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spudracer 08-08-07 11:04 PM

Re: Top 10 List Of Your Most Hated Movie Goers
Originally Posted by Zeiken (Post 378443)
luckily i am a ninja and no one sees me leave or re-enter.
Hey at least your polite about it. I'm talking about the people that have to stomp the way down from and the way back up to their seat.

Banggagiba 08-09-07 04:32 AM

Re: Top 10 List Of Your Most Hated Movie Goers
Mr/Mrs We Like Fighting inside the Cinema - just met these guys once though, can believe they decided to fight inside the cinema!! WTF?!!!! they fought for about 10 min, pausing from time to time and thank God they finally went out!

Jeez people!! do everyone a favor JUST LEAVE!!
Guilty with this one.. once or twice. :bashful:

Have you guys met Mr. Portable (PSP/DS)?

I met this guy once while watching shrek. The guy not only played through the whole trailers, but also in some parts of the movie flashing colored lights in our faces. WTH! If you don't like the movie, LEAVE!! :frustrated:

gummo 08-09-07 06:30 AM

Re: Top 10 List Of Your Most Hated Movie Goers
The barely a teen, lets laugh so hard to make it look like we understand the joke people. :furiousdevil: :frustrated:

Zeiken 08-09-07 11:51 AM

Re: Top 10 List Of Your Most Hated Movie Goers
The I Think I Can Silence Somebody With an Evil Grimace and No Words Guy.

Honestly, if you are close enough to the troublemaker, use your words. Communicate. Dont just give that evil look. It just eggs them on.

Movie_watcher_18 08-09-07 11:57 AM

Re: Top 10 List Of Your Most Hated Movie Goers
teens who talk the entire movie about their lives and stuff
and a guy and a girl who make out til their friend comes back

B-card 08-09-07 12:10 PM

Re: Top 10 List Of Your Most Hated Movie Goers
The Stupid Hot chick sitting next to you and and leaving a comment after every scene

spudracer 08-09-07 02:07 PM

Re: Top 10 List Of Your Most Hated Movie Goers
Oooh, I just thought of another one.

The person who is sitting within earshot mumbling things like "That can't be real", or "that would never happen". It's a frickin movie, just watch it!!!

fbi 08-09-07 02:21 PM

Re: Top 10 List Of Your Most Hated Movie Goers
The ones who heard that a movie was scary and laughs out loud just to prove they are not scared.

This behaviour is very lame and u instantly know that these people are no older than 17, wear nothing but tracksuits, have about a million gold chains around their necks, get their gf's pregnant by the age of 10 and actually think its great. :randy:

I actually dont mind when people clap or get excited during a movie if they are genuinely watching it. Only the ones who go there just to cause trouble annoy me and if i had an anti aircraft weapon i would of used it. :frustrated:

Banggagiba 08-10-07 03:09 AM

Re: Top 10 List Of Your Most Hated Movie Goers
We forgot about.. Mr. Popcorn/Peanut Catapulter!

The one that throws popcorn/peanuts to the people in front (or back) of him/her.

gummo 08-10-07 10:21 AM

Re: Top 10 List Of Your Most Hated Movie Goers
Originally Posted by Banggagiba (Post 378575)
We forgot about.. Mr. Popcorn/Peanut Catapulter!

The one that throws popcorn/peanuts to the people in front (or back) of him/her.
I've only seen this done once and it was my friend doing and it was licorice and nachos. We were 15...I laughed, I was a bitch :(

rufnek 08-10-07 03:48 PM

Re: Top 10 List Of Your Most Hated Movie Goers
Originally Posted by slickazsilk (Post 378384)
7. Mr. Piss A. Lot - another part of the infamous Lot family, this guy will sit in the middle of the row and will stand up constantly (and I mean “what AGAIN?!!”) to relieve himself. Making his way back and forth to his seat. He has thimble for kidneys and usually holds a gigantic soda cup, slurping away the drink that will eventually make him piss again. The cycle will continue until he eventually drinks it all up or the movie ends.
I'm not quite sure how you distinguish this guy from the people who get up to go to the snack bar or check on their kids in the adjoining theater or check the weather, or whatever it is that they're making those trips for. I mean, is this guy announcing his destination each time he gets up? Or taking his giant soda with him to the can?

