crash, you're right, Leo DiCappuccino was good in What's Eating Gilbert Grape and otherwise he pretty much seems to be himself in every movie ...

as for Mr. Costner, damn, y'all are cold! He's not the greatest actor ever and has definitely made serious mistakes. But, the one film i have to say was GREAT (not necessarily because of HIM but ... as an amalgam of the parts that make a great film, which included him among its cast) was Dances with Wolves.

I've never seen Bull Durham but I've heard a lot about how that sparked his career in comedy, along with No Way Out (not for comedy, just for conspiracy dramas with a touch of romance). And Field of Dreams was kind of a first, of the decade and stuff. Touched something in America's heart. There's practically no one who hasn't seen it or heard of it now. You know, baseball, a good old American family past-time, and James Earl Jones ... it just covered all the bases (pun intended ;).

For the fluff it was and that America occasionally likes, Robin Hood was alright and did its job. But the man was just a fool to make Waterworld ... and The Postman ...

he's about to make another JFK type movie ... he looks like a badass in it (inasmuch as he can be one). heheh, are y'all gonna wipe your feet on that one, too? ;)

Zephyrus 01-06-01 02:02 AM

That's what I mean, I especially liked Waterworld and The Postman, allegedly his worst movies ever!

You people are all just cranky critics! :D

Laurie L 01-06-01 02:08 AM

That was pretty good about The Big Chill, James...since Costner's scenes were cut from the I loved everything Costner did until Waterworld came out. It's still the worst film I've ever seen. Then he cheated on his wife of 13 years, left his 3 kids, and made another crap-fest with The Postman. Then came Tin Cup which was decent, but he didn't win me back. I'm still waiting for a redemption film and I think 13 Days may be it, but I'm not holding my breath.

jamesglewisf 01-06-01 07:12 PM

Costner was in the Big Chill. He was the dead guy they were dressing for the funeral in the opening credits. The rest of his scenes were cut though.

Laurie L 01-07-01 12:37 AM

Yeah...there was a tough role for him being a corpse and all. I never think of him actually being in the film. I'd love a DVD version that includes the scenes that he was in just to see how it could have been.

Yoda 01-07-01 05:21 PM

Consider Silverado the one exception to the rule of Costner's terrifying suckiness. :)

As for DiCaprio - doesn't anyone find it odd that his two better performances had him playing a retarded person (What's Eating Gilbert Grape), and someone insane (Marvin's Room)? :D

thmilin 01-07-01 07:46 PM

i just saw a COMPLETE AND UTTER diCaprio look alike at Chicago's Midway airport, literally yesterday. very freaky. he looked just like him, height, skinniness, paleness, newt face, everything. heheh.

crash 01-07-01 11:17 PM

I don't know judgemental I can actually be about Costner, beacause I only saw him in The War for one of my Film Crit classes and it was absolutely hideous. An atrocious piece of cinematic crap.

Zephyrus 01-08-01 02:02 AM

That could actually have been DiCappucino at the airport you saw...I shudder at the thought :)

Zephyrus 01-11-01 04:14 AM


OK, Laurie said Costner's redemption would be his new film 13 Days, so since I just saw the film, it's fitting to write what I thought about it in this thread :)

Here goes, for those of you who don't know what it's about, the movie deals with the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, with the escalation of tensions between USA and the USSR after the deployment of several medium range nuclear missiles in Cuba.

To tell you the truth, I thought the film was very good. I think the director Roger Donaldson captures the urgency, suspense and chaos that gripped the countriy during those thirteen days, you tend to forget any historical details that you might know and get completely lost in the movie. It is not so much focused on Costner's character (which does play a critical role). The only thing that bugged me was Costner's accent, which was very much like Kennedy's (drawing out the a's, e's, and i's, I don't know if that's the way the real guy spoke or if it's a pathetic attempt).

Other than that, the movie was solid. On my scale it would get a 9.2/10.

