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Sedai 09-03-14 06:01 PM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
So wait...Sarah Silverman gets punched in the teeth? Hey, that IS the best opening scene ever.

Kaplan 09-03-14 06:15 PM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
Russell Crowe. He's overrated as an actor and has zero charisma. I've never even seen the guy smile in a movie, unless you count the stupid weevil joke from Master and Commander. And Seth Rogen. He seems okay as a person, but I don't find him funny or interesting and he's way too awkward with his raunchy improvising in movies.

Citizen Rules 09-03-14 06:32 PM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
Last time I saw Russell Crowe was in Robin Hood. I don't know if it was a good movie or bad, as I couldn't make out Crowe's garbled speech. The man needs to speak up and pronounce his words.

Miss Vicky 09-03-14 06:49 PM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
All the Russell Crowe hatred. :(

honeykid 09-03-14 07:43 PM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
Because he's a dick. :yup: I've only seen seven of his films, but I don't think he's a bad actor. Not worth an Oscar for Gladiator (sorry MV) but not bad.

Miss Vicky 09-03-14 07:45 PM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 1160530)
Because he's a dick. :yup: I've only seen seven of his films, but I don't think he's a bad actor. Not worth an Oscar for Gladiator (sorry MV) but not bad.
Oh I don't deny that he's got an attitude problem and anger management issues, but it's not like that's a rare thing in Hollywood and it has nothing to do with his talent as an actor.

honeykid 09-03-14 07:53 PM

Originally Posted by Miss Vicky (Post 1160533)
Oh I don't deny that he's got an attitude problem and anger management issues, but it's not like that's a rare thing in Hollywood and it has nothing to do with his talent as an actor.
Absolutely true, but most others hide it better, much like they do so much else. ;)

Kaplan 09-03-14 07:59 PM

Originally Posted by Miss Vicky (Post 1160533)
Oh I don't deny that he's got an attitude problem and anger management issues, but it's not like that's a rare thing in Hollywood and it has nothing to do with his talent as an actor.
Except I don't think he is that great of an actor. I don't think he's bad, I just think he's middle of the road. I think people who've worked with him have confused his intensity as talent, but I don't see how playing the brooding, inexpressive, tortured character over and over makes him interesting as an actor. I hated everything about Gladiator, especially him, the first time i saw it when I had no bias toward him and knew only of the hype, and I still hate it. Maybe even more. I think he was decent in A Beautiful Mind, because the character seemed to match his "talents" (brooding, tortured, and inexpressive), but otherwise I think he's been barely okay to annoying to watch in everything else I've seen him in. Like I said earlier, I've never seen him smile, or even looked relaxed onscreen. I think that's been confused for some higher form of method acting, but I just find him lacking any charisma or range. And as Citizen said, he mumbles his lines as if again to emphasize he's doing IMPORTANT acting, so everybody watch out.

But if you like him, then my opinion doesn't matter. And I'm done hating on anyone for the day. :)

Miss Vicky 09-03-14 08:33 PM

Originally Posted by Kaplan (Post 1160538)
I think people who've worked with him have confused his intensity as talent, but I don't see how playing the brooding, inexpressive, tortured character over and over makes him interesting as an actor.
Which of his films have you seen?

I hated everything about Gladiator, especially him, the first time i saw it when I had no bias toward him and knew only of the hype, and I still hate it.
I loved everything about it from the first time and I had no idea who he or Joaquin Phoenix were when I first saw it. Obviously, I still love it.

His more well known characters are brooding, but I wouldn't call them or him "inexpressive." And despite what some people seem to think, he's not always scowling. Try watching 3:10 to Yuma, State of Play and The Sum of Us. The first two are still intense roles but you'll spot a smile or two.

gbgoodies 09-03-14 08:41 PM

There are very few actors that I dislike enough that I refuse to watch any of their movies, but a couple that come to mind are Rob Schneider and Nicolas Cage. Ben Stiller is usually another actor that I don't like, but I liked the Night at the Museum movies, so he's off my dislike list for now. (Although I can't stand his father, Jerry Stiller.)

