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Kong 04-26-03 10:36 PM

Originally posted by Sexy Celebrity
How are you certain it's ABNORMAL behavior, exactly? Because psychologists say so?
It's abnormal because it occurs in a small minority of people. Further more biologically sex is used for procreation (actually there are nine other functions of sex in human society, but we don't need to get that far into it do we?) and since pedophilia deals with children that are pre-pubescent it wouldn't make evolutionary sense for it to have become normal human behavior.

Originally posted by Sexy Celebrity
Well, I never used the age example of 5, but hey, a 5 year old could be partially responsible for such a thing to happen, but nobody would EVER give a 5 year old responsibility like that, would they? With enough intelligence, kids can do things you might not imagine. I know. People are born sexual -- kids may not have the hormones yet to want to have sex, but they're interested in it and could possibly willingly experiment with an adult who's interested in them. It is of course wrong, but it can happen. A rape victim could also enjoy being raped! There are people out there who actually FANTASIZE about being raped -- and not play rape either, REAL RAPE.
It's not about the intelligence of the child; the fact is that no matter how smart they are they have still not matured sexually. It's true that children are "interested" and "experiment(al)" but this is far more an interest in their bodies and each other than an actual interest having objects inserted into their anus by a 50 year old man who takes advantage of their innocence and curiousity so he can cream his jeans.

Likewise, wether or not someone takes pleasure in being a victim of a crime doesn't factor into their being responsible for said crime. Fantasies also don't mean much, which is why ethics doesn't deal with thoughts but instead with actions. Kong has fantasized about being murdered, crippled, hit by a drunk driver, etc. That doesn't mean Kong would be responsible if one of those things happened.

Sexy Celebrity 04-26-03 10:43 PM


Kong 04-26-03 10:47 PM

Originally posted by Sexy Celebrity
Kong has become confused.

Sexy Celebrity 04-26-03 10:55 PM

Why? I'm agreeing with you. I'm not out to prove anything.... just chit-chat.

Kong 04-26-03 11:03 PM

Originally posted by Sexy Celebrity
Why? I'm agreeing with you. I'm not out to prove anything.... just chit-chat.
You're submission has earned you 11 Kong Points! Congratulations!

MyRobotSuit 04-26-03 11:09 PM

Hey! giving out kong points on the sly kong? i'm watching you !

Kong 04-26-03 11:19 PM

Originally posted by MinionTV
Hey! giving out kong points on the sly kong? i'm watching you !
Your criticism has costed you 4 Kong Points! This leaves you with 32 Kong Points! If you create the Kong Point thread like you suggested Kong will return the confiscated points back to you. Until then, watch it buster!

MyRobotSuit 04-26-03 11:32 PM

mr.Kong, the thread is made with spices of conversation to be made.

Kong 04-26-03 11:51 PM

Originally posted by MinionTV
mr.Kong, the thread is made with spices of conversation to be made.
Thankyou my good man. You are truly a scholar and a gentleman.

Sexy Celebrity 04-27-03 02:01 PM

Originally posted by Kong
You're submission has earned you 11 Kong Points! Congratulations!
Well, thank you.

Me = 11

LordSlaytan 04-27-03 03:24 PM

Originally posted by r3port3r66
Anybody notice the trend of movies containing the subject matter pedophilia?
I’m not convinced that there is a trend developing at all. Looking back on the history of the human race, doesn’t it appear, that we as a civilization, have actually repressed our interest with pedophilia? Well rather, men have perhaps?

At the beginning of our recorded history, there is mention of children watching parents make love so they could learn how to do the more mature things of life. It was common for girls at early ages of twelve and thirteen to be married and start having children, of course, we all know these things about our history now. But in times past, the last few centuries in particular, things like that haven’t been taught to us very readily . Times changed, churches became powerful, etc…*blech*

Now, there is a freedom to discuss. More now than ever. Wait until the youth of today are the old of tomorrow. I can see only more and more freedom to come for the people of the world. Am I saying that I condone or encourage pedos? Or think that child molestation will ever or should ever be acceptable behavior? OF COURSE NOT A**H**E!!!!! :indifferent: ;D I am saying, however, that the new interest that we see is maybe a newer form of expression, that our greater freedom allows us, the general population, to explore and to prod at the edges of the societal boundaries that our predecessors have bequeathed to us.

I believe that the subject of pedophilia should not be shoved into the closet anymore. If we can see honest portrayals of people who are ??…afflicted…?? with the desire to have sex with preteen children, then we may be more aware of the dangerous mannerisms of the predators that do lurk in our societies shadows. There’s no reason to be scared to discuss this topic. One in every third child has either touched or been touched sexually by an adult. Staggering numbers, if you ask me. If that calculation is even remotely close to accurate, then there is no reason to try to hide the fact that this problem exists. There are a whole hell of a lot of people out there that want our children. There are also a whole lot of us who have been the victim of these people.

I haven’t seen the movies that you mentioned except Lolita, I hope none of them glorified the subject, but if they did, they are free to do so as well.

n7of9 04-28-03 09:45 AM

Originally posted by Kong
is like saying rape victims should be put on trial right along side their rapists.
and they certainly are, in every single rape trial (which i personally think is disgusting - and completely blame our "western society" legal systems)

Originally posted by Sexy Celebrity
There are people out there who actually FANTASIZE about being raped -- and not play rape either, REAL RAPE.
that is true, yep, i've known one...a 30 year old girl...she told me outright!!