Laurie L 01-11-01 11:58 PM

It's good to know you liked it. I'm really hoping I can enjoy it and never sit through one of his films again thinking "Why oh why did you make Waterworld."

Timing 01-26-01 12:11 AM

Geez, I thought the 13 Days movie wasn't too hot. I thought they did a weak job of capturing the gravity of the situation. I like Costner though cause he usually plays regular guy kinda characters. The Untouchables is prolly one of his best movies that nobody mentioned. One of my faves.

Zephyrus 01-26-01 01:48 AM

Oh yeah, I forgot about that movie! I actually think he wasn't too hot in the Untouchables, he was OK, but nothing exceptional...

Laurie L 01-26-01 11:36 PM

Untouchables was good, but I think Revenge and No Way Out were better.

Laurie L 01-26-01 11:37 PM

By the way, I think Kevin redeemed himself for me with this movie. LOL. I enjoyed it. It wasn't as intense as JFK, but it was accurate to the storyline.

jamesglewisf 01-27-01 12:34 AM

I don't remember Revenge. I did like No Way Out and A Perfect World.

Yoda 01-27-01 06:27 PM

Just saw "Thirteen Days" - man oh man, that was one craptastic accent! He should've just gone without one - no one would really notice, or care for that matter.

Zephyrus 01-28-01 03:45 AM

Yeah, I know, the accent really got on my nerves in the beginning, but I got used to it halfway through...

Didn't they speak like that in the 60's? I'm sure Kennedy did, not sure about his advisers!

DerrickLevron 02-01-01 09:10 PM

whoa whoa whoa i think everyone is totally wrong with kevin costner films...yeah i know he isn't arnold or depp, or de niro for that matter but he isn't the worse damn actor out there..i mean yeah he has made some mistakes but every actor does sooner or later...i feel he doesn't do that bad in lots of his films...i mean my fav. role of his was in A Perfect World...and he did a good job as a laid back kinda robin hood...there are more things to look at which are worse than Kevin Costner, believe me

Austruck 02-02-01 10:10 AM

Zeph, it wasn't that they talked like that in the '60s -- that's a New England accent that the Kennedys have! LOL!

And I'd wager that many of Kennedy's advisers had the same accent if he knew them from his Massachusetts days.

But yech, Costner's accent did stink in "13 Days." Ironically, the JFK character hardly feigned an accent at all, and I wondered all the way through why Costner bothered to overdo it compared to JFK! The Bobby Kennedy character did a much more accurate accent, which only made Costner's stand out more.

James, I did laugh at your Big Chill comment but didn't see this thread till just today. The opening of that movie is so dang clever. (It's one of those movies I can watch every time it's on.) The rest of the cast of the Big Chill was SO great that if they had let Costner say a single line, it would have diminished the movie in comparison.

Zephyrus 02-04-01 08:16 AM

Well even if it was a New England accent, I'm sure it wasn't that bad! ;) But his performance (if you neglect the accent) wasn't all that bad really, I thought it fitted in quite nicely into the whole thing!

bigvalbowski 03-06-01 03:53 PM

Anyone who has seen A Perfect World has to rate Kevin Costner as a believable and very solid performer. That film was his best work.

You guys comments on his poor accent in 13 days is interesting. I always felt that one of the weaker elements of Costner's is his handling of dialects. Robin Hood was a mixed bag of accents and this was what the critics focused on. Even, JFK was a victim to Costner's poor attempt at a Southern drawl. Other than his accentual weaknesses, I see very little in Costner that deserves such frank disparagement by the general public. A lot of people really hate the guy. Why?

Zephyrus 03-06-01 10:40 PM

You hit the nail on the head bigval! That's exactly what I was wondering, his performances might not be brilliant, but they certainly aren't third rate either (appart from the accents)...It's just one of those things I don't understand! :D

ChEeRs 03-14-01 09:43 PM

i love "for love of the game". i have not seen many
movies but i dont hate him. he does not bother me.

ryanpaige 03-15-01 12:02 AM

It wasn't a Southern drawl in JFK, it was a Nawlins accent, and it wasn't bad as Nawlins accents go.

