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15¾ years HERE

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Florida Location

Showing Comments 17 to 19 of 19
  1. 05-07-17
    Finally got around to watching Pilot Pirx's Inquest. Not great, but I'd give it a solid 3/5. Takes a while to get into.
  2. 02-04-17
    Bro you have some of the best taste in movies and music on this forum.
  3. 05-08-16
    hey, long time, no see.
The Spanish Prisoner   4/23/21
I like David Mamet too, but the insulting contrivances, tacky ending, and shortsighted main character seem way

Soldier   3/01/21
The most interesting part of the movie (Todd's character arc amidst the township) should've been given a lot m

Death Race   2/26/21
made movies for teenage boys who blew out their ear drums listening to nu-metal and carved S into their desk

Oblivion   2/20/21
This is also one of those movies that makes me play decibel hockey with low mumbles and loud action scenes, pr

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