Conversation Between 90sAce and Tacitus

Showing Comments 1 to 3 of 3
  1. 08-24-15
    What's your take on threads like this?

    I mean, if enough of the comments were angry because the posters loved Zach Snyder - would you consider the thread "click bait" based on the comments alone?

    Not that I helped the matter by trash talking to MM in this thread, but point made - if you're serious about basing a thread's merit by the replies rather than the actual content than that's a foolish thing to do.
  2. 04-12-15
    It's the cover of Godfather 1 from the trilogy Blu Ray, although I only know this because it's sitting on my shelf. Pictures are added automatically when you make your top ten list. Yoda gets them from a database but not sure which one.

    De Niro's on the cover of 2 and Little Shouty Al on 3 if you're curious.
  3. 04-12-15
    Never seen that cover picture of The Godfather before - where'd you find it at?