Zephyrus 03-15-01 08:24 AM

Hey, so are you saying that the accent was *intentional* on the behalf of Costner and pretty accurate as well?! If so, then I guess it could be said that he did a really good job...

On the other hand, it rings a lot like a *really* bad JFK accent, so I guess this is that the general public do not like!

ryanpaige 03-15-01 08:40 AM

I meant in the movie "JFK" (where he played Jim Garrison), not in "13 Days", which I didn't see and can't comment on Costner's accent in that film.

The Spirit 03-18-09 01:52 AM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
Kevin Costner

TheUsualSuspect 03-18-09 01:56 AM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
His roles consist of playing:

1: A Cowboy.

2: A Baseball Player.

3: A Fish.

TheMightyCelestial 03-18-09 07:05 AM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
My top 5 faves of his (of which, only one was before DWW):

5. 13 Days
I refrained from seeing this movie in theatres because I know the story of the Cuban Missle Crisis from my high school American history class. However, upon hearing mostly positive reviews after the fact, I decided to give it a view when I came across it the DVD rental store. And I have to say that this movie does an excellent job of depicting the build-up of sophisticated international political tension that must've filled the White House during this period of history. As cliche as it sounds, despite knowing how this story ends, this film still managed to keep me at the edge of my seat.

4. Open Range
In this one, Mr. Costner teams up with Robert Duvall to make a partnership that is the center of Open Range cast. For me, this just a good solid cowboy flick that feels like a genuine modern update of the genre that has become the American classic.
I remember when I went to go see this movie, after watching so many films, that while on average were pretty good, were still of the same ol'standard genres that seem to occupy the majority of screens in theatres these days.
So when a "period piece" like Open Range comes into my life, it feels just like a good healthy dose of solid western fare being shot into the craving chasm of my movie-viewing system,

3. The Untouchables
I'll be honest; I've never held Brian DePalma in high regard as his reputation as a filmmaker has become
To me, his skills as a director, though usually capable, mostly seems a bit simplistic for me, particularly when it comes to intrepreting the story on screen.
This simplicity, however, along with Kevin Costner's "goody-two-shoes" image, merge well into the feel & attitude of this particular movie. Under other hands, the Untouchables could've easily come off a shallow noir-ish mess. But with DePalma's method of storytelling, in the end, becomes something more like a film version & modern update of those old EC crime comicbooks from the 1950's.

2. JFK
While I don't believe in any of the conspiracies of this event, Oliver Stone unravels the various "secrets" & clues that drive the "purpose" of this story in almost an ordered manner that makes this an excellently thrilling & very enthralling film (despite how confusing alot of the actual "facts" themselves tend to get at certain points).
As a "fictional" political-drama that seems to build & build up to an accumulative effect, JFK is movie that works exceptionally well on that level, & features more actors than theories on what really happened, with Kevin Costner providing a stable & reliable lead role to carry such a large ensemble cast.

1. Dances With Wolves
If you were to take all the things wrong with Waterworld & the Postman, irradiate them with the physics of binding energy that compose everything in the Bizarro world (i.e. "the opposite"), then you would end up getting this movie.
No, seriously....
you would.
I tried it once.

I usually try to refrain from labeling someone as an actor that I dislike for the reason that I wouldn't want to limit my chances of experiencing a good film that that particular actor might rarely end up starring in. Adam Sandler is a good example. I thought for sure that there would never be a movie of his that I would enjoy watching. But then Punch Drunk Love came along, which not only ended up becoming a film that I enjoyed, but even became one of my top 5 fave romance flicks of all time (which is kind of difficult to do since romance isn't one of my favorite genres to watch).
Kevin Costner's acting has never really done anything that made me go "wow", but even when he's done things like the terrible accent in 13 Days, the film itself was solid enough that I eventually just found myself not paying much attention to how bad it (the accent) was.
So while I find that he's had more misses than hits when it comes to my tastes in movies, he's still done enough good movies in his career to prevent me from completely dismissing his milquetoast acting ass.

n3wt 04-25-09 06:11 AM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
I liked Kevin Costner in,

The Untouchables
No Wat Out
Robin Hood

TheUsualSuspect 04-25-09 12:36 PM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
I disliked Dragonfly.

