Conversation Between honeykid and JayDee

Showing Comments 5 to 8 of 99
  1. 01-21-17
    "The longer he goes the more bloated, convoluted, egotistical and over-written his films seem to become. For me his films are in drastic need of a brutal editor, someone that will just come in and hack out at least 30-45 minutes. For a future film I'd love to see some very strict restrictions placed upon him, either in terms of budget or running time; something that would just force him to pare down and deliver something really lean."
    You have learned well, young one.
  2. 04-05-16
    Thank you very much. I'm very pleased with my achievements.

    But it's about time, back where we belong.
  3. 04-05-16
    Congrats on the 'Gers promotion.
  4. 02-09-16
    Probably. Definitely top 2.