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petromanbrava 12-13-09 12:48 AM

I for one am looking forward to GBIII. I grew up with I and II and I think with a good script and today's technology they can do a great job. The key is a good script though. All CGI with a sub par story would make it like all the rest of the crap.

Plainview 12-13-09 01:00 AM

Re: Ghostbusters 3
I will see it if the original cast is involved if not meh.

jrs 12-30-09 06:27 PM

Ghostbusters 3 To Shoot Next Year for 2011 Release?

For literally years now (even stretching as far back as 1989) we’ve heard word of a Ghostbusters 3, with quotes of “maybes” and “mights” chiefly coming from Harold Ramis and Dan Akroyd, the director and star of the first two movies. But there’s so much of those vague speculative statements that it seems we can’t really trust anything that comes out about the film, even if it comes straight from the key players involved.

The last piece of speculation we posted about Ghostbusters 3 didn’t come from the usual suspects, but rather from one of the first two film’s other stars, Sigourney Weaver. While doing the rounds promoting Avatar, questions inevitably turned to the third Ghostbusters and she said that she’s had calls asking if she’ll read the script (leading her to think she’ll be involved) and also that Bill Murray might be back but as a ghost. Luckily, Ghostbusters news source Proton Charging were on hand and they debunked what Weaver said.

However, the Ghostbusters 3 rumor mill is once again turning as director Harold Ramis is now saying the movie will shoot in 2010 in time for a release in 2011.

Ramis’ quote comes to us courtesy of Heeb, who did an interview with the filmmaker about everything from Animal House to today’s comedians. Here’s the full quote of everything that Ramis said about Ghostbusters 3:

“Something’s going to happen. Dan [Aykroyd] did write a spec GB3 screenplay a few years ago, but no one was motivated to pursue it. Now, 25 years after the original, there seems to be some willingness to proceed and apparently a substantial public appetite for a sequel. We’ll introduce some new young Ghostbusters, and all the old guys will be in it, too. Think Christopher Lloyd in Back to the Future … GB3 is progressing with plans to shoot next summer and release in 2011 … Oh, and I have two one-of-a-kind Ghostbuster yarmulkes sent by fans.”
If you’re interested, you can read the rest of the interview with Ramis HERE.

Source: Screenrant

linaelectronic 01-03-10 04:57 AM

Re: Ghostbusters 3
Very rarely can you pull off a successful blend of two separate movie genres,but the makers of Ghostbusters were overwhelmingly so.On the one hand,you have the comedic charm of Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd,and on the other,a genuine ghostly spookiness that makes you want to hide under a blanket.I recently bought a copy and watched it for the first time in several years,and it's still just as fresh as it was in it's initial release in 1984.It has a great supporting cast for Murray and Aykroyd,including the always great Sigourney Weaver,Rick Moranis,Ernie Hudson,and Harold Ramis,who is just as talented behind the camera as he is in front of it.Watch it with your family,but keep an eye on younger children,as the spookiness may be more than they can handle. Great stuff.

jrs 01-13-10 05:46 PM

Ivan Reitman Confirms That He Will Direct Ghostbusters 3

*Cue Ray Parker Jr. music, synthesizer fades in* “If there’s something strange, in your neighborhood. Who you gonna call?” IVAN REITMAN! “If there’s something weird, and it don’t look good. Who you gonna call?” IVAN REITMAN! *fade to black as camera follows Ghostbusters dancing on Ecto-1 down the streets of Manhattan*

That’s right boys and ghouls (stop rolling your eyes, you know I had to say it), in a interview with MTV last night, Ivan Reitman was asked point-blank if he was returning to helm the third installment of Ghostbusters. His answer was an unequivocal “Yes.” This is fantastic news for fans of the franchise. Ghostbusters is one of the classic comedy films of the 80’s, and even though Ghostbusters 2 wasn’t quite up to the same standard, it did have its high points .