Devils Angel 04-27-09 06:43 PM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
For me Kevin Costner is one of those actors who is just sort of there, no one really notices him. I neither love him or hate him, he just mearly exists. Hes nothing to right home about but certainly not worth hating either. Though i did enjoy Waterworld as a child ^_^ but as a child i didnt really give a hoot about who could or couldnt act.

Sir Toose 04-28-09 10:13 AM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
You Costner haters are high or something.

Okay, he does accents really badly but I like him overall. I can't say I disliked him in anything I've seen so my favorite Costner films are:

1). A Perfect World
2). JFK
3). Field of Dreams
4). Dances with Wolves

In that order.

Edenvegan 04-30-09 02:12 AM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
What about Mr. Brooks? That's supposed to be view-worthy...I think Costner needs to take more chances. Play more against character type or at least an ugly part/character. Think of Kevin Bacon in "In the Cut" w/ Meg Ryan--I barely recognized him. Or Robin Williams in "1 Hour Photo"--another great (unsettling) performance.

Classicqueen13 06-02-09 08:53 PM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
He does kinda kill accents, haha. Especially in Thirteen Days

iluv2viddyfilms 06-03-09 04:44 AM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 2780)
I'm sorry, but my hatred for Kevin Costner knows no bounds. The man cannot act. Plain and simple! He doesn't look terribly intelligent (I don't care much either way though), and he doesn't choose his movies wisely.

I cannot honestly remember a movie in which he did a good job as an actor - Field of Dreams was the only one where he didn't totally stink up the place.

Field of Dreams did stink. A son and father reunite because they're relationship was so horrible that they could only communicate via baseball. Nice.

I have zero use for Field of Dreams. One of my most disliked films. Especially being from Corn and Baseball Iowa.

A Perfect World is wonderful and a grim story in which Costner is spot on within his limited range. I also like his similar character in Waterworld.

He manages to put on that middle class, conservative charm (is there such a thing) in Bull Durham. Even if it is a baseball centered film, it's still decent. And I don't care about accents. because if I did that would invalidate a million classic films where the badguys always speak with an English accent no matter where they are from. This is why I very much enjoy him in Robin Hood.

Other than that I don't care a lot for him, but when he's within his one or two characters, he's spot on.

iluv2viddyfilms 06-03-09 04:48 AM

Originally Posted by jamesglewisf (Post 2884)
C'mon. I throw a great post out there about The Big Chill, and nobody get's it?

I'm watching Silverado right now. Costner is good in that one.
I get. I'm glad he moved on from that performance.

iluv2viddyfilms 06-03-09 04:51 AM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 2981)
Consider Silverado the one exception to the rule of Costner's terrifying suckiness. :)
I guess we don't agree much at all on Costner... or maybe westerns?

He wasn't good at playing the cocky gunslinger kid part... not at all. And Silverado was a horrible relic of a western from their most sucky time period in the 1980's. Even Eastwood made a bad western in that decade.

Classicqueen13 06-03-09 10:09 AM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
I liked him in Silverado too.

TheUsualSuspect 08-15-09 01:05 AM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
Is that enough to warrant negative nep for me?

SoulInside 08-15-09 09:40 AM

Tin Cup was funny. Nothing special, but funny, good entertainment.

Classicqueen13 08-15-09 05:55 PM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
I love Field of Dreams and No Way Out. I've actually seen quite a few of his films that I liked, The Postman,Swing Vote, A Perfect World, and Silverado. I think I'm forgetting another in there.

