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Sexy Celebrity 04-28-02 02:37 PM


Holden Pike 04-28-02 04:43 PM

What a slut. You love the 902 other registered members plus any unregistered person who happens upon this thread. You even love yourself.

What a slut.

patti 04-28-02 04:58 PM

are you a willing potential polygamist sc? :laugh:

still, it was a brief stomach flip to see my own name next to ILOVEYOU...... ah well, it never thing ya know i'll be hearing about how you've said the same thing to everybody else. :rotfl:

Fez Wizardo 04-28-02 05:34 PM

*fezzie flips sexy celebrity over hops in then bowls out*

Oh here's £2.50 and a tissue, clean yourself up.

:D :D :D

Holden Pike 04-28-02 06:43 PM

Dirty, filthy whore. Still trying to love everybody at once. I'm not into gang bangs, slut, so count me out.

The Silver Bullet 04-28-02 07:11 PM

It's not funny unless I do it.


Holden Pike 04-28-02 07:42 PM

That statement is half true: it's not funny.

HavePlant 04-28-02 07:50 PM

What is this??
What is all this about loving me??? :laugh:

HavePlant 04-28-02 07:55 PM

I do hope that youknow I am a boy! :D

HavePlant 04-28-02 08:04 PM

omg, cant you just msg me!

HavePlant 04-28-02 08:04 PM

Dang It
First off you are gay SC, and thx to the commish (for the hint) and also sorry. You got me, I am very stupid so dont be proud[size=3]
:furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious:

Yoda 04-28-02 08:07 PM

HavePlant: please try to avoid "double posting." If you have something small to add, please go back and edit your first post to include it. Furthermore, study this thread in great detail...I'm sure you'll realize that SC is not saying what you think he is. :nope:

HavePlant 04-28-02 08:28 PM

Im Not Gay!!!
Im Not Gay!!!:nope:

Steve 04-28-02 08:38 PM

Re: Im Not Gay!!!
Originally posted by HavePlant
Im Not Gay!!!:nope:
What in the motherf--k does this have to do with anything? :confused:

Love ya too, SC. :)

HavePlant 04-28-02 08:40 PM

SC happens to be a male, so if he was wanting to do anything. I am saying im not gay.:eek:

Yoda 04-28-02 08:41 PM

I stand by what I have said: this joke will NEVER fully die. :nope:

The Silver Bullet 04-28-02 11:14 PM

Someone new will always come along and it'll keep on going.
It's the joke that doesn't end...

Oh my God, the utter hilarity.


patti 04-28-02 11:41 PM

Re: Dang It
Originally posted by HavePlant
First off you are gay SC, ....... You got me,....... so dont be proud[size=3]
what's this? sexyC is a size three? and a proud one at that?
.............. hmmm, what does this mean?
gotta figure out what you english use for sizes.....:rotfl:

HavePlant.......HavePatience, and you'll figure out what's going on. :p

spudracer 04-28-02 11:49 PM

Awww...that's sweet S.C., but I have a girlfriend and I don't think things would work between the three of us, you'll just have to find another dummy to fall for your joke. :D

BTW, Happy Birthday HavePlant ( :rotfl: )

The Silver Bullet 04-29-02 01:00 AM

Mannequin's can't call the cops...

mecurdius 04-29-02 01:18 AM

SC good i dea but umm


when i say that i mean i am sick of the joke. Not the fact that you are saying you love me... and everyone else.

Smasher 05-02-02 09:30 PM

I love you, Smasher
Ok, ok, ok.

Now you have to tell me how you did that. :D

spudracer 05-02-02 09:38 PM


The last thing we need is another person running around with the know-how to cause widespread panic.

Smasher 05-02-02 09:54 PM

oh, please tell me! :yup:

I won't use it in this forum, I go to a number of forums and want to mess around there. ;)


Yoda 05-02-02 09:55 PM

It won't work on most other's the result of a small hack. :)

spudracer 05-02-02 09:57 PM

...and a lot of free time.

Yoda 05-02-02 09:58 PM


You got that right. It's also the result of a lot of gullible MoFo's. :D I've said it before, and I'll say it again: this joke will NEVER cease to be funny...not as long as new people keep showing up and falling for it.

spudracer 05-02-02 09:59 PM

And now, we have two ways of telling people they fell for it...

