~*RazorbladeKiss*~'s Avatar
Last Activity: 10-04-13


And at the end of fear, oblivion


13¾ years HERE

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I am shy but a nice person. :) Biography
Portugal Location
Music, movies, games, books, writing and i love animals too. ^_^ Interests
Making the skies rain razorblades. Occupation
~Mad enough. Do you see yourself? The seeds of your destruction were sown long ago, and now he will reap the harvest. He owns your mind; you've just been renting. You owe a debt and he will collect.~
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Showing Comments 1 to 3 of 3
  1. 02-07-13
    Hey, My Great Grandfather was Portuguese on my Mothers side. I believe his Surname was Mendez? I'm not sure though.
  2. 10-03-11
    Welcome to mofo. I love being on here.
  3. 10-16-10
    Lookout may have been a flick that escaped my attention, but as it happens, part of it was filmed at a location across the street from a Rental property of mine.

    another flick worth a look, as a gordon levitt fan, is Killshot. based on an Elmore Leonard novel of the same name it also stars Mickey Rourke, Diane Lane and Thomas Jane.

    Its not a great movie by any stretch, certainly not as strong an adaption of leonards (jackie brown , get shorty, out of sight and 3:10 to yuma are great adaptations imo), but levits performance is solid. Especially after seeing his understated turn in the Lookout.

    welcome to the board.
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