mrtylerdurden 09-03-14 08:46 PM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
usually Vin Diesel, and Stallone

gbgoodies 09-03-14 08:52 PM

Originally Posted by mrtylerdurden (Post 1160559)
usually Vin Diesel, and Stallone
I would agree with Sylvester Stallone on my dislike list too, but Vin Diesel is okay because the Fast & Furious movies were fun.

mrtylerdurden 09-03-14 08:56 PM

Originally Posted by gbgoodies (Post 1160561)
I would agree with Sylvester Stallone on my dislike list too, but Vin Diesel is okay because the Fast & Furious movies were fun.
Fast and Furious is the reason I don't like Vin Diesel actually

gbgoodies 09-03-14 09:08 PM

Originally Posted by mrtylerdurden (Post 1160563)
Fast and Furious is the reason I don't like Vin Diesel actually

I would never put any of the Fast & Furious movies on a favorites list, but I like them just because they're fun movies.

thekgproject 09-05-14 07:27 PM

Originally Posted by Miss Vicky (Post 1079142)
Sin City blows. I was thinking more along the lines of one of the first 3 Die Hard films, The Fifth Element, 12 Monkeys or Pulp Fiction.
lol that Sin City "blows"

DrSpengler 09-14-14 08:07 PM

Shia Labeouf, seriously he nearly ruined Indiana Jones for me. The fact that he tried to play a street tough made me cringe. He should stick to being a nerdy sidekick at best.

karibou 09-18-14 09:23 AM

Jack Black
Owen Wilson
Vince Vaughn
Sandra Bullock
Jennifer Aniston...

You get the idea. I seem to favor the older actors: Kathy Bates, Anthony Hopkins, Jeremy Irons, Gabriel Byrne... :)

Iroquois 09-26-14 07:42 AM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
Seth Rogen is a frequent deal-breaker - movies that feature him acting and occasionally writing feel like extremely wasted potential at best (case in point - Pineapple Express) and at worst he exacerbates a movie's already glaring flaws (Zack and Miri Make a Porno, Knocked Up, etc.) (I do make an exception for Freaks and Geeks but he's a borderline extra on that so it doesn't really count.)

To a lesser extent, Leonardo diCaprio frequently does very little for me. He always feels like he's trying too hard.

EDIT: Can't believe I forgot Jason Statham.

Gideon58 09-26-14 12:49 PM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
Originally Posted by Kaplan (Post 1160495)
Russell Crowe. He's overrated as an actor and has zero charisma. I've never even seen the guy smile in a movie, unless you count the stupid weevil joke from Master and Commander. And Seth Rogen. He seems okay as a person, but I don't find him funny or interesting and he's way too awkward with his raunchy improvising in movies.
Russell Crowe hasn't given a good performance since The Insider...I recently saw American Gangster for the first of the worst performances I have ever seen from him...and he looked really fat too.

Citizen Rules 09-26-14 01:22 PM

Originally Posted by karibou (Post 1172674)
Jack Black
Owen Wilson
Vince Vaughn
Sandra Bullock
Jennifer Aniston...

You get the idea. I seem to favor the older actors: Kathy Bates, Anthony Hopkins, Jeremy Irons, Gabriel Byrne... :)
Hey! somebody besides me who don't like Sandra Bullock...Never Mind the Bullock, ha.

Oh, and is Jennifer Aniston OVER exposed or what. Geez, she's like on the cover of every magazine, you would think she was like royalty or something.

MovieMeditation 09-26-14 01:42 PM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
Defiantly Steven Segal. What an idiot.

honeykid 09-27-14 06:50 AM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1178416)
Oh, and is Jennifer Aniston OVER exposed or what. Geez, she's like on the cover of every magazine, you would think she was like royalty or something.
Women love her. Therefore, for the mags, she is.

I know not every woman loves her.

Camo 09-27-14 06:54 AM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 1178860)
Women love her. Therefore, for the mags, she is.

I know not every woman loves her.
Or women like seeing her and every other woman suffer? Not related, but i'm leaving this site for a while because i heard MV and the rest of the ladies are getting Rifles :p.

karibou 09-27-14 10:42 AM

I have never been an Aniston fan. Indeed, I despised her on Friends, and could never understand she always felt compelled to display her nipples on that show.

(I think I should post this mini-rant in the "Things that annoy you" thread.)

romet6 09-27-14 10:49 AM

Seth Rogen.