Brother Blue 08-15-09 06:07 PM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
I like JFK.

boss80 12-01-09 07:56 PM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
I like kevin costner on the whole ok he isnt the worlds greatest actor but it is not accurate at all to say he cant act just watch a perfect world,mr brooks or dances with wolves to disprove that he also brings a star presence to his movies similar to how ford or cruise do.

Plainview 12-01-09 11:00 PM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
I wouldn't say all his movies are bad. I mean the guys in JFK, Field Of Dreams and Dances With Wolves. Although I would say some of his carrer choices have not been the best. Plus he's not the greatest actor but he's not terrible he's just missing something.

boss80 12-04-09 06:57 PM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
yeah he doesnt have mass charisma like a nicholson or a depp or inhabit a character in the way someone like duvall or deniro could for example but I think he acts within his limitations and given the right role has produced some fine perfomances.

The Dame 12-01-10 03:34 PM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
Costner Movies I Like
Field of Dreams (1989)
The Untouchables (1987)
Message in a Bottle (1999)
Silverado (1985)
A Perfect World (1993)

Costner Movies I Don't Like
Swing Vote (2008)
Thirteen Days (2000)
The War (1994)
The Postman (1997)
Waterworld (1995?)

Gunny 12-01-10 04:08 PM

Kevin Costner is a great actor. One of the best of this era. He puts out some very good movies.

Some of my favorites of his...

- Dances With Wolves
- Silverado
- The Postman
- For Love of the Game
- Untouchables
- Bull Durham
- Field of Dreams
- Robin hood - Prince of Thieves
- Waterworld
- The Bodyguard
- A Perfect World
- Thirteen Days
- Open Range
- The Guardian

TylerDurden99 04-12-12 08:14 AM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
Costner's best performances go like this...

1. A Perfect World (1993)

2. Dances With Wolves (1990)
3. JFK (1991)
4. Field Of Dreams (1989)
5. The Untouchables (1987)

I like the guy.

cinemaafficionado 04-12-12 09:08 AM

I first saw him in No Way Out and knew he was going to make it. I then saw the Untouchables. Then came Field Of Dreams
and then watched him in Revenge and liked the movie and really liked Dances With Wolves. The rest is history. He took a bath in Waterworld but he rebounded with Open Range and Mr. Brooks was kind of interesting.

TylerDurden99 04-12-12 09:15 AM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
I'm actually one of the few who likes both Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves (though not for Costner) and The Bodyguard.

Powderfinger 04-12-12 09:26 AM

Dances With Wolves

The Postman

For Love of the Game


Bull Durham

Field of Dreams

Robin hood - Prince of Thieves



The Bodyguard

Open Range

The Guardian

cinemaafficionado 04-12-12 09:34 AM

Nothing wrong with Robin Hood but the Boduguard was kind of weak. If I needed one, he wouldn't be the one.

TylerDurden99 04-12-12 09:41 AM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
There's just something about that final scene in The Bodyguard of Frank Farmer watching over his new client, and I never fail to get chills when the shot freeze frames, and Whitney belts out that immortal tune "I Will Always Love You". Plus, it's got several cool scenes, like that scene in the club where Whitney sung "Queen Of The Night", which I always thought was a cool song.

cinemaafficionado 04-12-12 09:44 AM

I agree with you on the singing part.

Cenydd Ros 04-12-12 12:59 PM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
I like Kevin Costner. I've liked him since I first saw him in Fandango. Other KC films I like include: Silverado, The Untouchables, Bull Durham, Revenge, Dances With Wolves, JFK, Wyatt Earp, Waterworld, The Postman, A Perfect World, and Open Range.

I think he is a pretty damn good director and would like to see him helm more films. I hold Dances With Wolves to be one of the best westerns ever.

He is not Laurence Olivier, nor is he Stanley Kubrick, but the man has his own talents and I think he is a hell of a lot better than many other "more popular" celebrities.

Deadite 04-12-12 03:32 PM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
^ Agreed.