I love you, and Happy Birthday. :rotfl:

Yoda 05-02-02 10:02 PM

You're right: why didn't I think of that? I'll add it to the Glossary...

spudracer 05-03-02 10:08 AM


Liquid Cookie 05-03-02 01:55 PM

What? I just signed up. Is there someone here already called liquid Cookie?

firegod 05-03-02 02:05 PM

Nope. Just you. You're a special person, so much so that we all knew you before you even signed up. Just accept the praise. :)

Mnemosyne 05-03-02 06:02 PM

Yay! I'm the new frightened newbie now! Tehehehe:laugh:

We get such neat smiles. :love:

Mnemosyne 05-03-02 06:08 PM

How come it says "zero posts?" I have one!:furious:

Yoda 05-03-02 06:20 PM

Posts in the Intermission forum don't count against your total. :)

Naisy 05-04-02 07:30 AM

please tell me that there is nother knightmare on this site. i too must admit i am a guy. so i hear you get around this site SC, is this true? :eek: well you are also two days to late, i would like to yell to anyone that reads this I KNOW HAVE A GIRLFRIEND and she is the best, of course this isnt something anyone here would want to know but hey im excited :love:

Yoda 05-04-02 08:19 AM

Don't worry Mick; it ain't what you think. ;D

spudracer 05-04-02 12:55 PM

Why thank you SC :rolleyes:

Steve 05-04-02 08:53 PM

G*****mit, I just read the glossary, and it looks like I'm dense, naive, and stupid. All these threads are about me!

L .B . Jeffries 05-05-02 12:43 AM

Originally posted by Sexy Celebrity
I love you, L .B . Jeffries !!!!!

Steve 05-05-02 02:00 AM

I was being sarcastic. ;) :laugh:

Jozie 05-05-02 08:42 PM

Dear SC -
Oh you ARE a doll. Sure! I got nothing better to do tonight.
But will you respect me in the morning?
Let those other girls eat their hearts out! (And those guys too, if they're so inclined) My heart is yours for ever!
(PS -- how tall are you? Do you snore? Are you as cute as your pictures? Are you really a celebrity? Can I have your autograph? Will you really truly respec me in the morning? Allright, I believe you. I really do!)
Kisses ;-D

Naisy 05-05-02 08:52 PM

Ha Watson i think ive got it now
Originally posted by TWTCommish
Don't worry Mick; it ain't what you think. ;D
i think i worked this out now, there is like a code and it makes the person see their own name there whatever it may be. How very very clever

Jozie 05-05-02 09:01 PM

I'm crushed. I was ready for Honeymoon Heaven!
Well, back to the movies,

Naisy 05-05-02 09:06 PM

Sorry Jod for breaking the bbbbaaaaddd news, but hey i only just figured it out with 65 other ppl saying that their in love, it kinda didnt make sense and i...Mick was first hand first to figure it out (except of course Chris)

Naisy 05-05-02 09:22 PM

you really are a ...(how do i put this nicely) you really do get around alot dont you SC :laugh:

El_baby 05-07-02 01:16 PM

Im a man
For the record, El_baby is hetrosexually a male.

El_baby 05-07-02 05:35 PM

Yo, I dont care how I spelled typed it, and even less about your s!ck, twisted and ghey thoughts!

But oh,
Im sure you are one of the non-believers,
making your comments on this site as worthless as anyone could ever be.

sadesdrk 05-07-02 08:08 PM

Originally posted by Sexy Celebrity
The other girls shouldn't eat their hearts out -- I don't condone autocannibalism.
Damn...that was funny. :D

El_baby~ Chill. :yup:

S.C.~ roll with the punches, doll...I got your back. I'm your buddy...'member our conversation way back when? I enoyed it very much...'cept I got rid of MSN, so if you ever wanna chat, or rant...or vent about the injustices of this world;I'll PM you my email address and we can shoot the sh*t.

Yoda 05-07-02 08:12 PM

El_baby: relax. All is cool. Especially SC...don't be talkin' smack about him. That's almost as bad as talkin' smack about Yoda...or Samuel L. Jackson. Ya' dig? :D

dykie 05-07-02 09:20 PM

dude i'd love u back but im not gay
i join up and ive got some 1 loving me allready
i wish it was like that when i go to a club :(

firegod 05-08-02 12:14 AM

Re: Whatever
Originally posted by El_baby
Im sure you are one of the non-believers,
making your comments on this site as worthless as anyone could ever be.
I don't know about him, but I am. So bring your silly anti-atheist crap on, baby! :)

Yoda 05-08-02 12:17 AM

I'm pretty sure SC believes in God (in one form or another), actually. :) Sorry. :D

firegod 05-08-02 12:25 AM

Lol! I abso-f***ing-lutely LOVE this message.

