teeter_g's Avatar
Last Activity: 05-21-20


Young Skywalker. Missed you, I have...
6,963 POSTS



11¾ years HERE

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4 years ago Shouted
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5 years ago Posted
5 years ago Posted
I like video games and movies. Go JETS! Biography
North Central West Virginia Location
Movies, Video Games, Hunting, Football Interests
Walmart Personal Shopper Occupation
You are no Vader. You are just a child in a mask.
Showing Comments 21 to 24 of 27
  1. 08-18-13
    Thank you. I love Maximum Overdrive, too.
  2. 06-12-13
    Arrgh! No, I didn't think to look anywhere but on G4, which is THE channel for gaming news. Oh well, they may still have a "wrap up" show at some point. I don't play nearly as many games as I used to but I love seeing trailers and info on new games. G4 has a multi-part special on the top 100 video games of all time that's a total hoot!
  3. 04-19-13
    Oh, my fault. I assumed you were a boy for some reason.
  4. 04-19-13
    Hi, teeter_g, thanks for your friend request . You seem to be a quite nice guy.
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