He always seems to be playing the same type of person in every movie: a dumb and reckless goofball that makes bad jokes. I don't like his characters and I have started avoiding movies that he is in.

kathepburn 09-27-14 12:29 PM

Isn't it a Universal fact that if it's starring, directed, produced and written by Adam Sandler it's a no-no?

Minish 10-06-14 12:01 PM

Scarlett Johansson.

Miss Vicky 10-07-14 02:31 AM

Originally Posted by martinkandersonart (Post 1184112)
Jonah Hill, I'm surprised he gets any screen time.
I thought he was fantastic in The Wolf Of Wall Street. I also enjoyed Superbad. :shrug:

R.P. McMurphy 10-07-14 03:15 AM

Originally Posted by Minish (Post 1183802)
Scarlett Johansson.
You must be mistaken. This is the turned OFF thread, not turned ON!

Minish 10-07-14 12:33 PM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
Originally Posted by R.P. McMurphy (Post 1184119)
Originally Posted by Minish (Post 1183802)
Scarlett Johansson.
You must be mistaken. This is the turned OFF thread, not turned ON!
I really don't like her...

I guess I'm the odd one out in that regard

Tenshi 10-07-14 03:00 PM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
Jennifer Lopez and all the other whom seem to be able to just play ONE role, like Jessica Alba, Seth Rogen Michael Cera and so on...

Kristen Stewart. She always seems so careless and bored I just can't stand it. I avoid the movies her name is in. (Cept Into The Wild but thankfully she plays a very short part in it)

thekgproject 10-07-14 04:04 PM

Amanda Seyfried
Drew Barrymore
Anything new Stallone puts out

Gideon58 10-07-14 04:14 PM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
I keep looking at Drew Barrymore's name and I'm thinking that her presence in a film doesn't automatically turn me off, but I can't think of a Drew Barrymore movie that I would put on my favorites list or a movie of hers that has any re-watch appeal.

honeykid 10-07-14 08:27 PM

Originally Posted by thekgproject (Post 1184260)
Drew Barrymore

Gash Films 10-18-14 03:40 PM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
Jude Law. Can't stand him for some reason.
Tom Cruise
Mark Wahlberg
Not overly keen on Scarlett Johansson either.

Of these, Cruise is the only one that pretty much guarantees it will be a film I won't like though, despite my irrational hatred of Law being much more severe ;)

Citizen Rules 10-18-14 03:46 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 1184262)
I keep looking at Drew Barrymore's name and I'm thinking that her presence in a film doesn't automatically turn me off, but I can't think of a Drew Barrymore movie that I would put on my favorites list or a movie of hers that has any re-watch appeal.
Have you seen Drew in Grey Gardens? That's one film that I could put into my favorites list and watch multiple times.

TONGO 10-18-14 03:53 PM

Any movie where the lead is from the music industry. Keanu Reeves is a better actor than Ice T. Truth.

SeeingisBelieving 11-29-15 04:43 PM

Originally Posted by Jack1 (Post 1078735)
I'm sure there are some. Closest one for me is probably Nicolas Cage.
I don't mind Nicolas Cage. I think in his case the film turns me off first!

Forest Whitaker, Stanley Tucci, Kate Winslet, Rafe Spall.

CiCi 11-29-15 04:58 PM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
Adam Sandler
Ben Affleck
Keanu Reeves
Jennifer Lopez (and a lot of singers who try out acting on a whim)
Kristen Stewart
Bo Derek
Megan Fox

And then there's people I really can't stand but aren't horribly bad like Mel Gibson too.

Marlon Brando 11-29-15 05:12 PM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
Jason Statham
Adam Sandler
Robert Pattinson
Aston Kutcher
Zac Efron
Channing Tatum
Vince Vaughn
Tyler Perry
Jaden Smith
Hugh Grant
Kenneth Branagh
Josh Hartnett
Nick Stahl

Megan Fox
Jessica Alba
Jennifer Lopez
Drew Barrymore
Katie Holmes
Katherine Heigl
Lindsay Lohan
Kirsten Dunst
Nicole Kidman
Sharon Stone
Kate Hudson
Blake Lively
Hayden Panettiere
Amanda Seyfried
Leighton Meester
Keira Knightley

