Conversation Between mark f and The Rodent

Showing Comments 9 to 12 of 24
  1. 09-18-16
    You do know I had a stroke four years ago and it crippled my right side - I can only type with my left hand, so I don't do long posts anymore. I've mentioned it here dozens of times. I've posted all my reviews in Movie Tab II for the nine years I've been here. I have thousands there but most are only about a paragraph long and aren't considered long enough to go in the reviews section (although I think they're all good enough). There's lots of good stuff in Movie Tab II.
  2. 09-18-16
    I'll have a gander of the next few days then... nothing on Force Awakens though
    I didn't know you posted in the Movie Tabs. I tend to stay away from Tab threads as they get filled with bilge.

    You should totally do it though.
    With SW7 being a rerun, but also such a fresh take, I'd love to hear/read your thoughts on the film with it being such an important follow up to an important franchise.
    Not blowing smoke, but you're by far the most knowledgeable guy on here... I'd be completely into what you put into a SW7 review.
    It's a pretty interesting topic too if you compare it to a few remakes and sequels/prequels that are reruns of the originals like The Thing, Terminator Genisys, Predators and RoboCop.

    Seriously, I'd be delighted to see you write something on something like SW7. I'd say the rest of MoFoLand would be too tbh.
  3. 09-18-16
    Yes, it did. Have you checked my user reviews? I'm gradually transferring them from Movie Tab II.
  4. 09-18-16
    I shoulda posted in here tbh about Star Wars 7, did that comment go through? I hate sending comments as I can't see if they reached you or not.