Miss Vicky 04-12-12 11:51 PM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
I've been a Costner fan for quite some time. There are many of his films I haven't seen and a few that I wish I hadn't seen but overall he's among my favorites.

I particularly love A Perfect World, Robin Hood, Dances With Wolves, The Bodyguard, The Postman and Silverado. Also fond of Waterworld, Mr. Brooks, The Guardian and Open Range.

The Rodent 04-12-12 11:57 PM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
Can't stand Robin Hood but his other films are pretty decent and he always delivers professionally.
Waterworld is one underrated movie IMO. I think it's worthy of a rating in the 80-85% margin, easily.

Hopefully we'll see more of him over the next few years, he's in Man Of Steel next year so maybe it'll bump his career.

cinemaafficionado 04-13-12 02:26 PM

Originally Posted by The Rodent (Post 803995)
Can't stand Robin Hood but his other films are pretty decent and he always delivers professionally.
Waterworld is one underrated movie IMO. I think it's worthy of a rating in the 80-85% margin, easily.

Hopefully we'll see more of him over the next few years, he's in Man Of Steel next year so maybe it'll bump his career.
Sorry Rod, but Waterworld was a waste of time and money and Costner would be the first to admit it in retrospect.
In comparisson, Heaven's Gate is a movie that could have done much better than it did , had it had good editing.

Nausicaä 04-13-12 02:42 PM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
Kevin Costner thinks Waterworld one day will be recognised as one of the greatest science fiction adventure films ever made. So don't think he thinks it was a waste of time now even, he is just deluded. :yup:

Miss Vicky 04-13-12 03:29 PM

How did I not even notice that he's in Man of Steel?

Despite the fact that it's a Superman movie, I'd planned to see it anyway because of Russell Crowe, but now I'm thinking I might actually enjoy it a little. Oh and I see the hot guy from The Tudors is also in it. So if nothing else it'll have some eye candy for me.

Deadite 04-13-12 04:22 PM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
Waterworld is underrated.

TylerDurden99 04-13-12 09:41 PM

Originally Posted by Deadite (Post 804218)
Waterworld is underrated.
Agreed. I found it quite a bit of fun, plus Dennis Hopper is hilarious as the villain.

Holden Pike 04-15-12 12:40 AM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
Coming Memorial Day weekend to The History Channel, the mini-series "Hatfields & McCoys", starring Kevin Costner, Bill Paxton, Tom Berenger, and Powers Boothe.

Miss Vicky 04-15-12 12:48 AM

^That looks awesome.

Cenydd Ros 04-15-12 01:48 PM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
Yep, gotta be sure to watch that. Like me some western goodness.

AKA23 04-26-12 10:11 PM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
Yoda, have you ever seen "A Perfect World?" I don't like Costner as an actor either, but I felt that Eastwood, who was the director as well as co-star, got a much better and more fully realized performance from him than I have seen him give in any other role, both before or since. Have you seen "A Perfect World?" If you have, what did you think of the film, and of Costner's performance?

TheManBehindTheCurtain 04-30-12 02:09 AM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
Just another tradesman, working his craft. Better than most, but far short of the best.

He just happens to be in a few movies I enjoyed, including American Flyers (I was just getting into cycling when it came out; and yes, of course, it's not the definitive cycling movie by any stretch, but I enjoyed it), Silverado (great scene at that hotel, where he shoots down two gunmen from different angles), Field of Dreams, Bull Durham.

And of course Dances with Wolves, which is extraordinary.

For some reason, I remember that line in Wyatt Earp, where he's trying to convince Ed Masterson (Bill Pullman) that he's not cut out to be a lawman. Something like "You're not a deliberate man, Ed. I don't sense that about you." I think he plays bad guys pretty well, such as Wyatt Earp and Perfect World. There's something cold and ugly, just below the surface, contained but capable of erupting at any time. I like that visceral sort of presence onscreen.

Absolutely despise Mr. Brooks.

