Brundle Fly's Avatar
Last Activity: 01-17-10

Brundle Fly

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14 years HERE

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Showing Comments 1 to 4 of 4
  1. 01-04-10
    I have not actually. The farthest I usually go back is the 70's. However I watch more 80's (obviously) and 90's. Films these days don't seem to have certain characteristics I look for in good movies as much as they did back then. However, I believe there are a few brilliant new ones for this generation.
  2. 01-03-10
    I agree, I know it's classified more or less as a horror flick, but I just thought it was a really good idea that was executed well. I just couldn't bring myself to watch the second one, I didn't see how they could top the first one.
  3. 01-03-10
    Oh yeah, and welcome!
  4. 01-03-10
    Love the avatar and the name. Great movie.
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