Yoda 05-08-02 12:26 AM


Anyway, there IS more than one kind of love. Lewis wrote about that, too. :D (sorry, I know I'm becoming predictable). But I dig that anyway. Nice post, SC. :)

sadesdrk 05-08-02 11:43 AM

Originally posted by TWTCommish
Nice post, SC. :)

greppin 05-08-02 08:16 PM

err what the ****!!

matrixmaniac 05-09-02 01:51 AM

what the hell? why amm ii allways the butt of the jokes? if ur a man sc then **** off if ur a hot chick then welcome

greppin 05-09-02 03:26 AM

Hehe Clever

Yoda 05-09-02 09:51 AM

Chill the hell out. :D Things are not as they seem.

The Silver Bullet 05-09-02 10:05 AM

Sure they are. Sexy Celebrity loves {bbusername}...

The Silver Bullet 05-09-02 07:18 PM

That was very sharp, S.C, my friend.


El_baby 05-10-02 07:05 PM

My bad, after skimming over the recent post I see all is cool, I guess.

I mustve over reacted before looking for a point, I guess, probably...

Jozie 05-11-02 02:28 PM

Dear SC --
Well . . .(sigh) . . . I guess I'll have to settle for the sizzle.
I never get get no respec' anyhow. And they say there's not necessarily reciprocity in pheromones, if y'know wot I mean.
But don't bank on free maid service, bub!
Love & sizzle, anyway

Guy 05-15-02 04:43 PM

i love you too

Monkeypunch 05-20-02 12:20 AM

I know the joke that's being used here, but thanks. I'm feeling distinctly unloved lately.

Adam 05-20-02 12:25 AM

I'm Adam but i'm guessing that this post has nothing to do w/ me considering i registered to MovieForums after this post was created. ;)

The Silver Bullet 05-20-02 02:55 AM

Finally, someone who uses a brain!! Logic!!


Unlike, say, {bbusername}...

Fez Wizardo 05-20-02 09:44 AM

noo! Jason is too dull! Back with Sexy Celebrity!

I've got a load of angry villagers behind me on this one.

spudracer 05-20-02 09:58 AM

Well I think that whichever one he chooses he'll always use the :randy: smilie to its full extent. :D

patti 05-20-02 12:45 PM

personally, i like to let myself believe there is a thread that says "i love you patti", i agree with monkeyP....


sadesdrk 05-20-02 12:48 PM

Originally posted by Monkeypunch
I know the joke that's being used here, but thanks. I'm feeling distinctly unloved lately.
Awwww...that's cute, isn't it?

Mary Loquacious 05-20-02 01:19 PM

Doesn't everyone want to be wanted?

Wait... don't answer that...


Greg The Bunny 05-20-02 03:02 PM

Originally posted by The Silver Bullet
Finally, someone who uses a brain!! Logic!!
Unlike, say, Greg The Bunny...
Thanks a bunch Silver :p
I'm trying my best but I've only got pollyfill up there.


dykie 05-20-02 07:23 PM

holy potatoes!! this thread it still around, anyway i realise i was wrong to say u was gay S.C im sorry and i wanna say I LOVE U TOO!... like a brother so dont get any ideas

patti 05-21-02 10:09 PM

Originally posted by Greg The Bunny

I'm trying my best but I've only got pollyfill up there.
.....the question is......:randy: what does this giant bunny have.......down......there?


Mary Loquacious 05-21-02 10:20 PM

.....the question is...... what does this giant bunny have.......down......there?

Would this sort of interest be classified as leaning toward beastiality, or leaning towards... whatever the hell you would call human-puppet sexual relations?

That's the question. ;D

patti 05-22-02 12:58 AM

well, the randy smiley was more for shock value.....and i'm really just playin. (no, really?) :rolleyes:

but you do raise a good question? humans and puppets? let's ask fez, he'll know.


The Silver Bullet 05-22-02 02:47 AM

Sex with Oscar would suck. His manhood (grouch-hood?) isn't large enough to be able to do anything significant.