One of my favorite jokes unfortunately is at his expense. Circa 1998, after The Postman. Question: In the Hollywood Police Department, what's the legal definition of a bomb threat? Answer: Kevin Costner phoning his agent with a movie idea.

nebbit 04-30-12 03:22 AM

Originally Posted by jamesglewisf (Post 2835)
I thought he was really good in The Big Chill.
Thats because he was dead :laugh:

tramp 05-13-12 02:06 PM

I am really afraid to read this thread..... I love Kevin and so many hate him (Looking at you, Yoda).

I saw his band! It was back in April, I was on spring break, and I was on the internet and I thought, "wonder what Costner is doing?" I discovered that the next day he was coming to Bethesda, Md, with his band and I bought 2 tickets. My son came with me. He loves country music (me, not so much, but it was Kevin!) and we enjoyed it a lot. Plus, hey, I've loved Kevin since 1987 so it was a treat to see him.

I didn't get close or anything, but hey, whatever. ;)

I'm really looking forward to the Hatfields and McCoys. Looks great!

P.S. The haters are all wrong, always have been. Kevin has done some magnificent work and he loves movies. He loves westerns. He loves epics. Good for him. He made some bad movies, but hey, so have many others. There. :p

Deadite 05-13-12 02:34 PM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
He can be a bit too bland or dispassionate in roles sometimes but I think he's proven himself capable of delivering great performances. I don't think he's a bad director either, just uneven.

Yoda 05-16-12 03:49 PM

Yeah, during the whole Marvel Movie Marathon thing, they played commercials in-between the films, so I say, like, six different promos for Hatsfields & McCoys. I think I kind of hate it now through sheer repetition. :laugh: But seriously, it does look good, and I'll definitely give it a try.

Originally Posted by AKA23 (Post 807500)
Yoda, have you ever seen "A Perfect World?" I don't like Costner as an actor either, but I felt that Eastwood, who was the director as well as co-star, got a much better and more fully realized performance from him than I have seen him give in any other role, both before or since. Have you seen "A Perfect World?" If you have, what did you think of the film, and of Costner's performance?
Nope, never seen it. It looks good/overlooked, though. Thanks. :)

honeykid 05-16-12 05:58 PM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
I'd certainly recommend A Perfect World. I don't see it as this great, lost treasure that many do, but it's certainly a good, solid piece in almost every respect.

Gideon58 08-02-13 12:21 PM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
Have you ever seen A PERFECT WORLD? If not, it might alter your opinion about the man. I thought he was great in JFK too and if I'm prefectly honest, THE BODYGUARD is a guilty pleasure of mine.

AlwayzOutgunned 08-02-13 02:42 PM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
I'm not a huge fan of Kevin Costner but I did like some of his early work like Revenge and No Way Out plus I also thought he was good in Open Range...

Memento Mori 08-02-13 02:55 PM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
I liked his performance on JFK, specially on the last minutes of the movie.

PANTER 10-11-13 01:18 PM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
In Bodyguard he was nice.

j751 10-11-13 03:05 PM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
I liked him in A Perfect World,Waterworld and Tin Cup.JFK was a
disappointment,as was Open Range.

Gideon58 10-12-13 10:42 AM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
I always loved the fact that all of Alex's scenes were deleted from THE BIG CHILL...I loved the air of mystery it added to the character of Alex. The viewer is forced to create his own vision of who Alex was.

Gideon58 10-12-13 10:45 AM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
I completely agree regarding A PERFECT WORLD...hands down, Costner's best performance.

simopic 10-19-13 06:08 AM

Re: Kevin Costner movies
Liked Waterworld, which had absolutely nothing to do with Kostner...

Gideon58 12-17-13 11:25 AM

Originally Posted by PooPooMaster (Post 2839)
There are plenty worse actors/actresses out there...and plenty worse movies then his.

Dances With Wolves was a MASTERPIECE. Anyone who says it sucks has no idea what he/she is talking about.

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