Right before the New Year rolled around, Harold Ramis threw out a tasty, meaty morsel to the blogger lion’s den that Ghostbusters 3 would indeed be shooting in 2010 for a 2011 release date. Reitman said that writers Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky (Year One) have turned in a rough draft and that the team is working their way through a second draft. Said Reitman:

“They have delivered a draft. We are working our way through another draft… good work is being done and all of us have our fingers crossed.”
When MTV asked Reitman to address the ridiculous Ghostbusters 3 plot points that Sigourney Weaver let out during a junket for Avatar last month, he pleaded the 5th and changed the subject (he could be a politician).

“I’m not going to comment on what’s in the script and on what Sigourney may or may not have said. She’s been so busy on Avatar, I’ve not been able to find her. There’s some very cool things in the new draft, let’s just put it that way.”
Reitman also confirmed what Ramis said last year: that Ghostbusters 3 would aim for a 2011 release date, “I hope to start shooting in this next year.” Now all we need is for someone to confirm who will or will not be starring in the film. Watch the entire video interview here.

Ghostbusters 3 has no official release date, but if you read the above article then you know it’s sometime 2011.

Source: Screenrant

n3wt 01-14-10 01:03 PM

Re: Ghostbusters 3
I would love a new Ghostbusters movie! Cant wait!!

jrs 02-08-10 07:16 AM

Bill Murray Confirms Weaver's Ghostbusters 3 Spoiler?

The UK publication Mail Online published a new interview with Bill Murray who's currently promoting the upcoming DVD release for Fantastic Mr Fox. While they touch upon his entire career in the piece, one quote of interest regards his role in Ghostbusters 3.

Once again, this long talked about rumor regarding the fate of Dr. Peter Venkman is back.

"I said to them, 'I'll do it if you kill me off in the first reel.' So now they are going to have me as a ghost in the film," says Murray.

While out promoting Avatar back in December, Sigourney Weaver let this spoiler out while talking to the press. So is it true? According to Murray's quote, it seems that way.

Writers Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky are currently revising their first draft of Ghostbusters 3. Ivan Reitman confirmed earlier this year that he'd be returning to the director's chair to helm the sequel. And Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson are all expected to return.

Source: Shock Till You Drop

jrs 04-28-10 12:34 AM

will.15 04-28-10 02:41 AM

Re: Ghostbusters 3
You guys can have Ghostbusters 3. The original cast is too old for that kind of comedy. When is the last time you saw an energetic Bill Murray?

n3wt 04-28-10 07:57 AM

Re: Ghostbusters 3
I loved Bill Murray in Zombland he was awesome :)

akatemple 08-25-11 07:45 PM

Re: Ghostbusters 3

Well, well, well. Looks like the long-rumored Ghostbusters 3 is finally a go, as Dan Aykroyd confirms on the Dennis Miller Radio that the film will shoot in Spring 2012, along with casting. “Yes, we will be doing the movie and hopefully with Mr. Murray,” he says, “That is our hope. We have an excellent script. What we have to remember is that Ghostbusters is bigger than any one component, although Billy was absolutely the lead and contributive to it in a massive way, as was the director and Harold [Ramis], myself and Sigourney [Weaver]. The concept is much larger than any individual role and the promise of Ghostbusters 3 is that we get to hand the equipment and the franchise down to new blood.”
He continues: “I like this guy Matthew Gray Gubler from the Criminal Minds show. But there’s going to be a casting. We’re going to see everyone that wants to do it. We’re going to need… three guys and a young woman.”

Monkeypunch 08-25-11 08:36 PM

Re: Ghostbusters 3
You know, thinking about it, I don't really WANT a third Ghostbusters...The first one is one of my all time favorite comedies, it's hilarious, smart, and full of brilliant moments. The second one is still pretty good, it has some great bits and while some of it isn't as good as the first, it still is a fun sequel. I can't imagine that a third, this late in the game, with a less than enthusiastic Bill Murray (If he even agrees to appear at all), will be any good. I mean re-watch the old ones and be happy instead of tainting one of my favorite childhood memories with a less than stellar third part.

Sexy Celebrity 08-25-11 09:13 PM

THIS is who they want for a new Ghostbuster?

And I guess there's going to be a female Ghostbuster, too?

I believe this can be pulled off -- I'm very excited about seeing it -- but I won't be surprised at all if it sucks beyond belief.