My reasoning behind this is that he is a grouch. He has no real reason for being a grouch, unless of course he can't reach his grouch-hood you know? He's grouchy because the girls look at it and laugh.

That'd make anyone a grouch.

bobbybobbertson 05-22-02 12:07 PM

funny thread
This is a funny thread. You programmer kids and your variables with the security hole in the forum script!!

sadesdrk 05-22-02 12:24 PM

Originally posted by Jason
I would do Oscar the grouch. He's so troubled and trashy... I like that in a puppet. I'd be so loud in that trashcan all night... I'd be louder than the dumptruck that comes in the morning. I wonder what Oscar uses for protection... a Hefty bag?
My stars!! :laugh:

If we're talking puppets here, I've always had a thing for Kermit and Rolph...the piano playing dog.
Kermit is so sweet, and sincere. Rolph is so gruff and his sense of humor is very dry. I like them both.
Patti~ You should think about making the hook up with Animal. :randy:

patti 05-22-02 02:59 PM

Originally posted by Jason
I wonder what Oscar uses for protection... a Hefty bag?
...discarded banana peels.


patti 05-22-02 03:03 PM

Originally posted by sadesdrk

If we're talking puppets here, I've always had a thing for Kermit ........
Kermit is so sweet, and sincere......
Patti~ You should think about making the hook up with Animal. :randy:

whaaaa? who?

and as for kermit.......think sadie! would you want to hear that kermit voice saying......."oh yeah, sadie, right there, oh yeah..oh babeee, yes, yes, yes....."??

:eek: ....or :licklips: ??? now there's a question.

Mary Loquacious 05-22-02 03:31 PM

I'd have to take on Gonzo... for obvious reasons... ;D

Yoda 05-22-02 03:33 PM

This is really sad. :D I wouldn't come anywhere near Miss Piggy.

patti 05-22-02 03:33 PM

mary-lo........gonzo? fot the hook nose or the way he yells "gonzo!!"? (if i'm picturing the right puppet.) ......yes, well, then, what about BIG BIRD? or the Snuffaluffagous? :D

yoda .......great bit by steven wright. :laugh:

Mary Loquacious 05-22-02 04:03 PM

Originally posted by Yoda
This is really sad. :D I wouldn't come anywhere near Miss Piggy.
Oh, come on--I'll bet she'd be dynamite in the sack...

XetoxIc 05-22-02 04:08 PM

Originally posted by Jason
I love you, XetoxIc !!!!!
I love u to man :P

patti 05-22-02 09:20 PM

*insert smilie with tina turner lips and tina turner legs, dancing across the bottom of the screen singing...........
what's looooovvve got ta' doooooo, gotttaa dooo with it? whatttttt's lloovvve gottta' doo with it?

greppin 05-23-02 02:13 PM

I also love {bbusername}

The Silver Bullet 05-24-02 12:55 AM

Don't try and cash in on the exploitation of {bbusername}, you sick twisted conglomerate.

XetoxIc 05-24-02 10:41 AM

I guess I am just one loved mofo :D

sadesdrk 05-24-02 11:51 AM

Originally posted by greppin
I also love sadesdrk
Thanks. I love you too. :love:

I just had too...he had a randy user mood. :randy:

patti 05-24-02 10:22 PM

Originally posted by The Silver Bullet
Don't try and cash in on the exploitation of patti, you sick twisted conglomerate.
yeah, really!...........i feel so cheap and dirty.


Raziel1 05-26-02 07:06 PM

sorry pal.nothing against it ,but i don't swing that way. only women over here.

Yoda 05-26-02 08:15 PM

:laugh: I think you've missed the point, Raz...but welcome to Movie Forums anyway. :)

patti 05-26-02 09:05 PM

jason/S.C., you just get non-ending pleasure from this thread, don't you? :yup:

Raziel1 05-27-02 04:10 PM

ok this is gettin retarded. you know if your a colon cowboy thats your buisness, but don't throw my name into it. :furious: :furious:
I get the joke hahahaha i fell for it, but is it really worth nine pages of crap.

p.s. Alf sucks :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Yoda 05-27-02 06:12 PM

Be polite, Raz. :)

Raziel1 05-27-02 07:03 PM

doin the best i can , but look what i have to work with here.:suspicious: :suspicious:

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