Gideon58 11-29-15 05:41 PM

My response to this often-broached subject remains the same after all these years...Gwyneth Paltrow...probably the most overrated actress in the business, it completely gauls me that this woman actually has an Oscar on her mantle and that she is considered by most to be an A-lister who gets to work with some of the finest actors in the business and for the life of me, I don't know why. Her mother is one hundred times the actress she is.

earlsmoviepicks 11-30-15 10:36 AM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
Owen Wilson bugs the crap outta me

Gideon58 11-30-15 11:45 AM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
I, too, find Sarah Silverman beyond annoying.

honeykid 11-30-15 11:51 AM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
For all the Silverman haters out there.
NSFW for language

I don't have a problem with her, myself, but this is the best opening to any film ever.

Senso_68 11-30-15 04:08 PM

I won't quote American actors and actresses because I only see them in films and not on the TV, on the radio... Well, I don't know if they are stupid or not in real life, except a few ones (like Tom Cruise) maybe because I watch South Park :p

But I could quote most of French actors and actresses...

Léa Seydoux (she has no talent, her grandfather is/was the CEO of Pathé, her uncle the CEO of Gaumont, and her cousin the CEO of Gaumont Group)
Marion Cotillard (yuck)
Guillaume Canet (so smooth...)
Audrey Tautou (...)
Jamel Debbouze (yuck)
Matthieu Kassovitz (he's completely insane and paranoiac, he hates USA and he believes in conspiracy theories)
Mélanie Laurent (I'd like to know why Tarantino choose her, she's a disaster in Inglorious Basterds!)
Isabelle Adjani (and her face without expression, full of botox)
Emmanuelle Béart (duck face)
Fanny Ardant (horse face)
Dany Boon (the worst humourist of France but the richest. I'd like that he flies away far with his big ears)
Gad Elmaleh (a stupid uncritically humourist)
Alain Delon (he's lucky to sleep with Visconti, a very conceited guy)
Sara Forestier (so irritating)

But I like Gérard Depardieu who is hated by almost all the French :p

AdamUpBxtch 11-30-15 04:10 PM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
Christian Bale, literally only movie I've seen him in that I like is The Prestige.....his batman voice made me cringe the first time I heard it.....

CiCi 11-30-15 04:17 PM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
I totally adore quite a few of those names Senso :(
Isabelle - For La Reine Margot, Possession
Marion - 2 Days, 1 Night :love::love::love: I really want to see her in Macbeth too!
Emmanuelle - I can never remember the name of the film, but she plays a shepherdess and she's set on getting revenge on this town, I really liked her in it though :lol:

But I do agree about Melanie Laurent, I thought she was okay in that film, I think Adele Exarchopoulos or Stacy Martin would have done a little bit better.

honeykid 11-30-15 04:28 PM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
Are you thinking of Manon des Sources, CiCi?

CiCi 11-30-15 04:32 PM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 1417113)
Are you thinking of Manon des Sources, CiCi?
Thanks again honey! That's the one! :)

Mr Minio 11-30-15 04:35 PM

Originally Posted by Senso_68 (Post 1417102)
Alain Delon (he's lucky to sleep with Visconti, a very conceited guy)
Wait, what?

Senso_68 11-30-15 04:42 PM

Originally Posted by CiCi (Post 1417106)
I totally adore quite a few of those names Senso :(
Isabelle - For La Reine Margot, Possession
Marion - 2 Days, 1 Night :love::love::love: I really want to see her in Macbeth too!
Emmanuelle - I can never remember the name of the film, but she plays a shepherdess and she's set on getting revenge on this town, I really liked her in it though :lol:

But I do agree about Melanie Laurent, I thought she was okay in that film, I think Adele Exarchopoulos or Stacy Martin would have done a little bit better.
I didn't like Marion in 2 Days, 1 Night. I didn't believe in her performance, she was fake to me.