Lord Slaytan
everything he said
well said and right on the money, as usual

Steve 04-28-03 05:53 PM

Lord Slaytan is my boy :yup:

Hell yeah, go on with your bad self. Great post.

Yoda 04-28-03 08:02 PM

I agree; excellent post. Agreed with just about everything. My critical faculties, though, won't let me read it without asking about the following:

Originally posted by LordSlaytan
One in every third child has either touched or been touched sexually by an adult.
Do you recall where you heard this? Common sense ain't that common, I suppose, but mine tells me that 33% sounds rather high.

Sexy Celebrity 04-28-03 09:23 PM

Originally posted by LordSlaytan
There are a whole hell of a lot of people out there that want our children. There are also a whole lot of us who have been the victim of these people.

This is what I don't like -- this "boogeymen" concept. The Pedophile Headquarters. To me, it sounds like you're implying that they're all monsters - all molesters. Some don't even act out their fantasies - they abide by the law. They can turn to art as an outlet for their sexual expression. Many paintings and sculptures were created out of pedophile fantasies. Lewis Carroll's "Alice" books wouldn't have been here without his pedophile desires for little girls.

It would be more fun trying to pick out the pedophiles who make movies instead of the ones who make movies about them. Could Steven Spielberg, who loves to put children in his movies, possibly have a pedophilic fantasy or two running through his mind? The pedophile possibilities are endless!

Caitlyn 04-28-03 10:12 PM

I agree with Lord Slaytan… this is definitely a subject that has been taboo much too long because education is the first line of defense against child molesters…

Yoda, these are the latest stats from the Bureau of Justice on sex crimes committed against children:

Sixty-seven percent of all victims of sexual assault reported to law enforcement agencies were juveniles (under age 18) - Thirty-four percent of those victims were under age 12.

One of every seven victims of sexual assault reported to law enforcement agencies were under age 6.

Forty percent of the offenders who victimized children under age 6 were juveniles (under age 18)

These stats represent sexual assault in 4 categories: forcible rape, forcible sodomy, sexual assault with an object, and forcible fondling… but these stats only cover the reported cases and sadly, a lot of the time when the molester is “Uncle Bob” or "Aunt Mary", families would rather hide the abuse then seek any type of help…

And Sexy, I think I understand what you are trying to say because not all Pedophiles actually molest children… there is a very good article about Pedophilia and Child Molesters by Mark Gado HERE ....

LordSlaytan 04-28-03 10:18 PM

Originally posted by Sexy Celebrity

This is what I don't like -- this "boogeymen" concept. The Pedophile Headquarters. To me, it sounds like you're implying that they're all monsters - all molesters.
I lust after the Olsen twins. I believe they are 16-17 years old, something like that. Now, according to US law, I fall under the definition of a pedophille, but I don't, even for a second, view myself in that respect. What I feel is normal, most men have the same feelings, most won't admit to them because of the danger in doing so. Am I waiting out on the corner for one of them to be unfortunate enough to chance upon me? Of course not. I'm not dangerous. But what if I was driving home and happened upon a girl of 16, drunk and sloppy. In my car, she's all over me, I just want to take her home. But, she's all over me. How long could I resist? Especially if I had had prior fantasies of the same girl, even more so if I had had contact with her regularly over a protracted period. I just might say, "What the hell".

My Uncle who molested me day in and day out for a number of years wasn't a monster. I've never thought he was. As far as I know, he wasn't a predator prowling for victims. But he lived with me and my Mom, and had continual access to me. Sure, he resisted, for awhile. But it became to much for him, and he said, "What the Hell".

A person doesn't need to be a monster to do monsterous things. There are a lot of victims like myself that were molested by good people that couldn't resist their sexual impulses. I'm an addict, I can understand that kind of problem; control over obsession, but that doesn't mean that I should watch my P's and Q's when catagorizing a sexual dysfunction. There are lurkers out there who want our children, thousands die each year to the hands of these monsters. But there is probably a staggeringly higher number of people who are closet pedos, Dad's, Uncle's, etc...and all they need is a window of opportunity that they can't resist.

LordSlaytan 04-28-03 10:26 PM

Originally posted by Yoda
Do you recall where you heard this? Common sense ain't that common, I suppose, but mine tells me that 33% sounds rather high.
Sorry, forgot to reply. It was a statistic given to me when I went to a workshop abot this issue, since I'm a 'survivor' (I hate that term). It may have been 1 in 5, but I'm not sure. I do know with the work that I have done with people, that there are a lot of cases which involve only one instance of abuse. I hope the numbers are wrong, but I suspect that they are reasonably accurate.

Barring that the Aborigini and other reclusive heretical's like Bob might not have been included in this survey. :)

Sexy Celebrity 04-28-03 10:29 PM

Well, truly some pedophiles kill children, and that's a horrible, monstrous thing. I would want them dead. I don't know why they kill them, unless it's simply to hide the body and never get caught for what they did. The kidnappers are really twisted folks. They usually have a real social problem (this is what I was reading in Cait's article) and isolate themselves from others and avoid all other deviants.

I don't get people's obsession with the Olsen twins though! My god, turn on a really old, old, old episode of Full House, when Michelle was a baby who couldn't talk. If you've watched Michelle grow up, I don't know how you could lust after that. Interesting world.......

LordSlaytan 04-28-03 10:32 PM

Um, I never watched Full House. What do you think I am, a pedo?

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