I do caution you younger guys about copping a superior attitude to those with urinary problems. You'll understand better in a few years when you become better acquainted with Mr. Prostate.

rufnek 08-10-07 04:14 PM

Re: Top 10 List Of Your Most Hated Movie Goers
Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 378387)
The People Who Talk During Previews
Though not as bad as people who talk during the movie itself, these people keep talking even though the lights are dimmed and the audience is clearly interested in the trailers.
Now this is news to me--I don't think even in my childhood I was ever in a theater when people did not talkduring the previews. I always considered the previews to be one last chance for everyone to conclude their conversations, hopefully before the movie begins.

Nor have I ever seen an audience that exhibited any collective interest in the trailers, most of which have already been seen in the movie ads on television. In fact, I've always thought of previews as sort of spoliers for the movie being pitched. Since they usually put the best scenes in the previews, you can pretty well figure out the essence of the film just by watching those outtakes.

That said, I try to talk as little as possible once I take my seat in a movie theater. Those places are too public for private conversation and too noisey for a sustained discussion.

mocoloco 08-10-07 04:41 PM

Re: Top 10 List Of Your Most Hated Movie Goers
When I was a kid in Barcelona Spain (and not that long ago), going to the local cinema was nuts. people didn't get popcorn and stuff, they got out a huge bread a knife and chunk of cheese or ham and made their own sandwiches on the spot. Man -- the smell -- the smell...

Monkeypunch 08-10-07 05:37 PM

Re: Top 10 List Of Your Most Hated Movie Goers
I personally hate the guy who has to sit near you even if theres nobody else in the theater, the old guy who likes to complain loudly everytime someone curses or there's a sex scene, and the people who have to talk to the movie like it's listening to them (oh no, don't go in there!).

rufnek 08-10-07 06:01 PM

Re: Top 10 List Of Your Most Hated Movie Goers
My wife has a habit that bothers me in the movies. As she gets caught up in the plot of the story, she occasionally reacts to events on screen by saying out loud, "Oh, my!" "Uh-uh!", "Good grief!" Little outbursts like that. She doesn't shout it out, but it is audible to me and probably would be heard by anyone in the radius of a few seats. Thing is, she's absolutely unaware that she's saying anything! It's just an automatic and unconcious response that there is no way to "correct" it or "break the habit." She does it at home watching TV; even if she's watching TV alone I can hear her little remarks from an adjoining room or hall. She even does it when reading! It's not like a constant babble, but it happens often enough that I'm sure it could be distracting to a stranger.

Which brings me to the point that really bothers me--a dread that one day we might be seated too close to Mr. Angry who takes it upon himself to "correct" her, probably in a tone that I won't like at which point the situation is really going to escalate with my response. While I appreciate his right to watch the movie in peace, I won't tolerate caustic criticism of her. Fortunately, we don't go to movie theaters that often, since it's cheaper, more comfortable, and more pleasant--for all the reasons listed in this thread--to watch a movie at home.

That said, in my younger days when I was in the Army, I used to enjoy the audience participation when attending the base theater. Most of the people in the theater were us guys in our late teens, early 20s who had spent the day being ordered around and who likely had a beer or two or three--or some other mood enhancement agents--before we got to the show, sitting there in the sweet anonymity of a dark and crowded theater. The running commentaries that often were called out usually was better than what we were watching on the screen. Sort of a "prequel" to the later audience participations of the "Rocky Horror Picture Show," but with out the costumes.

I remember especially one screening of Disney's "The Sword and the Stone" that had me thinking it was the funniest movie ever--until stone sober and accompanied by my little girl, I saw it years later back in the States.

spudracer 08-10-07 07:27 PM

Re: Top 10 List Of Your Most Hated Movie Goers
Originally Posted by rufnek (Post 378604)
I do caution you younger guys about copping a superior attitude to those with urinary problems. You'll understand better in a few years when you become better acquainted with Mr. Prostate.
Ah yes, the dreaded Mr. Prostate, I'm not looking forward to meeting him anytime soon.

I am not one for going to the bathroom in the middle of a movie, especially if I think it's getting ready to get really good. I try to take care of all that stuff beforehand, but sometimes it's just so frickin cold in there, it's hard to last the entire movie.