Adèle Exarchopoulos was really amazing in Blue Is The Warmest Color (better than Léa Seydoux) but now, it's rare to see her on the screens. What a pity! :(

Well, I'm not objective at all about French actors and actresses :p Because I see them on TV, I heard them on radio and I find them often stupid and very bourgeois. When I see a movie with these actors, actresses, I can't forget what they are in real life. But I have one regret : in the French cinema from the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, the actors had interesting and expressive faces, voices... like Philippe Noiret, Jean-Pierre Marielle, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Jean Yanne, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Gérard Depardieu... Now, except a few ones (Vincent Lindon, Vincent Cassel, Roschdy Zem...), they have all the same face, with a head of Calvin Klein model! (Gaspard Ulliel, Guillaume Canet, Nicolas Duvauchelle)

Senso_68 11-30-15 04:44 PM

Originally Posted by Mr Minio (Post 1417119)
Wait, what?
What what? :p

Senso_68 11-30-15 04:53 PM

Alain Delon was the lover of Luchino Visconti but then, Visconti has met the beautiful Helmut Berger. In his Memoirs, Berger explains how Delon tried to manipulate Visconti to have roles in his films (because he was jealous of Helmut Berger).

mark f 11-30-15 05:26 PM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
Senso seems to be a cross between our Rona Barrett and Joan Rivers.

Senso_68 11-30-15 05:33 PM

Haha, I have an "interesting" story about Marlon Brando but I don't want to shock you :p

mark f 11-30-15 05:37 PM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
You couldn't shock me about Brando - I have plenty of my own stories - but not nearly as much as he had about himself.

Daniel M 11-30-15 05:54 PM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
Melanie Laurent is one of the best things about Inglourious Basterds and Alain Delon is f*cking awesome, by the way :p

Senso_68 11-30-15 06:10 PM

I think we doesn't hear the French actors, actresses in the same way because we have different native languages. I find that she overacts, she sounds fake in IB. Moreover, the French black guy in Inglorious Basterds is not good at all. But to my mind, it's not easy for a filmmaker to direct in another language. Waltz, Fassbender, etc. are excellent.
Alain Delon is not a bad actor (well, it depends of the films, who directed him ; because, for instance, in Indian Summer, he's a disaster) but the guy in real life is very stupid. He speaks about himself with the third person singular :D

honeykid 11-30-15 06:24 PM

Originally Posted by Senso_68 (Post 1417167)
I think we doesn't hear the French actors, actresses in the same way because we have different native languages. I find that she overacts, she sounds fake in IB.
Everyone does. It's a crappy film.

Alain Delon ..... He speaks about himself with the third person singular :D
Oh, really? That's a shame. honeykid hates to hear that people do that. It really disappoints honeykid. honeykid thinks that people that do that are dicks.

MovieBuffering 11-30-15 06:39 PM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
This is going sound bad but...Meryl Streep kinda has that effect for me. I can't remember a movie she was in that I was actually anticipating. Everyone goes gaga over her in every role. She is a super super talented lady, but she tends to pick mediocre at best movies to display her talents. Seems like she picks roles that are juicy Oscar bait instead of interesting movies. The Iron Lady being a classic example.

I feel like the polar opposite of her is JGL. That's why I like him so much. He could have went Oscar baiting awhile back. But he works on movies that will be good interesting flicks instead of the juiciest role he can find. If an Oscar comes then so be it. Least that's my 2 cents.

Captain Steel 11-30-15 06:40 PM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
Alec Baldwin.

Rhett Butler 12-01-15 10:43 PM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
Into her late twenties, Angelina Jolie excited the senses ... and stimulated the imagination. But somewhere in her 30's, something happened to her face, her looks. Like her cheeks hollowed out, or her eyes sunk in, or something, it's hard to describe ... like the babyfat in her face melted away. And as this was going on, her movies started to suffer in quality, as well. While she was so cool, with her freaky ways, before ... she started losing her edge, her uniqueness. She was such a tiger, before but ended up becoming just another fake, pretentious, eccentric celebrity, same as all the rest. But she'd had a good run. For a while there, she was truly interesting and quite a draw. Now, though, the very thought of wasting 2 hours of my life on any of her vanity projects instantly turns me off.

mojofilter 12-02-15 07:19 AM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
It used to be Jamie Foxx until Django Unchained. I still think he's an overrated actor.

Other actors who are turn-offs:

Gerard Butler
Gabriel Byrne
Holly Hunter
Helen Hunt
David Arquette
Liev Schreiber
Jennifer Lopez

Lately, it's been...