I hope they don't waste Sigourney Weaver's return to one of her old franchises by having her do little, I hope Harold Ramis hasn't written something like Year One and I hope it's not heavy handed with trying to be all about nostalgia and the surrealness of another Ghostbusters movie actually happening -- it better be a really good story with wonderful performances and not just a bunch of nods at the fans who've been waiting years and years -- and it better not be filled with horrible CGI.

Also - I don't wanna be sexist, but I don't love the possibility of a female Ghostbuster. It's an intriguing concept, but I'm worried about them going with an old as mold battle of the sexes approach to this and there will be much chatter about how odd it is a woman is involved (that is, if she's meant to be a Ghostbuster, which I think is the case.) Girls can certainly be Ghostbusters, but they better make her story serious and not something sappy. I hope it's Gabourey Sidibe.

akatemple 08-25-11 09:25 PM

Re: Ghostbusters 3
Aziz Ansari is also being considered for a role or so the rumor goes. He's a funny guy but I couldn't picture him in the movie.

Sexy Celebrity 08-25-11 09:28 PM

Re: Ghostbusters 3
My first reaction to Aziz was NO... but actually, he would probably be really entertaining.

Ashton Kutcher is another guy that's rumored -- I vote NO on him and I'm sticking to it.

Sexy Celebrity 08-25-11 09:35 PM

Re: Ghostbusters 3
Oh, yeah, this sounds so exciting:

DAN AYKROYD (aka Yoda): "My character, Ray, is now blind in one eye and can't drive the cadillac," he said. "He's got a bad knee and can't carry the packs... Egon is too large to get into the harness. We need young blood and that's the promise."

Blind in one eye???? I guess Gabourey Sidibe isn't an option now if Harold Ramis is too fat for the packs.

But doesn't this just sound sad? One more movie to see how damaged the original Ghostbusters are. Dan Aykroyd's character is blind, Harold Ramis is fat, Bill Murray doesn't want to be there and I don't know the name of the guy that played Winston, but, does he even still exist?

Jesus. What are these decrepit old men going to be doing that's so important besides, I suppose, training the new people? And how is that going to go about?

This movie has been in development hell for over 20 years. That's not a good sign.

Monkeypunch 08-25-11 11:15 PM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 758606)
Oh, yeah, this sounds so exciting:

DAN AYKROYD (aka Yoda): "My character, Ray, is now blind in one eye and can't drive the cadillac," he said. "He's got a bad knee and can't carry the packs... Egon is too large to get into the harness. We need young blood and that's the promise."

Blind in one eye???? I guess Gabourey Sidibe isn't an option now if Harold Ramis is too fat for the packs.

But doesn't this just sound sad? One more movie to see how damaged the original Ghostbusters are. Dan Aykroyd's character is blind, Harold Ramis is fat, Bill Murray doesn't want to be there and I don't know the name of the guy that played Winston, but, does he even still exist?

Jesus. What are these decrepit old men going to be doing that's so important besides, I suppose, training the new people? And how is that going to go about?

This movie has been in development hell for over 20 years. That's not a good sign.
Yeah, Eff this movie. I don't want to see decrepit, pathetic versions of characters who I flat out wanted to BE as a child. That's just DEPRESSING. Hopefully saner heads will prevail and this WON'T get made.

honeykid 08-25-11 11:21 PM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 758603)
My first reaction to Aziz was NO... but actually, he would probably be really entertaining.

Ashton Kutcher is another guy that's rumored -- I vote NO on him and I'm sticking to it.
I say NO to the whole idea of the film.

akatemple 08-25-11 11:55 PM

Re: Ghostbusters 3
I Agree with that.

Naisy 11-07-11 07:55 AM

Re: Ghostbusters 3
As usual I couldn't care less about the popular opinion ;) I want Ghostbuster's and I feel like Dan and Harold could pull off the same fun and feeling with the "recruits" taking the lead. Yes like pretty much every single fan I wish that this sequel had been made years ago, back when all of the original actors in their prime but I'm not so quick to dismiss this as a total failure. I still watch the original two Ghostbuster movie's. So Im at the very least giving this a chance.

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