Escape 08-10-07 10:14 PM

Re: Top 10 List Of Your Most Hated Movie Goers
Originally Posted by slickazsilk (Post 378384)
1. Mr. Laugh A. Lot – You’re watching a comedy movie when suddenly out of nowhere someone laughs HAHAHA out loud HAHAHA like there’s no tomorrow!! You shrug the whole thing off as it stops but then, WHAM!! HAHAHA This guy never stops HAHAHA laughing and he doesn’t seem to HAHAHA care, you just silently curse the guy in your head.
I guess I can understand you there though mine are more directed at the kiddies laughing. They laugh at just about anything just to laugh. Now as for a guy who at times can't stop laughing, I'm guilty as charged except I try like hell to keep mine inside as it's more like allot of laugh snorts instead of anything loud. I'm serious, it may not happen often but there have been times when I could not stop laughing and it went on for about 10 to 15 minutes. I'd be a bucket of sweat at the end there. I'd lower myself down in the seat and just try to ride it off with my nose in my jacket or something. The last time this happened was when I was watching 'Bandits' back in 2001 and Billy Boy yelled out "Beavers and Ducks" just as he woke up. It caught me off guard cause it made absolutely no sense and came out of nowhere. I'm laughing now just thinking about it heheh.

3-4. Mr./Mrs. Let’s Make Out Right Here Right Now – (Don’t tell me you haven’t seen them?!) Yeah that’s right! You’re intently watching this great movie when this couple in front/beside (worse!) suddenly decides to exchange tongues like hell!! The saliva glimmers in the dark, squishing sounds inserts in those silent moments and you’re either distracted or worse… in heat!!
I have only saw one couple making out in my many years of going to the theatre which I'm sure is pretty unusual.

6. The Head – Yes, You can’t escape from this guy, you will meet him eventually. You probably met his dad, mom or sister while watching other movies. This guy is easy to spot, I bet he’s always there in your cinema, probably not in front of you but He’s there, annoying the crap out of somebody with his GYNORMOUS head!!
I hate the head and I hate being the head. I find myself squirming down in my seat cause of some paranoia going on in my brain about them miffed at my big fat head.

8. The Spoiler – Oh you know it!! You’ve met him!! You don’t see him inside the cinema, you will probably meet him either in the line, buying the tickets, in the restroom, or worse you meet him while he’s leaving and you’re entering the cinema (70% of the time)! 2 Hours of film ruined by a single line!
I know a guy with a group of his friends who downloaded and watched 'Saw' and then went to the cinema on opening day and as the first scene took place...........they stood up and yelled
WARNING: "saw" spoilers below
"It's the dead guy"
pi$$ing the hell out of folks who found out at the end, they were rights then demanded money back from the manager cause it was ruined for them. Those clowns were just lucky they didn't run into the wrong kind of people. Mm-hmm.

7thson 08-11-07 12:52 AM

Re: Top 10 List Of Your Most Hated Movie Goers
The, I know I am gonna hate this movie so why am I here anyway? Person.

For me a movie is supposed to be an entertaining time, a time to relax and wind down and a time for escape. I hate when "people (persons)" make it perfectly clear that they do not want to see the movie that is about to start. I do not care if it was your "partner's" time to pick the film and you just know that you are going to hate it. During the movie, (and they know darn well when they go in they are going to hate it, even if they like it) they spout things like "that is stupid", or this movie sucks", like we care.

Caitlyn 08-11-07 09:18 PM

Re: Top 10 List Of Your Most Hated Movie Goers
I'm with Yoda on the Text Messenger… and Holden on the Wrapper Crinkler… I hate both of those.... and another one that annoys the H out of me is the Ice Cruncher... :frustrated:

Oh, and I also agree with Holden about saying something… and I do…

Thursday Next 08-19-07 10:46 AM

Re: Top 10 List Of Your Most Hated Movie Goers
Mr. and Miss We're Only sitting in this screen until it's safe for us to sneak into the screen next door to see the movie we aren't old enough to buy tickets for.

Mr. I Can put my feet up on the seat in front if I like

..and another vote for the Text Messager.
How hard is it to use some of the cinema staff hanging around to work as ushers? Do we not pay enough for our tickets?

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