Mark Wahlberg
Will Ferrell
Kevin Hart

#13 12-02-15 10:00 AM

Hugh Grant
Russell Crowe
Michael Cera
Jack Black
Rob Schneider
Martin Lawrence
Janeane Garofalo
Brendan Fraser
Alec Baldwin
Pauly Shore
Russell Brand
Sarah Silverman
Tom Green
Shia LaBeouf

Fabulous 12-02-15 10:02 AM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
Currently, it's Kevin Hart...

Gideon58 12-02-15 11:09 AM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
Originally Posted by Miss Vicky (Post 1079219)
I don't get the appeal. I find him actually rather unattractive and have never been particularly impressed with his acting either.

Have you seen 21 Grams? I think he was amazing in that, for my money, his best performance

SeeingisBelieving 12-02-15 12:05 PM

A question about Ant-Man elsewhere on the site reminded me about Paul Rudd. I'll say one thing for him: when he played Phoebe's boyfriend in Friends I laughed when he unexpectedly trounced Monica and Chandler at table tennis and said "Oh yes, I forgot to mention – I'm awesome".

Gideon58 12-02-15 12:06 PM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
Originally Posted by Captain Steel (Post 1417184)
Alec Baldwin.
Really? Baldwin is just a name I never expected to pop up on this thread for some reason.

Gideon58 12-02-15 04:02 PM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
Originally Posted by mojofilter (Post 1417740)
It used to be Jamie Foxx until Django Unchained. I still think he's an overrated actor.

Other actors who are turn-offs:

Gerard Butler
Gabriel Byrne
Holly Hunter
Helen Hunt
David Arquette
Liev Schreiber
Jennifer Lopez

Lately, it's been...

Mark Wahlberg
Will Ferrell
Kevin Hart
I've been re-thinking my opinions on Mark Wahlberg a lot lately...I'm not sure if it's a matter of his actual talent or his ability to choose appropriate material for himself. There's some talent there, but like Eddie Murphy and Jim Carrey, this guy has appeared in a bunch of BAD movies...just watched another one yesterday...The Other Guys...there's a review of it on my review thread.

matt72582 12-27-15 10:27 PM

Nicolas Cage
Cary Grant
Katharine Ross,317_AL_.jpg

MovieGal 12-27-15 10:30 PM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
James Spader
Jake Gyllenhaal
Rob Schneider
Ben Stiller
Owen Wilson

Just to name a few.

Camo 12-28-15 12:57 AM

Originally Posted by Captain Steel (Post 1417184)
Alec Baldwin.
You watched 30 Rock Captain? Obviously not a movie but i found him very likeable and entertaining in it. Alec Baldwin seems to be someone who appears alot in this type of thread, but i've not seen him in much so never understand why that is.

Gatsby 12-28-15 02:38 AM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
Not many actors instantly make me boil with hatred, but recently I found a new one: Jai Courtney.

Captain Steel 12-28-15 02:51 AM

Originally Posted by Camo (Post 1429217)
You watched 30 Rock Captain? Obviously not a movie but i found him very likeable and entertaining in it. Alec Baldwin seems to be someone who appears alot in this type of thread, but i've not seen him in much so never understand why that is.

I think it's his real life persona that's the turn off - his politics and the recorded phone call when he called his daughter a "little pig." And he just seems very arrogant & inconsiderate in real life - there was an incident where a plane he was on couldn't take off because he refused to shut off his cell phone - he delayed the flight for all the other passengers and ended up getting thrown off the plane so it could take off. He's had many run-ins with common people where he's been rude - uttered sexist and anti-gay slurs, etc. He's been accused of physically accosting reporters, photographers and cab drivers.

Derek Vinyard 12-28-15 02:53 AM

Originally Posted by MovieGal (Post 1429162)
James Spader
Jake Gyllenhaal
Rob Schneider
Ben Stiller
Owen Wilson

Just to name a few.
I'm agree with everyone you named except for Jake Gyllenhaal. He's an awesome actor

Captain Steel 12-28-15 03:00 AM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
Alec Baldwin is basically to Left Wing Liberals what Trump is to Republicans or what Mel Gibson is to the religious Right. ;)

