exiled1's Avatar
Last Activity: 05-07-12


Light seer.


12¾ years HERE

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exiled1 has watched over 2,000 movie titles...and counting... Biography
nowhere near grape jelly Location
drawing, writing, reading, archery, watching movies, video gaming, staying in line. Interests
jack of all trades, king of none, I guess. Occupation
laser radiation when open - do not stare directly at my avatar, okayz?
This place is my new home and everyone is welcome!
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Showing Comments 5 to 8 of 10
  1. 10-12-11
    yes the old ones are the best the hammer films as well as the hammer horrors were pritty good for the time with who else but peter cushing and christopher lee,the best is the hammer house of horrors 13 x 1 hour episodes
  2. 10-06-11
    Much cuter than the dog I had. Now I'm stuck with cats & rabbits. How exhausting. What should I do about Tibo's thievery? I can't keep him in the house, he doesn't get along with the other cats.
  3. 10-04-11
    I'll have to go check out your cat burglar. Yeah I got a dog/Sophie, I posted her pic in the pets thread a few weeks ago
  4. 10-03-11
    That sounds familiar, someone must've recommended it, but I haven't watched it yet. That's a def next on my list.
    So anyway, I just posted a pic of my cat/burglar in the pets thread. Have you ever seen a more ferocious mug? You got pets?
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