Camo 12-28-15 03:04 AM

Originally Posted by Captain Steel (Post 1429241)
I think it's his real life persona that's the turn off - his politics and the recorded phone call when he called his daughter a "little pig." And he just seems very arrogant & inconsiderate in real life - there was an incident where a plane he was on couldn't take off because he refused to shut off his cell phone - he delayed the flight for all the other passengers and ended up getting thrown off the plane so it could take off. He's had many run-ins with common people where he's been rude - uttered sexist and anti-gay slurs, etc. He's been accused of physically accosting reporters, photographers and cab drivers.
I was actually aware of everything there except the plane stuff. I must say none of that personally bothers me when i'm thinking about someone involved in film though, Chinatown and Rosemarys Baby are two big favourites of mine even though i have big problems with Polanski. If i thought either Jeepers Creeper were good then i still would regardless of what came out about that pos that made them, both are awful though.

I can see where you are coming from though, especially being from the States so being bombarded with that Alec Baldwin saga, if it was bigger over here i could see myself liking him less. All i've really seen him in is 30 Rock though, at least the only memorable thing and i found him very likable and entertaining in it.

Camo 12-28-15 03:05 AM

Originally Posted by Captain Steel (Post 1429243)
Alec Baldwin is basically to Left Wing Liberals what Trump is to Republicans or what Mel Gibson is to the religious Right. ;)
Or what Bill Cosby is now to the right.

Captain Steel 12-28-15 03:12 AM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
I've never watched 30 Rock. I do remember Baldwin's intimidating speech in Glen Gary Glen Ross - it was some great acting in a great scene (only thing I remember about that movie), but it was an unlikable actor playing an unlikable character. I'm not saying he's not a good actor, but for me, I seem to sense his arrogance in his acting. I'm not saying I'll never be able to appreciate his work (like if I start watching 30 Rock) just that he's been for me what the topic title describes - an actor that turns me off.

I think there've been threads dedicated to trying to separate actor's personal lives from their work - and to what extent we're able or willing to do that. I've been a fan of Woody Allen, Mel Gibson and even Christian Bale in certain roles - but they've all had some distasteful episodes in their lives. I can still go back and watch their work and enjoy it without thinking about their real lives (especially if the films were made before their negative exploits).

Captain Steel 12-28-15 03:20 AM

Originally Posted by Camo (Post 1429245)
Or what Bill Cosby is now to the right.
Good example.

I appreciated the conservative voice that Cosby once added to the black community - restoring family structure, positive communities, responsible fatherhood, advising people not to engage in the victim mentality or attitudes of entitlement. He spoke out against the criminal elements of the rap culture, against drug abuse, and youth foregoing education to join gangs.

Sad that all his good messages have been wiped away by scandal - apparently brought on by himself.

Camo 12-28-15 03:23 AM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
Baldwin is incredibly arrogant in 30 Rock, that is his character basically so i could see you not liking him in that either. It is absurdist though, i'm sure anyone here who has watched a decent amount of it would agree it is mostly Tina Feys writing of him being practically the only Conservative on the show, while being Liz' (Tina Feys) self appointed mentor. More than anything it gives him an absurdly right wing character that manages to stay likable simply because his opinions are so far out that they are hard to take seriously, the one comment that i've seen posted in alot of sites that i didn't know was from 30 Rock until recently was the "Hilary is planning on creating an all gay army" comment. That is the sort of thing he says throughout.

Gideon58 01-02-16 11:34 AM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
Originally Posted by Nausicaä (Post 1079320)
Will Smith - couldn't stand it when his name was connected with Tarantino's Django Unchained at one point... urgh.
He would have been horrible as Django.

Spirit 01-03-16 09:04 PM

Originally Posted by MovieGal (Post 1429162)
James Spader
Jake Gyllenhaal
Rob Schneider
Ben Stiller
Owen Wilson

Just to name a few.
Thank you. I consider Ben Stiller to be one of the most bland men in comedy. Entirely my opinion, but it's hard for me to enjoy his demeanor. It's like he barely exists in his own films.

MovieGal 01-03-16 09:29 PM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
I need to add a name to my list...

I cant stand Javier Bardem...

I have a few of his films but its hard to watch... the only one I can stand to watch is Amenábar's "The Sea Inside"

urkillinmesmalls 01-03-16 09:43 PM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
Richard Gere
Adam Sandler, in most cases

PeterVincent 01-04-16 04:00 AM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film

Derek Vinyard 01-04-16 04:04 AM

Originally Posted by MovieGal (Post 1432925)
I need to add a name to my list...

I cant stand Javier Bardem...

I have a few of his films but its hard to watch... the only one I can stand to watch is Amenábar's "The Sea Inside"

matt72582 01-08-16 06:34 PM

Kenneth McMillan - I saw him again in a movie, and he always plays a jerk.

Kilgore Trout 01-15-16 03:48 PM

I'm allergic to Domnhall Gleeson which ruined Brooklyn's ostensible romantic dilemma for me and in general made 2015 a rough year for moviegoing.

Adam Sandler too, but that one has a more obvious source, he's a terrible actor who almost exclusively makes abysmal movies.

Gideon58 01-15-16 04:31 PM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
Originally Posted by Spirit (Post 1432906)
Thank you. I consider Ben Stiller to be one of the most bland men in comedy. Entirely my opinion, but it's hard for me to enjoy his demeanor. It's like he barely exists in his own films.
If you think Ben Stiller barely exists in his films, I'm thinking you've never seen Tropic Thunder.

SeeingisBelieving 01-15-16 04:39 PM

Originally Posted by matt72582 (Post 1435585)
Kenneth McMillan - I saw him again in a movie, and he always plays a jerk.
He's great as Baron Harkonnen.

SeeingisBelieving 01-15-16 04:40 PM

Originally Posted by Kilgore Trout (Post 1439872)
I'm allergic to Domnhall Gleeson which ruined Brooklyn's ostensible romantic dilemma for me and in general made 2015 a rough year for moviegoing.
I can sort of see what you mean as I get the impression he might irritate me a bit in Star Wars (which might be the point), whereas in Dredd I thought he was completely brilliant.

SeeingisBelieving 01-15-16 04:41 PM

Originally Posted by MovieGal (Post 1432925)
I need to add a name to my list...

I cant stand Javier Bardem...

I have a few of his films but its hard to watch... the only one I can stand to watch is Amenábar's "The Sea Inside"
I liked him in The Dancer Upstairs.

Citizen Rules 01-15-16 05:46 PM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
Robert Taylor....most of you don't know who that is, but boy is he bland.

SeeingisBelieving 01-16-16 11:46 AM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1439928)
Robert Taylor....most of you don't know who that is, but boy is he bland.
Yeah, it's true.

Stormdust 01-16-16 02:59 PM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
Adam Sandler absolutely, mind you I don't usually watch the types of movies he stars in.

Captain Steel 01-16-16 03:13 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 1439881)
If you think Ben Stiller barely exists in his films, I'm thinking you've never seen Tropic Thunder.
I can totally understand the attitude about Ben Stiller, but he may do better with larger casts.

I liked Mystery Men (1999) and Stiller's character of Mr. Furious was pretty funny, but then Stiller had a great ensemble cast to work with:
Hank Azaria
William H. Macy
Janeane Garofalo
Kel Mitchell
Paul "Pee Wee Herman" Reubens
Wes Studi
Greg Kinnear
Geoffrey Rush
Eddie Izzard
Tom Waits

Within such a concoction of comedy, a small dose of Stiller isn't hard to take! :D

P.S. I saw Tropic Thunder in the On-Demand list for one of my channels - I may put it on the itinerary to watch tonight.

colejwalker 01-16-16 03:15 PM

Re: Actors that instantly turn you off a film
Adam Sandler sucks, but I have never taken him seriously in my entire life so he doesn't really count. The serious ones that bug me though is Domhnall Gleeson because he is the most wooden actor who gets a ton of parts.

Stormdust 01-17-16 02:52 AM

Originally Posted by colejwalker (Post 1440544)
Adam Sandler sucks, but I have never taken him seriously in my entire life so he doesn't really count. The serious ones that bug me though is Domhnall Gleeson because he is the most wooden actor who gets a ton of parts.
Good point, I once took Michael Cera seriously, not anymore.

SeeingisBelieving 01-17-16 10:33 AM

Originally Posted by colejwalker (Post 1440544)
The serious ones that bug me though is Domhnall Gleeson because he is the most wooden actor who gets a ton of parts.
What I've seen of him in Star Wars leads me to think that, but he was phenomenal in Dredd, so I'll reserve judgement.

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